» Fantasy » Tears Dont Fall, R.J Reagle [ebook audio reader txt] 📗

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Tears Don’t Fall
By: R.J. Reagle

~*~Chapter One~*~ A Winters Night~*~

The sky was cloudless and starry as a beautiful creature glided softly across the snow. The bare trees rustled softly in the chilly breeze as the figure looked out over the cliff, down at the sleeping town below. She was beautiful, a tall slim figure with silvery-blond hair that shimmered down her back. She wore a thin simple white dress and her black claws curled under her billowing sleeves. Her face was deathly pale and unbelievably beautiful. With small and dainty features and slight hollows under her burgundy eyes.
All was quiet as the mysterious creature curved her beautiful black lips into a smirk. “Come forward Shadow, there is no need to sneak behind me. I feel your presence within the wind. Wont you join me a top this cliff tonight?” she said with a whispery voice that was filled with everlasting sadness and a hint of amusement. The shadow appeared out from the darkness of the trees. “Good evening Ambrosia. Enjoying the night air I take it.” his voice was velvety and his pitch black eyes had the power to hypnotize his victims. He was tall and slender with wavy black hair that reached his shoulders. He had these red marking in a weird design surrounding his face.
Ambrosia turned to him and looked him straight in the eye. A shadows power had no effect on a banshee and so she gazed back at him without fear. “Why Shadow, I’m preparing myself. You of all creatures should know that. As the solstice approaches us, we grow even more in danger. When the eclipse happens we shall all be powerless and demons alike will be vanquished forever. No more shall we wander this earth. I would think you would be very serious about this. The furies have told me that evil in this city is becoming weaker and weaker. What shall we do Shadow?” Ambrosia’s voice was quiet yet deadly. Shadow just starred back blankly. “Alas, I have no answers my sweet. I suppose we shall all perish during the solstice. And I shall surely miss you. Unless you have thought of a plan.” his answer stirred her heart but she kept her face expressionless. “I have an idea of whom could surely keep the cosmic balance in order. Because without us demons, there will surely be chaos within the universe. I shall call upon you when I know what I’m looking for. Peace Shadow.” as Shadow faded into the darkness, Ambrosia turned back to the town.
Out of her mouth came a high pitched mournful cry, and as a white wolf howled in the distance, Ambrosia disappeared within the mist.

