Β» Fantasy Β» Rarity, Haley Elizabeth [highly illogical behavior .TXT] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Rarity, Haley Elizabeth [highly illogical behavior .TXT] πŸ“—Β». Author Haley Elizabeth

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Come To The Surface Ch 1.



"Arwin, you're missing the big picture just imagine a world where we are not classified as freaks, a world where we are all gifted and being special is the norm.  There will be no more hiding and if the mess lab members have to suffer for the greater good so be it. They experiment on us without second thought why can't we do the same? I say we take the mess lab by force! They'll be perfect as test subjects."
Baron Cross said this as he paced out of frustration. Arwin Bayne's opinions were clearly holding him back. And he was having this conversation for the last time.
"Our father's formed the Uniquely Gene'd Individual Society out of good Baron, your ideas are wrong and it will make thing's worse for us. It's just not meant to be we are what we are because we were born this way, it's not natural what you're trying to do. I mean you're actually considering making people like us, do you even hear yourself?"
Arwin expressed this for the third time. He was saddened by what his friend was becoming and no longer wanted to watch. He had been anticipating a fall out between them for sometime ever since three new member's had joined there resistance Baron had rescued them from the mess lab. Triplets, two boys one girl with mind's like sponges eager to soak up all of the misinformation Baron had to offer. They were different then the two boys Arwin had picked to join. At least Mick anyway he sometime's worried about the other Luka. He didn't have to think about the boy Terell he'd follow Baron for sure.
"Tonight is an ending Arwin. I can not work along side someone close minded as yourself! I'm tired of hiding who,what I am. After this mission, this one mission I'm leaving and those who choose to come with me will become Unit 1 of the Society.  The Authorities at Monstro City put my father in charge after all!" 

"What makes you think I wont try and stop you?" Arwin threatened.

Bayne waved it off. "You dont have it in you to stand up against me Arwin! What will you do? Protect The Mess members?"
"Taking them will be a mistake, Arwin said loudly trying to change the course of the converstion. his voice echoed through the large basement beneath the cottage The Society resided in.  He knew  Baron had a point helping the mess was not something he was willing to do. Baron had made up his mind and Arwin wanted no parts of it. One last mission as a team and Baron would start a new with no one holding him back. And he'd have eager for power U.G.I.'s under his wing. Arwin regretfully excepted it and that he would continue to lead the way that he knew was right. Save who they can and continue his fathers work. That night after the mission Arwin was left with two U.G.I.'s one of his original and one new. They became known as Unit 2 where as Unit 1 seemed to have disappeared all together. Arwin allowed the sistuation to be out of sight and out of mind. And as time passed and no word or backlash came from Baron he forced himself to beleive things would be just fine. But he was wrong.


I was in deep

deeper than the music

deeper than the ocean

deeper than him and me.


"I can't believe she's here," Margo hissed! peering over her over sized sun glasses at Connie who was approaching fast.
"UGH!!! Just ignore her maybe she'll go away," Cass suggested." Vannah looked right through Connie as she had been doing since her betrayal two weeks ago.
"We need to talk Connie announced once she was close enough. Right away Margo was in her face.
"Who invited you?" She spat, though she was much taller than Connie both red heads stood their ground. "Vannah I need a minute, Connie went on, while side stepping Margo who scrunched her nose up pissed." Margo gripped Connie's arm and turned her so again they were standing toe to toe.

Connie tore her arm away.

Margo fumed!

"If Vannah hasn't spoken to you yet what makes you think today, her birthday that she would?"

"Yeah Connie really I don't want to here anything you have to say!"

Vannah spoke up removing her sunglassed and and focusing her blue eye's on connie. She didn't like that her guest had stopped dancing to watch the drama unfold. "Go on you heard her," Margo said gesturing toward the iron gate.
"You're going to want to here what I have to say Vannah!" Connie tried again.
"Just go Connie, before you ruin everything!" Cass didn't say this in a nasty tone like Margo but it was clear she was serious.
"Fine," Connie huffed aggravated and storming away from them. She gave Vannah one last warning look before disappearing around the house.

What was that about? Vannah thought, staring where Connie had just been. Already the party had started up again except for the few girls who were relaxing in the pool surely gossiping about the situation.
"Hey there's Ricky and Drew!" Margo announced. already moving on.
"Lets go dance," Cass gushed smiling toward drew her crush at the moment. Vannah followed them to the patio which was being used as a dance floor. She was dancing with Chris Overlin when her second uninvited guest appeared.
"Can I cut in?" It was Mick the golden boy Vannah had been infatuated with until he took part until he took part in Connie's betrayal.

