The Hunter's Dark Secret, Ninirockz [classic books for 7th graders TXT] 📗

- Author: Ninirockz
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commanded him at once to retreat and bow before his own king. The king Altair refused immediately ordering the evil king Fasa to live his presences or there shall be consequences. Fasa swore that he would start war. That foolish man did start a war Annabelle hissed looking angry. Fasa casted a dark spell on Altair’s empire which is restraining them back from fighting for their empire. Both of the empires are crumbling with destruction, though Altair’s empire is facing the most Jason grimaced. The war is still going on said Annabelle and we have to find a way to end the dark spells or else Altair’s empire will fall to ruins and dark magic will corrupt the whole earth! The Falcrons are king Fasa’s troops Jason added just like the hultarials are King Altair’s people. Falcrons use people and demons to go against the hultarials. Really dark and horrible magic and creatures Annabelle squeaked fearfully. We are chosen to find a way to defeat the evil spirits Jason said. Why us? I asked overwhelmed by what they were saying. Jason and Annabelle exchanged looks. You didn’t know that your father was a hultarial? Annabelle whispered. I shook my head looking puzzled. Well that’s the reason said Jason distinctly our parents were really close with king Altair! Alright I said standing up smiling, going to an adventure is the first thing I need now. I was completely animated to go on a mission. It was like a once in a life time opportunity. Hey! Jason retorted this isn’t what you call fun and games this is a really dangerous. I am very aware of that I said shortly rolling my eyes. He looked at me incredibly and then looked away muttering something under his breath which sounded like wow she believed us. So I said when will we get started? Well that isn’t intended yet Annabelle replied quickly, just hang in there. Hey are you going to school? Annabelle asked looking at the time with an astonished look we are going to be late she shrieked bolting up all of a sudden. Sure why not? I mumbled as I got up stretching my body and grabbing my bag which was on the floor with its contents spilled all over. I grunted as I stuffed my note books and papers in. I don’t want to go to school Jason groaned as he too started getting up. Annabelle shot him a sharp look which meant if you don’t come I will kill you. He grabbed his bag without another sound. All three of us walked to school silently. We saw the big red building which held a big black logo on a board with faded letters viewing the words “Cameron high School”. We headed to the deserted table at the corner of the front yard and sat down. The minute I sat down I started babbling about the mission. Shhh! Jason hissed the people might hear us, you do know that no one can know about the mission except for us? Oh right I said absentmindedly sorry. Anyways I asked “why is my father involved in this?”Well we told you before Jason said petulantly he was one of Altair’s best friends. If Altair has a trouble his closest friend try to fix it basically said Annabelle. Wow I whispered he never told me that. And why does the dark spirit corrupt the world. Can’t anybody stop them isn’t there a way? Did you know that to make the world a save place and corruption free would be Altair’s job? Preventing that from happening is Fasa’s job. That’s why Fasa wants to corrupt all the other empires Jason said so he can get the support and make Altair weak. So if Altair’s weak he doesn’t have the powers to keep the world safe. That’s tough luck I thought to myself. We have to find out a way to stop the evilness form spreading? I asked. That’s right Jason said. Doesn’t that seem impossible for us teenage normal kids? I asked continuously. We are obviously going to study magic and we will always have weapons Jason replied hotly. Wow magic and all these fantasies are real? Yeah Annabelle said we aren’t normal. What, you thought that we would go empty handed and unarmored to tell Fasa face to face that what he is doing his atrocious and he needs to stop. I think those are going to be our very last words Annabelle said quietly. I looked at Jason coldly, and------we heard the class bell ring. Oh it’s time for class Annabelle said. Class was typical for a girl whose father had just died, all the teacher feeling bad, and all the students being nicer. Being kind to people just because something really miserable happened to them was stupid. After 2 months they will forget about it and treat me like I was Miss. Invisible. Jason was at my history class; from time to time I shot him looks when he was busy playing with his pen rather then paying attention. At last the final bell rang. I was actually looking forward to it; today’s class appeared to be like hell. Jason and Annabelle waited outside for me. We just want to remind you that we will start very unexpectedly Annabelle said as they were walking back. How long did you guys know about this? I questioned. Like one month ago Annabelle said casually, why do you ask? Oh I just wanted to know I said. I walked home with a million thoughts in my head. Is all of this true or was it a total joke? Should I really go? What if they are lying, Will I survive? All these thoughts spun in my head. By the time we got home it was 3:00. Annabelle prepared sandwiches for us. Oh I mumbled looking at the meat, I didn’t know we had turkey I said grinning. We