» Fantasy » Tears Dont Fall, R.J Reagle [ebook audio reader txt] 📗

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to hurt you. Look at me, I am a pathetic creature myself. I live in the same hell if not worse than your own.” Ambrosia threw her head back and laughed a evil shrill laugh of mockery. “You feel your sorrow and your hell is greater than my own? How do you think it feels like to wander around the earth, hearing sorrow that echo’s my own? Never to love again, or to feel the warmth of human flesh against my skin. People look at me like I’m the monster. Like I had sinned. Do not stand there feeling more pity for yourself. You created your hell. I was forced into mine. Helena has something similar with me, she didn’t get to choose her life. We were both betrayed by our lovers. And who suffers the consequences. Certainly not you nor her former lover.”
Shadow remained silent then retreated to the darkness, leaving Ambrosia shrieking into the night.

Helena woke up and gazed around. The moon was full and at the highest point in the sky. Midnight. She got up and searched the clearing, finding Ambrosia standing in the middle of the clearing gazing up at the moon. A soft warm breeze lifted little strands from her hair and made the grass sway under her feet. Helena approached Ambrosia with caution. “Sleep well young one?” Ambrosia whispered without turning around. “How did you know I was coming?” Helena asked in awe. Ambrosia chuckled softly, “It’s a sensing ability. I can feel people in the wind and I know your scent. That way you can never be surprised. You have it too you know.” Helena starred at her. She smiled. “Come here I’ll show you.” Helena stepped forward and Ambrosia took her by the shoulders to place her where she now stood. “Close your eyes” she instructed. Helena shut her eyes, feeling a little foolish but listening carefully. “Now,” Ambrosia said, “shut out all sounds and feel around with your mind and your mind alone. Listen to what the wind tells you. What do you feel?” Helena took in a deep breath and cleared her thoughts. She nearly passed out from breathing in so deeply when the warm breeze whispered warnings in her ear. She opened her mouth and tasted regret and pain behind her. Her eyes snapped open and she spun around but seeing no one. “You felt that too then?” Ambrosia spoke impressively. “That’s Shadows sent. He’s watching from over there.” she pointed to the trees outside of the clearing.
Helena smiled proudly. She did it. “How long will it take to just know though?” she asked. Ambrosia shook her head sadly. “It amazes me how impatient the new generation is. Give it time. Things don’t just happen over night you know.” Helena glanced down sadly. “What I will teach you, and I hope you do get this quickly, is your own special power tonight. The one that will help you defeat Ice.” Helena sighed in frustration. What did Ice have to do with her?
Ambrosia turned to face Helena. “Now focus. Don’t think, just let anything come to you. I don’t want you to force anything just let it come naturally.” Helena did her breathing again, not thinking but not quite clearing her mind. She felt like she wanted to fly. In her head she imagined shrinking in size, feeling light and airy. She imagined everything around her sharpening so she had no trouble seeing anything in her surroundings. In her mind she felt the breezes whipping against her new feathers and feeling free and quite giddy. A song of a dove floated out her open beak. It sounded so real that she opened her eyes and could still feel that light airy feeling. She looked down and dropped a few feet out of the air with surprise. She was a bird! She did it all by herself. Delighted and exhilarated she flew threw the air making random loops and circling around Ambrosia’s laughing figure before settling herself on the branch nearest to Shadows head. He laughed a low throaty laugh and waved a finger at her. Helena angled her wings to wave back.
“Helena do the same thing you just did but think of yourself a full human, or should I say vamp, now please.” Helena rolled her eyes at Ambrosia. She liked being free. Liked the feel of the wind. But she knew she had to get back to Ambrosia before she got too impatient with her. Helena landed in the clearing again in front of Ambrosia. She thought of herself as a human again and shifted back to her true form. Ambrosia stood there and smiled proudly at her. “Well done Helena well done. I guess we now know you’re a shape shifter. A very useful talent and not one, I suspect Ice has ever encountered. This could be very useful. You can shift into anything, human, animal, object. It’s a very sneaky attack. You did want to be a bird right?” she asked Helena. Helena nodded her cheeks enflamed with excitement. “I was thinking of being free and flying away and poof I was a bird. It was fun.” Ambrosia laughed and then grew serious quickly. “That may be so but we have much work ahead still. There is no time for games we must master your new ability. Come lets continue.” They kept at it until well into the morning.
Helena had shifted into a rock (she wasn’t too fond of staying in one place.), a tiger, Shadow, Ambrosia, and many other things until she began to complain of a headache. Ambrosia was hungry too. “But I don’t want to drink human blood.” Helena complained. Ambrosia sighed deeply and looked at Shadow. He nodded. “Well I cant take you hunting so I guess Shadow will have to teach you. I’ll be back by night fall. Drink your fill then sleep. We will resume tonight.”
“Guess we’re going hunting then?” Helena asked him after Ambrosia shrieked away in her usual mist. He chuckled and led her into the woods at the edge of the clearing for her first hunting lesson.