Vannah twirled on spot trying to put distance between them. She was ready to dive in the pool knowing Mick couldn't swim it would be a good escape. Just as her sheer white cover up dropped to the poolside and her silver bathing suit was exposed Mick gripped her arm he pulled her back so fast it hurt.
"What are you doing she screamed!?!?"

"We have to talk now."

"Huhhh! What did you do hook up with Connie "again" and decide how you could ruin my birthday?"

"Connie's here? Mick asked looking around.

"Not anymore,shame too you could have been kicked out together. You would have liked that!"

"Listen Vannah I was never with Connie it's not like that."

"Sure whatever," Vannah replied, preparing to jump into the pool where a couple people from school had a game of Marco Polo going.
"STOP," Mick hollered and just as Vannah turned back to face him she was being picked up by Ricky and Drew. "Ahhhh, put me down," she half shrieked half giggled. The whole party started to chant, "THROW HER IN! THROW HER IN!"

"No!!!" Mick was grasping for her. But it was to late they had released her and she was being engulfed by the water.

Right away Vannah knew something was wrong she was kicking her legs trying to resurface but a numbness had taken over her limbs. She kicked again just as the water around her began to swirl she screamed. Water rushed into her lungs but she breathed right through it. (She could breath!) The water continued to swirl and when it ceased she was no longer staring down at her legs but a shimmering blue fishtail.

When she resurfaced everyone was wide eyed and watching her, their cell phones at the ready.
"She's uh uh a mermaid!" A boy from school proclaimed. Vannah dived back under swimming to the vacant side of the pool. When she reached it she struggled to pull herself up until a hand took hers. It was Mick he pulled her up and out cradling her in his arms. She fought against him. Vannah slipped from his grasp flopping to the ground hard. Before hers and everyone else's eyes her legs reformed thankfully with her bikini bottom intact. She jumped up and ran for the sliding glass doors just off the patio. She pulled them open and ran right into her mother Trish who wasn't supposed to be home until tomorrow. She shut the door and locked it before Mick could come in. Trish motioned for Vannah to follow her into the din and away from prying eyes. She turned to her daughter a strange grin on her face. Vannah opened her mouth to speak but a sharp pain in her back stopped her and in a moment she was unconscious.

When Vannah opened her eyes she was back in water surrounded by glass it was a giant fish tank.

"Finally you're awake." Her mothers said as she appeared from around the tank.
"Mama? Vannah asked, where am I? Get me out of here!" Her tail flicked beneath her.
"Your where things like you belong Trish said simply. Oh and by the way you should know I am now and never really have been your mother."
"What!!! Of course you are, you raised me you love me."
"Convincing wasn't I?" Trish flashed a wicked smile, just then the only door in the room opened and a familiar face entered. "Tucker? You knew? Vannah asked feeling angry and even more deceived.
"You'll put that to use if necessary,"
Trish said glancing at the object in Tucker's hand. It was shaped like a large metal wish bone. Tucker nodded taking a seat in the grey folding chair just outside the tank. And with that Trish started to switch away.
"Mom!?!?" Vannah called helplessly Trish's stride didn't slow before disappearing through the door and leaving Vannah alone with her not brother Tucker. What about my party guest they saw me change they....... They think it was a stunt u and your friends pulled!" Tucker took no time shutting her up.

"Tuck? Tucker?"

He simply ignored her she stared long and hard at him so hard she thought her eyes would pop out. In truth they didn't look anything alike his hair was blond but hers was a dark chocolaty brown, his hazel eyes were slanted and he had high cheekbones where as her features were more round and her eyes were a blue green. she had noticed all of this before but Trish had always said she looked like her father. Her mind wondered for a while about her real parents, talk about finding out your adopted she couldn't help but laugh. The sound seemed to make Tucker uncomfortable. That's when she noticed the watch she had bought him last Christmas still gleaming securely on his wrist. Maybe it would stir some emotion because on the back she had words inscribed ("I LOVE YOU BRO YOUR THERE EVERY TIME")
"Tuck, she said again softly. What time is it?" Maybe it was a lame idea but maybe just maybe.... Tuck looked at her his eyes moist it was that easy she had gotten to him. Then in a very snotty tone he said...
"`Why got somewhere to go?" Vannah sighed and again they sat in silence.

Through all of Vannahs jumbled thoughts a melody had been reoccurring over and over until finally it pushed its self to the front of her mind and she began to hum. It was a wordless song but still just as beautiful.
"Would you stop that?" Tucker asked stifling a yawn and trying to sit up straighter but instead slumped down. She hummed louder and he rubbed his eyes they were closing she let out one more sweet note and her song was taken over by Tuckers snoring.

She had done it, her song had put him to sleep. Vannah spun in the water momentarily excited until the door across the room opened and a man walked in. He was at least six feet tall with a white lab coat on and had a scowl that made the already dreary room darken.


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