» Fantasy » Rarity, Haley Elizabeth [highly illogical behavior .TXT] 📗

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Reunion Ch 13.


Mr.Bayne  left before sunrise he'd enlisted Mick and the girls to join him on his trip to Monstro City. He'd thought it best for Vannah to stay behind anyway and she didnt argue. Luka didn't hesitate in saying he'd be staying with her making sure all went well in with her and Lexienna. So around ten a.m. Vannah, Luka and Caroline were nearing the edge of Rarity .

"I hope you dont mind me Vannah I just thought you should have someone well an adult looking out for you.

"I'm looking out for her Luka said before Vannah could speak."

"I'm sure Luka Caroline started but Vannah interupted. "

"I'm happy you are here Caroline I can never thank you enough!" Caroline smiled and they pulled up to Lexienna's home.

"I cant beleive we were this close the whole time isn't it impossible?" Vannah asked finally letting the tiny bit of doubt she had overflow.

"Doe's that answer your question Luka said pointing over Vannahs shoulder. Vannah looked out at a women who was approaching with a girl by her side she was maybe sixteen their hair was blond but their eyes were rediculously blue like Vannahs like a mermaids.

"Vannah got out and they both froze The women looked as if she were seeing a ghost"  Hello Vannah!" the women finally said in the voice Vannah had encountered last night. Luka was beside her and Caroline was getting out.

"This is Caroline she gave me the box!' Vannah said and this is Luka he's my boyfriend!" 

"Please lets go inside. Lexienna gestured them along. Vannah ignored the way they had looked at Luka. The house smelled like the ocean there were shells every where and the couches were sea foam green it was almost cliche but wonderful still. Can I get you anything. Im fine Vannah said placing the shell she'd picked up back in its place on the mantle and then noticing a picture of Lexienna, Leera and a little babygirl.

"It's me?" Vannah said to herself.

"Yes it is Lexienna came closer to her you were three months old I lost the both of you soon after. We can't beleive you found us!"

"We?" Vannah said really looking at the girl now. I'm Domina your cousin!" She said I've wanted to know you for so long!" 

"So do you have a tail?" 


"Dom! Lexienna hissed please excuse her Vannah she hasn't gotten subtlety down yet. What your little cousin meant was do you morph?"

"Well ofcourse I do, I mean don't you? Vannah asked finally taking a seat.

"I used to and Dom may, well she may never!"

"What happened and Dom what is she 16 I didn't morph until my 18th birthday! Vannah said her mind flooding with confusion and worry.

"Yes we saw it on the news, we were completly mindblown Dom told her sounding enthused which wasn't how Vannah was feeling at all she felt embarassed remembering watching herself being exploited on the  television.

"I think your mother did this to you,I Had my doubt's until now." Lexi was saying.

"Did what?" Vannah asked Lexienna was freaking her out she Luka and Caroline were all on the edge of there seats

" I have alot to tell you If you are ready. Lexi didn't look sure probably debating on what not to tell and Vannah was hoping for a tell all.

"Is it about my mother Lexienna?" Vannah asked.

"Yes it is and please call me Lexi. You can add aunt ifand when  it suits you."

With that Vannah braced herself and allowed Lexi's words to take her into the past.

First I will tell you a story that has been around much longer then your mother and I i hope it will help you to better understand.  Once there was a Mermaid named Saraphina she was powerful unlike anything ever seen in our waters  she made a place deep within the ocean that only our kind could find.  She called it the Lit City and she was the Queen. Saraphina instantly had the mermen blinded by her beauty and deaf to any other mer's song.The mermaids were secure and happy in the kingdom though they grew jealous of there mates wondering eyes that always landed on the queen. The queen who didn't bother following her own laws. They confronted Saraphina of her seduction And she laughed at there accusations. It was in the night that Saraphina sang her last song a song she never did finish because one of the jealous mer's slit her throat before she could. It's said and its true that when her blood seeped out into the water she became the sea and if you break the laws of the sea you will be damned.

And my sister and I we were damned to the human world.

"Wait this is like mermaid legends Ive seen alot of the things in the world of Ugi's but...  Im sorry I'm not mocking you its just so  other worldly!" Luka blurted interupting just when it was getting good. 

"That is because it is not of this world we our not  U.G.I.!" Lexi informed him

"Why were you punished?" Vannah asked completly intrigued.

"Some of this may be hard to hear Vannah it is about your past and  will effect your future.

Vannah nodded she wanted to know she had to know where did she come from and how did her life make such twist and turns.

Lexi inhaled and went on.

