» Fantasy » Tears Dont Fall, R.J Reagle [ebook audio reader txt] 📗

Book online «Tears Dont Fall, R.J Reagle [ebook audio reader txt] 📗». Author R.J Reagle

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many dogs began to bark, and Tabitha grabbed her chest as Ambrosia disappeared into the night yet again. Tabitha returned to her small cottage and blew out the candle.

~*~ Chapter Three ~*~ Helena~*~

In an abandoned house, in a village outside of the town, was the young girl that Tabitha had mentioned in her visions. She was curled into a ball in the corner. She was covered in a thin shawl and was rocking back and forth. The hunger gnawed at her insides but she didn’t want to leave. She hated who she was now, a monster. A terrible, bloodsucking monster. But she knew she was growing weaker and weaker. Her head split with pain and so often and it made everything she saw glow blood red.
Suddenly the front door began to creak open. The young fledgling coward in the corner, afraid her sire would come back with her first meal. She didn’t want to drink blood, but the thirst was agonizing. It was three weeks since she was sired and she was frightened. But when she looked up to the door, it wasn’t her sire standing before her, it was a beautiful woman with the strangest eyes. She stood tall and dominating over the fledgling. “Please,” she whispered to the figure, “please don’t hurt me.” Ambrosia looked down at the poor creature. Great, she thought, I have to train her against Ice? This shall be interesting. “Peace vampire. My name is Ambrosia. I am here to help you. Stand up.” The fledgling didn’t move. Impatient Ambrosia strode over to her and lifted her up. The vampire shudder from Ambrosia’s cold fingers on her skin. “What is your name young one?” Ambrosia asked. The fledgling looked up at her. “H-H-Helena. My name is Helena.” Helena’s voice shook slightly and she almost collapsed in Ambrosia’s arms from lack of blood. Ambrosia took a bottle from the inside of her cloak. The liquid was ruby red and swished around in the bottle. Helena’s stomach lurched from the hunger but she ignored it and tried to shake Ambrosia off of her, but Ambrosia’s strength was too much for her. “Let me go, let me go. I don’t want to drink blood I don’t want to.” Ambrosia released Helena from her grip and Helena fell to the floor. “Listen, I am running very thin on patience, love. You better drink this, it will strengthen you and then we shall begin your training. We only have a month to prepare.” Helena looked at Ambrosia with skepticism.
“What the hell are you talking about? What is this about training? I don’t even understand what is happening to me. And I really don’t want to drink any blood.” Helena practically screamed at Ambrosia. Ambrosia growled and lifted Helena up again. She tried to struggle but to no avail. “Listen to me now. We can do this one of two ways. Either you take this willingly or I will force it down your throat. You choose.” Ambrosia stood tall and forbidding over Helena and reluctantly Helena took the bottle from her hand. She stared at the bottle squeamishly. “Come on,” Ambrosia growled “I haven’t all day. Drink.” Helena opened the bottle and drank it.
The instant feeling of relief touched her throat and she felt so much better. The burning pain from the thirst and hunger felt like a distant memory. And she felt stronger than she had in her whole life.
She gave Ambrosia back the now empty bottle, feeling dazed and looking around confused. Ambrosia helped her up again and just starred at her. “What do you remember about your human life?” Ambrosia asked. Helena’s eyebrows knitted together. It was a bit blurry, like squinting to see through muddy water. “It’s a bit blurry I must say. I cant remember much.” Helena shook her head. “Here, sit here.” Ambrosia helped Helena to a creaky old bed in the other room. Spider webs hung from the ceilings throughout the room. Helena sat on the bare mattress and it creaked noisily as she sat down gently. “What is the last thing you remember Helena? Can you remember anything at all about how you came to be?” Ambrosia’s voice was soft and mournfully caring. The sadness of her pitch shook Helena a little. The last thing she remembered is her ex-boyfriend. “I remember it was about three weeks ago. I was dating this handsome boy. He was very rich and very powerful. Our last date I looked into his eyes and I felt like I was drowning. I couldn’t breathe and everything was a bluish black. Like way deep down in the ocean.” Helena said. Ambrosia nodded her head. “Yes, he must’ve hypnotized you. That’s one of a vampires powers. What else happened Helena?”
“I then felt a sharp pain in my neck but I couldn’t move and I couldn’t scream. I was paralyzed. When I finally came to, I was here. And I couldn’t find him anywhere. A week later he came by with a girl my age. She was still alive but was blindfolded and petrified. He told me that I must drink from her as my first meal. I refused and he got angry. He slapped me in the face and then drained the girl. He took her to the back, I guess to bury her lifeless body. But he never came back for me. I haven’t seen him since. Then you showed up. That’s all I remember.” Helena poured out in a shaking voice and she started to cry.
“Listen Helena. Listen to me. I need to know the name of your sire. Do you remember his name?” Ambrosia turned Helena’s face to her own. Helena nodded. No matter what she would never forget his name. “Lucas Jennings. His name was Lucas. He was hansom and sweet and I really liked him.” she started to cry, “How could he do this to me?”
“It’s in a vampires nature. He either drains the mortal dry of blood or turns the mortal into an immortal” Ambrosia explained. “Immortal? Like in live forever as a bloodsucking monster? I don’t want to be like this. I don’t want to drink blood for eternity. I don’t want to kill.” Helena held her head in her hands. This is a nightmare, she thought.
“I’m afraid you wont have a choice, my dear. Vampirism isn’t reversible. You will never lead a normal life again. It’s just fate love.” Ambrosia sighed. “Well tomorrow we shall train, and I will answer any questions you might have. Go, sleep well. I must leave for now I have to feed in order to be strong for tomorrow.” Helena looked up sharply at Ambrosia. “You are leaving? What-what if Lucas should return?” she said her gaze bouncing around the room like he was listening. Ambrosia narrowed her eyes. “I think that is highly unlikely. You are a very controlled newborn. It is very unusual that one, such as yourself, still has emotions and refuses to drink blood. You say you spent three weeks without quenching your thirst? Well its very unusual. Newborns are usually wild and hungry for blood. This Lucas must not have had the patience required to teach you the ways of your kind. Just like a man, impatient and childish. He must not have liked having someone who would be willing to disobey him. You must have fought him whilst in your trace although it may have felt like you were paralyzed.” Helena took a moment and studied herself. She determined her mood. “I don’t feel blood thirsty anymore. I feel confused and definitely scared.”
Ambrosia’s eyebrows raised in surprise. Not blood thirsty, she thought, well that is unusual. Maybe she’ll be of use to me yet. Helena watched her cautiously, her body tightened ready to flee if necessary. “Ambrosia, what are you? You don’t look like me, so must not be a vampire. But are you anything like me at all since you are apparently not human.” Ambrosia didn’t answer she had her back turned to Helena ready to leave but then she paused and turned her head to look over her shoulder. “I am what I am. Now sleep, we have a lot of work tomorrow and you will need all the rest you can get. It will be a long training and a friend of mine will join us. Good night vampire.” Ambrosia screamed and left with her usual surrounding mist as she faded away.
Helena sat on the bed hopelessly confused. I am what I am? Helena thought, what kind of answer was that. But Helena’s eyes started getting heavy and her mind got cloudy as she drifted off in a peaceful sleep. So she entered a world of a dreamless escape and went to bed thinking about her new life.

