» Fantasy » Luck Exchangers, Michelle Ruiz [books to read for 12 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Luck Exchangers, Michelle Ruiz [books to read for 12 year olds .txt] 📗». Author Michelle Ruiz

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to dance. However, there was a problem. She was a total klutz. She would practice each day, sometimes for hours and she would always mess up on one drill after another. Sometimes, she would also hurt other people too.  Her purple workout clothing, black leotards and green knee socks, along with her tied up ponytail, she prepares for practice. The other girls gave her the dirty look as she came into class.

"Hey, look, she came back. Why doesn't she just go home?"

"Hey Kim, can't you do something about this?"

 The class queen, Kim Gardener walked up to Tula and said , "Hey, Tula! Don't scew it up for the rest of us. The dance instructor will bring some very important people to this institute so don't make us look stupid."

Before Kim went back to her spot she graabbed some shoes. " Oh, before I forget, here. These shoes will look better for feel a lot lighter for you to mess up less."

I am not falling for it, she thought. I already know what's going to happen and I am not going to make that same mistake.. She already knew the important people are coming, and she's been practicing at home for hours on end.She will not have her chances sabotaged all because of Kim's prank.

Tula took a deep breath. "Okay, here goes nothing..." The music started and she started to do some moves. But something, as usual, was wrong.

"I-I can't move!! Why can't I move?!"

There was a few snickers in the back, some high fives, and some cheers. Tula looked at Kim as she held superglue in her hand. Tula had fire in her eyes targeting Kim as she tried to escape the puddle of goop which happened to have the same color as the floor. She fell over on her face and there were more roars of laughter. "KIM YOU ARE SO DEAD!!!" Tula finally wriggled free and started to charge.There were screams that echoed down the hall as she tackled Kim and punched her repeatedly in the head. Kim was powerless and tried to fight back, but it was no use.

"Hey what is going on here?" The instructor came in and he didn't need an explanation. He picked Tula off Kim and sent them both to the office. Tula waited out the door as she heard crying in the office. Kim left and mouthed 'You are going to get it big time. Big Time' Tula ignored and turned her head away. Tula shook a bit when she entered Mr. Gardener's office.

"Ms. Jones, this is it. This is the last time I ever hear this from you and Kim. Bullying my daughter like that, how could you?"

"But sir! She started the whole thing! She-"

"I don't want to hear any of it! Kim told me the whole thing. She told me that after you rudely refused to take her spare shoes, you charged at her for nothing."

"That's a complete lie! Sir, she set me up! You need to hear my side of the story. You only hear what your daughter has to say."

"One side of the story is enough for me. I don't want to hear any more."

"But sir!"

"Enough!! The best punishment I can give you is three day suspension! And when you come back, you will NOT attend the important showcase!"

"WHAT? Sir, that's not fair! Plus that's cruel and unusual punishment."

"Keep talking and I'll make it five days!"

"Didn't you say three days??"

"Get your stuff and get out of my sight before I make it a whole week Ms. Jones!"

Tula said nothing more, got her stuff from her locker and noticed a note inside.

I Told you you would get it.

She angrily tossed the note in the garbage bin and left the dance academy.

For as long as she can remember, She and Kim were always rivals. Kim would always get her in trouble and get away with it. She especially can't get away with it now, since her father was the headmaster of the Dance U. Institute (D.U.I.). For the past few years, things have gotten out of hand for Tula. She outgrew her ways, but Kim,  unfortunately, hasn't.

"Damn Kim for getting away with everything! That is the last straw. I don't care if I have to stoop low to her level. I will get my revenge...but it would make me look even stupider! Geez what do I do anyway?" Tula was brainstorming an ultimate plan but lost it when she ran into a man on the way home.

"Ow...can you watch where you're going??"

The man just stared at her. "Excuse me?" Tula started to realize how rude she was getting. She quickly replied, "I'm sorry! I just had a bad day, that's all."

"That's quite alright miss. Any idea where Dance U. Institute might be located?" Before he could get an answer, He was found by himself. Strange one, he thought. Oh well, my destination is probably close...

Tula came into her apartment with tears of hate and disappointment. Her roommate Jennie heard her from the slammed door.

"Tula? You're home early. Did something happen?" Tula looked at her as if she were her mother. She turned her back and threw herself onto the couch.

"I don't want to talk about it Jen." Jen seemed hurt, but she wasn't planning on giving up that easy. Plus, she had a feeling that she already know what was bugging her close friend.

"It was Kim again, wasn't it?"

 "You read me like a book. I should know better than this." Jen gave a small chuckle. "Why don't you tell me all about it hon?" Tula told her the event that went on earlier this morning.

"I knew it was a lose-lose situation. I knew if I accepted those shoes, I'd get in trouble anyway because I know how these girls are when it comes to shoes. Plus they had glued on tacks on the inside, I saw a glimpse. But I shouldn't have attended class if I knew she go down this low. Just how? Just how can a person not hear two sides of a story? There are more than one perspectives you know!"

