» Fantasy » The Dark Kildriane( Book One), A.L.P.D [psychology books to read .txt] 📗

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Dark Prince,” I smiled.
“Well, I’m glad we have another, your kind can be very interesting, we’ve been through several and they’ve all been different and usually always troublemakers,” He laughed,” Anyway, I’m Mr. Vail,”
“So what were you doing when I interrupted?” I asked.
Mr. Vail sighed, and put a finger up to his mouth thinking then his eyes brightened,” Oh, yes we were putting together teams or rather I was putting together teams ,” He looked around at the rest of them,” Alright get in a line, now I’ll repeat the rules; no fighting, no powers ‘cause most of the newbies don’t know how to use them,”
They all nodded, I frowned he’s right I didn’t even know how my own powers worked besides creating a small flame. Kazin showed me how to do that, and was starting to teach me some other elements.
Mr. Vail started going down the line counting off numbers,”1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,2,1,2,1,2,” When he ended he shouted,” alright, 1’s go to the right and 2’s go the the left,”
I was a ‘2’, even at my human school I was always a two and i had no idea why,I just hope we don’t get jerseys. Those thing usually stink.
I walked over to the left side of the court, a boy with red hair walked up to me with a cocky smile,” So we’ve got the Prince,”
The others just looked at me with a guarded look, what did they have against me? I wondered.
I narrowed my eyes at the cocky red head, why is it always the red heads that are annoying little twits? “Yeah, I’m on your team. so what?”
“Don’t talk to me like that Princie,” The red head hissed, two others came up beside him.
“Yeah don’t talk to him like that,” They shouted at the same time.
“Why not?” I countered. I felt my eyes burn fluorescent violet,” You know what don’t call me that and you know what you’re acting like dillweeds,” I spat.
The redheads smile turned into an evil smirk, “ I’m Roy Bay, “
“Amazing,” I growled,” I truly don’t care,”
“Alright, let’s stop arguing and work together,” Ray suggested as Mr. Vail shouted that 2’s were shirt and 1’s were jerseys.
I smiled,” alright, let’s work together, just letting you know I hate this game so I hope I won’t suck,”
“I doubt it,” He smiled,” Bye the way I’m a fire Kildriane,”
“explains the hair and attitude,” I mumbled, but he heard me anyway.

As we started the game I looked over at the 1’s a lot of them were earths and winds a few were waters and fires. I then noticed a tall boy about 6’2 with Dark brown hair and deep blue eyes, he had darker tan skin. I looked in his eyes he looked like James, wait was that him? I wondered.
I shook my head and turned back to the game.
“Kyliss run and I’ll pass it to you!” Roy shouted, I started running. When I got close to the hoop Roy threw it at me, I caught it which amazed me. I then threw it in, it swirled around then dropped through the basket, my jaw dropped in surprise. When did I get good I throwing and more than that when did I get good at throwing it in when other kids were blocking me?
“Hey !” A girl shouted on the other team,” That is so not fair,” she protested.
“Yeah,” Another girl shouted,” He’s a prince,”
I narrowed my eyes at them,” That doesn’t mean that I’m good at thing like this, beginner's luck,” I said,”It was just beginners luck,”
The two glared at me, it was kind of unnerving. I swear I could see they were thinking of tearing me limb from limb, its just a game right ? Just a silly game, why were they getting so angry about a silly game?
“Uh-huh,” a girl with blonde hair said,” okay,”
“Hold up!” I shouted,” If its a problem, I can sit out today,”
She shook her head and smiled,” Sorry, we just get into the game, don’t quit. I’m Sara, the other two are Jenny and Sam,”
“Okay,” I smiled.
So we kept on playing, despite myself I actually enjoyed the exercise. I never have liked exercise before, well I guess thats another thing that has changed about me besides me appearance.

