» Fantasy » Luck Exchangers, Michelle Ruiz [books to read for 12 year olds .txt] 📗

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on, she was less stressed and was able to make friends without shouting at them. She heard sneezing in a tube at the park one day. She looked over and saw Reed curled up with newspaper as blanket. "R-Reed! W-what are you doing here?"   

"Hello again,Yuae Nuden.I'm touched you remembered my name" His warm smile made her blush."U..uh I really don't know how you know my full name, but I prefer just 'Yuae' "  

  "Alright,if you say so, Yuae.""Just what happened and why are you here covered in newspaper?"  

  "Got scolded by my parents, Locked up in my room, escaped, mugged, and a cold. I think you got real bad luck here.""What are you talking about? You're the one with all this."   

"It would've happen to you if it weren't for me.""Just what are you saying? Just let me help you. You need rest." They both started to glow and they appeared in the forest."What happened? What's going on?" 

   "I have a question.""Okay..."   

"Would you regret helping me if you were still stressed out?"

"Of course not. You helped me."   

"Okay. I think I can trust you. You might believe this, but the truth is, I am known as a Luck Exchanger."


"A Luck Exchanger.A spirit that takes away all your bad luck. But in order to do that, they have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck. When I said you'll be sick, I applied that terrible luck upon myself. I hug my clients so that the good luck will apply to them."

"Why me? Why was I chosen?"  

  "Who knows? Fate decides for us.But the catch is, they pick people with good hearts. Personally, I would have picked by beauty." Yuae blushed. The image of the forest starts to fade."This is crazy! What's going on now?"   

" seems my time is running out."

"Running out?  "What do you mean running out?"   

"I have a time limit to stay...but it looks like my time is up...""But you were the first one that was brave enough to talk to me. Can't you stay a little longer?"  

  "Sorry. I wish I could change the rules." The forest disappeared."Let your heart stay pure. If you are grateful, your luck will be with you forever. If it is abused, bad luck will come back. It was nice meeting you Yuae. I hope we can play again."  

  "Reed...I'll never forget what you did for me..."Reed smiled and disappeared. Thank you, Reed. I'll stay grateful for you. Yuae then started to tell stories to her friends.

Story 3: Cara * Mel

Mel loved sweets. He would have much as he can.He had one problem though, Mel can get easily sick from them. But he can't help it, he fell in love with it. As he went off to his favorite candy store, 'Endless Heaven', he noticed a tall girl looking at the sweets in the display. She just couldn't decide. Man, I haven't seen anyone take this long. I think I'll help her out a little. "Hey girl. I think you should try the Double Double Choco Explosion Candy Bar."   

"You'll get diabetes if you keep eating that stuff, Mel Calone." "Weird that you know my name, but there isn't any worry. I can conquer any sickness."

Weird....that's not what they told me...I should do this quick! "Uh, I'll just take a sucker, thank you very much." After the candy man gave the customers what they wanted, Mel looked hungrily at his dessert. But the girl randomly smacked him in the face, took his treat, left her sucker and ran out of the store.   

  On his way home, Mel couldn't stop thinking what happened earlier. Was that even necessary? She slapped my face, jacked my treat, and left me with this lamebrain sucker. I mean, what kind of girl is she? Also, I wonder, how'd she even know who I am? As he was in his train of thought, the girl ran into him with groceries in her arms."Ow! Hey what gives...!!! Hey! It's you! The girl that took away my treat!"   

"I...I'm...s-s-sorryyy..." She slowly got up picking the groceries that were dropped. "...My apologies Mel...My Cara..!! Oh, look at the time! I better get going!!" Cara ran quick, but Mel started to chase her. Why is he following me?? Got to lead him off track. She tried and tried, but she just can't seem to shake him off. She then tripped, fell, and the items in the bag she was carrying broke.  Mel caught up to her panting. "Man, you run fast....phew....I almost tripped back there...Are you okay?"   

"...Yeah...I think so..."she tried to get back on her feet, but she felt a sharp feeling in her ankle. "Hey, Hey! Don't strain yourself! Are you nuts?!""You know, I took the fall for you, Mel Calone." 

   "Huh? I don't get it.""You'll know soon enough. And it's only a sprain, nothing to worry about. I can conquer any injury."   

"If you say so...wait! I have a question for you."

 "What is it?"   

"Um...Why did you slap me earlier? Don't you think that was a bit odd?"