"That's not right. Tula, the headmaster HAS to hear you out. If he doesn't hear your side, then there are no rules that haven't been broken. More people would be unjustly punished for what they haven't done yet."

"Jen, this isn't the court of law....Anyway, I tried, but all it got me was a five day suspension from the Institute.I also kinda beat the crap out of the Bimbo Queen..."

"Five Days?! Damn girl, is there no more love in that place? I mean seriously! I thought we discussed this anger issue of yours! I mean, sure she deserved this, but that won't change anything..."

"It looks like that I have to practice some more, until I go back there."

Jen looked at her worried-like. "...I'll clear the fragile stuff we have in this room, and I'll see you in a sec.."

A week passed and Tula feels more confidence in herself, despite the fact  that she almost broke her roommate's ankle. "Okay, I'll pretend to apologize to the queen, I'll mind my own business and everything will go smoothly. As long as his precious 'jewel' doesn't get hurt, I'm safe."

But instead of nasty, dirty looks from her fellow classmates, they were all ignoring Tula for someone else. I wonder what is going on, she thought. She squeezed through the squealing girls that were over a student. A male was in their presence. The girls were all over him. Tula was puzzled until the boy turned to look at her. She then realized it was the same guy that she ran into a week ago when she was in the foul mood.

Ack! It's him! just what is he doing here? Is he really attending this school??

Tula panicked and turned away quickly enough to not attract any attention. Okay, she thought. Maybe he won't recognize me, I mean, it's only been one week. Her theory was flawed as the boy saw Tula doing some stretches before class started. He walked over and asked, "How are you feeling today?"

Tula blindly responded "Can't complain anymore that's for sure!"  As soon as she turned to see who was talking to her, she froze to see that the boy was actually talking to her. The other girls saw the boy talking to her, giving her the stink eye and some weren't paying any attention and continued giving the boy the dreamer's eyes.

"It's alright, there's no need to be afraid. It's just that I can remember peoples faces that quick."


He nodded and gave a warm and friendly smile. "My name Justen. I recently moved here and very interested in this place. He grabbed her hand and gave it a firm grip. Tula blushed as his gentle smile eased her nerves.

 "No! This is not how this was supposed to be!"

Everyone turned to Kim Gardener, the Queen Bee. "Justen! You're supposed to do that to me! You are my one and only boytoy and don't you forget it." Tula looked at Justen suspiciously.

"I don't remember asking you to be my girl. I don't have to know you to hate you.  You are the last person I'd ever think of going out with. I just can't stand girls like you, thinking you're so high and mighty  just because her daddy's in charge. Get out of my sight, you disgust me."

 Tears swelled up in her eyes and asked, "Do you really mean it? Am I really not your girl?"

Justen just gave a sigh. "We only saw each other once, that's all. Let me put this in simple terms, I, do not, like you in any way. I don't even want to be an acquaintance. You seem to be bipolar to be cying like that. Enough of that though, crying only makes you look stupider and ruins your makeup."

Kim wiped her tears and left the room bitterly. "I hope you get expelled with this!!"

Tula looked at Justen with a shocked face. "Wow, even I wouldn't go that far to make the Queen cry like that."

"Then it was about time that someone did." Justen gave another of his goofy smile. "Would you like to dance with me?"

Tula just gave him a confused look, along with fear. "It's best if you didn't."

"C'mon what could go wrong?"

"Everything."  The boy turned to all the other girls and they all nodded in agreement. "She is a danger to society."

"She knows how to injure people."

"She's always fooling herself."

Justen shook his head in disappointment. "It's pressure ladies. You end up messing up at some point. If people expect you to do better, there is a chance that you'll screw up in a move or two. You can't expect yourself to be perfect. If you relax when you dance, you'll feel like you're stepping on clouds. You'll feel more at ease and in no time, you'd master your dance. Doesn't sound real, does it?"

Most girls shook their heads in response. "Exactly. Gotta give her props for coming back at least."

Justen held Tula's hand and moved slowly. Their feet swerved like clouds going through a relaxing breeze. Tula seemed less tense and frustrated and her dance with Justen seemed to ease her nerves. the other girls stared in awe as the duo danced through the whole period. A week later, people started to talk again.No one has seen Kim, but it didn't really seem to  matter at the moment

The pair did another dance. Tula was so relaxed she didn't feel any of her troubles. Justen was just glad that he had someone to dance with.

"Aww, they actually look good together."

"We're way out of their league."

Justen and Tula smiled at each other and the rest of the crowd.  Tula finally felt at ease as soon as she finished her dance. Justen was pleased that he put the false rumors at an end. At the end of the day, Tula did a lot better in her other classes when it came to dancing.

"Thank you for the dance, Tula. It was real nice. Be careful, though. You'll end up breaking an ankle by

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