» Fantasy » Rarity, Haley Elizabeth [highly illogical behavior .TXT] 📗

Book online «Rarity, Haley Elizabeth [highly illogical behavior .TXT] 📗». Author Haley Elizabeth

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walking on the water she stopped in the center and squealed.

"You have to try this!"  She said not thinking about Micks issues with water.

"I'll take your word for it." he said smiling but staying put. 

"You wont fall in Vannah assured him .  It obeys me and right now its safe for you. Vannah held her hand out and though looking unsure Mick took it and together they defied the impossible. Mick was fascinated. But Vannah was realizing her mistake taking Micks hand had been a bad idea his fingers were now lacing through hers and he was slowly pulling her closer. Vannah was trying to stay focused all the while knowing she needed to stop Mick before he..... When his lips grazed hers her mind exploded with  hot and cold emotions which was the worst thing that could have happened. Suddenly It was as if a rug was pulled from beneath them and they feel in with a splash. Vannahs thoughts raced she knew she had to help Mick but she was useless until her transformation was finished. Once her tail was formed she opened her eyes slipped out of the skirt and located Mick. He was kicking his legs and waving hims arms but he was sinking. Vannah swam down grabbing hold of him but he was to heavy, he was going to drawn.

"Vannah?" The sound was muffled but someone was calling her.

"Vannah?" She glanced up it was Luka.

 She surfaced

" You have to help, I cant lift him alone!"

Luka was already taking off his shirt,shoes and paparing to dive in.  Mick was still fighting failing against his slow and deadly decent. Vannah and Luka reached him together but there efforts were not enough.

"The others!!!" Vannah Screamed 

Luka pointed to his wrist and shook his head no as if to say not enough time. Luka was out of air and had to let go. Vannah stayed below Micks eyes were still open wide with fear though he was going limp  

. I lost control its my fault!" Vannah said before giving into her sobs. But then she stopped her self. Wait control. "Thats it!"  She imagined the water moving rising for a dissapointing and painful long moment nothing happened but then the bubbles began the water started to slosh presure was building beneath them. They both started to rise slightly and then finally she and Mick were  completly forced up and out of the water. Their surroundings turned to air and they were falling. They landed with a thud and Luka ran to them. Mick hadnt lost consciousness but he was coughing and trying to speak. Dont Mick just catch your breath Luka told him. And for a while they were all silent until in a very raspy voice Mick spoke.

"Was my kiss really that terrible?"  He asked with a laugh which started another coughing fit. 

"Alright lets get into some dry clothes." Luka said while clearing his throat and trying to not give into his jealousy for the moment. He and Vannah helped Mick up. Then Luka was forcing his balled up shirt into Vannahs hands she blushed tugging it on thankful that the long shirt covered the panties she hadn't been prepared for either one of them to see.

"Were you born this way?" Vannah asked when they were almost back  to the cabin understanding that Micks "gift was some what of a burden

"No ,it started when I was in Junoir high I slowly started getting stronger." Don't worry V my gift has gotten me in much worse trouble.

"I'm so sorry!" Vannah said and couldn't imagine what kind of trouble could be worse than almost drowning.  She kept repeating her appologies as they walked back. "I should have known better I was just so sure of myself I..I...."

"Vannah I'm fine." Mick told her though his eyes were bloodshot and his face was completly drained of color. "and before we fell in it was really awesome!" He added throwing his arm around her Vannah ducked away avoiding Luka's steady glare and waved at Ele who was running toward them.

"Why are you all wet?" She asked Mick. And where is your skirt?"

"We thought it would be fun to go for a swim!" Luka imformed her.

"You did what?" She said momentarily forgetting why she had been looking for them. 

"Long story." Mick said giving her a you don't want to know look.

Ele shook it off. "Connies not with you guys?"

"No ,why!" They responded together. 


"What's going on?" Vannah asked while wringing out a section of her hair  before stepping into the house. 

"Okay no one panic but I think Connie followed Unit 1!" Ele said.

"Say that again" Mr. Bayne was standing up from the couch. Everyone started talking at once and Mr. Bayne silenced them.

"You three go get dry, I dont even want to touch on the subject of how you got that way and you Luka when you get back down here I think its time we both start talking because if Ele's right we need to know what Connie is getting herself into!" 

"I dont want to talk about it."  Luka said but he didnt sound firm just defeated.

"We know thats why Connie put it upon herself to find out exactly what sent you running back home with your tail between your legs!"  Ele said sounding alot like Connie. "Sorry Luka." She quickly appoligized its just my besty could be in danger and it makes me kind of moody. 

"As long as they don't discover her she should be alright physically anyway but mentally im not so sure!" That was the last thing  Luka said before continuing upstairs to change. And when they returned to the living room it was obvious Luka was done talking. The tension in the room was suffocating but no one seemed quite sure what to do about it. 


