» Fantasy » Unknown Royalty, Leeann29 [thriller novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Unknown Royalty, Leeann29 [thriller novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Leeann29

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no other.”
Night came quicker than was wanted. The girl went looking for pale cloud only to find him caged. She tried to stay calm. She freed her friend then said” you might as well come out. I know you are there.” The culprit stepped out of the shadows. She bit back a growl. It was that creep Marco.
He said” well, well, well, someone take a picture. It’s the princess without the alpha heir. I thought I would never see this sight. You two are always together. Don’t you ever tire of the other’s company?”
Her reply was “no. he’s far better company than the freaks of court. We do spend time without each other you know. What was the point in you caging pale cloud?”
“I saw the leopard running around and didn’t want it to hurt anyone. Besides it’s not every day you see an albino black leopard up close. I also wanted the pleasure of your company for a minute. We have important matters to discuss.”
“No we don’t. This conversation is over. I don’t enjoy your company. I’m going to leave and never mention this incident to anybody. Now if you will excuse me.”
She walked off and went to the bathhouse. She scrubbed and scrubbed but could not get the incident off her skin. Oh well she knew just the person to make her feel better. She went up to their room and found him sprawled out in his sleep. She crawled into bed next to him and he wrapped his arms around her and held her close as she shivered.
She woke up to him laying half on her half off. He was dead to the world and there was a maid at the door. If he was woken up all hell would break loose. She had seen it happen before. She snatched a dagger off the bedside table and threw it so that it was embedded into the door a few inches from the maids face.
The maid closed the door and ran off. She got up leaving him to sleep. He was always like this when they were at court. She went to the door and opened it. She pulled her dagger out of the door as her mom came down the hall.
Her mom asked her what happened. Her reply was” same thing that always happens. I thought I told you we didn’t need maids. You know what will happen if he wakes up. I won’t have it happen again.”
Her mom said” I know. I have told your father that time and time again but he thinks that you need a maid.”
”He forgets that I do everything on my own. He forgets that I know how to handle myself. I guess he gets so caught up in ruling that he has to be reminded of what happens when we are at court with a maid. I know that he still thinks I’m a child but I’m eight years old. I’m old enough to fend for myself, have been since the accident.”
Her mom didn’t say anything. She hugged her mom then headed for the kitchen to bribe the cook. She got to the kitchen and took a deep breath. She headed in and was greeted with measured chaos. She couldn’t help but smile as she saw her favorite cook. He saw her and said” come for breakfast, mistress.”” Yes sir.””Where is your companion?”
“You and I both know when he’s at court; he takes forever to get up. Besides I love your kitchen first thing in the morning, he doesn’t feel the same way. I will take a tray up to him later.” “Ok miss.”
She ate then took the tray up to him. She entered the room to him saying” If that Cho’s breakfast with a pot of coffee, then I am eternally grateful. While you were gone your mom came in and lectured me on you throwing daggers at the maids because you don’t want them to wake me.”
Her reply was” you know what happened last time the maid accidentally woke you. I had to pry you off of her before you killed her. And yes this is Cho’s breakfast just the way you like it. Get up and you can have it.”
She set it on the table in the room and he got out of bed. He ate with her standing by his side. He finished and wrapped an arm around her legs. He laid his head on her hip. She didn’t move till he did. He said” I know that life isn’t fair but this is not just unfair it’s cruel.”
She didn’t say anything. After they cleaned up they went downstairs. She went to find her father and tell him again that they did not need a servant. He went to find his mom and try to talk her into talking the others out of this madness. They met at the oak where he broke his arm.
He asked her” How did things go with father?” ”pretty good. And you?””They won’t hear of it. I tried to tell them and they wouldn’t listen. I’m sorry. I tried to stop this but they won’t reconsider.”
They went to the training grounds on an unspoken agreement. She went straight for the magic training circle. He knew from experience that she was frustrated enough that shooting wouldn’t calm her. He let her work out her frustration until she was calm enough to lower the circle so that he could enter. He knew everyone was watching as he entered the circle.
