» Fantasy » Level 13, Virginia Lang [early reader chapter books TXT] 📗

Book online «Level 13, Virginia Lang [early reader chapter books TXT] 📗». Author Virginia Lang

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anything. Well it's the West wing building so ...turn West. Kitty turned to her left until she saw the teacher's building coming into view. Other left..

She turned back the other way, continuing through the fog. It wasn't until her bare feet hit the wet grass that she realized she hadn't put on shoes. She pushed the thoughts of her feet becoming frozen through the cold and dampness of the grass and the outside, and pushed herself to speed up.

She let out a choked breath, her lungs were freezing with the bitterness of the early morning weather, it was already 8:28. This was something she obviously would think weird, seeing as no one was up, but normally her and Kara were the first ones to wake up anyway. Breakfast didn't start till 9:00 am on the weekends, do to over half of the student body slept till like 10, or all day.

Taking in a nother breath of sharp cold air she ran her hands forward in front of her, trying to find a solid object, hopefully a door. With a deep breath she moved around in stiff movements.

"Where the...where is the damn thing!" she muttered, cursing the cold. "COME ON!!!!"

Finally, her hand hit the handle of the door, and without hesitation she yanked it open, stepping inside. The temperature was slightly warmer inside, only because there wasn't fog, wind, or damp grass.

Click, click, click...

Kitty froze in her spot just inside the door. There it was again, but it didn't sound like it was in the base room of the building, it was coming from above her. Her eyes traveled towards the ceiling,then down the hall. She turned and walked for the stairwell door. After about 40 yards down the hall sh pulled a door open and walked in. The familiar breeze of the concrete box of stairs surrounded her and she groaned. Why didn't I think of grabbing a sweater or shoes? Both would have been just fine with me...oh yeah...because weird sounds were distracting me...hmm... when I find the cause of this, i will have a nice long 'talk' with them. She thought inwardly, glaring at nothing and climbing the stairs.

Her thoughts traveled to the previous evening, when she had climbed the same stairs, only there wern't as many to climb then, yes even two or three levels that you don't have to climb made a diffrence in her opinion. The only part she didn't complain about was Jack. She had gotten to spend time with him, even if it only for a little while, dis including the part where they freaked out of course.

By the time she reached level 9, her feet had gone numb from the cold of the concrete steps. She shakily grasped the door handle and turned it, pushed open the door with caution, and peered into the hallway. Nothing. She took in a breath, walking into the hall, the sound of the door clicking shut behind her echoed though the hall, causing her to cringe.

Another shiver traveled up her spine, but this time it wasn;t because of the cold. She felt like she was being watched, and immediatly she started to look around.

" someone there?"

No one answered which caused her heart to race faster. The clicking she had followed so irritatingly up here had started up again, which just made her turn and run down the hall. Looking back, she barely saw something turn the corner at the far opposite side of the hall, as a firm hand grabbed hold of her arm and yanked her through a door. She stumbled into the room and heard a click of a lock before she spun around to see the capture..or savior, she hadn;t decided yet.

However, there was nothing there, and that brought two ideas or who it could have been to her head. Either one... whatever was in this building that kept them following it was in this room, or was Jack.

"Jack..." she whispered hoarsley, a bit uneasy at the answer it would elict from the entity in the room. At first nothing happened, but as she moved forward a few steps towards the door she felt something pull her back slowly, and then she realized she couldn;t see her own hand infront of her. She was blending into the room..but she normally couldnt do that unless it was with only one object, not a whole room...

"Shh." She heard a soft whisper in her ear and warm breath on her neck.

Kitty decided that perhaps she should just do as told and be quiet. She couldn't understand why they were standing there, nothing was happeneing, she was about ready to pull away from whoever was holding her when the clicking started to pass the door. She had to put her hand to mouth to stop from making any noise as a shadow started to pass under the door. She shut her eyes, this was ridiculous, how much fear was radiating from her at the moment.Slowly, the clicking of the heels started to fade away, until it was completely gone. Her hand feel from her mouth and she took a heavy intake of breath.

"Are you okay..."

Kitty turned to her right, coming into her view was a formation of a boy, the transperency fading slowly until he was in his full form of visibility. She let out a sigh as she looked at her hands, they were now visible, as was the rest of her.

"Jack..." she whispered.

He raised his hand to lift her chin. "Are you, okay?" He asked once again. She took a moment before she nodded her head, her eyes looking up towards him.

