» Fantasy » Rarity, Haley Elizabeth [highly illogical behavior .TXT] 📗

Book online «Rarity, Haley Elizabeth [highly illogical behavior .TXT] 📗». Author Haley Elizabeth

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one of you is in need of a place to stay? The women asked, I'm Miss. Locke by the way.

"None of us , But I do have some questions about someone who used to live here." Vannah said getting straight to the point.

"Cant give you any information. I'm sure you can understand that it is classified, I'm sorry. The women told them before  snapping a folder shut.

"But the person could possibly be my mother and if you worked here 18 years ago you can probably help me! She looked a lot like me. Her name was Leera.

Mrs. Locke really looked at her then and Vannah was sure that Mrs. Locke knew something.

"Please, even if you just answer one it will help!" Vannah said pleadingly.

"There is nothing to tell!"

LIAR, that's what Vannah wanted to shout.

"Was she taken away by a women named Trish?"

"I've dealt with a lot of girls it's hard to keep track where they all end up honey!"

"But your records do, right?" Connie asked.

"Well of course they do the women answered defensively. But like I said that information isn't available to you and besides files from all those years ago would be down in storage and it would take forever to find.

What if we offer to look we can find it and be on our way, no harm done." Vannah continued to reason.  

"Its been so long Miss. Locke what will a quick peak at obsolete files do?" Ele asked. When the women didn't take Vannah up on her offer.

"Cant you just pull it up on your computer?" The question came from behind them. They turned to find the girl who had been puffing the cigarette. The dark rings around her eyes framed a look that said she was up to no good.

"The files that they are looking for are downstairs Bree."

"Not anymore they arn't remember last month when I kept skipping curfew you had me upgrade all of the old files onto your computer at the time I thought it was pointles.s cruel and unusual punishment but now whatever they are looking for is just few clicks away. Bree smiled happy with herself. Vannah had a feeling the girl was more satified about putting Mrs. Locke on the spot than anything else. The girls glared at Mrs. Locke who suddenly seemed smaller then a cornered mouse.

"Just a few clicks." Vannah said soflty. Hoping that guilt would melt away the rest off Mrs. Lockes defenses. And it did.

"That wasn't so bad!" Connie said, from the front passenger seat. Vannah could. She sat all the way in the back so she could flip through the print outs some what privately. The first page read... Leera A. Raye checked into Miss Rubas Home For Girls at 11:37 am Sunday October 5 1991

It gave a short description : AGE 16
Eyes Blue/Green
Hair Dark Brown

The next page was notes taken during her first few days there.( Leera is very quiet but everyone seems drawn to her. She's smart and rather independent considering the circumstances.)

Vannah's eyes scrambled over the pages that were all about the mother she never knew. She flipped to the last page wanting to see the sign out sheet, her proof that Trish had been the one to check Leera out.

There was Leera's signature all twisted and delicate very similar to Vannah's own. And there was Trish's. "No! it wasn't Trish's at all.

"Lexi James!" Vannah read the name out loud. ""It say's right here that it wasn't Trish who signed Leera out but a women named Lexi James!"

"Is she another member of the mess?" Connie asked.

"I've never heard of her Ele said. But maybe Caroline know's something."

When they reached Rarity they didn't head home but straight to Caroline's.

"I wasn't expecting you!" She said smiling and walking them into her townhouse.
They had barely sat down before Vannah asked. Do you remember anything about the women who took Leera away?

"Nothing that could be much help sweety?"

"Was it the same women who always came for the girls?" Vannah asked anyway. Carolines brow scrunched up. "Actually no, it wasn't I had never seen her before that day. And never saw her again after. What was the name of the place girls went to after leaving Ruba's

"I'm not sure I had my own place when I left no one came to get me. All I can tell you is the women was young pretty and blond!"


Vannah felt like a gigantic hand had just stamped the words on her forehead.

"Maybe she wasn't from another home or shelter. Caroline suggested.

"Then who was she and what is her connection to Trish?  Vannah felt overwhelmed, at some point there was a trade off. Vannah's mind was spinning with possibilities.

"Or Maybe she was innocent and really trying to help Leera and somehow got mixed up with Trish!" No matter how many ways she looked at it ,Trish was at the center of everything

When they did arrive home there was a car in the drive way. Mr. Bayne parked behind it his eyebrows raised curiously.

Mick stood in the doorway mouthing two words. (Unit One). 

Vannah was tense already and seeing that Grant and the two blonds were staring at her from the couch made things worse. "I know you're acquainted with Grant, these are two of my other Unit members Carley and Rhaigan!
"We've met!" Launa the one who could produce ice said nastily.

"What brings you here Baron? You've been in Rarity for months it took some violence for you to finally show face." The man Baron smiled, but not at Bayne instead at Vannah who cringed away from it and the creepy way it made her feel. "Actually Arwin it is your new U.G.I. that has drawn my attention."

