» Fantasy » Unknown Royalty, Leeann29 [thriller novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Unknown Royalty, Leeann29 [thriller novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Leeann29

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it was a beginning. When we reached an end we both were covered in sweat and exhausted. We fell asleep in each other’s arms. We woke up to our parents pounding on the door. Kay got up and dressed while I headed for the closet.
I got dressed and came out just as they started to ask about me. Everyone started to talk at once and it was giving me a migraine. With the bond we had Kay said “how about we take turns talking? Having everyone talk at once isn’t solving anything. Plus it’s giving Krystal a migraine.”
They agreed. My parents went first. “When did this happen? Why did you feel like you had to marry in secret? Why were we never told that y’all were mates? When did you guys find out that you were mates?”
“We got married yesterday in the village. You were about to marry Krystal off to a stranger. Plus the fewer people who know the less danger there is. We decided when we found out not to tell anyone. Then when we did try to tell you, you sent Krystal off. We found out when we were six.” Kay said.
His true heritage

Her parents just found out. It was funny. They are royalty and they don’t know their own daughter well enough to know when she’s in love. That’s funny to me. I couldn’t help it.
I started laughing so hard I was crying. I couldn’t stop. Finally Krystal said “Kay you need to stop. This is a serious matter.” I stopped because she told me to.
Her parents are fussing over her. My parents are standing there not saying anything. No congratulations, no I’m proud of you, no hugs, no anything. Then Krystal speaks up.
“Don’t you have something to tell Kay? I know I would especially when that secret is why you never fully accepted him. It must be heart breaking for you to look at your son and know that somewhere someone screwed up and screwed with the wrong guy. You might as well tell him now before I do because I’m sick of y’all lying to Kay.” She shook her head.
“What do you want them to tell me? What do you mean Krys? I’m confused. Someone explain it to me. What do you mean never fully accepted me? I WANT ANSWERS NOW. I’m sick of people constantly changing the subject” I said.
I wanted to know and I was going to have answers. My parents said “You might want to sit down. This may take a while to explain.”
“Not long after I met Sam I knew he was my mate. I had no clue that he had been sent out on a mission. I was a wild card in the mission and I jeopardized the lives of the men involved through distraction. I distracted Sam from his mission just long enough for the real threat to go sleeper. Anyways as punishment for my crimes I was raped then branded. I had already been pregnant with you but something happened and you had a twin. After you and your twin were born we gave your twin to a noble childless family that wanted a child. Not only that but you wound up absorbing some your sister’s abilities. You are the legitimate Alpha Heir but you also are not full shifter.” My mom explained.
“That explains so much. Thank you for telling me even if you should have told me sooner. Do you know who my sister is? I don’t want to interfere with her life I just want to know who she is now. Also please do something about Marco before I give into the temptation to kill him. It also explains the third voice in my head. I’ve been able to talk with my wolf my whole life but just recently I’ve been hearing another voice in my head. For some strange reason it wants Marco dead. Plus he scares Krys.” I said.
“I will see what I can do about Marco but don’t get your hopes up. Also if you have ever felt unaccepted or unloved by us, we are sorry. It’s just so hard to look at you sometimes. You remind me of one of my friends who got killed when I should have been paying more attention. “My father said.
I didn’t say anything. I hugged my father and felt a wave of emotions hit me. When that first teardrop hit my face I started to cry. I pulled away after a while and composed myself. Krystal pulled me into her arms and just held me.
She always knows what to do to make me feel better. When I felt as if I could speak I pulled away. I looked around the room at the adults assembled here because of a secret. Then I got curious. “How did you know?” I asked Krystal.
“Hon, I know things that even the masters of their crafts don’t. As to how I found out, there’s magic everywhere. It tells me things.” was her reply. “Now come on. I hear a bow tree calling my name. I need a new one. Especially since someone failed to take care of mine while I was gone.“
She pulled me out of the room and dragged me into the forest. I relaxed and immediately understood why she did it. She was concerned for me and knew that this was just what I needed. There are no words to express my gratitude. Right now though I wish we were back in the tree house.
Living at the palace with a secret as big as mine is stressful. Next thing to ask of the parents but I don’t want to push them too far. Krystal concern for me is properly placed. I’m starting to lose control. He’s starting to take over more often. He normally doesn’t do this but I’ve been here too long.
I followed Krystal to her bow tree. Don’t ask me how she does it, she just does. I sat under a tree and watched her work. She took an ax and cut the tree down then she took one of her daggers and cut the limbs off. Then she peeled the bark off the sapling.
She would be working the stave she was making for a long time. Once the wood was seasoned she would start to shape it. Once shaped she would sand and treat the wood. Then she would work a groove into the wood for the string. When strung she would find out the draw weight of the bow.
If she needed to she could lower the curve of the bow to decrease draw weight. I’m happy now that she’s happy. She started singing while she was working on her bow. I couldn’t hear the words but it sounded like a lullaby. I sat back and kept watch while she worked.
When she finished we headed back to the palace to ask her parents the ultimate question. I’m wondering what they will say. Then again they have no way to deny her request. Technically it’s a formality. As her husband I have the right to take her anywhere.

Her Last Request

Kay took the news pretty well. It may take him some time to get over it though. I guess the fact that I’m here made it easier to hear. After finding an excuse to pull him into the forest for a few hours he relaxed. I do not want my mate exploding into a giant wolf and giving away his secret. If that happened you might as well sign his death certificate.
Being the youngest shifter alive and not giving yourself away must be hard. When I saw him in the forest after he bribed the priest I knew what had happened to cause it. My parents sending me away caused his wolf to take over. That caused him to shift early. Kay doesn’t realize that his sister is so close.
His sister is a court brat. She was one of the instigators that caused him to break his arm. I didn’t attack her because I sensed the link between them. I have known the adults little secret for years. What the adults don’t know yet is that Kay’s mom is pregnant. This is going to be fun.
After working my sapling to the right conditions I threw it over my shoulder and carried it back to the palace. Kay followed me. After storing the sapling for the night we went to the dining room. We sat and ate for some time in silence. Then Kay nudged me to ask them.
“Kay and I have a question to ask. We were wondering if we could live at the tree house full time. Being in court is not good for Kay’s health. Nor is it very good for me. We cannot live here full time. It would kill us.”
The adults took a few minutes to confer with each other. We let them. They gave us an answer. Their reply was “no.” I closed my eyes and inhaled deep. Kay laid his hand on my arm. I calmed down enough to ask “why?”
“If you did, it would fuel the rumor mill for years to come. Not only that but your mother had some things to teach you. They are secrets that have been in the family for generations. Even I do not know them.” Dad said.
“I’m pretty sure I know what it is. I don’t care what the gossipmongers say. I need to get out of court. If I don’t then I risk losing everything. Kay has a secret so big that if he stays in court it will kill him. I refuse to let that happen. Losing him would kill me.” Was my reply.
They started staring at Kay. When they once again denied me Kay softly spoke up. He said “you have no right to deny her. The question was a formality. Being who I am I can do what I want with her. So if I decide to move her I will. She only asked to see what y’all would say. As for the secret it will get me killed. Don’t put her through that.”
I smiled at him. He squeezed my hand. We stood up to leave. The adults were quick

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