» Fantasy » Level 13, Virginia Lang [early reader chapter books TXT] 📗

Book online «Level 13, Virginia Lang [early reader chapter books TXT] 📗». Author Virginia Lang

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girl next to Emerald...Em wit ha questioning look. "Excuse me?"

"My name's Aileen." she said, not looking at me.

"Oh, yeah Aileens a mind reader by the way..."

I nodded. "So I noticed."

I finished the piece of toast and sighed, this was just getting more interesting my the minute.


Chapter 6: Jack
"Who was that?"

I looked up at Josh who was looking at me over his roll holding hand which was propt up to his face lazily. I was assuming he ment who walked in next to me and parted to the opposite side of the room. With a slight shrug I didn't verbally answer his question, which in my opinion was really non of his damn buisness, and kept walking for the dining trays. I looked over the large amounts of food and stood there for about three seconds total before just reaching out and grabbing an orange juice, a peice of sausage, and two peices of toast with rasberry jam. Shoving a pice of toast in my mouth, i carried the rest with me to a corner of the room, and as no one seemed to notice, I walked right passed the table in which my brothers were currently sitting at, and continued towards the door.

[-----Third person---]

A shiver of realization hit Katrina Frentt as the invisible Jack walked past her, even though she could not see him she felt him. Something was off...

Are you feeling okay?


Kitty gazed up at Aileen who was gazing at Kitty with a meaninful look.Still a bit out of it from lack of sleep, Kitty forced a smile, and sliding out of the seat next to Kara, who in turn looked up at her with a strange look.

"Where are you going.?" Kitty looked at her feet and shrugged.

"To change, and maybe take a nap..." and with that she just left without another word and walked out of the Dinning hall. The fog was still in the proccess of fading but Kitty knew it wouldn't have made a diffrence. So with a long wigh she moved through the a new patch of cold, damp grass, and strutted through the grounds.

"Jack, where are you..." she hissed, she didn't hear a response which caused her to get slightly agravated, so she decided that she would head back to her dorm room in hopes to look find him with thawed out feet.


Jack could sense her presence coming near him, and sure neough when he looked up from the bench he was sitting on, he saw her pass by. When he heard his name he made no movement to follow, or get up. He was beggining to get soft again, and whether he realized it or not, he wasn't attracted to her sexually, it was something about how she treated he was her friend. And what scared him to death.

He had no friend, no exactly, sure he hung around people, sometimes...okay very rarely, and his own roommate was to dorky to hang with him...and that wasn't his fault, it was how Jack was raised.

He leaned back against the bench and sighed, shoving the rest of the contents of food into his mouth. It took him a moment or two before he pushed himself up and walked after Kitty.


The hardwood floor creeked under her bare feet as Kitty walked down the hallway and to her door, where she opened it and walked in.

"Well, at least it finally closed."

She pulled out a pair of pants and a tshirt, pulling them on and a pair of socks, her red converse, and her favorite plaid sweater, which was a relief from the cold air. It was a few moments before she took them off again and grabbed a towel.

"Okay, a shower sounds sooo much better right now." She admited to herself aloud and grabbed her clothes with the towel wrapped around her and headed out of her room down the hall to the showers.


Jack had his hand over his eyes, even through she couldnt see him and obviously he could have gotten away with it, but he was shy in that aspect, something his brothers wern't..well that he knew of, and so out of respect, and to keep himself from turning into a tomato, covered his eyes.

When he heard her leave after saying she needed a shower, he took a moment before heading after her. He of course would wait outside, but if he stayed in the room, he didn;t know if she would return.


It's not nice to stalk people.

Jack was freaked.

Chapter 7:
Far from home

Jack didn't let out a word from his lips as he heard the voice. He turned, though he was invisible, he was sure that someone knew he was there. But he saw no one. He took in a breath and slowly exhaled, trying not to get to hyped up, just because he was invisible doesn't mean he was sound proof.

His breath was getting heavier, which made him more vulnerable, causing him to hesitate in movement. Maybe I should just keep going... he told himself, which he did. Taking a few steps towards the direction in which Kitty had gone, he started to lose the hesitating feeling of being watched and continued the path to the showers, in which he walked in and stood outside the shower wall.

Someone has a crush on the Kitten.

Jack furrowed his brow; I’m not going crazy...

