» Fantasy » Angelas Story, Brittany Kestler [reading well TXT] 📗

Book online «Angelas Story, Brittany Kestler [reading well TXT] 📗». Author Brittany Kestler

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I do not own the characters in this book. This is based on the books by Stephanie Myer, with a little twist from me. Enjoy!

It has been two years since Bella and Edwards wedding. I can still remember how unbelievably beautiful she looked coming down the isle, I can still smell the freesia and roses, but the thing I can remember the most is the Cullens extended family....I can not get them out of my head...I didn't think anything of the way the Cullens moved or the way they looked, I just thought it was them, but their family is the exact same... There is something up with all of them the Cullens included.
The graveside service for Bella and Edward was today...It was a beautiful service. I spoke at the podium...It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. When the news came that Edward and Bella were killed in a head on collision with a drunk driver in South America, I was floored, utterly speechless... I don't understand. Why? Why them? Why now? They just got married. They were only 19, just starting their isn't isn't fair.
At the service, some things were off, little things that I think only I noticed. I was at the podium doing my part, when Bella's father Charlie, stood up and went over to Bella's mother Renee, to help her husband Phil console her. The act itself didn't catch my attention, it was his face... He wasn't crying, which was really strange... I chalked it up to shock and continued my speech. I was coming to a close when I noticed that none of the Cullens were crying either....they just sat in their seats stony faced.... Then another face jumped out at me... the face of Jacob Black. He wasn't crying either... What was going on!?! Renee was crying hysterically, the rest of Forks was in tears.... Why weren't they crying or at least visibly upset? Were they just heartless? Did they just not care? Their son and his wife were dead!
I finished my speech and walked back to my seat with my mind going in answer less circles. As I walked back to my seat, I walked by the Cullens, Jasper glanced up at me and locked on my eyes, his expression went from expressionless to confusion. I dropped my eyes and hurried along to my seat. I glanced back over at the Cullens and saw that Alice was leaned into Jasper speaking to him and Rosalie, Emmett, Esme, and Carlisle seemed to be listening as well but not leaned towards them, so they could not possibly hear whatever it was that Alice was saying but it looked as if they could.
As I lay in bed falling asleep, I thought of everything that I had noticed at the graveside service. Right before sleep took me, a thought drifted across my mind, they faked their deaths.


I put the answer less questions out of my mind and went on about my life. It was summer break and I decided that instead of spending the break on campus, I would instead spend it at home in Forks with my family.
I went into town and bought some roses. I drove out to the cemetery to put them on Edwards and Bella's grave. I bent down to place half of the roses on Edwards grave. then I walked the few steps to Bella's and knelt down and placed the other half on hers. I stayed for a little while and just thought and cried a little. I felt eyes on my back, the sensation was a little unnerving. I looked around me to find the source of my unease, but didn't see anyone... so I wrapped up my visit and walked back to my car.
As I drove down the dirt road the feeling of being watched continued. When I got back to my house I decided that I would write everything that I noticed at the graveside service a week ago and what had happened today in my diary. Maybe that would get it out of my head.
I was watching ‘Remember Me’ on HBO and thinking of ordering a pizza for me and my baby brothers when there was a knock at my front door. I rushed to answer it before it woke my brothers from their nap.
"Hello, I am looking for Angela Weber." The man said.
"I am her..." I replied with confusion.
He was an older man slightly balding, and he wore a suit that had seen better days.
"Hello Miss Weber, my name is Mr.Huckly."He introduced himself as he shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you Mr.Huckly. What can I do for you?" I asked.
"Miss Weber, I am here to read you the last will and testament of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen. Can I come inside?" He questioned.
"…yeah come on in, the uh dining room table is free if thats ok.." I stammered in shock.
What is in Bella and Edwards will? Why did they have a will when they were so young? Why would the will be read to me?
"The Last Will and Testament of Isabella Marie Cullen and Edward Anthony Cullen...." Mr.Huckly read.
My mind was blank with shock, I couldn't hear what he was reading much less comprehend it. I don't understand this at all. This doesn't make any sense, I was just their friend. I wasn't family why would they leave me anything in a will they shouldn't have because they shouldn't be in the ground because they aren't really dead...whoa! Where did that thought come from. Of course they were dead...I saw them in their coffins. I saw them put in the ground, but I couldn't stop the thought from crossing my mind.
Mr.Huckly interrupted my turmoil.
"Did you hear what I said Miss Weber?" He asked.
"I'm truly sorry Mr.Huckly, their death is still a shock to me and now with this it's even more of a shock." I replied.
"That's perfectly understandable Miss Weber.." Mr. Huckly stated.
"Angela please, Mr.Huckly." I said.
"Alright Angela, I was saying that Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen left you a amount of money, a cd of classical music by an unknown composer, a letter and a key." Mr.Huckly repeated.
"I'm sorry, a key to what? And what about a amount of money?" I demanded. I didn't want money from them weather they were alive or not.
"It doesn't say how much money they have left you only that they have, also it does not say what the key is too. I have to be going, but here are the items mentioned, I am truly sorry for the loss of your friends, good day to you Angela." Mr.Huckly handed me the items and walked to the door. I saw him out mumbled a thank you waved a goodbye and shut the door.
I walked back to the dining room table in a daze. I picked up the letter and instantly realized that the handwriting on the envelope was Bella's. I rushed to open it and read...
Dear Angela,
If your reading this then that means mine and Edwards graveside service has happened and that we are gone. Everything in a Last Will and Testament is gone over so I can't say much. But go back to where we first met and look around.
With love,
Bella and Edward
Well that is strange....maybe there is something more to everything that is going on.

Forks High School

There was something off about the letter Bella had wrote me...I thought about it all night.The next day I decided that I would go to where Bella and I first met. As I arrived at Forks High School, it hit me. The thing that was off about the letter... In the letter Bella wrote 'we are gone' not 'we have died' or 'we are dead'. and the second strange thing about the letter is she needed to tell me something but couldn't tell me in the letter because it was something she didn't want anyone else to know. What would she want or need me to know that no one else could know about? I parked in the parking lot and got out of my car, then realized, its summer break there were no teachers here…how am I supposed to get inside the school? I am pretty sure that Bella meant the exact place we first met not the general place which would be Forks High. No, I’m positive she meant the exact place which would be the cafeteria on our way to Biology class. The only trick now is how to get into the building… I stood next to my car and thought about it.
As I stood there thinking about it, I felt the same unnerving feeling that someone was watching me. The feeling sent chills down my spine. As I did before, I

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