were all busy munching on our sandwiches, the school meal wasn’t very filling they had spent the whole time talking about the quest. Knock, knock! Someone was rapping on the door rapidly. We all exchanged surprised looks. I jumped up and went to the door. I have a feeling that I wholly forgot something. I opened the door and Troy burst in looking red like a tomato. Caraline he panted, he said putting his hand on the wall to support him from falling. Where were you? He shuddered. I was looking all over for you he said slowly regaining his control did you pack up yet? He asked. We already told her Troy Jason said hastily walking to the door. Troy jumped by his sudden presence. What? He said looking at Jason to Annabelle. Yeah we told her about the mission Annabelle retorted looking away quickly with hatred. Isn’t it a bit too early to tell her? Troy said coolly narrowing his eyes. No it isn’t! Annabelle protested. Well you guys aren’t leaving till after the funeral he said reluctantly. I suddenly felt my stomach rumble. When is it? I spoke my voice quivering. I was afraid I was going to cry again. Tomorrow at 9 he said giving me a sympathetic look, at the Lavonia church. I paused giving him a quizzical look, alright we’ll be there. He nodded curtly at Jason and Annabelle and waved a goodbye to me. Went he left everyone was silent as I slammed the door shut. So he knows too I said breaking the silence after a while. Annabelle nodded soundlessly. You guys are coming with me? I asked. Of course Annabelle assured, Jason, Todd, Alisa, Ella, and Anna will come too. I glanced at Jason he was inspecting his nails having a great interest in them. Annabelle cleared her throat and looked at Jason who just looked up. Oh yes he stammered of course we’re coming. You guys don’t like Troy, I blurted out frankly. Is not that we dislike him Annabelle started looking uncertain; it’s just that we neither like him. Jason gave her an incredulous look, you know what he did to your mom he spoke grimly. He is a complete fraud, Jason added in disgust. Why! I nearly screamed. Without bothering to look at me he turned to Annabelle. Can I tell her? He mumbled. Annabelle nodded reluctantly which annoyed me. Okay, Annabelle’s mother was very sick he said. She was taken to Troy who constantly told us that she would be fine after a week’s rest and some special medicine. After two days… he trailed off, Annabelle winced. Then Jason cleared his throat, they said she died; Annabelle now looked away at the window. What? I asked oh my Annabelle that’s terrible I am so sorry! I cried giving her a concerned look as she glanced back. Yes, said Jason looking angrier than ever. He gave her the wrong medicine he growled, he even admitted himself! He couldn’t have, I said slapping a hand to my mouth. Oh yes he did said Jason in disgust. After the death many miserable things happened he said grimly. What happened? I said. Jason gulped then spoke her father disappeared; her father abandoned her---- No! He didn’t! Annabelle cried he only needed time to think things over he wanted to protect me. No father leaves her daughter and flees! Jason debated. That’s called abandoning! Jason’s voice was rising. Don’t you dare talk about my father like that Jason Melton! She screamed wiping her tears her voice shaking, my father is one of the hultarials he is off there fighting for our lives, and he had reasons! Jason looked at her with utter incredulity. Where is your father? I asked Jason quietly. Dead he said flatly looking awfully worn out. I gasped really? Yes really he muttered, that good for nothing father ran away abandoning me and my mother—Annabelle scoffed—scowling he went on yes he died when one of the Falcrons killed him 3 months ago he wasn’t a really good hultarial . I looked at him in disbelief, no he was not a good for nothing father I snapped he was out there to protect you guys. Yeah he snickered sarcastically that was good protection. Where is your mother anyways I asked again ignoring his last remark. Oh he said sheepishly she isn’t dead… she just… gone crazy. Why are you being rude to your parents I hissed angrily glaring at him. He looked at me unbelievably. No it’s true Annabelle finally spoke, I mean literally. I froze, looking at Jason in despair and pity. Yeah he murmured suddenly going quiet the doctor said she wouldn’t make it. How? I whispered suddenly feeling guilty of yelling at him. After his father’s death Annabelle said turning around from the window, she gone mad. His death impacted a lot to make her crazy. Alright said Jason who seemed to not continue with this subject, how about your mother? He said, what happened to her? Oh I mumbled. Don’t know a thing about her I said uncomfortably as they gave me surprising looks. Yeah she died when she gave birth to me I laughed shakily isn’t that a bit strange? Neither of them was laughing but gave me pitiful and sorrowful looks. Well I sighed I guess we all had a troubled past I said. Nothing to be proud of Jason muttered. Look guys, I know we had a bad day today I started shifting a bit and you guys are probably tired of all the yelling. All we need is rest I said brightly. Look it’s already 8:00 and we are still talking about this. They both approved to what I said. Your right said Annabelle sighing today was a long day. Okay then I said clapping my hands. Um Caraline Annabelle stammered. Yes I said looking at her. Can I stay here for the night? She asked
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