» Fantasy » Rarity, Haley Elizabeth [highly illogical behavior .TXT] 📗

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fighting the urge to clear her throat when Jay came inside.

"Where have you been?" Starla scolded.

"Jay looked annoyed,

 "Slumped in the bushes!" He said.

"What?" Both Starla and Neco asked.

 "You heard me, I came down from the oak and next thing I know I was waking up behind the bushes.  With a pain in my neck.

"Sleep syrum!" Starla exclaimed taking a closer look at his neck.

He nodded.

"I think Unit 2 was here!"

"We are still here!" Connie announced because her gift had given out and they were now fully visable.

Sorry she told her friends "I couldnt stop it"! They released hands and stood face with the triplets. Vannah coudn't deny that the trio was giving off a sense of superiority. She felt like a kid caught stealing.  Baron said he'd be expecting you. 

"We know you were here Connie our cameras have heat sensors we perposely let you free from the basement and we knew you'd be back to do the right thing. Not sure if Josh imformed you but those failed experiments are long gone.

"I knew  I smelled you Neco mumbled glaring at Luka from behind Starla.

"But the women she was alive!" Connie said in a small voice.

Jay moved closer and spoke. "Key word was, Baron assures us it will all be worth it in the end!"

"It's  murder how can that ever amount to anything worth having?" Mick asked.

"Tell me this," Jay was still slowly coming toward them. What has Bayne's approach accomplished? So you go on rescue missions but the humans they learn nothing.  If important people became  U.G.I'S the mess will be no more.  We will be superior

"And you think that gives you the right to kill and mutate them the only thing you will accomplish is making things worse!" Luka half yelled.

"Baron said you wouldn't understand, that Bayne has made you all soft. Don't you see we can run the world if we reveal ourselves to the humans with an offer that they can't refuse be to special too they won't have any reason to fear us they will want to be like us.

"Luka grunted  you all think Bayne really wants to make humans like us out of the kindness of his heart. The mess needs to be stopped but exposing us to humans isn't his choice to make alone!"

"He isn't alone Starla informed them while pulling Jay back a few steps. He's brought his idea forward  to the U.G.I. Authority in Monstro City and now the mess is no longer being over looked! Vannah remebered Mick mentioning about there authority and basically how they didn't get involved with the mess they left it to the society. But now they were getting Baron. The room suddenly room felt small and suffacating and Vannah didn't want to here any more. How could she even have considered what they were doing as reasonable looking back she was ashamed. What did the rest of the unit think of her now?

"Why tell us this?" Ele asked.

"Because we want you all to join us!"

"You cant be serious!" Mick huffed

"Ofcourse we are." Starla purred Vannah would'nt have been shocked if she had rubbed up against him.

Baron is stubborn but not stupid he see's all of your potential especially yours Vannah. He say's your powerful like us we he can help you."

"Why are we even listening to this will never join you!" Connie was back to her spark plug self We didn't come to talk or listen we made are choice when we decided to come here on a rescue mission we are against what you are doing and won't have any parts in it. Connie was already at the door with Mick and Ele right behind her. Luka started to follow but Vannah was hesitating. Come on Vannah Luka spoke softly to her his hand quaked  as if he wanted to hold hers. Vannah new she had to walk away from here with her mind over flowing with countless emotion and the one thing she refused to feel was fear so with her decision made she reached for Luka's hand and the two of them left the mansion she ignored Connie and Ele's expressions and she didn't flench when the last of Mick's song left her heart or her mind.













Light my Way Ch. 12




I have always trusted the darkness

it never did blind me

like the light.






     PART 2



 (Vannah's POV)







The rain started the moment they were headed home by the time they arrived the storm was in full force. They all ran to the front porch. Vannah and Luka still were holding tight to each other. Ele opened the door and they all stared into the darkness.

"Electricity is out"! Mr. Baynes voice taraveled to them."

"But dont worry we have plenty of candles!" Caroline added in an up beat tone. And then appearing with a white candle she placed next to the African Violet. The house smelled like warm vanilla which was Trishes favorite scent and made Vannah feel sick to the stomach. In the living room Warren was present talking to Mr. Bayne who abruptly ended the conversation. And turned toward the group. You were unsucessfu?"

"Yes we were to late and it was an embarassment!" Mick informed.

