» Fantasy » Luck Exchangers, Michelle Ruiz [books to read for 12 year olds .txt] 📗

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were satisfied, they left him there. Milo staggered back up and went back to work. What the hell is he doing??? He's hurt, but doesn't complain. He just acts as if it were nothing! Is he really that devoted?   

When a week was over, Winston receive strange luck. the people that beat Milo before gave back the heirlooms and apologized. They wanted a second chance. Winston didn't know what to think. He looked at Milo, and all that he did was nod. Winston resisted and Milo gave him a little nudge, but finally gave in. He actually had a good time with them. For the first time in his life, he had other people to talk to. He was finally getting what he wanted, someone to trust.Eventually, Milo was in very bad shape, but he kept working non-stop. Winston was in complete shock to see that he was still there working on cleaning the house.


"Please stop! You're in no condition to work!"

"I cannot...I have to give luck...."   

"Stop talking nonsense! Please sit down!"

"If you say so..." Winston sat on the chair and Milo sat on the floor.  

   "Uh, you can sit on one of the chairs, you know.""From what I know, servants are not allowed to sit on chairs or other royal-"  

  "But I'm not a prince. Are you disobeying me?" Milo quickly got to his senses and sat on a chair.

"So tell me, why did you get beat up instead? Everyone hated me! They don't even know you!"   

"Let's just say I'm a whipping boy."

"But I told you, I'm no prince."  

  "Touche, Winston Shale."

"Stop calling me that!"   

"Well, that is your name, isn't it?"

"You don't have to say my full name." 

   "So what do you want to be called?"

"Winston." Just where is this guy driving at??" How do you know my name first of all?"

    "Well, someone needed help with trust...and you were picked."

The two boys flashed and arrived in the forest."Where are we?"   

"Winston. Do you trust me?"

"You were beat up by the people who became my friends, kept working even though you were not in good shape to do so...Things changed when you showed up at my doorsteps. I think that's enough reason for me to trust you."   

"Okay then. I'll tell you everything. My name is Milo. I am known as a Luck Exchanger."

"Hey! I've heard stories about it...but I assumed they were just some folklore. So what are you called again? Luck Switchers?"   

"No, A Luck Exchanger. A spirit that takes away all your bad luck. But in order to do that, they have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck. When I warned you on what would happen, I applied that terrible luck upon myself. I work for my clients so that the good luck will apply to them."

"I see...You really helped me realize something..."  

  "What would that be?"

"Real trustworthy friends devote themselves to others." Milo just smiled. the forest was starting to disappear. "H-hey! What is happening here?!"

"I forgot to tell you. There is a limit an Exchanger could be with their clients."   

"What nonsense is this?! I thought you would stay!"

"I won't be here physically, but my luck will be with you, as long as you're grateful on using it. Selfishness will only cause it to come back."  

  "I'll find a way to stay grateful.""I'm sure you will..." Those were his last words before he disappeared with the forest. he found himself sitting back in his home. He then got his bags went to other people's houses and asked, "Would you be willing to give me a job?"

Story 5: Taki * Morrison

Morrison was the typical school nerd. Nobody really liked him. In class assignments, nobody wanted to work with him. In P.E., nobody picked him on the team. Nobody even wanted to be near him. He was known as "Morrison the Bore." One person tried to get close to him, but he realized on how boring he was, so he spread bad rumors about him. And that's how it came to be.   

One day a new girl came along. Everyone loved her. The guys were all over her. The girls wanted her phone number. The new girl didn't like the attention she was getting. "Whatever you do, don't go near Morrison the Bore," someone would say. Everyone else agreed. She looked over at Morrison reading a book. "Don't go to him, he will contaminate you and you'll be boring too!" She just rolled her eyes and went along anyway.

"Hi! I'm Taki. It's very nice to meet you, Morrison Wells."

"Hey." He responded, not looking away from his book. How does she know my full name? Probably looked at my records. Taki was thinking of a way to get him away from the book.   

"Do you think you can show me around the school?"

"Sure. Here's a map." He passed her a school map.

    "Uh, I can't read maps..." He looked away from the book he was reading and was looking at her sternly.

 "You're kidding me, right?"

    "No...Can you show..." She felt very embarrassed about the situation. Morrison put the book down and gave a closer look. Up close he saw two sparkling brown eyes, long brown hair, and a rosey cheeks that mcan melt anyone's heart. Morrison thought he was having a nosebleed. He blushed for a moment and finally said,"I'll show you around."

