» Fantasy » Who is that girl, Kate Fox [recommended ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Who is that girl, Kate Fox [recommended ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Kate Fox

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weird but it was still very nice. I went to the car in the parking lot and still a bit tarrifide by what had happened a while ago. I get into the car and start to drive out as fast as I could.
I drive out and ride over to the cafe. It was a cute little place and homey. I get in line which there were only threee people so I had time to deside what I wanted. I look at all the different opptions. I then saw zebra hot chocolate and I knew instantly that that was to be mine.
It came to be my time and the person in the front in a black T-shirt and white aprin tied around her waist asks me, "Can I get you something?" I told her yes. I would like a zebra hot chocolate. Someone in the back instantly began to make it who was also where the same thing as the girl in the front. He was very fast and seemed to know what he was doing. He then finished and handed the drink to the girl in the front. She then placed it on the counter in front of me and said, "That will be $5.50 please." I handed her the money and I grabed the drink.
I walked over to a table of two but took only one seat. I had to jump up just to get up on the stool. I then take a small sip of my drink and everyhting just became bliss. It was the best zebra hot chocolate that I had ever had.
I had my eyes closed and then from behind me I hear a voice, "Hey there. You seem to be enjoying that drink right there." It was Ace. "Let me guess. Zebra hot chocolate? Ya, They have the best drinks here expecially that one right there. I get it all the time." I smiled and agreed with him that it indeed was very good. He then set a book in front of me and said he would be right back. He began to walk up to the line. I figured he was going to get what I had.
He comes back with a cup in his hand. He sat down in the chair in front of me. He took a sip out of his cup and then smacked his lips together and sigh as of succes. He was so cute and I couldn't stop staring into his eyes but then he said, "So how are things going for you? You seem well after what happened that one day."
"Ya, That was embarising I have to admit. I'm sorry for that." He put his hand over mine and then said, "It's ok, really. I mean it happens. Obviously you needed help and I wasn't just ganna reject to a pritty face such as your's." I began blush with a huge grin on my face.
"You're truly to kind. I'm just thankfull that you did help me and that you just happened to be there at that very time." I then took another sip of my drink and again closed my eyes. When I opened my eyes, he ws looking at me with a big grin on his face.
There was a TV above Ace's head and the news was on. I then hear the name of our school and looked strait up at it. It was talking about some kind of catastrify that had happened in my building. I then began to worry because Mia was in there. I then got up and ran out the door. My arm was then pulled on. It was Ace.
"Whats the matter? Did I say soemthing wrong?" I told him no. Something has happened to where I am staying and I need to go cheack on my friend to make sure that she is ok.
"Oh, well hey my car is right there. Let me drive you there. I want to make sure everything is ok as well. I live in the same building." I smiled and noded. He sujested me to fallow him and I did.
We get to his car and he had a red mustang of course just being as perfext as he was. He opens the pasenger seat door and takes my hand as I get inside. He closes the door and then gets in on the other side. He turns on the car and we drive off to the school.
We get there and there were cops every where aroud the building. The place seemed fine but thats only the out side. I look for a near by cop that wasn't buisy and then walk up to him
"Excuse me," I say to the cop, "What happened here sir? I live here and I heard something had happened here."
"Someone in the building heard a scream and then a big grwaling noise like a bear or something like that." He pounted up to the building, "It happened on leavel two up there. Does that have any afect to you?" I nod my head yes with both my hands over my mouth. I began to walk forward but the cop then pulled on my shoulder and told me no one is aloud inside at this time. I asked him if anyone was hurt and he said, "No. We havent found any trace of blood or anyhting yet though room 27 was a bit torn up as if a tornado had gone threw there."
I drop to my knees still with both my hands over my mouth and began to cry and then I scream, "Mia!"
The cop drops to my level asking me what is the matter? Who is Mia? I did not answer her. I just cried. I then ask if there was anyone in the room when he got there and he said, "No ma'am. There was no trace of any one."
"Sophia! what happened?" Ace shouts running to me. He gets on his knees with both his hands around me while holding me.
"They have her." I mumbled. "What ever the fuck was in there has my friend Mia and now she is gone." I began to ball my eyes out. Ace just kept holding me which made me feel a little bit better but it was still hard to stop my tears. He was stroking my hair and shushing me trying to sooth me and calm me down.
"Hey," Someone called out. It sounded familler but I couldn't be sure. I look behind me and sure enough it was Mia. Just walking twards me. I stand up and run to her wraping my arms around her, "Wo, what happened here? Whats wrong Sophia? Are you ok?"
"I thought you were taken." I say to her with sobing tears.
"What are you talking about? Mia, what happened here."
"Someone got in our room and its an absolute mess and I thought you were in there and the cop said no was in there so I thought who ever was in there had taken you."
"No, after you left I got up and took a shower and then went for a walk hopingg the fresh air would help me feel a little bit better. You know me. I can't just stay still."
I didn't know what to say. My heart was still racing from everything that had just happened in the past ten minutes. "So your ok right?" I asked Mia and she nodded her head yes. I smiled and then tried to fix myself up. I probbebly looked like a mess.
Mia held me in her arms and then pulled me along and said, "Hey, why don't we go to that cafe now?" I look at Ace and he sujested us to fallow him. Mia aska, "Where are we going?" I then told her that I took his car to get here and so now we both have to take his car to go back because my car was there. She then shook her head and said ok as of going in Ace's car expecially when she saw his car. We all hope in and then start driving off to the cafe.
Class starts

"Can you turn off that stupid alarm of yours off? Its giving me a head ack." Mia asked me. It was the first day of college together. I wasn't ready. I get up to turn it off and then walk over to my dresser to grab my cloths that I had laying out for the day. I'm one of those kind of people that like to be ready for the up coming. Or I am a ready freak.
"So you ready for college? I know I'm not but I am also very exsited because we are in Ccollege baby!" Sophia jumps up out of bed squezing me till there was not a single breath left in side my tiny little body. I push her off of me and agree with her. I was very excited but scared at the same time. I couldn't wait to get to my first class. It was dance for me so I was very excited.
I put on my leatard, tights, shorts and cover over shirt and slip on my slip on shoes and Mia and I head out with our bags of other books and cloths for classes later on. Mia ran out the door in only her leo and tights jumping and skiping around. I was just laughing along and then shouting at her to but a shirt on at least over her self.
"Thanks mom but I think I will be fine. Hey so I havent seen you complain about any of those dreams latly. Im guessing that they are ganna now or something."
"Um, ya. Something like that." I laugh, "No I've been fine. Not much scary ones ya. Just ordinary ones expecially since I've been. Well, you know. Talking to Ace."
"Oh my gosh. You are blushing. Wait a minute. Don't tell me. Have you two like gotten together or something.
My face was probebly bright red at this point from all the blushing. "No. We

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