~*~Chapter Two~*~Finding A Hero~*~

In the town mist surrounds a small run down building. There was a small candle lit inside the front window. The broken sign that was hanging above the front door said “Fortune Teller”. The mist was surrounding the house only and suddenly Ambrosia appeared hooded, her eyes were covered. She walked forward and the crooked door swung forward. She peered inside and crept noiselessly across the carpeted floor. Behind a beaded curtain sat a beautiful young girl. She wore a red bandana with beads around her neck. She was slender with short curly black hair swirling beneath the bandana. She wore only one golden hoop earring out her left ear and she had long red nails. Two amulets swung from her neck and clicked musically when she moved. Her wrists were adorned with tons of bracelets.
“Good evening my child. To what do I owe the pleasure?” the gypsy said. Ambrosia didn’t move nor did she take down her hood. “Greetings Tabitha. I need my fortune told. Actually the fortune of all my kind. Can you help me, please.” Tabitha squinted her dark brown eyes at Ambrosia. Ambrosia smirked, she knew that the gypsy would go crazy once she caught a glimpse of Ambrosia with her hood down. “Who are you? What do you want?” Tabitha said in a quivering voice. Ambrosia lifted her hood and placed it on her shoulders. Tabitha jumped out of the chair she was sitting in, clutching her cross amulet and muttering in an ancient gypsy language real fast under her breath. “Be gone,” she whispered “be gone from my presence demon. Go back to the underworld where you belong.” Ambrosia didn’t even flinch. She stepped forward and calmly smiled at Tabitha. “Gypsy Tabitha, my name is Ambrosia. Yes I shall admit I am a demon, but alas I need your help.”
“What help can I offer you. Please leave me in peace. I care not for your petty needs. I will not have harm come to this village.” Tabitha said haughtily. Ambrosia stepped closer and Tabitha took a hesitant step backwards but hit the wall. “Look Tabitha, I have no need to harm you. My race and everyone else in the magical community is in grave danger.” “And what do I care of you and your race? Demons,” Tabitha spit the words “are not worthy of my visions. And I have seen already the future of which you surly hold dear. Good riddance to you and all whom are like you. When the solstice hits you shall all burn forever in the fires of hell.” Ambrosia’s eyes turned to rubies. “Surly you know what I am. I suggest you not test me. No one will be able to hear your pitiful screams and I’m sure the town shall not miss you, as I recall some of them seem to think you a talented witch. Beware they don’t burn you for once they are no longer amused with you, you shall surly burn right along with me and the rest of my kind. I pray you don’t test me.” her voice came out in a cold hiss and Tabitha’s face turned a pale white. Ambrosia continued, “The solstice does not only concern demons, but nymphs, leprechauns, witch’s, and the rest of the community as well. Including you. Your precious visions will cease to exist and you will be left to burn. Now please, if you do care for your life, help me save the cosmic balance.”
Tabitha glanced down at the floor, unable to breath and slowly taking in all this information. The towns people were superstitious and if they have anything bad happen to them if she refused to show them visions then they would burn her at the stake. “How do I know what you say is true? Why not go to a seer of your own kind? Why come to me?” Ambrosia smiled wider, “Why my dear, the seer of our world has barely a vision left. All those underground are growing weaker and soon will fade. The solstice is in a month. Once the eclipse happens we will all, as you so rightly put it, burn in eternal fire. But then flowers will wither, the world will fall to chaos, and soon will be destroyed itself. Because the balance will have been thrown off and there will be no good and no evil. There will be absolutely nothing.”
“Fine then. I shall help you. Please come. What do you need to know?” Tabitha asked. Ambrosia sat in the chair across from the one Tabitha had knocked over. Tabitha picked up her chair and sat as far away as possible from Ambrosia as she could. Ambrosia shook her head at the spectacle that Tabitha was making of herself. “There has been eclipses’ and solstices coming and going for years and years,” Tabitha began. “But this particular one is the most dangerous for the magical community. You are right demon, magic is in grave danger, both sides of magic are. And someone, one of either kind is going to make it happen. It is unclear right now whom is putting our race in danger, but I am quite sure who could absolutely save us.” Ambrosia’s eyes lit up at that and she smiled thoughtfully. “Who must I look for?” Ambrosia asked. Tabitha shook her head sadly. “I am sorry to say that she is new in the way of magic. And she will not live very long as it is.” Ambrosia shot up out of her chair. “Why? What will happen to her? Who is she?”
Tabitha smiled a tight smile. “Why demon, I didn’t know any of your kind can feel fear such as that. You are truly remarkable yourself are you not?” Ambrosia threw her head back in frustration. “AHHH, TELL ME WHO IT IS OR SO HELP ME I WILL KILL YOU HERE AND NOW!” she screamed. Tabitha started to shake but kept her smile in place. “Peace banshee. I shall tell you. I just ask of a little patience.” Ambrosia growled, “My patience is wearing thin gypsy. The solstice is only a month away. I have to find out who is behind this, find the young heroine before she dies of what ever it is you are suggesting, then save her, train her and ask her to fight for this community and save the world. And as you so kindly put it, yes I am a demon, and no I do not like helping people. I would rather wallow in my own grief and sorrow so excuse me if I’m not quite up to playing your stupid games.”
Tabitha nodded grimly. “Yes I see. It’s coming much clearer to me now. The creature behind this is a black witch. Her name is Ice. Ice has been practicing for centuries to perfect a spell that will take away all the magical creatures powers in the world and they would be sucked straight into her. She wants to rule the world, and she cares not for the misfortune it shall bring to the cosmic balance.” Ambrosia’s eyes grew large and her eyes hardened into two cold rubies. “Ice is behind all this. That is interesting. Now who is this supposed hero that I’m supposed to train? And where can I find her?”
Tabitha gazed into the grey pool on the table in front of her. It cleared into a picture of a young girl. She had long black hair with red tips. Her eyes were a startling green and her sharp fangs glinted faintly in the dim light. She looked trapped and confused. Tabitha was deeply troubled by the look of panic in her face.
“I’m afraid, that it might be too late. She’s starving for blood. A newborn vampire I see.” Tabitha whispered. Ambrosia looked confused “What makes this newborn so special. I have to train a newborn? The solstice is in a month. How am I supposed to train a newborn?”
Tabitha shook her head sadly. “Unfortunately I have no answers for you, that’s something you will have to find out yourself. She must have a special ability that will help defeat Ice. You must go to her now though. She is in a small village outside of this town. Go to her, save her, train her then fight Ice before the eclipse happens. You must start tonight.” Ambrosia stood up from her chair. She reached into her pouch around her neck and pulled out two gold coins and threw it to Tabitha. “Thank you gypsy. I shall leave you in peace now.” Tabitha got up too and followed Ambrosia to the door. “Please demon, I beg you not to call again. I cant risk the townspeople thinking that I am consorting with demons. Blessed be.” Ambrosia smiled and nodded. She stepped out into the misty night. As the mist consumed her, she threw her head back again and screamed into the night. Nearby

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