"Odd? How?"  

  "Uh hello! You told me that I'll get diabetes if I kept eating those desserts, and then you slapped me in the face and jacked my candy!"

"...I have my reasons. But it is not time to tell you yet, Mel Calone."   

"What do you mean? And how do you know my name?"

"There's a name tag on your shirt. "   

"There is?" He looked at his shirt, but saw no name tag. "HEY!" he was shocked to notice her missing. What a weird girl...He went home to his secret stash on candy...but he soon realized, he wasn't getting sick like he normally did. WOW!!! I really can conquer any sickness! Take that, Cara! Days past and he didn't get ill, but he never saw the girl for quite some time. I wonder what happened to her. I hope she's okay. I haven't been sick ever since I met her... He searched all over the city and finally found her by the bushes next to "Endless Heaven"."Hey! What happened to you?"  

  "Taking all of your bad luck..."

"Wha? Can you explain this to me?"   

"I think it's time." Cara started to glow as did Mel. They found themselves in the middle of a calm forest."You're not a normal girl, are you?"  

  "I'm afraid not. I am what you call a Luck Exchanger."

"I'm sorry, a what now?"   

"A Luck Exchanger. A spirit that takes away all your bad luck. But in order to do that, they have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck. When I said you'll get diabetes, I applied that terrible luck upon myself. I slap my clients so that the good luck will apply to them."

"That's what that was that was painful."  

  "Hehe...sorry about that.""Do you get to choose anyone? "  

  "Unfortunately, no. Fate chooses our clients. But get this, I really can conquer any injury." The background is disappearing and Cara began to vanish."Just what is happening??"   

"We Exchangers have a limited amount of time on staying with their client's.When the time comes, I have to work for someone else. Work never rests, I guess. At least you got a pure heart."

"How can you tell?"   

"If you didn't, they wouldn't pick you now, would they? Anyways, Stay grateful and your luck will be with you forever. However, If you become selfish, the bad luck will return to you."

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind, don't you worry about it." The forest disappeared and only Mel came back in front of "Endless Heaven". The candy man waited for his order. "Hey there sonny. Would you like a Double Double Choco Explosion Candy Bar?" He thought it over for a moment and finally replied, "Nah. I'll just take a sucker."

Story 4: Milo * Winston

Winston was a really wealthy person. Everyone wanted to be a friend to him, but he can see their true intentions, so he goes and pretends to be friends with them. After he rejects his 'friends' later, those same people would beat him up or break into his home to steal valuable items. Eventually, almost everyone started to hate him and gangs up on him when no one was around. He then lost all hope and trust became a problem for him. He can't seem to trust anyone. One day, Milo, a really poor boy, was looking for work. He stumbled on the steps. A bitter Winston answered the door.

"What do you want?"

"Would you be willing to give me a job? I'll do anything and won't disobey. Tell me what to do, and I'll do it."   

"Really now? If you really want my trust, you will have to work hard. No slacking off, understood?"

"I promise.I never go back on my word." Winston let Milo in and commanded his servant to take a small vacation for a month.   

  "You are now my servant for the time being. You will cook, clean, and cater to my every whim. You'll get your pay at the end of the week, if you do a good job.""Yes sir, I will do my best."  

  It won't be long until he betrays me, and then his true nature will be revealed. He'll only be like the others, breaking in my home and stealing precious heirlooms.Milo started looking for the cleaning supplies and started on the house. Hours went by and he started to make meals for the home. Winston called him and not once did Milo stall. He did his commands and went back to work. Hmm...this kid is tough...but I wonder if he really...

A week later Milo stopped momentarily and said,"I need to tell you something."  

  "What is it?" "Don't go outside, Winston Shale. Your enemies are waiting to jump you once again."    "How do you know?"

"I can sense danger." Milo went back to work. Winston was speechless then again, he could be one of them...I just can't trust him. Or anyone... A rock broke through the window aiming for Winston. But before it hit him, Milo ran and ended up getting hit with it instead on the head.

"Hey! Are you alright?? Why'd you do it?"   

"I'm your servant for the time being. And the servant always protect the master." Some blood came from his head. They saw what was going on from the outside. They ran in took Winston's servant and started beating him with the rock and other weapons.

"Please...beat me as much as you like...just don't hurt my master..." Winston was horrified to what was going on, for this kind of thing would happen to him on a daily basis. After they

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