"What were you doing up here?"

Jack dropped his hand and crossed his arms. "I could ask you the same thing." He smirked.

She rolled her eyes and let out a small laugh. "I felt like taking a walk..."

"In a tanktop, a pajama bottoms?"

Kitty nodded slowly. "Yeah....gets the blood pumping."

"Right." he nodded with a small grin.

"Thank you..."

"You're welcome."

Chapter 5:Kitty

It was a suprise I admit, to come up here and be saved my Jack Kresht, you know, the whole yanking me into an old history classroom and saving me from an evil sounding heel clicking shadowy figure that keeps distracting us from everything.

"Did you hear that?"

I lifted my head towards Jack, we had left the class room a while ago and were heading down the hallway slowly. It hdn't accured to me to really be on the look out for anything, esspecially the noise, or the shadows we had saw a short while ago.

Jack was gazing at the ceiling, a contemplative look on his face, which cause my eyes to aslo turn their gaze toward the ceiling.

"Hear what.."



Jack gave no response, instead he started to move towards the door to the stairwell, and opened it, starting up the next flight of stairs. I litterally had to fly if I were to catch up with him.

"Jack.." I called after him, The door closed and I screamed after him now. "JACK!"

I ran to the door and pulled it open, fleeing into the stairwell and trotting up the stairs. "God dammit Jack, where the hell are you going?!" I cursed under my breath as I finally stopped and leaned over the railing to look up to see which level landing he was at, I didn't see him so I turned to face down. Nothing that I could see below. With an aggravated sigh I started to continue up. I hit the roof landing and stopped.

"Jack!!!" I almost had a panic attack, he was gone. I hit the wall of the landing angrily. "UGH!" I let out another sigh and wentto hit my hand to the wall again but it was stopped. I rolled my eyes and then hit what I knew I couldnt see, hittomg a body.

"Dammit Jack don't do that!"

Jack came into view and I glared at him. "What did you do that for!"

"You dissapeared on me! AGAIN."

Jack let out a slight chuckle at my aggrivation. "Aww is someone a bit flustered?"

"Oh shut up." a flush rising to my cheeks as I pouted and then changed the subject. "Where did you go?"

"Out there." He pointed a hitchhiket towards the door leading onto the roof, which caused me to furrow my brow.

"The roof?" I asked in curiosity. "Did you follow the noise you heard to the roof?"

"Well not exactly, it stopped once I passed the 12th floor, but I was trying to catch up to the noise before I lost it completely, unfortunantly I havn't heard it since I got up here." He responded quite displeased.

With a long sigh I turned towards the door leading out onto the roof of the west wing building andthen back toward Jack. "Well, shall we take on last look?"

Jack shook his head as I tried to give him a smile. "Nah, let's just go, you should go back and change into something warm anyway." He looked at my bare feet, my toes curling due to the cold concrete underneath them. I gave a nod and started to decend the stairs.

We both decended in silence until we passed around level 2, in which Jack had let out an irritated sigh and stopped as we hit the last flight of stairs that would lead down to the base level. I stopped a few staps after he did and turned towards him with a confused look.

"Whats wrong?"

Jack looked away from me, scratting the back of his head of curls. Maybe I should tell her...I mean before we head out, because then there will be people, and..


Fuck.."Nothing." He started to continue down the stairs, moving past me and I stood there a moment before following him. I was a bit confused but shrugged it off as we departed the building out the back door and moved through the unfogging grounds towards the dinning hall, completely forgetting about heading back to my dormitory to grabb some shoes and a sweater.

As we entered I moved to sit next to Kara and Jack moved away without a word to grab something to eat. I slid into the seat, looking up to see Kara,and two other girls who I kept forgetting names lookign at me in mid spoonful of food.

"What?!" I asked, uncomfortably.

"Was that Jack Kresht you just walked through the door with?" one of the girls asked. I shrugged and took a peice of toast Kara had handed me.

"He's Jake and Josh's brother isn't he? the other girl asked. I think I recognized her as I looked through my tired eyes. I nodded, taking a bite of the toast.

"Wow, does he know if Jake is single?" the first girl asked, and I chuckled.

"Most likely."

"Wow, do you think you could maybe...ask him for me?"


" was just a question! And don't use my full name I hate it!" she glared at Kara.

"Come off it Em." Kara said as she ate her food.


I looked up at the
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