» Fantasy » Who is that girl, Kate Fox [recommended ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Who is that girl, Kate Fox [recommended ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Kate Fox

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whiped that off first. Then I got out my little bag off make up. touched up my face and put on some bright red lip stick on. Out of no where I heard a scream. I ran out the bathroom and found Mia standing there looking like she just say a ghost.
"What? What is it? What happened? You look like you just saw a ghost. Are you okay?" I shouted at her with frite all in my voice.
Mia had her hhands in front of her mouth looking down and then looked at me wide eyed. I still hadn't known what was going on but then Mia moved over to the side and there was a man on the ground behind her. "He was just there and he put his hand on my shoulder. I didn't mean to hurt him It just was my reflexes. I swear Sophia I swear." Mia started to cry and then ran out of the building with her hands over her eyes.
I stood there for a moment and then forced myself to move and run back after Mia at the car. I run outside looking for her. I didn't see her at first by the car but then I saw a head in the pasenger seat. I start to run over to the car and open the drivers door open and get in the seat and close the door behind me. It was quiet for a while then I decided to just start the car up to stop the silence.
As the car starts up, I make a funny noise with my lips and then Mia makes a little gigle. We look at eachother and both do it at the same time together. We stair trying not to smile and then start histaricly laughing. It was one thing was always did when upset about something.
That man looks like a trole

I start to get on the high way and then good thing is that Mia still had her sandwitch with her which she filled up so much that it was just the perfect amount for both of us to split. As we munch on our food, I ask Mia to look at the map and tell me where we are. Not that I was lost just wanted her to figure it out because Mia has a little trouble with math and I want her to figure out how much farther we have by using the messurments on the map. Shes also's not good at directions and I love to see her stumble. And that may sound bad but shes my friend and I love her plus in the end she always gets it and is very succesful which makes me very proad of her.
"So we are In Utah Right now on rougt 70 and the exit nearest isn't till for another 20 or so miles and um," Mia hesetated. She ws silent for a will and I nudged her to tell me what was up. She wouldn't say anything and she seemed as if she was tramatized or had just seen a ghost. Then she finally spoke, "Sophie. There is a bridge coming up." She was really queit and I just thought to myself oh shit. And I could tell Mia was scared and I had just remembered from that moment that she is tarifide of briges. So I told her to go get in the back and cover her self with the red blanket that I had back there right away and close her eyes and put her head phones in her ears and lsiten to music and grab the foot massager, turn it on and put it under her butt so she couldn't feel or hear or see when we were going over the bridge. She gave a small quick giggle and then did just as I said exactly as I had told her. I don't under stand what it is about bridges that she hated because she sure isn't afraide of hights. She loves rollercosters and all that kind of stuff but can't stand bridges. I mean I guess it could be a bit scary but not for a person who likes hights. She looks looking down from buildings and sending an echo out into the world saying hello.
I start to see the top wire of the bridge and look back at Mia. She ws still there doing as I said, with the sheet over her head and I could hear the massager Vibrating under her butt. It was really loude seince it was underneath her because the pressure mad it echo and so I was giggleing inside although I really shouldn't be. I just smile and then look forward. I saw something that was standing in the middle of the road just infront of the road just at the edge of where the bridge starts. I squint my eyes really tight. As I got closerI then realized that it was a man. A very little man in ragedy cloths. I start to slow down and then stop right in front of him.
He was like a midget of some sort in a torn up trole alfit. Or so it seemed to look like. I was puzzling so much in my head that no words came threw my head or mouth. The weird thing though is that he just stood there standing and staring at me with some kind of sinister smile. I rolled down my window and stuck my head out the window. He was affily close but I yelled out to him. I asked, "Is there something I can do for you sir?" The short man kindly just stood there. He just stood there with that creapy look in his eyes. He then said something but I didn't hear a thing he said. Only saw his lips move. I put a puzzled look on my face and ws about to ask him to reapet what he said. But he said it before I could and said," Pass word."
"Excuse me?" I was more puzzled then ever now.
I look back at Mia and she was still there just sitting still but The blanket was moving back and fowrth. She was listening to her music head banging. She liked to listen to rock and stuff which is good because that is very loud music which is what she needed at the time. I look back at the man but he was still just standing there.‎ I didn't know what to do or say. Then I heard sone kind of ruffling noise in the back.
"Why have we stoped and," All of a sudden Mia screams at the top of her lungs so it seemed. I felt like I had lost my hearing but thank god I haden't or so I hope. "Gnarled, gnarled! The password is gnarled okay please just let us pass! Gnarled!"
I was about to ask what the hell she was saying but then I saw from the corner of my eye the little man putting his head down frowning and then moving to the side. I just sat there in astonishment. I didn't move for a while or saya word or anything. Then I began to move the car slowly onto the bridge though still puzzling in my head harder then ever.
As I move, the little man just stood to the side watching me with his head down but never taking his eyes off me. He had no expretion on his face. Just blank. He made me feel so uncomfurtable and I wanted to stop looking at him. There was something about him that mistafied me. It's like there was some kind of magic in the air around him. But as I drove away on the road I felt that magic being pulled away from me even though it was all in my hand. Now though that am all the way across the bridge all of the magic is gone but the horrier was all in Mia's eyes.
Mia crawls up back to the front with me but still looking forward with her big blues eyes wide open. I would say something but I bet she wouldn't say anything back so I just left it silent again like from the not to long ago insedent. Honnestly hate these silent moments but I guess it's better then being in a car with ranbbling kids that never shut up for 3 days straight in one small car. Never doing that again but also I was littling when I went through that and wasn't driving at the time. I feel bad for my parents now.
I patted Mia's left shoulder but still said nothing but in my head I was saying What in the bloody hell is Mia not telling me?


"Alright, we are almost there. Just five more miles and we are there and in college." I say with a big smile. I put my hand on her shoulder and tried to shake her but she stiffened up so that I couldn't. Mia just satting there quiet but then she turned her head to look at me and forcing herself to reavel a smile but I can see in her eyes that she is frightened from not to long ago. I see the sign of the next exit for us to enter to get to the college. I then see the entrence and turn on my turn signal to go threw. I drive around looking at all of the bulidings and then find the enternece to the colege. I turn in and begin looking for the main building. Then I began to see a bunch of colege students around this one building so I figured that this is where we need to go. I look for a parking spot and park the car.
"Ready?" I ask Mia. And she knew perfectly what I ment by that. You think I am saying this as of 'ready to start a new life in college together'. No, I mean 'ready to have some fun'. We have this thing where when we wont something, we like to spice it up a little and play around with some people to try to lewer them to us.
As we look for

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