» Fantasy » Running, Autumn Usrey [sight word readers .txt] 📗

Book online «Running, Autumn Usrey [sight word readers .txt] 📗». Author Autumn Usrey

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on his side faceing me. I don't know, I mean what powers will I get. Its all so comfusing Jack. I said proping myself on my side like him. Hey, he said looking into my eyes. I'll be here for you. Ok. Ok, thanks Jack.  I kissed his cheek and layed back to watch the move. Sometime in the middle of the movie I feel asleep.


The next three weeks went by to fast. Now I'm waking up on my birthday filling like crap. I sall swerals all around me. I noticed them going inside me, only to circle back out. I sall Jack looking at me like he was in a transe. Jack do you see the little lights too? I asked not to sure of myself. All he did was nod his head before running out of the room; only to return with Stacey behinde him. Grandmother whats wrong with her? He asked sounding like he was scared. Stacey walked up to me. Oh honey I think its her powers coming in. Are you ok Cathy? She asked. All I could manage to do was nod. She layed me down and covered me back up. Sleep honey you'll feel beter soon. With that she left.

I woke up later that day felling much beter than I had before. I got up and walked down stairs. I stoped before I went into the kitchen. Something felt odd. Like something big was coming. I walked into the kintchen where Jack was sitting at the table.  How you feeling? He asked getting up and coming tward me. Good I guss. But I feel something weird. It feels like somethings coming. Something bigJack. Didn't you say that one of the powers were sensing something bad. Yes yesI---

I was cut off by Stacey who ran into the kitchen. Grandmother what is it? Jack asked? We have to get you out of here Cathy! NOW! What? Why? I asked looking at her. BECAUSE OF ME! A man said coming out of no were. Who are you? Jack said steping infront of me to protect me. Why,I'm Cathy's father. What Do you want with her?!?! Stacey, and Jack's dad said before steping infront of us. I whish to talk to my daughter alone please. Next thing you know; with a wave of his hand all three of them are got. He starts walking tward me , as he does that I take a couple steps back before he stops.

He looked me up, and down. What do you want with me? I asked finaly finding my voice. My I want to get to know you; thats all. I looked at him in shock.YOUR THE RESONE I'V BEN RUNNING. SO AFTER TRYING TO KILL ME; YOU WANT TO GET TO KNOW ME!!! I yelled at him. What do you mean trying to kill you? He asked. The hunters said that you sent them to kill me. No ofcours not. I sent them to hunt you down, and bring you to me. Not to kill you. I looked at him. So your saying that you sent the hunters after me to bring me to you?!?! Yes?  What did they do?  THEY LOCKED ME INTO A ROOM WITH GASOLINE AND BURNED MY WINGS!!! THEY DIDN'T BRING ME TO YOU! THEY ALMOST KILLED ME!!!  I am so sorry. He said walking to me. You do know you will have to tell Jack, his dad, and his grandmother this right. And they are?... The poeple you made know...bye-bye. Can you bring them back? Of of cours. With a cloud of smoke they where all back within a second. Cathy are you ok?!?! Jack said coming up to me. Yes I'm ok. He'll explain everything. I said jestering twards my dad. 





* Cathy *

 When My father was done talking with the others; I pulled him to the side. Why now? Why are you just now coming here your self. Why not 5...7...or even 10 years ago.I asked him; hoping to get a answer. Cathy I may be a demond, but that doesn't mean I whould be able to track you. I was hoping that the hunters whold help me find you, but I was wrong. Instead they tryed to kill you. I had just rememberd something the hunters told me. About him killing my mother.Ok I got one more question...Dad. His face lit up whin I called him that . What happend to my mother.. A sade exprestion grew on his face. Sh...she went missing. He said this with his head hung low; looking at his feet. Dad, what do you mean went missing? Well you see she told me that she was pregnant with you, I was so exited. But then we relised that I'm demond, and she Angle part Ghost... there was always the chance of you being born a Dark Angle. One day she came to me saying she had a plan, because at that time we found out that you were in-fact a Dark Angle. She said it was our only way to keep you safe. She said that we had to hide you. As in give you up. Before I could talk your mother into finding another way; she told me that she will love me forever, and she took of. I tryed to stop her, but I couldn't. That was the last I sall of her. At the end of his story I sall his eyes glisten with tears. I ran into his arms and huged him. It took a while before he rejestured what was happining, and he huged me back. When we pulled apart he looked at me. You know Cathy... You have my eyes, but you mothers hair. She had the most beateful eyes. I smiled at that comment. Ha, you even have her smile. Now before I forget. he said. Who is Jack? 

I didn't think about this. Dad...Jack is my mate.

Hmmm. Have you fooly mated with him?

What?!?! DAD!!!

Have you fooly mated... you know-

Dad i know what you meant! And no, we havent. Ok.

Ok, just seeing.

Ok well Cathy I got a apartment not far from here is you want to come home and stay there for a while, but I can see if you don't what to, and whant to stay here ith your mate. I smile got biger. You know what dad. I think I'll go with you for a little while. Jack can deal with one or two days without me. I went to tell Jack I'll be with my dad for a couple of days, and went with my dad.


* Cathy *

Everything was going good with my life.I spent most of my time with Jack, and if I'm now with Jack; I'm with my dad.One day I was walking to my dads house from Jack's when I felt something. It was my powers telling me something was here, or something was coming. It didn't seem bad; acualy it seemed good. When I got to my dads house he greted me. He sweety how was you day? Good, hey dad you know how my power is telling if something is coming? Well; I weel something, but It doesn't feel bad. It feels good, you know like something, or someone is coming. Hmmm. Well we'll have to see Cathy. I gusse we will see. Goodnight dad see you in the morning. Goodnight sweety.


When I was lying there in bed the strang feeling got stronger and stronger before I fell asleep. The next morning me and my dad wher eating brekfast when I almost choked on my food. Cathy are you ok? My dad asked coming up to my. Yeah dad I'm ok. Its just that weird felling is geting stronger. Its nothing bad, but I don't know what it is. Next thing you know there is a bright light in the room. My dad and I could hardly see. Dad what's happining? I don't know. All of a sudden the light stoped, and a laydy apered from know where. My dad look shocked, while I on the other hadn look comfused. My dad ran up and huges the lady, and she huged him back before they pulled apart. She looked at me. Is that her? She asked my dad.Yes. He said. Oh I'm sorry Cathy, This is Caty, your mother. Now I looked shocked. She came up and huged me. I huged her back before whispering, I thought you whent missing.  I know, but I didn't go missing. I was whatching us, and your father. Caty what do you mean whatching? My dad asked. Well after giving birth to Cathy the councle found out about her.They said I had to surve a whole 19 years without being in you life for my punishment.

I whatched how your father layed at night ferfull you you. She had then looked at me. I sall how they hurt you, and then told your father lies. My dad was now standing next to my mother. I ran up to them both and huged them. As long as your here now,... I'm alright.

So the next day after that my mother, father, and me made our way to Jack's place. When I opend the door Jack was sitting in the livingroom; while Stacey, and his dad where in the kithchen. GUYS I"V GOT SOME NEWS!! I elled. They all walked to where I was. Ok well you've met my father, but now meat my mother.


At the end they hit it off. I was in the kithchen when Jack came up to me. Hey honey how are you? He asked huging me from behind. Good what about you? I'm doing just fine. I love you Cathy. He said kissid=ng my cheek. I love you to Jack. I said kissing him back



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