» Fantasy » Angelas Story, Brittany Kestler [reading well TXT] 📗

Book online «Angelas Story, Brittany Kestler [reading well TXT] 📗». Author Brittany Kestler

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in the hell is that?”
“I am Aro little one. I am one of three leaders of the Volturi.” Aro explained.
“And what…”I started.
“I want to see for myself exactly what you know before any questions are asked please Angela; Aro interrupted me, “please take my hand.”
I shot Alice a questioning look. She nodded slightly. So I stood a little straighter refusing to be intimidated by the man called Aro. I took a step towards him and held out my hand not understanding how him holding my hand would tell him anything of what I knew. Aro’s hand closed around mine and he bowed his head.
Aro was silent for a few minutes. When he lifted his head he had a thoughtful look on his face.
“The child has had thoughts of what we are. What we are has crossed her mind many times but she hasn’t centered on it yet.” Aro said calmly to Jane.
“But she still has seen too much to be left alive.” Jane said.
As she was speaking another male entered the house. He looked like Jane but male. What was my house becoming a gathering place for strangers? He was a stranger yes, but he was the most beautiful person I had ever seen in my entire life. And that is saying something since I have saw all the Cullen’s, but none of them had anything on this man.
“Hello sister.” The man said as he kissed Jane on the cheek.
“Hello, Alec how nice of you to join us.” Aro smiled at Alec.
“Ok, I don’t mean to be mean, but can someone please tell me what is going on? And what is Jane talking about killing me for?” I was amazingly calm for Jane basically saying they were going to kill me.
As soon as I spoke Alec’s eyes snapped to mine and shock slid across his face. He started towards me, and the backdoor burst open as Edward and Bella shot into the room.


I was the only one who was shocked to see Bella and Edward. Yes I know they weren’t really dead, but it was still a complete shock to see them burst through my back door considering that the last time I saw them was in their coffins.
I stood with my back against the wall stunned. Bella looked at my face and walked over to stand beside me.
“Oh Angela, I am so sorry.” Bella said sympathetically taking my hand.
She grasped my hand and my fingers almost instantly started to go numb. Man! She was like ice! Edward and Alice both placed their selves in front of Bella and I.
“Step aside Cullen’s!” Alec snarled.
“No.”Edward said simply.
“She’s mine.” Alec stated.
Edward jerked out of his crouched position; as did Alice and both of them relaxed. Personally I thought they were crazy. What? They were just going to let him kill me just because he said I was his? Just as I opened my mouth to say what I was thinking, Alice shot me a look that said keep quiet.
“Come here Alec.”Aro spoke.
Alec changed direction and placed his hand in Aro’s.
“Hahahaha! How wonderful this is.” Aro exclaimed.
“What is going on Bella?” I spoke up ignoring Alice’s warning glance.
“I’m one of her best friends; it should be me that explains everything to her.”Bella stated.
“La tua cantante. It will be I that explains it to her if it is to be done.”Alec said; he then turned to look expectantly at Aro.
“I would deny no one their la tua cantante. The child will also have amazing abilities when she is your wife Alec; did you see how she turned Jane’s gift against her?” Absolutely amazing!
“Whoa! Wait just a damn minute! I protested. I didn’t care how gorgeous Alec was, I wasn’t going to marry him. I had no idea who he was.
“Alice, how will it turn out if Alec is the one to explain everything to Angela?” Bella asked nervously.
“As long as you and Edward are near her for support, it will be fine.” Alice replied.
Aro nodded his consent. Alec walked up to me, took both my hands and said, “la tua cantante, you’re my blood singer. We are soul mates.”
After everything was explained, everything made since.
I didn’t agree with Alec when he had said I had to be changed, that is my decision to make and only I will make it. Alice talked to me about her gift and she said as of right now she doesn’t see me becoming a vampire, but if I make the decision to become one then she will see it. One thing I did make sure I made very clear to Alec, was that if I do decide to become what he is then there would be no hunting humans. I also told him that I don’t care if we are soul mates or not if he hopes to have any kind of relationship with me then he has to stop hunting humans. Aro wasn’t very happy with Alec when Alec then turned to Aro and requested to leave the Volturi. I don’t know what will happen now, but time will tell.

Locator and Reflector

It has been three weeks since I met Aro, Alec and his horrid sister Jane. I asked Alec too give me some time to digest everything I was told that day. He reluctantly agreed to give me a month. During which time not only would I be trying to digest everything I had been told, but he would be working out his leaving the Volturi. Every minute since he, Aro and Jane had left, I have been with the Cullens. Bella had filled in all the little blanks that Alec had left out due to the fact that he had always hunted humans. Edward and Carlilse had requested that I show them my finding thing skill. So today was the day I would be doing just that.
" Ok Angela," Carlilse began." Do your thing." A little self consciously I looked around at everyone's faces.
"Angela, you don't have to do it. I have seen how you do it in your thoughts." Edward said.
"Edward is right Angela, if you don't want to do this with everyone watching you then just tell us." Bella added soothingly.
"No it's fine really, it's just that i have never done this in front of anyone before." I said. "Just give me a minute to concentrate on the object."
The object I would be finding was a locket that my Grandmother had given me for my 5th birthday. I had lost it when i was 14. I didn't know if I would be able to find since it has been lost for 9 years. I had only ever tried to find things i had lost recently. Edward and Bella had watched me find a shoe this morning when I couldn't remember where I had taken it off last night. Now They wanted to know if how long ago the object was lost affected whether or not I could find it. Then they wanted me to try and see if I could find objects that weren't mine and I hadn't lost.
I closed my eyes and pictured the locket in detail. I felt a coolness come over me that was focusing in my right side, I turned in that direction and started to walk. The coolness would guide me around walls and furniture. I got to the middle of my backyard when the coolness moved to the top of my head.
"well, that's never happened before." I said. I opened my eyes and looked up.
"There used to be a tree house that I played in here when I was little." I told them.
" Maybe you should try climbing the tree..." Bella trailed off when the rest of the Cullen's and I looked at her.
"Bella love, this tree is very unstable and very dangerous. How about I climb up and take a look." Edward suggested.
"That would be good," I said relieved that I would not be climbing the tree." I feel out of it when I about 14, that's when I lost the locket."
"Well I will take a look." Edward stated then leaped up int the tree with so much speed he was just a blur. He was back in half a second my locket dangling from his fist.
"Oh my gosh! My locket! I can't believe it!" I exclaimed taking it from Edwards hand.
"Impressive." Carlilse stated.
" Ok, next thing now that we know time isn't an issue." Alice said. " I saw where that locket was and saw that Angela would find it, so would it be ok if I just let everyone know that she will also succeed in finding another person's object that she didn't loose?"
"Alice why didn't you just tell us that from the beginning so we didn't put her through the embarrassment of doing this in front of everyone?" Bella asked.
Before Alice could answer Carlilse spoke up, "So Angela is a Locator and a Reflector."
"A what and a what?" I asked.
"A Locator and a Reflector, but as our kind never looses anything due to our never forgetting things, I wonder what your skills are going to transform into once you are one of us.....I...I mean if you become one of us." Carlilse stated.

The Return

It was three thirty-four in the morning and I woke

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