» Fantasy » The Dark Kildriane( Book One), A.L.P.D [psychology books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Dark Kildriane( Book One), A.L.P.D [psychology books to read .txt] 📗». Author A.L.P.D

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“What yo-,” I was cut off when I felt a burning sensation between my eyebrows. When it ended I felt there, I felt a shape that was formed with my index finger it when down then up. It was an indentation of a crescent moon.” Wha- what’d you say?”
“Alule movul dov ope,” He repeated,” the child has been chosen of good,” He translated.
“That’s Kildraine right?” I asked, he nodded,” then what kind are you?”
“Water,” he said.
“So I was chosen for what?” I asked.
“There’s a war brewing against the vampires,” he told me,” We need more people,”
“Okay,” I said,” Can I ask you a question an important one… at least to me it is,”
“Sure kid what is it?”
“First who are you?”
“Ronan Gray, “he said.
“And also what happens when you,” I said,” Inject Kildraine blood into your blood veins if you human?”
“Well you turn into a dark Kildraine,” Ronan said,” The darks are usually what we call accidents from Waters,”
“The water is usually the darks older brother or sister adopted or not it works,”
“So is that how waters are born?”
“Yes,” Ronan said,” they have to pay a price or some are just chosen,”
“Okay,” I said,” I really have to get to practice,”
“But I have to bring you back,”
“J-just wait,” I called as I ran to my practice.
When I got to practice I was late and my coach had me run suicides.

After practice I ran to my room, dropping my things I walked over to Kyliss as he was sleeping.
“Kyliss,” I called, he rolled over and looked at me, and his blue eyes looked like they were being clouded over with black his hair was also getting darker. “What’s the matter?”
“Who’s that?” he asked pointing behind me, I looked behind me and saw who he was talking about, Ronan stood there with a sly smile on his face.
“You think I wouldn’t know that you’d do that?” Ronan asked,” I also was in your position before kid,”
“James who is he?” Kyliss asked in a small voice that I rarely ever hear from him.
“I’ll tell you in a sec,” I told him then looked back at the Kildraine. Ronan looked at Kyliss in interest; he walked over to him pushing me away from my brother. He grabbed Kyliss’s left arm where the mark was, and lifted up his sleeve.
“Now,” Ronan started,” There’s a reason why you were changed James,” He pointed to Kyliss.
“You told him to do it right?”
“I suppose in a way I did,”
“Then there’s your answer,” Ronan said, smiling down at Kyliss who was sitting there confused,” Water and Darks are connected, in a way that no one really knows, but sadly us waters killed our self from any royalty like the Darks have,”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“That I’ll tell you later ,” Ronan said,” A dark is coming to collect your brother, we’d better get going or else the council will be very annoyed,”
“Okay,” I said, walking over to him.
“What’s going on,” Kyliss cried, I knew he was trying to calm down but was having a hard time doing so.
“I’m leaving,” I said,” Kyliss everything is going to be alright,”
It was the last thing I said to him before we vanished, and came to a forest that was blue, like everything there was blue.
Later I got registered as water Kildraine, and then was sent off to Dawn Academy where all Kildraine kids go.
Chapter 2 (New Life) Kyliss

When I had stopped crying I got up, and got in the shower. Okay now here’s the thing, I usually never cry like that. It was kind of weird, and it bothered me.
I looked in the mirror when I got out of the shower, wiping off the steam I peered into my reflection, it scared me. My blue eyes were clouding over with blackness and my hair was slowly darkening to black right now it looked brown, I opened my mouth to reveal my fangs that I already knew about. It was still creepy to see that.
I sighed then came out of the bathroom, no James no more trying to be in private besides outside my room, meaning I could change out here. When I got changed in some clothing I turned on some television, and started working on some Sudoku puzzle that I really didn’t know how to play, but did it anyway. I looked down at my mark again it sent chills up my spine. No one came to my room that night.

