» Fantasy » Angelas Story, Brittany Kestler [reading well TXT] 📗

Book online «Angelas Story, Brittany Kestler [reading well TXT] 📗». Author Brittany Kestler

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looked around to find the source of my unease, but found nothing. The lot was empty. I tried to turn my mind back to the complication of how to get into the building, but I couldn’t shake the feeling of someone having their eyes on me.
Then something changed, well everything looked the same, but it felt like something changed as if someone had walked by without me seeing them. I was beginning to get seriously freaked out. I gave in to the need of turning around and leaving. I turned around to my car and saw something sitting on the roof of my car, something that reflected the barely there sunlight. I reached and picked it up. I turned it over in my hand and saw that it was a key…ok Angela something very strange and possibly paranormal is going on here. I know I left this key at home on my desk because I didn’t know what it went to. Maybe it wasn’t the same key that Bella had left me in her will… But deep down I knew that it was the same one…
“Ok, regardless of how it came to be here instead of at home on my desk where I left it, maybe Bella knew that I would need a way to get into Forks High.” I spoke out loud to try to get rid of the creepiness.
Time to try it I thought to myself. I walked towards the school constantly looking over my shoulder. I felt like a burglar. What is wrong with you? This is SO not your normal personality! My brain screamed at me. You have never been the one to break the rules. You have always been the one to talk people out of things that were morally wrong or legally wrong, now you are going to enter a building that you know to be closed! Bella needs me to do this! I argued with myself.
I made it to the side door as I was too scared to try the front door. I took a deep breath and looked around me one last time and then stuck the key in the door, I turned the key and the lock clicked. I wasn’t expecting it so when it clicked the sound shot through me like a gunshot. I got my heart back to a healthy rhythm and opened the door.
It had been two and a half years since I had been inside Forks High School. Everything was so different, I don’t think anything was changed but it still seemed different to me as I walked through building two towards the cafeteria.
I kept my eyes peeled for anything that I thought Bella might mean for me to find. I didn’t have a clue as to what to look for. So I just looked at everything. About half way to the cafeteria, I noticed the corkboard that students normally use to put flyers up of things they lost or events and what not. They take everything off of it at the end of the school year. As I neared it I saw that there was a folded slip of paper tacked to it.
I reached up to pull it off, and then shined the light from my phone onto it so I could read it.
I read out loud. I put the note in my pocket and continued to the cafeteria. I kept my mind busy with thoughts of what could Bella have hid here for me to find. By ‘he’ she obviously meant Edward. I entered the cafeteria a headed straight for the table we sat at two and a half years ago. It was still in the same spot! I figured they would have rearranged the tables or done something different. I knew it was the same table because when our group sat there, Mike had scratched a heart on the table with M+B in it then when him and Jessica started going together he had scratched a line through the B and put a J… At the time I told him that he was so fourth grade.
I gave a little giggle at the memory, and then continued to look in all the chairs for another slip of paper from Bella. When I found nothing in the chairs I looked under the table, there was nothing on the floor. I started to straighten up from my crouched position, when I noticed another slip of paper dangling from the underside of the table. I snatched it and straightened up. Shined the light from my phone again and read,
Well I guess she isn’t really dead…how else would she know that I was suspicious?

A month after my visit to Forks High School, I planned to go hiking. I needed to get out of the house, I was constantly in thought and it was starting to drive me insane. My mother and father were also starting to get a little worried.
So I planned a trip to get me out of the house. It was a Saturday and the sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in sight. I drove down one-oh-one north. Then I turned right on the one-ten. After that I drove till the pavement ended. Bella had told me about going hiking with Edward and she gave me these directions then she had said that she and Edward had hiked not on the trail but opposite the trail. I wanted to feel as if I was close to her so I planned to follow these directions.
I pulled over at the little makeshift parking lot where the pavement ended. I stepped out of my car and looked around. I viewed the trail then looked across the makeshift lot and walked towards it. I came to the tree line and stood there for a minute… Do I really want to do this? I asked myself. Then I thought of how clumsy Bella was and smiled at the memory, if Bella could go off trail then so could I. It was unbelievable how much I missed her!
While I hiked through the forest, I occupied my mind with memories of her and Edward. I started at the beginning. The beginning was before Bella came to Forks High. It was the first day of our sophomore year, Jessica, Tyler, Mike, and I were sitting at our table during lunch, as Jessica was telling anyone who would listen about her summer. She told a tale of romance between her and Edward Cullen. It was out of cowardice that I didn’t call bullshit on her story. Edward Cullen didn’t look at anyone here with interest much less her.
“He said that he didn’t want to say anything to me while we were at school because he didn’t want people to start rumors and try to break us up.” Jessica babbled. Lauren had wandered over to listen to Jessica.
“How true that is!” Lauren exclaimed, “If people here at school found out they would say nasty thing about you to try to get Edward to favor them over you.”
Yeah, and she would be the first in line to do it to. I thought to myself.
“So anyways we went to a movie in Port Angels, and I was going to sit in the middle of the theater but Edward told me no and pulled me a seat that was towards the back. And all through the movie he held my hand and kissed me! We didn’t even watch any of the movie.” She said with a giggle.
I just rolled my eyes and looked away. I looked at the table next to us which was the Cullen table, and found that Edward was staring at Jessica with a look of utter disgust on his face. I resisted the overwhelming urge to laugh aloud. I wondered if Jessica noticed that the Cullen table was right next to ours, within easy hearing range even if she was talking at an indoor volume. And as she was speaking loudly enough for people to hear her five tables away, Edward and the rest of his family had heard her tall tale romance as well. As I watched in amusement Edward leaned over to Rosalie and whispered something to her and she turned and whispered something to Emmett. Emmett then turned and whispered obviously the same thing to Alice and Jasper the five of them smirked and rose from their table in unison. Emmett winked at me and then turned towards Edward and said, “So Edward, I never got a chance to ask you how your summer went while Rosalie and I were in France.”
“Oh, it was ok I guess…” Edward replied passively.
“It was just ok? From what I hear it was more than ok.” Emmett said with a smirk. “Where did you hear that?” Edward asked. “Oh, you know it’s around…” Emmett stated.
“It’s around where?” Edward asked outraged. I suspected fake outrage by the little smirk I could see tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Well the way we hear it, you found yourself a little summer romance.” Rosalie smirked.
“I most certainly did not! The closest thing to a summer romance I did was to watch ‘The Last Song’ with Miley Cyrus.” Edward replied with a smile. By now everyone at our table was completely silent staring at Jessica. Jessica, whose face was inflamed with color, had her eyes on the table.
“Well we heard that you all but did the horizontal shuffle with that girl Jessica Stanley.” Emmett responded, as he waggled his eyebrows at the suggestion.
“Jessica Stanley? Who is that I don’t believe I know her.” Edward asked his family.
“Edward. She is sitting at the table next to us.” Alice stated with a head nod in out direction.
“Which one is she?” Jasper asked.
“The one looking down at the table that everyone at the table is staring at.” Emmett stage whispered. At that Jessica snapped her head up to glare at everyone at our table till they looked away.
“Oh, her.” Jasper replied.
They started to gather their things to leave. As they walked away from the table Edward took one last look at Jessica and turned back to his family and said to all of them, “As if.”
That effectively ended Jessica’s story and her obsession with Edward Cullen.
I laughed aloud at that memory the sound of my laughter bounced of the trees around me. I saw a thinning in the trees ahead of me and stepped up my pace to reach it faster. I saw something flash pass me it was glittering like diamonds but it only lasted a second. By the time I raised my hand to shield my eyes from it, it was gone. I stood there stunned into stillness. What was that!?!

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