"They knew we were coming." Connie said taking the candle that Caroline was handing her she pass Vannah and Ele one as well. The Cabin looked more creepy than cozy now with the tiny flames lighting up their faces and the strange shadows on the walls. Mr. Bayne glanced between the two boys but said nothing. Are two going to be able work together despite well this Mr Bayne asked taking in Vannah and Luka's hands. His voice was damp and Vannah wondered if it was disgust. But that wasn't what disturbed her the fact that she didn't care was what bothered her most. Tomorrow I'm going to Monstro City  I have allies there U.g.i.s It's time the authority get's involved.

"The Authority is already involved and they are on Barons's side!" Mick thundered.  Vannah was trying to pay attention to them but something was distracting her it was a melody as if it was being whispered into her ear and it wasn't coming from Luka or anyone else in the room. She did release Luka's hand then, if the cabin was kind of creepy already now it was straight out of a horror flick.

"Doe's anyone here that?" She asked And Mr. Bayne and Mick stopped going back and forth.

"What is it Vannah?" Mr. Bayne asked.

"Music she answered concerned that know one else seemed to notice it.

It's coming from upstairs Vannah realized starting toward the steps where the music grew louder the others followed.  I don't here anything Connie and Ele were saying. They crowded outside of the girl's room. Vannah knew deep down that the sound was coming from the wooden box she pushed the door open.  Here the candle's weren't needed the room was completly lit in an emerald green glow the music softened and stopped completly once Vannah lifted it.

"Open it!" Caroline  said quietly as if speaking too loudly could ruin the magic off the moment .

"Slowly with her fingertips tingling Vannah eased it open and when she did something she had not expected came out. It was a voice a womens voice whispering a question that made Vannahs stomach dance.

"Leera is it you?"

"Vannah snapped the box shut gasping along with the other's. After a moment of stunned pause she reopened the box and again she was asked.

"Leera is it you?"

"Answer Caroline said coming closer and looking excited as well as concerned.

"Talk into it? Ele said mirroring Carolines expression. "Go on Vannah say something!" Connie incouraged.

"Wait!" both Luka and Mick said actually in agreement.

"What if its not safe." Luka asked  Now unsure and trusting Luka's jugdement Vannah closed it again.

"But what if its someone who can help her? Connie asked, This could be it!"

Vannah looked at Luka wanting him to reassure her. "I have to try, it might not even work Luka but if this person can help me find out more about my mother I cant miss this oppertunity. Luka nodded and Vannah was thankful.
 So once more Vannah opened the box only this time no question came instead it was a hushed plea like the women didn't want to be overheard.

"Leera please answer me you have to!"

"I'm not Leera!" Vannah whispered frantically she had lost some of her nerve she closed the box hoping that was how it worked. After what felt lke a lifetime of minutes in a desert with no water Vannah opened it again.

" Do you know where she is, is she alive?"   

"What am I supposed to say That I never met her but I'm her daughter?" Vannah clamped her mouth she hadn't meant to say that while the box was open.

"Its to late now, its not like you can erase it like a text Connie shrugged.

"I'm sorry it came out like I'm new at this but I don't know where Leera is and I was hoping you could help me I'm not sure but evidence says that Leera is my mother." Vannah Waited for a response and tears burned her eye's when the women said

"Oh I can't beleive it you can't be, are you... Is your name Vannah?"

"Yes!" Vannah Answered through sniffles And you your name?"

"Oh sweetheart Im Lexienna, I'm your aunt!"

Vannah's heart sqeezed but not in a sad way like when Trish had revealed herself as an imposter but in a way that made her want to scream out in joy she'd found family and in someway a peice of herself that she never knew was missing.

Vannah didn't know how to respond and her freinds were just as speechless. Vannah closed the box and hoping Lexienna whould know where to go from here. And she did.

"How did you get the Whispering box Vannah where did you find it?"

"At a bookstore in town called Rarity!" Vannah answered feeling somewhat insecure should she be disclosing her location to the voice to the women who may be her flesh and blood or maybe something else intirely Luka moved uncomfortably waiting for Vannah to see what Lexienna's response was. Lexienna's voice was louder now like who ever she'd been afraid might over hear didn't matter anymore.

'Vannah I'm here I've been in Rarity all these year's waiting for your mother hoping she'd come back hoping you would come back it was you on the tv wasn't it? You look so much like her oh goodness   I just remembered  how much i used to hate talking into this thing sorry for speed talking I'm just so overwhelmed I'm sure you are too we have to meet would tommorow be alright with you? I understand if not! Vannah couldnt help but laugh she all to well understood being overwhelmed. But the overwhelming feeling of triumph she had while getting Lexiennas adress was just fine with her. They ended there conversation with the promises of tomorrow and that's when all the lights came back on. 














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