» Fantasy » Unknown Royalty, Leeann29 [thriller novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Unknown Royalty, Leeann29 [thriller novels to read .txt] 📗». Author Leeann29

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you just to make a profit like some vendors I know. She’s running her hand over a fabric that in another stall would cost a fortune but I know the vendor would be willing to deal for it. Using my appraising skills I judge the value of the fabric. That particular fabric is worth a small sack of gold but I reason that I could get it for a quarter and a basket of bread.
Krystal looks up at me. I know that she wants it. Being a princess she should have at least one fine gown. I catch the vendor’s attention and pull him aside. I said “I brought a friend to the market and one of your finer fabrics has caught her eye. I was wondering if you would be willing to bargain for it. I would give you four crowns and a basket of bread for your children.”
The vendor agreed and wrapped the fabric to protect it from the elements. I left Krystal standing there while I went to a baker and bought a basket of bread. I tucked five crowns into the basket and gave it to the vendor. He thanked us as we walked away. We arrived at the seamstress’ shop after the slight delay.
Walking in the door was the same as if I was walking into my family’s main room albeit a little warmer with the greetings. The seamstress gave me a hug and asked what I was doing in town. My reply was to grab Krystal’s hand and say “my friend here is in need of a new wardrobe. Most of the clothes must be functional because we are living in the forest. However she bought some fabric for a court gown because she knows that her parents will expect her to attend at least a homecoming party.”
Krystal gave Sal the fabric and we watched her reaction to the fabric she was just handed. She said “Pardon my reaction. It’s just that I have never had a fabric this rich come through my door. Your friend has good taste. There is enough here for a court gown. The likes of which has never been seen.”
I smiled. First they worked their way through breeches and shirts. Then they moved to the back room for undergarments. After which they started on the gown. I got to see the rough draft for the gown. Sal was right.
When they finished several hours later I could tell Krystal was tired. She looked like she was about to drop. Sal noticed and offered us the use of her spare room. I accepted because I knew Krystal would not make it home. I pretty much carried her up the stairs.
I laid her on the bed and she was asleep before I even moved. I got ready for bed and slipped in beside her. Pale cloud lay out at the foot of the bed. He was going to keep watch. I fell asleep next to her.
I woke up before the sun to the sound of the market slowly stirring. Krystal was curled up on my chest. I really didn’t want to wake her but I had business to attend to. I slid her off my chest and laid her in the very spot I had been laying a second ago. She rolled over and continued to sleep.
I got dressed and went downstairs to talk to Sal. We worked out a payment schedule. She went back to work on the gown. I went to a baker just down the way and bought breakfast. I carried it to the store.
Sal considered it part of the payment. I carried a sweet roll up to Krystal in an attempt to wake her. She smelt it and rolled over in bed. I shook her shoulder but she slumbered on. Pale cloud was sitting on the armoire. I stood to go downstairs when he launched himself off of it and onto the bed.
She sat up in bed. I said “thank you pale cloud. You accomplished what I could not.” I handed her the sweet roll and she tore into. She looked up at me and said “thank you.” I nodded.
She got up and got dressed. I went back downstairs to work off the payment. Part of it was paid in gold the rest I have to work off. I started by chopping wood. Krystal helped pay it off by actively taking part in the tailoring of the dress.
When they finished the dress, they called me inside. Krystal was wearing it and I could not stop staring. If this was the dress itself I can’t imagine what she would look like with her hair and makeup done. The dress was floor length. It had an ‘I just got out of bed after a long night’ look to it.
It looked like a dress a woman who had just been loved would wear. Krystal was the kind of person to do just that. She was going to shock the fools of court. The only assurance I had that she wouldn’t run off with some fool was the love in her eyes. That was all I needed.
The fabric that the gown was made of was dark blue and black with gold and silver shot through it. It matched her eyes and my hair. Her eyes were of a blue so dark it looked black at times. My hair was so deep a shade of black that they gave my hair its own shade name. It didn’t exist on the color spectrum.
I finally managed to tear my eyes off of Krystal to face Sal. She had a smug ‘my job here is done’ look on her face. For once she was right. It was the likes of which court had never seen. If I’m stuck staring like a love struck fool then everyone at court is going to be unable to handle Krystal. I smiled at the thought.
Krystal changed out of the gown. Sal did final touch ups and prepped the gown for travel. After saying our final good byes the three of us took our leave of the store.
Her biggest surprise

The look on Kay’s face when he saw the finished dress was priceless. He couldn’t help but stare. I loved it. Sal was an absolute genius. Next time I need a new dress I know who to come to. I even told her as much.
I saw the look on her face before Kay but I said nothing. It must have taken a lot of willpower to tear his eyes off of me. I merely smiled. I changed out of the dress and thanked Sal as she did a few final touch ups on the dress. I was going to stun the court. They weren’t going to know what hit them.
We said our good byes and left because we had to get back to the tree house before dark. We entered the forest and I relaxed. I saw Kay relax too. We slowly worked our way back to the tree house. We would stop and check trap lines and snares. He was still thinking on the dress.
We got back to the tree house an hour before dark. We decided to practice. He cleared the circle of all debris and we got to fighting. When we finished it was full dark and you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face. I pulled what’s called a witching stone out of my pocket.
The stone started to glow and we could see. I gathered our stuff and headed for the tree house. Kay climbed the ladder ahead of me so that he could get a fire going. Once he was up I climbed up. I went in just as it started to rain.
Kay had the fire going and supper on the hearth as I put the stuff away. We ate and went to bed. We woke up the next morning to a pounding on the door. I dragged my butt out of bed and answered the door. Standing on the other side of the portal was our one time caretaker.
I stepped outside and asked him what he was doing here. He handed me an envelope. The instant I saw it I felt dread coil in my stomach. I took the envelope from him and opened it. I scanned the contents. I can’t believe they would do this to me without telling me.
I told Niph to wait outside for a minute. I walked in to find Kay getting dressed. I didn’t say a word. I just handed him the summons. I know Kay doesn’t get violent very often but he looked capable of murder when he read the letter I handed him.
We packed in silence. When we finished we went outside. Niph was still waiting so we followed him back to the compound. We went in the back gate and went straight to my parents study. I closed my eyes and tried to stay calm for Kay.
When we entered the study our parents were there along with a stranger who I’m guessing was the cause of my summons. I laid a hand on Kay’s arm to keep him from strangling my parents. I asked “mother, father, what was the cause for the summons we received?” “We have decided that it would be in the kingdom’s best interest for you to marry.” My father said.
At that minute I was all for throttling them. I kept composed and didn’t show my anger. Only one person knew I was furious. When they said the kingdom’s best interest they meant theirs. I’m guessing that they are sick of the rumors that fly about me and Kay all the time.
What people knew about me and Kay was next to nothing. I said in reply “but what if I had plans to marry another at a time of my choosing? I do not want to marry a stranger I know nothing about. If it is the palace gossip about me and Kay that you are tired of all you have to do is say so. I get that people do not know what happens in the forest. I want to leave it that way or I would lose my biggest advantage in the coming war. You separated us once I won’t let you do it again. That was the worst three and a half years of my life. Who talked you into it? If it was Marco he’s only after power. I refuse to hear another thing about an engagement to a complete stranger, I won’t have him.”
I turned on my heel and walked out. Kay was right behind me. We slipped off to our hideout. I dropped to the floor and Kay followed me. We sat there for a while.
Kay asked me “instead of a complete stranger would you marry a fool who is hopelessly, helplessly head over heels in love with you?” “That depends on how well I know

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