» Fantasy » Nicoli and Miley, Melissa Nichols [phonics reading books .txt] 📗

Book online «Nicoli and Miley, Melissa Nichols [phonics reading books .txt] 📗». Author Melissa Nichols

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won't wait forever. Promise me!"
"All right! I promise." I yelled. Space "Now tell me what's going on. This isn't like you, Ryan."
"I can't tell you because you won't think of me the same way. Space just please trust me, Miley. Let me protect you one last time."
Ryan hugged me close and I could almost swear I felt a tear land on my shoulder but before anything else could happen, Ryan kissed me and almost shoved me into the fire. Once again, my skin burned and I howled, I couldn't hear anything above the roar of the flames and my anguished cries but I saw Ryan speak and, placing both of his hands on his heart, he made my sign for ' I love you'.
"Ryan!" I screamed, tears now streaming down my face. I reached for him but he shook his head, his face twisted in an agony close to mine, his hands still on his heart.

Chapter Four

I was trapped in the fire, burning, screaming, crying. I had no idea what was happening. I was lost, tumbling through the air forever, in pain and in shock.
In time, I grew accustomed to the burning and the pain and I quieted. As time progressed, I noticed the burning moved from my skin inward, closer and closer to my already ashen heart. I felt my heart began to beat wildly as it too burned and then it was silent. At the same time, I felt the dreamlike haze begin to left and I slowly became aware.
I was no longer in my sleeping bag. I was on the soft down mattress with clean and crisp sheets. The air was pleasantly warm, not moist humid. I was indoors and I had bandages on my injured arm and leg. And then my eyes opened almost by themselves.
Everything I saw was enhanced. The colors were more brilliant, I could see every strand that made up everything. Most of all I saw the man that took me away in my dream seated in a chair near me. I moved to run away and he held out a hand.
"Please don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you."
"You... You're in my dream. Who are you? Would you want for me?"
"I'm only here to help, Miley. I found you at your campsite, dying of gangrene, which had taken hold in the wounded neophyte. I could've let you die but it didn't."
"So, what, suddenly I am healed?"
"Physically, yes. But it came at a price."
"What's the price?"
He was quiet, as if choosing his next words. "You're a vampire now."
At first, the words didn't think in. "No way its commission point that's impossible! Vampires don't exist."
"I assure you, you are a vampire now. I'm the one that beat you." As he spoke, I saw glimpses of the enlarged canine teeth. Ones that were identical to those in common vampire movies. "They also retract but I don't like to when I'm not around humans."
I didn't do anything except stare at those teeth.
"I know they look scary but you'll get used to them as you grow accustomed to your new life."
Instead of responding, I walked to the mirror in the corner. What I saw nearly had me screaming.
In the mirror, looking back at me, was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen. Common sense told me it was myself I saw my brain did not agree. This perfect creature could not possibly have been me. Her skin was the palest shade of white, her hair was a glossy black, her cheeks prominent on the triangular face their figure was so perfect even the most beautiful models would've killed to process her figure. The naturally thin waist, hips and generous trust as well as serve then yet long legs and arms. But what really held my gaze with a crimson eyes.
"This can't possibly be me. There is no way. I have a square face, fat cheeks and I had a stomach. My hair was dyed red, not my natural black."
"The venerable works wonders on the human body. The fever burned away every scrap of fat by excess skin and there are no dyes in creation that can stick to hair that has been amended so it all washed off when Aria bathed you."
"In my eyes for sapphire blue, not blood-red Ruby."
"A side effect of the bedroom. I'm afraid I'll never have blue eyes again. Only read, black gold."
My head was spinning. Everything I had known and thought about myself was no longer applicable. I was a vampire!
"I know it's a lot to take in, Miley, and I'm sorry I didn't give you a chance to decide for yourself but it was either this or death with that split second decision I would've made the difference.”
"All right, Nicoli. Leave the poor girl alone."
I looked up at the sound of the new voice and I was blown away. She was blonde, skinny and had a very musical voice.
"She's had enough to adjust to. Give us some time alone?"
Nicolai nodded and left the bedroom.
"I'm sorry, dear. She feels it's his job to however since he's the one who found it changed you. May I sit down?"
I nodded as she sat across from me.
"Your Miley, right? I'm Aria."
"Nice to meet you. How do you know my name?"
"I can see everything about someone I choose to see. I saw your name and general background information. I don't like to dig deeper with someone be living with."
"How can you...?"
"See things about people? Several vampires are giving gifts. Leading people is mine."
"What's mine?"
"You'll have to discover that for herself."
"Does Nicolai have one?"
"Two. He can find and heal injuries with his mind."
"Is that both of them?"
"No. He has another but I'm the only one who knows it's there. I don't know what it is in case you were going to ask."
"Oh, so did Nicolai change you?"
"No, he didn't. He and I have lived in the same coven together since he was reborn. Beaumont changed us, our father."
We were silent a time then spell that Aria stood.
"Well, I should leave you alone and let you adjust. When you want to hunt, we'll be waiting."
"Okay, Aria. Thanks."
"No problem."
So I sat there, on the sofa, staring at the new me until the sun rose in and set again. I never go hungry, sleepy, thirsty and I didn't need to use the restroom.
When I could avoid it no longer, I walked downstairs.