"Really? Thank you! I really appreciate it!"   

"Alright but don't shout. If anyone saw us together, they would hate you too. And you're new, so I want to help you secretly so you can keep your reputation. Deal?"

"Bad deal! I can care less on what people say. If they hate me, so be it! I'd rather be beaten up than to do things in secret. "   

"But if they saw you with me-"

"Just show me around in public. They'll understand. Trust me." 

   "Well..."Morrison hesitated. He showed her around where to get to her classes, where everything she needed to know. After they walked around the boarding school, Taki thanked him, as expected. But instead of a friendly handshake, Taki kissed him."You'll get hurt later." Morrison became red as a cherry as she walked away.WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?!? Well at least it was on the cheek...and what was that comment about?!

The next day, while Morrison went to read his usual book in the hallway, some people came over and talked to him. He seemed very confused.They greeted him with the warmest smiles and crowded him instead. But when Taki came in, She smiled when she saw the crowd smothering Morrison instead of her. They turned and started to mock her.

"Hey it's Tacky Taki."   

"She's not as great as Morris here."

Well this is awkward, thought Morrison. Maybe they found out...but, why are they surrounding me? They started to yell at her. throw things at her. Called her names.Why are they doing this to her?? That's not right at all! Morrison ran to her aid and got her out of the hallway. They started to chase them both.

"I want to beat Tacky Taki!

"I want to date Morrison!"

They ran until they reached an unused room. They went inside and waited until they left.


"Are you okay Taki?"

"Yeah...I think so..." 

   "Why did they do that to you?"

"Ever heard of a Luck Exchanger?"   


They glowed and arrived at the forest. "Whoa...what is this place?"

"This is a place where a Luck Exchanger and their client talk until the Exchanger vanishes Morrison. Did you feel any regret on helping me?"   

"No. I kinda....uh...felt fuzzy when helping you...""

Okay good enough. I think it's about time to tell you that I am one of the Luck Exchangers.  

  "Just what IS a Luck Exchanger?"

"A spirit that takes away all your bad luck. But in order to do that, they have to temporarily obtain most of their client's bad luck. When I said You'll get hurt later, I applied that terrible luck upon myself. I kiss my clients on the cheek so that the good luck will apply to them."  

  "Hmm...Interesting.""But be warned. If you stay thankful, you'll have my luck for the rest of your life. Screw it up and it goes away."   

"Thanks for the advice. I'll be extremely careful"

"I'll be watching you." Taki started to vanish along with the forest. Morrison waved happily and returned to his room. "Maybe I need less time with books and more time with friends."

And that's exactly what he did.

Story 6: Bunni * Holley

Holley was a loud girl who could speak her mind. But sometimes, she gets in big trouble for what she says at times. People were starting to get annoyed with her because her mouth would keep running and it wouldn't stop. And her big mouth would start fights at times, even a big riot. She was jailed before, but was pardoned because she would talk for 6 hours to the judge, jury and crowd and they wanted her to stop. No one seemed to be able to get her to settle down. Holley is also an addicted fighter. She loves to start the fights and get into them herself.    

She went to a public park and started looking for decent fighters. Everyone saw her and dashed away. Holley gave a shrug and started to head off too. She then noticed a quiet girl sitting on the bench, feeding the birds. Holley then went her way, scared the birds, and started running her mouth again.   

"Hey! What's your name? Name's Holley Duncan. Your outfit looks ridiculous. Have you seen the in on  passion for fashion lately?" The quiet girl looked at her.

"You'll get beaten...if you keep fighting."   

"You spoke! Look Missy, I don't know if you noticed, but there's no one worthy on fighting me. Do you know where I can find a good spot to rumble?"

"Can't you go home?"  

  "Huh? No way! I'm never going back to my old man."

"Why is that? Why won't you go back?"   

"I'm not telling a stranger my business...unless you wanna fight me."

"...You won't win."   

"How do you know?? You're starting to tick me off!" Holley was about to sock her in the face, but the girl blocked the attack.

"You need your it."

Holley was about to give one more blow, but she missed.   

What?! I never miss! How can this be?

"My father was part of the fighting league. I picked up a few things. But I hate fighting."  

  "WOW!!! The fighting league!? Very impressive. Why do you hate it so much??? It gives so much adrenaline!"

"It's not worth it if fighting loses the ones you care about..."  

  "What? Just what are you getting at?"

"My father got killed. He had the same attitude you have.

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