» Fantasy » The Dark Kildriane( Book One), A.L.P.D [psychology books to read .txt] 📗

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as good as me some day,’
Dad could do several gymnasium things, he was always good at throwing himself in mid air and doing flips or whatever.
We then heard a crash from the back window doors in the living room, our heads turned to see who it was or what. Three humanoid things darted in the kitchen and before my parents could think, Mom was grabbed by the neck and was thrown against the wall. I heard her back crack, she slumped against the wall when she came down.
‘Mommy?’ I called,’ Mommy !’
I ran over to her, but one of the creatures stepped in front of me and flashed its fangs at me. [A vampire] I thought .
‘Kyliss run!’ dad shouted as a vampire grabbed him by the neck and crushed it, I heard his neck crack and watched his eyes roll back into his head.
‘Daddy,’ I cried, tears were pouring down my cheeks. I could barely make out anything, I could see the vampires tear apart my parents limb by limb. Why didn’t my parents fight back ?
I bit my lip and turned and ran.
Later James’s parents found me on the road cold and tired, they took me in. They seemed to know what had happened, my parents were really good friends with them and worked with them.

Thats my story of how everything turned upside down for me.
Anyway When school is over or when there’s breaks, James and I live at Valor Dane Academy oh, and I’m sixteen. Like before when you read what Mr. Kelps had said my full name is, Kyliss Mike Carter.
Okay, I must have fallen asleep in class because someone was shaking me awake, I sat up then glanced to my right and saw James.
“Come on, Kyliss,” He said pulling me off my chair,” Come on, it’s time to check on what’s going on with your body system,”
I stood slightly leaning against James for support, a wave of nausea hit me, and I closed my eyes trying not to throw up.
I blinked.
It took all my strength just to stand; I knew there was something terribly wrong with me. My vision as I walked kept going out then coming back it just ended up being fussy the whole time that we walked to the lab. James was leading me because I couldn’t see that well.
When we got there James turned the lights on, and shut and locked the door behind us. I Kept blinking trying to clear my vision but it didn’t work, it started getting very irritating that I couldn’t make out anything like James face or my hand unless I held it up to my nose then I could make it out.
“Lean back,” James told me, I did closing my eyes,” That’s it, now just chill for a bit,”
I trusted James with my life for the matter. Here’s the reason; James and I have known eachother since we were babies, and our parents have known eachother since they were kids.
So James knows about what happened, and how it happened with my parents when they were killed in front of my own eyes, I was five or seven at the time. Another reason is because James is studying to become a doctor.
“Okay, Breath in then breath out very slowly,” James told me, I obeyed, but when he put the cold thing to my warm skin, I hissed,”Chill,”
I grimaced in distaste, but tried to calm myself down yet I was never good at doing that what made it worse is that it was starting to get hard to breath, like when you have a cold, and you nose it stuffed up? Yeah that’s how I felt.
James was hearing my breathing; he scowled at the thingamajig that he was using. I was getting a little agitated when he was saying nothing, and I was lying down on a not so comfy table plus it was cold. I was also laying with my face on it; it was really –really cold. James pulled the thing away from my back and told me to sit up.
“Your breath is a little ragged,” James said, he wrote something on a tablet of yellow lined paper. I then realized that my vision had restored itself but it was way more vivid and sharper.” Do you feel any different?”
“Besides still feeling ill…” I said,” No, but my eyesight has come back, and is amazingly sharper than it had been before,”
James looked at his pad of paper and scribbled that down.
“Let me see the mark,” James demanded and I obeyed. Pulling my Jacket off James gasped as he saw it, I looked down at it. The mark had crawled up my arm wrapping around like rose thorns, they were darker than the violet that had appeared before now they were a stark purple. “Whoa!” James exclaimed. All I could say was.
“This is… Whoa!” James was looking at it with his eyes looking like they were about to pop right out of his skull. But I felt different about this, no it wasn’t amazing (which is an overused word) but sadness, and worry. This is my fault, or was it both of ours? I didn’t really know.
I then felt a sharp burning pain hit my heart; I sharply took in air like it would help.
It didn’t.
I took my hand pressing it firmly on my chest where my heart was. Tears stung my eyes.
“K-Kyliss,” James begged,” What’s going on?”
I said nothing, my heart felt as though someone took a butcher knife, and stabbed me.
I started coughing up blood, I heard James step back as I bent over coughing up more blood entwined with tears that were streaking down my face.
“Kyliss,” James asked, as the burning, and stabbing pain subsided. I looked down at my hand where a strange symbol took place.
James stepped over the splattered blood on the floor, and gave me a black towel to wipe my face, I took it gratefully. I wiped my mouth; I felt something different in my mouth so ran my tongue along my teeth. What I found scared and fascinated me.
My canines had gotten longer you know like a vampire, but a Kildraine wasn’t that. A Kildraine is between an elf and a Dragon so they have an appearance of both. Meaning they have fangs like a dragon, but not as long.
I lifted up my hand, and ran my index finger along my now ingrown fangs.
I felt like I had just cut my finger on a knife instead of a tooth, I mean really a tooth?
“How do you fell?” James asked me, I didn’t feel that much better but at least the burning was gone which left my sick, and tired.
Though my body also felt like I had ran about one thousand miles non stop, but I had never done that I’m pretty sure if I did at the end I probably feel like falling on the floor and guzzle down fifteen bottles of water.
“ I’m better,” I told him my word were slightly slurred ,” Well at least better than before,”
You know its pretty hard to talk with fangs that don’t go away , yeah they stayed there unlike a vampire my fangs didn’t go’ into hiding’. I looked up at the clock.[2:40]
“James you should probably get to your other classes,” I said slurring my words I stuck out my tongue before I spoke again,” Erm, Do you think you can cover for me?”
“Like that wouldn’t be easy,” He said sarcastically,” of course I can’t,”
“Thanks, you should go before Mr. Kelps kills you,” I said, James nodded and smiled in spite of himself, we both knew Mr.Kelps would try to kill him. He hates both of us.
“Sure you’ll be fine?” James asked. I nodded,” okay get some sleep,”
“I will after I clean this mess,” I said, James nodded then left.

