» Fantasy » Rarity, Haley Elizabeth [highly illogical behavior .TXT] 📗

Book online «Rarity, Haley Elizabeth [highly illogical behavior .TXT] 📗». Author Haley Elizabeth

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short period time are the ones who saved her from the people she had loved and trusted her whole life? She turned away from Mick wanting the grassy fields they were passing to be the only witness when her tears came to the surface. Heated Ch 2.

"Hey Vannah, where here!" Mick was pushing her lightly her head jerked up and her neck popped loudly. She groaned not remembering when she had fallen asleep. The sun was just peaking over the far off mountains but she could clearly see the large cabin they had parked in front of Connie and Electra were already disappearing through the front door. After seeing the mess lab she hadn't expected anything so charming. She stretched stepping out of the truck.
"Not what you pictured?" Mick asked smiling. He motioned her along. The cabin was like something out of a Thomas Kinkade painting, the front yard had a small garden with exotic flowers in every color.
"So pretty!" Vannah said leaning in for better look.
"Wait until you see out back Mr Bayne has a green thumb!"
"Who's Mr. Bayne?" She asked stepping onto the dark wood wraparound porch.
"He's our head of house or unit leader Unit 2 to be exact. She glanced around as if to say wheres Unit 1. It seemed like they were the only house for miles.

"Come on in, meet him smells like he's got breakfast on!" They stepped into a small cream colored entrance hall there was a small wooden table occupied by a plant with pruple blossoms Vannah new as an African Violet and a gold bowl where Connie had dropped the keys. Mick was right the smell of bacon and cinnamon rolls was wafting to them. They moved into a large but cozy living room, Which was also cream colored and had chocolate brown furniture. Almost every wall was taken over with bookshelves and more plants hung over the widow seat. "The kitchen's this way your probably starving! Surprisingly she wasn't though it smelled really good. The kitchen had a white marble floor and a large chrome island in the center of it there was plenty of counter space and cabinets reaching up into one of them was a man. "Mr Bayne! He turned his face lit up at the sight of them his graying blond hair seemed to glow and he outstretched a hand for Vannah to shake. He actually had a green thumb. "Mr. Bayne this is....
"Vannah, of course he said ,please sit can I get you anything? "Not you. He said to Mick. You need to clean that wound out immediately!" Mick nodded obediently and disappeared up a set of stairs. "Now what can I do for you my dear?
"Well I'm not hungry but I would like something to drink please!"
"Right away he said clapping his hands towards yet more plants only these ones had vines that cascaded all the way to the floor.

To Vannahs amazement they started to move one reached for the fridge door and another grabbed the plastic pitcher filled with pink lemonade Vannah watched awestruck as they worked like tentacles to deliver her the pitcher and a glass.
"Thanks she said half laughing and pouring some.
"Show off, Mick said rejoining them completely shirtless. If Vannah hadn't still been admiring Mr. Bayne she would have probably choked on her lemonade.
"Is that what you were doing when you got shot? Showing off?" Mr Bayne didn't sound mad but like a disappointed father.
"Not at all Mick said taking a bite of bacon. I was simply playing the part of the human shield for Electra." "You should have seen them they really were incredible." Mick looked at Vannah surprised had she actually said something about him without being sarcastic. Then he flinched because Mr. Bayne had very sneakily poured peroxide onto the bullet hole.
"Is he really made of steel?"
"Sure seems that way Vannah I have yet to see something pierce his bones."
Vannah averted her eyes from Mick's muscular chest she had never seen him like that before but as she had expected his body was flawless besides the wound but that just made him more attractive she blushed when he smiled at her his dimples sinking in deep. Mr. Bayne cleared his throat.
"You'll need to stitch that up. And you can show Vannah to her room, "You are planning to stay a while right?" She hadn't thought about it until then. But of course she would have to stay her eyes burned with the realization she had gone from happy home to homeless.

"Yes I'd like to stay here until I figure something else out, she choked on the words. Mr. Bayne touched her lightly on the arm. She managed a smile.
"Now when you do get hungry you can have whatever you like in the fridge and cabinets, I'll be out back tending to my garden. With that he disappeared through the door that led outside.