~*~Chapter Seven ~*~ Hunting ~*~

Twisted roots and scared tree trunks showed that the woods here have been untouched by civilization for many centuries. Helena gazed around interested in all the sights and sounds around her. Following Shadow closely so she wouldn’t get lost, Helena thought about her new powers. Shadow remained silent thinking about Ambrosia. Suddenly he turned to Helena. “I was very impressed with your shape shifting. It seemed very natural. I think you’ll learn your skills quickly. But now lets see if we can hunt as efficiently.” he told her. Helena looked up at him, filling with pride at his complement. He looked up and sniffed the air around you and at that point Helena realized that she had no idea about Shadow, what he did to become the way he was, how he survives and what a Shadow really does. “I don’t like talking about myself. Its something that I cant deal with myself.” Shadow said suddenly. Helena starred at him dumbstruck. “H-how did you know what I was thinking.” she asked. He chuckled. “I’m telekinetic. I can read peoples thoughts and move objects with my mind. Very useful in battle.”
Helena blushed a deep crimson. Her thoughts were always private before, and the fact that someone could invade them set her self defense up against him. Shadow laughed at her, “Don’t worry. I can tune out your thoughts at will. You should’ve seen me when I first got possession of this power the noise in my head was ridiculous. Couldn’t sleep for a long while.” Helena laughed softly. Shadow took her hand and led her further into the woods.
“Now,” he said “close your eyes, feel your surroundings. Search for a smell that you can track. Follow it, and let your instincts take over. I’ll be behind you.” Shadow disappeared before her eyes. She closed her eyes, felt around with her mind. A sent hit her that wasn’t very appealing but better than anything else. She followed quietly, jumping from tree branch to tree branch. Finally she stopped above a panther. The panther, like Helena, was hunting as well but froze when she caught Helena’s scent. The panther let out a fierce growl and lunged at Helena, but Helena was to quick for the large cat. She hooked herself around the cat and sank her fangs into her neck. The panther kept up the struggle but finally went limp and Helena discarded it when she felt it run dry.
Helena used the back of her hand to wipe her mouth. A slight clapping from behind told her that Shadow had witnessed the whole scene. “Well done,” he congratulated her, “quite an established hunter after one lesson. Well I’m going off to hunt for myself. Animals are not quite my taste. Drink then rest.” He started to walk away but paused and turned back at to Helena. “Oh and don’t do anything stupid.” he said disappearing into the shadows.
Helena scowled at Shadow’s remark and kept wandering around the woods. Well this is boring, thought Helena as she sat down on a fallen tree. She took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. Helena drifted off to sleep, not knowing what else to do. Imprint

Text: this story is an original R.J Reagle novel. Plagiarizing this novel will result in serious legal action
Publication Date: 11-20-2010

All Rights Reserved

~*~Dedicated To My Baby Sister Who Even In The Afterlife Is Still My Inspiration~*~My Husband Shane For Always Encouraged Me~*~My Mom, Dad, And Step Mother Ronda Who Supported Me With My Writing My Whole Life~*~

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