When class was over I walked into the locker room with the other boys, I smelled myself ugh I needed a shower badly. So I quickly took one, I got dressed and then started heading out when I started hearing shouting I stopped and walked toward the noise.
The boy with deep blue eyes, was being bullied by two other boys his size.
“Come on twerp fight back!” one of them shouted, and started laughing.
“Yeah,” The other snipped.
I stayed back for a moment trying to think of what I should say to stop them, I use to be pretty good at that when we were in sixth grade when James got bullied a lot. I let out a breath and then walked into view, the three turned their heads. One looked to be a wind and the other two were Waters.
“What are you doing?” I asked as if I didn’t already know.
“Go away, this isn’t your business,” The water said
“What’s your name?” I plundered on.
“Calvin Drake,”
“Drake... Your brother is kind,” I said, then narrowed my eyes,” Why aren’t you?”
Calvin just crossed his arms and said nothing.
“Thats what I thought,” I hissed,” Now leave,”
“Why should I?”
I kept my mouth shut, he was irritating me usually when that happens I snap and attack the kid. I felt wind pick up in the locker room, Calvin backed up his eyes were wide. He has obviously seen the outcome of this before, I still wondered why he was still in school. He should be out by now, but then I remembered what Kazin had told me Waters usually stay in school for a long time until they learn enough to become knights of the kingdom. They could get out quicker if they wanted to become a healer or have some other profession.
I kept an eye on Calvin as he ran I turned to where the Wind was standing, I smirked he wasn’t there anymore. I smiled.
I looked at the remaining boy who was standing in the corner still terrified, I noticed bruises on his arm and legs that weren’t there before. But as I spotted them they healed quickly, the boy opened his eyes and looked at me.
“Who are you?” He asked, I cocked my head to one side. Wasn’t he listening?
“Kyliss Carter,” I told him.
A smile spread across his face like I just said there was free ice cream in the cafeteria
“Mikie!” He said, I shot a strange look at him, how did this kid know my middle name. Unless this kid was James.
“James?” I asked, He grinned and nodded. His eyes were sparkling in gladness it was kind of funny. Did he really miss me that much?
“It’s me,” James smiled,” I never thought we would end up in the same class together,”
“Neither did I,” I said,” Esh, no wonder Kazin never liked talking about his older brother... He’s a jerk,”
“Yeah, and I thought he was my friend,” he groaned then scratched the back.
“Wait till I really get my hand on that Pinhead,” I growled,” I’ll crush him,”
“Kyliss please dont ,” James pleaded, He started putting his dirty gym clothes into his bag.
“Why shouldn’t I?” I retorted, he looked at me. James was an inch taller than me and he looked strong well looked.
“Because I don’t need a protector !” he spat.
I put my hands up,” Okay, okay but I still want to crush him,”
James laughed at me and went over to me and patted me on the shoulder,” Don’t you always,”
“Whatever,” I said then the bell rang,” Mmm, hey James any idea how to get to the Art classroom?”
James eyes widened in surprise.
“Art?” He asked,”You’re kidding me right?”
I shook my head, he knew I wasn’t ever good at art. He was always the artist not me.
“Yeah I know where it is, thats my next class,” he said, he threw his gym bag in a locker and locked it. “Come on,”
As we walked I noticed the difference between use, who knew a week could magically change you? We were quite on the way to the Art class.


I was glad Kyliss was back, it gave me a sense of peace. When I heard his name in the court I turned to see him, it looked nothing like the brother I use to know. So I just didn’t believe that he was him, not until he scared away Calvin and his posse. I was taller than Kyliss by an inch, he had gotten much taller. Though I heard Darks get really tall, it was strange knowing that my brother was royalty. His eyes were violet ,VIOLET! thats strange and his hair was white not as strange, but still as strange.
When Kyliss and I were five and after his parents were killed we had made a pact that we would always help each other and never turn on each other. I hope we can keep that promise, it seems like all I do is hope and hope and hope.
So the elements of the Kildriane realm are Lights, Darks, Water, Fire, Earth and Wind. There are also those who are called Rogues, they are the ones that were never claimed by anyone and were attacked and bitten by a Kildriane. So what a Kildriane really is, is a hybrid of a dragon and an elf strangely. No one really knows how that came about, it just did. Like vampires how they’re half ghost and half human, and then werewolves that have a spirit of a wolf that they are connected to. Although there is another Hybrid called the Fraric it is a fairy and Merfolk no one again knows how they came about they just did. The Fraric stay in silence and never come out of hiding, but some have been spotted over the years.
Humans rarely ever play with Kildriane DNA now because some have figured out when it does to them, I guess I should have gone into more research than do what we did.
“Hey, James you awake?” Kyliss said as he waved his hand in front of my face. I blinked and frowned at him.
“I am I was just thinking,” I told him, Kyliss frowned then started giggling like a little kid.
“You know,” He started,” If you think too hard your brain just might explode,”
That was something we joked about when we were kids, what was up with Kyliss? He’s acting like a child.
“No it isn’t,” I huffed.
He made a face then said ”Sure it is Jamsie,” I rolled my eyes then we hung a left, at the end of the hallway was the art room. I was glad,I loved drawing it was my favorite hobby well that also included video games that my mom had always told me would rot my brain someday. I of course ignored her.
When we walked in the room, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at us. I glared at them until they went back to what they were doing, but two girls were still staring at us, they were cute one was a Fire the other was and Earth.
I walked over to Mr. Dray’s desk he was sitting at it , when I came up he looked at us and smiled. I looked at his
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