» Fantasy » Level 13, Virginia Lang [early reader chapter books TXT] 📗

Book online «Level 13, Virginia Lang [early reader chapter books TXT] 📗». Author Virginia Lang

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a portion of it so they could defrost. It was curious how tired I should have been, but I wasn't. I had been up all night, since I had parted with Jack Kresht at the West Wing building. Who knows how long it would have taken me to say a word to him before now. If he hadn't asked what I was doing up in the ninth floor stairwell landing I would have never bothered to say a word to him, just admire him from a far like I always did. It was the first time, the previous evening, that I had ever had a glimpse of Jack's Ability. Never once did I ever understand why he would disappear randomly during a class, or during lunch and leave everyone behind to be in his own world of power.

"Huh..." I muttered to myself, as not to wake Kara who was sleeping soundly across the room with her blue and yellow polka dotted silk pajama covered back towards me. "Invisibility..."

It seriously was hard to believe, No one in the Academy had the power of invisibility, therefore I had never witnessed anything personally besides a Saturday morning cartoon comic that may have specified the "Invisible Man" once...or maybe that was a movie. I couldn't remember at the moment, but perhaps it was a movie. I let out a long sigh as the sky became lighter, turning my eyes towards the digital clock built into Kara's Ipod charger, speaker system on the oak dresser.


Well, at least it was the weekend, no classes today.

The alarm went off at 8:15, a large thump hitting the floor. I jolted upright causing the fleece tiger blanket to fall off of my chest to my waist. My breathing was rapid as was my heartbeat; a groan caused me to turn my head towards my left, trailing down from the empty bed to the floor, where Kara was sitting on the floor rubbing her bum. The sight of her tousled hazel brown hair and blue and yellow polka dot silk pajamas cause my lips to upturn into a grin and I let out a chuckle.

Kara turned to face me with a glare, which didn't last long because moments later she joined my out coming laughter and me.

"That was priceless." I managed to get out through the fits of laughter escaping my body.

It took us a while but the laughter finally died down, tears falling from laughing so hard. Kara wiped her eyes, catching her breath and pulled herself up using the bed. She moved over to the dresser and shut off the alarm that was still beeping loudly. The ringing from the beeps in my ear faded away and I gave a sigh of relief and plopped back onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Ah, sweet freedom." I laughed.

Kara gave a laugh and shook her head with a wide grin as she pulled a drawer open in her dresser and yanked out a pair of faded blue jeans, tossing them onto her bed with her left hand while she closed the drawer and opened another one with her right. She fumbled around in the drawer for a few minutes, while I lay there on my bed and stared at a little speck on the ceiling.

"Aha!" Kara pulled out a blue polo shirt triumphantly and tossed it on the bed, before she grabbed a pair of faded pink undergarments and matching socks. As she leaned down to grab her buckle up shoes she muttered something that I didn't catch. So turning my head I looked over in her direction and furrowed my brow.


Kara leaned back up and put the shoes on the clothes and picked the pile up in her arms. "I'm going to take a shower, then go to breakfast."

"Oh, okay."

She gave me a smile and walked over to the door, I turned my head back up to the ceiling and shut my eyes; it took me a few moments to realize I never heard the door click shut and I opened my eyes to look towards the door, which was slightly ajar. With a groan I shifted and pulled myself out of bed, walking over to solid oak rectangle that was hinged to the opening in the wall. Sighing I shut the door and turning to walk back to my bed. As a slight breeze caught my bare feed on the hardwood floor I slowed to a stop and turned my head behind me. The door was ajar, again.

"What the hell." I cursed under my breath as I walked back and shut the door again, this time with more force, and locking it. I turned back around and headed back to my bed, settling back in it, my eyes on the door and the fleece blanket covering me.

Chapter 3:Jack

The sun was rising, causing the sky to turn gray, the stars fading away into their hiding places. It was the most irritating view to watch after spending half of the evening talking, screaming, and getting lost. So yeah, I spent part of the evening after classes were over with Kitty Frenntt on level 9, so what? It's not like anyone would know but us... I let out a long sigh as I sat back against the wall on my side of the room, the bed underneath me sinking slightly. I must admit, this was not the most comfortable of positions, but I was having a pretty hard time sleeping, especially with my roommate, the annoying, nerdy, Cridden Dumouss.