~*~ Chapter Four ~*~ Training With Shadow ~*~

Morning sunshine brightened the dreary room, but not by much. Helena awoke with a sharp pain in her head, much like the headaches and pains that happened before Ambrosia gave her the bottle of blood the night before. Had it all been a dream? thought Helena. She shivered in the cold morning air. She finally looked around the small abandoned house to find Ambrosia sitting in a broken chair next to her. The hollows under her eyes were less definite and she seemed a bit more peaceful after her feed last night. She smiled at Helena.
Helena squinted her eyes through the pain again. It was sharp and it made her eyes unfocused. Ambrosia’s eyes narrowed with worry again. “Good Morning Helena. I have your breakfast. We will start training as soon as you are ready. I will answer anything that you want answered later during break, but now we must make hast.” she handed Helena another bottle full of blood. Helena didn’t even think about it and downed it in one sip. When she was finished she looked at Ambrosia and sighed. “Ambrosia? Where do you get all the blood that you give me.” Ambrosia smiled a sad soft smile and a tiny tear trickled down her cheek. “I will answer your questions later fledgling. Please prepare yourself for training. I shall wait for you outside and transport you to the training brook.”
Helena’s heart jumped. Outside? She looked at the window that poured streaming sunlight through to the floorboards. “You needn’t worry about the sunshine my dear. The bursting into flame for vampires is a myth. Something that gives the humans a feeling a safety amongst our kind I guess. We just follow their superstitions and attack in the night so its less obvious that we exist. Luckily superstition in this world is winding down so we are safer from humans and demons can feed as much as they like. They are reported to each other as accidents but the truth is that we are behind the killings one way or another. But now no more talk. Do as I instruct and you will most likely survive. If you disobey my teachings you will not last long and you immortal life will be over.”
She stepped into the blinding day leaving Helena sitting on the bed scared and confused. She rose and went into the bathroom to grab hold of her reality. After she was calm and able to hold herself together she walked out of the bathroom and out the front door. The white light burned her eyes as the light reflected from the snow. She was blinded and couldn’t see.
Out of nowhere something hard and sharp cracked her in the side. She lost her footing and fell head first into the snow and stars popped in front of her eyes. She sat in the snow gasping for breath and looked up at her attacker. Ambrosia stood in front of her with her arms crossed
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