This Can't Be Happening Ch 9.

At 8 a text came from Connie (I'm safe) and after that all they could do was wait. It was 2 a.m. when Ele's phone rang.

"Connie?" She hissed into the phone. And then she told everyone one who had fallen asleep in the living room to get up. Vannah hadn't been sleeping she had been to busy hoping Luka would wake up so they could discuss the kiss that Mick had started. With everything that was happening who knew when they would have another  moment alone.

Ele put Connie on speaker.

"I should have never come here! Now I'm trapped in the basement." Connie's voice came out sounding so young and scared. "There are things here in the basement please you guys have to get me out of here!" Though Connie was whispering the urgency was loud and clear.

"What do you mean things?" Warren asked stifling a yawn.  There was no answer.

"Connie?" Mick and Ele both said but the phone was lighting up alerting them that the call had been ended. They didnt want to risk calling her back.

"We have to go get her!"  Mick stood prepared for a mission. 

"You can't just go running in there they have constant security and it's not like we can just go walking up to the door and knock like girl scouts selling cookies!" Luka stated the obvious.

"Why not?" Ele asked they came knocking on ours!"

"Yes Electra but it wasn't two oclock in the morning." Mr. Bayne reasoned with her.

"Even if it was a normal visiting hour what would we go there to say?" Luka added.

Ele's phone was lighting up again this time with a text.


(Sorry Ele I heard someone coming one of those triplets from the pizza place but its was a good thing because he opened the door giving me an oppertunity to escape sorry for the scare but I'm really freaked out about what I saw please just come pick me up I'm not too far from Pinas)

It didnt take long for Mr. Bayne to return with Connie who looked pale and like she had been crying. 

"You are all sick!" She accused pointing at Luka how could you have been apart of it?" You helped make that thing and that poor women what did you do to her?"

 "I didn't, I wouldnt!!!" Luka yelled back defending himself.

"What exacly are you accusing him of Connie?" Vannah and Mr. Bayne both asked.

"There was this thing all grey, bloated and disgusting it had claws like a crab but the face of a man atleast it used be it was dead and floating in the water! Oh god it was so awful! she said. And that women that poor women they did something to her eyes and now shes blind we have to get her out of there she's helpless she's..."

"A member of The Mess." Luka cut her off getting everyones attention.  "It's why Baron brought his umm.. experiments back he ran out of subjects from the other lab." Lukas voice shook while he spoke his face was turning  pale as Connie's.

"If they have been kidnapping Mess lab members how come we never see them on are surveillance screens?" Warren asked. "Unit one's mission are as you can imagine different then ours." The word our's sounded weird he still didn't feel like one of them. But he went on "anyway they dont ever enter the lab. Baron send the triplets in bird form to keep an eye out for mess members to leave and then well you know the rest."

"And you used to help them!" Connie was far from finished with him.  

"Dont blame Luka!" Mr. Bayne spoke softly while looking faint and slowly lowering himself into a chair. "If anyone is to blame its me." It was like no one knew what to say about this except Mick.

"Mr. Bayne You knew this was going on?"

" Yes I knew Baron intended on experimenting but staying out of it was the right thing to do!"

"Did you here what Connie just described?" Mick yelled. Nothing about it sounds like the right thing!"

"You dont understand Mick I tried to reason with Baron as my father did with his. When my father stood in Alec Crosses way it ended in both there deaths. I will not allow Baron Cross to bring me down with him!!!"

"So you're just going to pretend it's not happening that's what you have been doing for a year because you are afraid?"

"Lay off Mick!" Luka halfheartedly cautioned.


"You arn't any better Luka you were there, Connies right you are sick!" Mick face had all of its color and then some and as usual he was ready to storm out but Vannahs question stopped him.

"Is it really that bad?"

"What?'' Mick and Connie both asked looking at her like she'd finally gone to the point if no return.

"Seriously? Vannah went on is it honestly a problem that they are getting rid of The Mess members isn't that the same group who kidnaps and experiments on us shoots us up with needles and snatches away everything we know and love I bet they dont have meetings about how awful what they do to us is! So yes I'm asking is it really that bad? 

"Ofcourse it is Vannah not intentionally Killing them or experimenting on them is whats makes us the heros and not the villians. Baron is no better then The Mess I cant beleive you would ever go along with something like that!"

"Thats not what I said!" Vannah hollered right back not ready to back down!" 

But Connie interupted anything else they had to say.

"While we are here fighting there is a women guilty or not who has been blinded but is very much alive I think the right thing to do is rescue her. Am I alone in this?"

"You know Im in!"  both Mick and Ele who had been quiet until then agreed.

Vannah still stood by her oppinion but there was no way she would be able sleep

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