"Me?" Vannah asked not understanding what he could possibly want with her.  Baron took a step closer. 

"Yes you the mermaid who has caused quite a stir on the news! Or am I mistaken?" 

    "What about it?" Mr Bayne asked stepping between them at the same time Luka and Mick came up on both sides of her creating a protective wall. But Vannah only felt more closed in than anthing else. Sqeezing out between the guys Vannah faced Barron.  "What do you want with me?" She asked hoping he didnt want her to join his A team. 

"Its not me who want you its The Mess!" Baron stated flatly

"Mr. Bayne spoke up saying "they will never come looking ,they have never come after any U.G.I they have brought here!"

"That may be true for now but we all know that you were more than just the usual Mess experiment otherwise you wouldnt be all over the television and the hot tiopic of this town! Poor Trish must really want you back and if I'm right about your... mother is it? She'll stop at nothing to get what she wants!"

"Shes not my mother! And what do you mean I'm hot topic of the town?" The U.G.I.'s feel threatened by your presence.  "My team and I think you should be moved somewhere else far from here. There are too many U.G.I's at stake if you remain in Rarity it is not a risk any of us should be willing to take. Especially not now. Quite honestly Arwin I am suprised at you!"

"I here you Baron and understand, but I promised Vannah a place to stay and I stand by it. I am fully aware of the possible consequences though I thank you for running them by me!" All the kindness Vannah had learned to expect from from Mr. Bayne had vanished his voice was now cold and sarcastic his mind was made up. "You have no power here Baron your units vote is irrelevent.

Baron didnt look susrprised he smiled again at Vannah.

"I knew you would say that Arwin a man of his word. I will leave the subject of the mermaid at ease for now, being my focus is needed elsewhere. But the moment The Mess steps foot in Rarity it will be on you and I will not hesitate to turn the girl over as a peace offering to save myself or the many others you so easily have pushed to the side for her!"

"If thats all Baron I suppose you will be on your way." Mr. Bayne said gesturing to the door in a polite mannor as if a pleasent brunch had just ended and a threat hadnt been made.

"I suspose so. Braron responded taking a long look around and holding Lukas gaze for a moment. Vannah screamed when Luka dropped to his knees even Mick was concerned. While unit two surrounded Luka unit one took there leave. It was just the distraction Connie had been waiting for and no one noticed when she vanished and followed unit two. Had she known what she was about to discover she'd giving it a second thought. Had she known just how different Unit two and one were she would have been less brave.


Drawning Ch 8.

After Unit 1 made their exit and Mr.Bayne somewhat explained Baron's gift of mental munipulation and that Luka would be fine she also left out filling the need to run no wasn't it she didnt to run she needed to swim. She sighed knowing it wasn't an option. Vannah wasn't exactly sure what Baron had done to Luka but it frightened her to think of Gentle Mr. Bayne going head to head with him.  She'd been taking everything so well she'd thought but Baron had pushed her over the edge. Baron his slimy smile and slimy squad of bobble heads who had been silently agreeing with everything he'd been saying. And what made it worse is she herself agreed with him too. It wasnt' right for her to jeopordize exposing the towm of U.G.I.'s  She was in mid groan when Mick came up behind her. "Don't" do that she shreiked turning on him and then heading away. He followed mumbling sorry and feeling embarassed.

"Bayne sent me out after you its not a good idea for you to be alone!" 

"Great considering thats all I want to be right now." Vannah huffed.

"Sorry but he's right V!"

The nickname immediatly slowed Vannahs stride its what he'd called her the first and last time they had the kissed. Feeling guilty she changed the subject. 

''Sometimes I just want to get into the car take off to I don't know maybe to the ocean!" She didn't know why she was telling him this. He was always easy to talk to. 

"I can take you somewhere and we wont even have to leave the hill." 

"Where?"  Mick didnt respond instead he grabbed her hand and they took off running fast she had no choice but to hold on her shoes were barely meeting the ground. When they finally came to a halt the cabin was far behind them and a pond was at there feet. Vannah was trying to catch her breath but at the same time allowing the the sight of the pond to ease some of her tension without hesitation she was sliding out of her shoes. Evening was nearing but the air around them was still warm she dipped her toes in and then turned to tell mick thank you for bringing her here. When she turned around he was much closer than expected she took a step back wanting to be at a secure distance but instead of stepping into the water she stepped onto it which at first startled her. Did you see that? She asked looking down at her reflection.

"See what?"  Mick asked because he hadn't been paying attention to her feet.

"This!" she said  pulling her long skirt up slightly and stepping forward. Both of them were wide eyed and waiting for her to fall in but she didnt she was

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