Another female entered the showers, taking a stall a few down from Kitty's.

Of course you aren’t.

I'm not? wait...who are you. Why can I hear you in my head?

The girl in the shower, though he was unable to see, smirked as she started washing her hair under the warm water. No, Jack, you aren’t crazy...

Jack crossed his arms over his knees, which were propped up as he slid to the floor to sit. If I’m not crazy, then...why am I hearing a female voice in my head?

Perhaps it's because you are in the North wing building...the girls the girl’s showers on this level.

He tilted his head in thought, for a moment; she had a good point.

I'm Jack...

The sound of soft laughter could be heard in the showers, but it wasn't Kitty's laughter, she was humming to herself lightly in the shower stall, it reverberated of the tile walls of the shower, it was a soothing sound, her voice. Jack even had to admit...she had a good tone of voice.

Hello Jack...


Why are you in here?

Uh... Jack's face turned slightly pink at her question. But it may have been more of the answer that made him flush than the question itself. You really wouldn't believe me if I told you...

Well, Jack. She chuckled. Try me.

Jack took a deep, steady breath, trying not to give himself away in the showers, seeing as he was leaning up against Kitty’s shower wall.

Well, Kitty was looking for me earlier. Because I walked out with out a word...and she's been being a good friend within the last 24 hours, so...I don’t. Have friends. I have my brothers. And I guess, I want to tell her...that I... like her. That she's the first person to make me feel like I exist, well. You know. It's just. The way she looks at me, she doesn't look at me and see my brothers, she sees me, not the wrongs I may do, or have done, and she sees me. And I heard her looking for me...a while ago, and I didn’t answer, because I was being an I came up to follow her. To speak with her, but I don’t know how to...Jack let out a small sigh. This was not something he really wanted to be telling to someone he didn’t know, but hey...someone was willing to maybe he was willing to think. Yeah....

Well that is something you really should Stop being such a pansy, and tell her what you just told me.


You just told your feelings to a voice of a person you don’t even know. Come on, there really isn't much else I can say in that matter.

Well, that's a good point I guess.

The shower turned off, and Kitty pulled the towel into the shower, drying herself off and wrapping the towel around her body, walking out into the bathroom part of the showers and to her mound of clothing on one of the sinks. She started to pull on her clothes, which caused Jack to cover his eyes again.

Oh me...

Kitty turned as the girl in the other shower had turned it off and dried herself, changing in her stall and walking out in pants and a button up shirt she had borrowed from her friend Trav.


Aileen smiled at Kitty. "That would be me, don’t wear it out."

Kitty laughed and rolled her eyes as she pulled on her plaid coat.

"So, that boy...Jack you walked in with earlier. Is he the reason you left too?" she asked curiously, brushing her mangled hair in the mirror.

"Yeah...but you already knew that..."

Aileen let out a chuckle. I don't know everything.

With a grin, Kitty nodded. "I doubt that."

"You like him don’t you."

"Now how did you get that idea?” Kitty smirked and left the showers, leaving a grinning Aileen and an invisible Jack alone in the shower room.

Chapter 8: Kitty

Aileen was an interesting girl, I must admit, she was a level or two above me if not more. Telepathy would be such a burden. Would it not? To be able to listen to anyone’s thoughts at almost any time. That takes an amount of control to be able to handle not hearing everything coming from every person passing you. I know I wouldn’t be able to handle so many voices of so many around me at once, never being able to hear your very own thoughts because they are being drown out by masses of mental issues. I mean in this place, everyone had an issue, no matter what it was, or who is was with. This is why I looked up to Aileen, I didn’t know her that well, but she was able to control her ability, her power, with much more control than many of the other students in Arealynn.

I of course, the ability of a chameleon, could not control my ability to the highest extent. My powers were limited. I could camouflage into objects such as walls, and Jack’s invisible body. I haven’t been able to bend my body with my ability; that, I was still trying to learn.

As I reached the dorm room I shared with Kara, I walked in and tossed the towel in the hamper near my bed. I knew this was Saturday, and seeing as we weren’t supposed to leave the school without an escort at least by a level 5, I would be staying in the Academy. Again.

“Might as well do the essay for Mr., Reyburn.” I muttered to myself aloud, moving to my desk and pulling my bag from the chair. I reached inside and yanked out my book and some paper. Tossing the book open on my pillow, and stuffing the paper

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