"It started with love!" When Lexi said this her eyes twinkled but dulled when they landed on Luka. Leera loved a merman though she was only sixteen and he belonged to another mer. The sea or Saraphina had laws about that. You can not mate until the age of 18 and to be with a mer who is not yours it is unthinkable. But instead of following the laws your mother followed her heart to the surface where they could be together intimate. He promised to leave his mate he said he would leave the sea forever if it meant they could be with one another. Only when they tried to return to the sea for their final farewells she couldn't it was as if an invisible force was pushing her away. At first he comforted her but as hours passed he wanted to return to the water to tell his mer goodbye he said he owed her that atleast. Leera agreed she'd been planning on leaving the ocean behind and now it was a sure thing now she had no choice. She waited on him but he never returned to her side. I was 20 at the time though I had never surfaced  But  when my sister didn't come home I went looking for her. I found her sleeping in an abandoned life guard post she told me what happened and that she believed something awful must have happened for him to have just left her. I told her the truth that her so called love your ,father was not coming back that he was in the Lit City and was to wed. I had warned her so many time's about the merman she adored and about the wrath of Saraphina!" Lexi choked on the last part her eyes getting moist along with Vannah and Caroline's. I hadn't commited any offenses against the sea and though I was allowed to go back I couldn't just leave my sister alone. So to provide for us I used my gift of song this was my first offense I sang for hotel rooms and food which is also forbidden by Saraphina but its how we made it from place to place for months we also hitch hiked for a while until one night a women picked us up her name was Ruba she was a witch though she preferred soceress and she offered Leera a place to stay, said I was to old for her program and that she'd set me up in a shelter I declined her. I promised Leera I'd come for her but first I had to get us a place to live all of us.

Vannah stared with her mouth wide open. "Witch like magic spells and wands.?" She asked hanging to her aunts every word Imagining her mother young and carrying her. And meeting Ruba.

"Not exactly, spells yes wands no." Lexi told her

"And this took place at Ruba's home for girl's? Caroline asked.

"Yes so you know of it?'' Lexi asked

"Well I lived there with Leera I saw you the day you came to get her from the home but Ruba was no witch!" Caroline imformed  seeming completly unnerved.

"She was  a very old and powerful one and she propositioned Leera a spell for something prescious in return, A spell that would allow Leera to return to her deep sea love and in return the witch would get a life source for 18 years.

 "Me Vannah said dryly she traded me?"

"I beleive so I cant be certain but seeing that you only just got your tail Im thinking whatever bound you to Ruba and dry land has broken. The only way to be sure is if Ruba died the day you morphed!"

"I already know the answer! Vannah said, When I visited the home they said Ruba just passed away and I know the dates will add up! My mother traded me so she could return to someone else's husband I cant wrap my mind around how I got delt two mothers who didn`t really want me. One who tries to experiment on me and another who hands me over and never looks back didn't she love me!" Vannah sobbed. "

"Isn't it mothers who are susposed to love there children as if they are extention of them selves how could Leera walk away leaving such an important peice of her behind?" Vannah hadn't realized she'd started pacing. She couldn't focus on Lexi who was quizzing her about the experiments and second mother. And I still don't know how I ended up with Trish!"

Arms were grabbing Vannah now. "

"It's alright Vannah it's going to be alright!" Luka was saying into her ear. And Lexi was clearing her throat.

Sweetheart I know this is a alot to take in right now but I have to ask how long have you Been singing to Luka?" Lexi's words made Vannah feel immediately defensive.

 "How do you know? " Vannah asked figuring there was no reason to deny what she'd been up to.

"There is a hint of blue in his eyes, the songs cause it. Lexi told her taking a closer look at Luka's pupils. Vannah had always thought his eyes had a black/blue quality but now that it was brought to her attention she noticed they were now more blue then black.

I've only sung to him twice Vannah confessed.

"Have you been to the sea since your transformation?"

"No, does that matter? I didn't realize I was doing anything wrong!" Vannah said honestly.

"Ofcourse sweety it would feel natural to you even though Rubas spell may have long postponed your transformation you were always a mermaid I bet it's all coming easy to you like riding a bike.

"What were you saying about her ever being in the sea?'' Caroline asked.

If she's never been in the sea the first time she enters her past offenses will be washed away but once the sea has its claim she will have to obey the laws or end up like me and Leera.

Are you saying we won't be able to be together Luka asked in a hell no kind of way.

"She's never ever been apart of this mermaid world how can she be expected to obey laws she didn't know exsisted?"

"If she wants to find her mother even after what i've just told her she will have to go to the Lit City Luka. And once Vannah goes in she may not ever want to come

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