This boy slept like a rock, he wouldn’t wake up for shit through the night, and the only way I've ever been able to wake him during a school morning was by dragging him out of his bed, down the hall to the boys showers, and run him under ice cold water, yeah that got his butt up quickly. After while I began to just let him sleep, hell it wasn’t my job to wake his butt up every flipping morning or every day.

As he blatantly slept, I leaned up against the wall my bed was on and stared longingly out the now lighter sky. Thankfully it was Saturday, however I still had schoolwork to do. The Physics essay. There were few others in my class who even knew how to really understand physics, hell even my own teacher; Mr. Reyburn didn't seem to know it half the time. Either that or he really was just playing stupid. But...there was one other in the class, who I noticed knows this like the top of her hand. Maybe I should just ask her for help, she DID know that I was smoking. And no one knew about that, no one, and for good reason.

I started about 18 months ago, a few months before my brothers and I landed us here cause of our abilities. I could never keep friends long enough anyway, not that I had any here at Arealynn. This I would blame on my brothers, and the power. Yes, I felt invisible anyway, which is the reason I hate being able to turn invisible. Turning invisible was just the affirmation that I was already invisible in the first place. Actions speak louder than words, well screw you actions.

My head turned toward the clock above the doorway, 5:42. Well, instead of venting to myself as always I decided to just get up.

Careful not to trip on anything in the room, I moved off of the bed and towards my dresser, gently pulling it away from the wall and reaching my hand behind it. I felt around for a moment or two before I stopped and pulled back my hand now holding a pack of smokes. I slowly pulled one out and then put the pack back behind the dresser under the wood and pushed the dresser back against the wall with a slight thud. I cringed but relaxed, still hearing Cridden snoring away. These were the reasons why I kinda thanked God for a loud roommate.

Grabbing the one cigarette and tucking it the pocket of my zip-up sweater that I just pulled on, I pulled on a pair of jeans that I slipped my Zippo into, and my converse and snuck my way out of the dorm room. The hallway was dead, as always on a Saturday morning, everyone was sleeping away.

I continued my way down the hall and down the main flight of stairs to the base room and out onto the grounds where I snuck over to the west wing building. With one final look around in the midst of the foggy grayness of the now awakening morning I pulled open the back door of the west wing and started up the flight of stairs till I got to the 9th floor landing and opened the door, walking down the hall to the old abandoned history classroom and opened the window slightly. The slight breeze caught me off guard and I shivered, the air biting at the bare skin of my chest. Zipping up the sweater more, I pulled out the cigarette and the Zippo out of my pockets and put it to my lips, lighting it up.

The first inhale felt nice, the feeling of calmness flowing through me. Sure, I knew that these cancer sticks would most likely kill me someday, but for now, I really didn’t care.

Chapter 4:
Creaky old floorboards

The door started to creek again, Kitty wrapped up in the fleece blanket glaring towards it. this door was seriously getting on her nerves, not to mention she was trembling in what she may have called fear, either that or the chill easing itself into the room. She shut her eyes, trying to block it out.

Come on Katrina, this is nothing to be freaking about, its just a door that needs to be fixed, that’s all.

As she thought this to herself, a faint sound started to erupt from down the hall. At first Kitty couldn’t quite grasp what it was, but as her ears started to strain, they adjusted to the well known sound of clicking heels on hardwood. Her eyes snapped open, this was not the sound she was hoping to hear, and she was hoping to hear anything but that.

Swinging her feet off of the bed, she hopped off, letting the fleece blanket fall around her feet, and she ran to the creaked open door, swinging it open and stepping into the hall.


"Hello?" Kitty turned her head to her left towards the end of the hall, nothing, then she turned to the right, again nothing. "Hello, is anyone there?"

The clicking still sounded faint, and she turned back to her left, and walked quickly down the hallway towards the window facing the west wing. IF it was not coming from this wing then it must have been coming from the west wing building the same as the night before. As she reached the window she placed a small hand apon it, wiping the moisture from it somewhat and peering out.

It was foggy, not giving her much ability to see. Man if she could control weather she would so do it right now. However, she could not, so she took the liberty to continue down the hall to her right to the stairwell and down to the base room of the Girls North wing building, and opened the door to the grounds.

As she looked around in the fog she gave an irritated sigh at not seeing much of
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