» Fantasy » Who is that girl, Kate Fox [recommended ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Who is that girl, Kate Fox [recommended ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Kate Fox

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it had for her and her motther adn her mother."
I was blank and I really didn't know what to say. I felt sheepish for asking her why I should't touch it. She looked so angry and upset all at the same time. "I'm sorry Mia. I prommise to never touch your things with out your consent." I smiled, "You know I love you and would never disobey you. Come here and give me a hug." I started to walk over to her with my arms wide open and then she came into my arms and we hugs for a moment and then I looked at her face and told her, "Now lets go ad get some ice cream. Ice cream always helps you feel better."
She smiled and we walked out the door.

"No, wait! Please! I didn't know. I'm not the one you are wanting. Please!" I cried running for my life trying to get away some monster. My heart is racing and I'm trying to figure out a way to out smart the thing but there were no streets or things that I could go and hide behind. Then I trip over something. I look on the ground and it was the book that I had found in Mia's bag and then picked it up. It was book marked and so I opened the book to where the string was places. I look at the page and it was a bunch of strang simbles and signes. I couldn't figure it out.
Then I heard a voice, "Now I've got you." and grabed me.
I wake up in bed sweating. Mia was beside me with her hands on me grabing my arms. My heart was racing and I had my hands over my mouth. "Are you ok?" Mia asked. I said nothing and pushed her to the side. I then got up out of bed and went over to the bath room. I look into the mirror and my make up had run all down from my eyes to my chin. I got a cloth out from underneath the sink cabnet. I turned on the water. It was very cold that I retreaved my hand back as if it was hot. I then put the cloth under neath the running water. I ringed it and then wrapede i around my pointer finger and started to rub my make up off. My make up just kept smirring all over my face but eventualy I got it.
Mia came over to the door frame with one hand up the frame leaning and looking at me. She was in her short short girl boxers and white tank top. She asked me if I was ok again and I just looked at into the mirror with my hands on the edge of the sink. I looked blankly and said, "I had the stranges dream ever." I then looked away from the mirror and looked at Mia. Then I started to walk into the main room and sat down onto the couch with my legs crised crossed. "I was running from something. I have no clue as to what it was but I was just running and running. Then I trip. I found myself triping over that book that you said your great great grand mother gave you or well your mother but first from her. But any ways, and then I turn to some page and look in it but I couldn't comprehened anything that was in it." I took a deep breath. She was sitting next to me looking at me with a scared expreation like she knew what this all ment. Like it was some kind of sign or what ever but I for sure had no clue as to what it was. There was no answer to this one question.
"well," Mia beggan to say, "I'm sure your just stressed out and it doesn't mean anything. I mean we are in college for crying out loud. We arn't nearly close to being prepared as to what is to come to us. We just need to relax and chill for a bit. I mean it hasn't started yet. Lets just take a breather and have fun for a bit ok?"
I nodded. She was right. I was stressed and deffinetly not ready. I had to clue what college would be like. I barly could keep up with high school and now college. Wow. Well, I guess I'll get it in the end like I always do.
I intertwined my fingers. Looking down and still invisioning my dream. It just kept replaying in my head. Like a broken recored. But it's giving me a mind grain becasue it's playing a song I absolutly dispise. I'm telling myself in my mind, "Get up all ready. Just get up and turn it off" But I'm affrade of the silence so I just ;et it keep going.
Mia puts a hand on my shoulder. I look at her. Then she says, "Why don't you get up and go take a shower and then get in some nce clear clothes, huh? You will feel so much better and then we can go around and cheack the place out. Make sure it is of our standards. You know what I mean." She smiled and winked at me. And I did know what she was talking about. I knew exactly what she was talking about. We stood up at the same time holding each others hands and looking into each others eyes with ginormis grins on our faces and said at the same time, "Boys!"
We have this thing where we will go some where and scope the place out. You know. Make sure that the boys were hot and if the boys were just right, We would stay a bit longer or come back some other time. But if we did that then the boys would have to be perfect. Almost unreal and unbelievably georgeous. But if the boys are not to our standard then we leave. We're out. Good bye. Never again will we be back.
So I got up and looked for cloths and got into the shower.

To many nightmeres

I'm at the stage where I can no longer keep my eyes from closin or hold myself up. My eyes are closed but I'm forsing them to stay open. I can't fall asleep right now. If I do, I will miss something. SOmething important.
I look forward and I see my friend. He was just sitting there on the couch in the middle of the room. I tried to lift my head up to try and get his attention but everything was moving so slow and everything looked fogy and I felt very dizzy. I felt like I was flouting up on the moon but with so much pressure being pushed down apon me on my head and arms. I then give up and fell back down into a pilow on a couch. As I was about to fall back asleep, I felt something touch my hand. I still didn't open my eyyes though to see who or what it was. I just figured ot was my friend. He helpeed me up and at this point I was fine. A little dizzy but nothing horrible like I would fall over again. We walked over to a window where there was a balcony outside of it. We stood there and I told him, "I had a really strang dream just last night. It was like I was almost asleep in my dream but it felt so real like it wasn't even a dream. And then there was this boy. He was trying to lead me to something but I couldn't figure it out.
My friend gave me a strange look and then told me that I should go back to sleep. That I just needed to clear my head out with all the stress that I had been going threw. I also was quite tired and told myself that I havent had much sleep latly. I put my head hanging down looking at my hands, then I looked back to say something but he was mysteriously gone. So I got down from the ledge and walked back over to the couch to go back to sleep. I then felt something touch my hand and I had a feeling that it was my friend again holding my hand probebly to make sure that I was sleeping. But this time when I opened my eyes he wasn't there. infact no one was. But yet I could still some how feel someones hands holding mine. I look at ym hands and thing to myself, "Am I going insain or something?" I told myself no though but then my hand was forced onto the wall. Then I was being pulled along the room and then my hand landed
on a wooden chest. I could feel another hand pressing down onto kine. I then look at the chest and it was worn out wood with bras like buckles.I squate down to get a better look with the pressure of the hand still on mine at the top. I see a spot where it says, "Only the key from the heart can set things free."
I thought long and hard on this and the pressure on my hand was then gone and so I quickly moved it and grabed onto my neckless around

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