"Do you want to check out the garden?" Mick asked.
"Later right now I just want to breath." Mick nodded in understanding, well come on!" Up stairs were four bedrooms. "Electra and Connie share this one and this is my room! And Warren's here you'll meet him later. "Mr. Bayne has a small room downstairs.and this is your room, he said pushing the pale brown door open. "Much more comfortable then a fish tank!" He said and she agreed taking in the queen size bed over flowing with pillows and the precious window seat that reminded her of her own room she shook the thought it wasn't her room any more she had nothing of her own. That's when she noticed three familiar suit cases she practically skipped to them popping the largest one open.
"How did you get my things?" She asked retrieving her cell from the front pocket three missed calls from Cass she dropped the phone back inside not wanting to deal with anyone not knowing how to either.
"Don't look at me it was the doing of the invisible girl."
"Connie!?!? She doesn't even like me."
"You never gave her a chance to, you wrote her off as a man stealing slut. I think that's how she put it. Suddenly Vannah felt guilty.
"I should have already said this Mick but thank you for getting me out of the mess. Thank you so much! And I'm sorry for how I iced you out." The words didn't seem like enough but they'd have to do for now.
"It was nothing, he responded but they both knew it really was.

They stood awkwardly for a moment. "I should get something on this he said and Vannah realized how close she was to his half naked body. She stepped back at the same time he started backing out of the doorway. She huffed flopping down onto the bed. Then Connie was in front of her.
"Comfy?" She asked.
"UmHmm, Vannah said sitting up straighter. "Mick says you wanted to talk to me ,something about me not being such a slut after all."
"I...I Vannah stuttered caught off guard.
"Don't worry about it Connie made a dismissive gesture. I actually applaud your ability to give the cold shoulder, I mean really you had Mick in a snowstorm." Vannah still didn't know what to say what happened to the snotty Connie from the truck? "So are you guys back together? Connie sat beside her.
"UM no, I don't know it's all really confusing right now, she answered honestly.
"Maybe that's best with Mick not being able to get in water and all."
"I don't see why that would be the reason to keep us apart, so what if he cant swim!
"Its more then that, the boy will literally sink to the bottom like a rock he'd be willing to do it to and he's impossible to....

"Connie!" Electra called.

Connie rolled her eyes
"What?" she whined standing.
"Did you take my... the rest of the words were muffled.
"Me and Ele are going into town later you should come. Connie didn't wait for a response before swaying out of the room.

Hours later everyone including the boy warren who was maybe 15 years old were sitting in front of the television waiting for the news to come back from break. Warren had a kind face with caramel skin and honey eyes hidden behind glasses his smile lit up the room when he entered he was obviously the little brother of the house.

(("And where back the  women with the blond curly bob cut on the television said and we have the footage from YouTube that has everyone asking fact or faked. "You be the judge! Just then the small video that had been playing in the corner of the screen enlarged. There she was being tossed into the pool moments later the water started to bubble and swirl and when she resurfaced they were staring at a mermaid they replayed the video a few times. "Looks real to me!"
"Don't be ridiculous Krista, an older male said when the video disappeared. I mean I'll go as far as it was realistic but of course this girl isn't really a mermaid."
"Alright Jim then explain how she changed when she was out of the pool, under water possibly it all was staged but how did she morph in full view? If it were a costume where did it go? Did it deflate into her bikini?"
"You have a good point Karen, but this is a fictional creature we're talking about what we have here is just some rich kids using there money for high tech effects and a million hits on the internet."))


Vannah said embarrassed and angry. Mick clicked off the news. Everyone stared at her like her head was about to spin. But instead she collected her self and turning to Connie asked our you still going to town?"
"Yea, Connie said grabbing her purse. "You put the spare tire on right Mick?"
"Yea Mick ,said disappearing into the kitchen
"Be back before training." Mr. Bayne called after the girls.
"We know!" Connie and Electra said simultaneously.
"But not before we have some fun!" Connie added in whisper.

The cabin sat way up top of a winding hill and was surrounded by fields no other houses were in sight. "How far's town?" Vannah asked staring at trees and more trees they were zooming by.
"It takes about ten minutes." Electra answered.
"But I'll get us there in five!" Connie said pushing her fiery bangs out of her face and causing attention to her brilliant green eyes. WELCOME TO RARITY a white sign with gold letters read once they made the final bend.
"Slow down Connie the sheriff's not going to keep giving you warnings." She slowed slightly flirting with the speed limit. Vannah peered out the window at the various shops there was a book store a coffee shop, pet store and a stretch of clothing stores.
"Lets get pizza I need some pepperoni in my life!" Electra pleaded pointing to a spot outside of Pinas Pizzeria. Connie parked and Vannahs stomach growled her appetite was back.
"Is it pepperoni or Josua Pina you need in

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