I got into bed, and fell asleep.
I thought I heard a noise so I sat up and looked around, nothing I sighed then lied back down not worrying about it, and it possibly was my imagination. When I finally got to sleep I dreamt about dark and violent things.
I stood there looking around in the dark; I heard growling behind me so I spun around to see what it was. There stood a monster with dangerously sharp teeth that looked menacing; I looked at its eyes which were blazing red. I took step back, it growled like it was going to pounce on me, but it stayed where it was. I was freaked out, I could do nothing at all I was open to be killed or eaten alive either way whatever was there could do anything like that to me. I suddenly bent forward in pain, I could hardly breathe instead I panted trying to get air into my body but couldn’t. It was like my airways were completely blocked off, and someone was trying to suffocate me.

I sat up, sweat was dripping down my shirt and my heart was pumping fast. I gasped for air trying to get my heart beat to normal. When my heart stopped pumping so fast I heard a rapping at my door, I peered at it then climbed out of my bed. I walked over to it and opened it a boy with red eyes and black hair stood there,I jumped back in surprise. The boy chuckled at me.
“Who-who are you?” I asked, as he let himself in my room, he glanced around then turned his attention back to me. I flipped the switch on, the boy was wearing all black it made me feel weary to be around him.
“Orin Bay,” He answered in an Irish accent, was he irish? where was the red hair and the blue eyes?,” I have come to bring you to my kingdom,”
“Why? and what the heck are you?” I growled , Orin sighed. he looked like he was annoyed with me, but tried not to show it. That. He failed.
Orin rolled his eyes,” I am a dark Kildriane..” I opened my mouth ,” Wait! before you speak I’ll tell you why I have come, well more as why I was sent.”
Orin walked over to my bed at sat on it,” You are changing into a dark kildriane-”
“I know that!” I snapped, he blinked at me in surprise,” Ronan, a Water Kildriane told me,”
“Oh, Okay,” Orin said,” Lets go,”
He held out a hand, I didn’t take it right away. I glared at him then walked over to me dresser and grabbed some normal clothing. I went to the bathroom and got changed, when I came out Orin was looking at a photo album James and I had made over the past years we started it when we started junior high.
“Excuse me, but that’s special,” I told him, he looked up at me and nodded.
“Who's the girl with the red hair?”
I looked down at the picture, I sighed I have forgotten all about this picture and the girl. I think her name was Adeline although I could be wrong, I’m not sure.
“I don’t remember, she was one of my brother’s friends,” I told him, Orin nodded and then grabbed my hand.
We vanished.

When we reappeared in the dark woods, we were never allowed to go in here it was called cursed so everyone stayed away from it.
Orin pulled me along as we walked in the creepy dark forest, I stumbled and tripped over the invisible branches and crap on the ground. I amazingly tripped over my own feet, I started feeling hungry and I really had to go pee.
“We’ll stop here for a moment,” Orin said as he sat on something, he looked at my eyes,” You should be able to see in the dark by now,”
“I see as well as, I can,” I grunted, my eyes flickered around trying to find an okay spot to go pee. When I found it I walked over there and went.
When I walked back to Orin I realized my vision started to become clearer, and more focused. As I walked up to Orin I was able to see as clearly as when it was sunny outside.
“Alright,” Orin said,” We’re going to go much faster now,”
“OKay,” I said, we were going fast before I wonder how fast he meant this time.Orin grabbed ahold of my arm and started sprinting about 50,000 miles per hour if that’s believable.
When Orin skidded to a stop and let go of me, I tripped and fell in a pile of mud or at least I hoped it was just mud. I got on my fours and craned my head back to see an old castle like the ones you see in movies or whatever. It was creepy and it had vampire bats flying around it or maybe they were huge hawks or something, but they were huge.
“Orin what the heck are those thing?” I asked as I stood. I pointed with my index finger.
“Those are called, Rinnions,” Orin replied,” Rinnions are a lot like bats,but they are smarter and faster they are also way more lethal . Do not make one mad or you’ll pay the price,”
We started climbing the steps to this old castle, when we got to the top Orin said something in Kildriane that sounded like this ‘Onnon jy fey mu,’ or something on that standard well it sounded like gibberish.
I wrinkled my nose and shook my head, will I ever learn that language ? I doubt that I really suck at languages, even spelling my own I have to use spell check and ask James how to spell things.
The huge metal door creaked open and a huge dog came out, it started smelling us. When it was done smelling us it let out a yelp and we walked in, a girl walked up to Orin and kissed him on the cheek.
“Hey, dear,” She smiled at him,” Who’s the kid?”

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