He walked up to her just as she collapsed in tears. He caught her before she hit the ground. She raised the circle to full strength and cried as he held her. She cried for some time before he too started to cry. They cried together for what was to happen.
It wasn’t long before what happened at the training arena got around. By that time the two of them and pale cloud were locked in a circle in the attic. There they sat till their parents found them. When their parents entered the attic they could tell that she had mastered her power.
“Why are you three sitting in a circle in the attic?”Her mother asked. ”well, let’s see. I broke down in the training arena. Everyone now knows that he can enter my circles at will. I’m hiding from the world and praying tomorrow never comes.” was her reply.
Her mother tried to lower the circle but could not. “Fine. If you want to sit there till you three get hungry your welcome to. Cho was making your favorite for supper tonight. “He got up and walked out of the circle. Then she dropped it altogether.
They went downstairs and had supper as a family, one last time. After saying good night to their parents they went upstairs. As they got ready for bed nothing was said. There was nothing to say. They both knew that tomorrow morning she would leave and not come back.
They went to sleep and dreamed terrible things. They both woke in fear. They got up and went down to the oak. They laid underneath it till dawn was seen on the horizon. They got up and went to the kitchen. Cho greeted them and made breakfast. Neither of them was very hungry but they ate anyway.
They helped clean up and went to the bathhouse. There they cleaned up and put on clean clothes that were decent enough for court. They walked out to find their parents waiting for them. They followed them to the clearing where it would all take place.
It was there that they were forced to say goodbye. Their parents turned their backs to give them privacy. He whispered” promise me you will love no other. Promise me that you will never forget me, even when they erase your memory. Promise me that you will not lose hope that we will be reunited.”
“I promise that I will do all that you asked and then some. I wish there was another way. I wish that we did not have to say goodbye. I will look for your coming in four years. Do not fail me. I love you.”
”As I do you. I will not fail you. “With those words uttered he kissed her. Not as you would expect a friend to kiss a friend but as lovers would. He pulled away and held her for a minute. Then their parents pulled them apart.
He turned and walked out of the clearing staring at her and memorizing her every feature. He made a vow to himself in that moment that he would find her again. She watched him walk away trying to memorize his every feature. She made a vow to herself that all that he asked of her would happen. With him out of sight, her parents began the process.
She woke in an unfamiliar bed alone. She had no memory of who she was and where she was from. All she knew was that she didn’t feel complete. She felt as if she was invading someone’s life. So begins our tale.
Her new world

I screamed at the woman who was my so called mother. She never understood how I felt. She never took my feelings into consideration. I ran to my room and slammed the door. I played Avenged Sevenfold really loud to drown out her yelling.
I’m sorry. Where are my manners? I’m Krystal. I’m 16. What just happened is normal at our house. Erin loves to remind me that I’m adopted and that she hates me. She does it every chance she gets.
Wondering why I put up with her B.S. every day? I’ll tell you. It’s because I have nowhere to go. I’ve tried everything to get away from her but I’m still here. Just short of committing suicide, I’m out of options. All I can do is graduate and move out.
I know I’m meant for better things. See here’s the thing. I woke up in an orphanage with no memory of who I was or where I came from. Nobody knows where I’m from or who my parents are. They have tried everything to find them. So here I am stuck in hell, with no way out.
When I woke up in the orphanage, there was only one word I would say. I wouldn’t say anything else. I was also found wearing a strange necklace made of valuable metal and gems. They tried to take it off me but couldn’t. The clothes I was wearing when I was found I kept. Anytime the orphanage tried to take my stuff it was always back in my possession the next morning.
They never could figure it out. Then I was adopted. I learned to act normal and pretend that nothing was wrong with me. I became so good nobody could figure out if I was lying or not. I kept

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