Chapter Five

The house was magnificent. It was very large, spacious, and beautifully decorated. It has three floors, each floor and pastels with white accents with the overall theme being English Victorian and each bedroom had its own color with a continuing white accents. The stairs were white carpet with a gold beam banister. The downstairs held the usual rooms. A living room, a kitchen, a laundry room but each room had white walls, tiles and the legends surrounding the room that had some sort of light built into them, these theater lights glowed in a different color and the furnishings in each room match the colors of the lights.
"Wow, this is a very nice place." I said as I walked into the family room. "It's very colorful. I really like the theater lights."
"Aria chose the house and decorated it." Nicolai replied, sprawled across the red couch with his hands behind his head. "All I did was pay the bills."
"But doesn't that get expensive? Decorating every house so beautifully every few years?"
"No." Aria’s voice came from behind me in a chair in the corner. "We never move. Because we don't have real jobs, we never need to show ourselves to the general public."
"Then how can you afford this?"
"I'm told I'm good with the stock market." Nicolai replied. "Since we don't each human food, we have nothing but close, movies and furnishings to spend money on."
"Oh. That makes sense." I felt kind of stupid. Geez! I've got to stop questioning them. Just because I want to know doesn't mean they have to answer.
"So, Miley, would you like to learn how to hunt?" Nicolai offered, standing up with the casual grace that rendered me speechless. I covered it up by nodding and Nicolai motioned for me to follow him as he walked to the back door. I waved goodbye to Aria before I followed. Nicolai bent down outside the door and I saw three pairs of shoes.
"Which ones on mine?" I asked, eyeing the two pairs of flats. One black and the other a bright red. Nicolai handed me the red flats and put them on easily, then waited patiently as Nicolai laced up his boots. I took the time to look around the backyard.
The backyard was nothing short of breathtaking. If the color that had been in the house was now outside. Just nine defenses, no goals, warning glories, gardenias and every colorful plant was there, bordering a gravel walkway that split off. One branch headed to a sparkling turquoise-bordered pool and spa, complete with a waterfall and rocky overhang and a diving board.
Another led to a jazzman-covered gazebo with blue Christmas lights inside. A third path led to a barbecue area with a table and chairs an umbrella. And on the main path was a maze of hedges and a large mobile phone.
"Wow. This is the most beautiful garden I've ever seen, bar none."
"I'm glad you think so. I'll garden often attracts hordes of rabbits in the house is surrounded by birds and their feeders."
"Oh my gosh!"
"But we don't hunt in the garden."
Justice he said that, we wish to fence without missing a beat, Nicolai leapt right over it and disappeared on the other side. Now it was my turn. Budget my leg muscles and pulling in my arms, I launched myself into the air... And flew through the air. Below me, I could hear Nicolai shouting "whoa!" As I overshot my jump and, when I looked down, I saw him racing after me until he also jumped. He came up beside me, his arms stretched out on either side of spotty. Excite "congratulations, Miley. You've just learned how to fly."

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