After I was done cleaning up the mess, I threw away the towels then walked to the rooms. I stumbled as I walked down the hallway to our room. When I got there I dug out my key and fumbled with it until I stuck it into the lock and turned it.
I took the key out when I opened the door and walked in, I shut the door behind me. Once I got to my comfy bed I fell on top of all the covers and not bothering to climb in bed I fell asleep just like that.


When I had gotten to my class after I had lest Kyliss, Mr. Kelps came up to me when I walked in.
“Where have you been?” he asked, I scratched my head staring at him trying to think of something to say.
“Well, I was just helping Kyliss,” I told him,” my brother is sick,”
“That’s too bad,” Mr. Kelps said,” next time tell me when you are going to be late,”
I saluted him saying,” Yes, sir, very sorry sir,”
He gave me a strange look , he sighed then went on with his lecture about what kind of magic elves and wizards can use. I sighed as I slumped into my chair trying to concentrate on what he was saying, after school and after basketball practice I was going to check on Kyliss.
And perhaps get my homework done, well I did want to go back playing my game, but I knew if my grades dropped my parents would come down on me. Now that is never a happy sight.
Kyliss wasn’t in basketball he thought it was a waste of time, like he knew he was in track now that’s a waste of time. I stared out into the distance as Mr. Kelps lectured, like I’m sure Kyliss has told you I love daydreaming or maybe he hasn’t anyhow you know now, one of my best day dreams where I could touch the rim of the basketball hoop.
When class was over I grabbed my gym bag from my locker, and started running to the basket ball court.
I ended up knocking into someone, but I was the one who fell, not the other person. I climbed to my feet and stared at the guy who had purple eyes, black hair and a blue tint to his already pale skin.
“Who are you?” I asked, the guy stood there just staring at me like he was trying to think first of what to say; he was staring at me like I was some kind of royalty.
He finally looked me in my eyes.
“James Seth Malve you have been chosen,” He announced.
He pointing at my forehead between my eyebrows. Then he said,” Alule movul dov ope,” it was Kildraine
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