The Hunter's Dark Secret, Ninirockz [classic books for 7th graders TXT] 📗

- Author: Ninirockz
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piece of paper. Annabelle was petrified and Jason looked bewildered. Everyone stopped breathing, after a minute or so we all started gasping for air. I was the first one to get up; I kicked the door open and ran outside ignoring where I was. With out hesitation I vomited. Jason and Annabelle still hadn’t looked up instead they looked horrified. I wiped my mouth with my sleeve feeling disgusting. I had realized that the cup board room was standing on bare ground. The store and the bathrooms weren’t there. I looked up, it was a full moon and the stars were shining brightly. Where are we! I screamed. My head was spinning I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I looked around we were surrounded by tall eerie looking trees and this area seemed the heart of the forest. The foreboding noises gave me the chills and I felt goose pumps forming throughout my body. Nearby an Owl hooted creepily. Jason and Annabelle regained their sanity and walked towards me. They looked around the place. I think this is it Jason whispered hoarsely. I glanced at Annabelle who was pale with fright. I touched her arm reluctantly worried if I scared her. It’s over I whispered to her smiling weakly. She looked relived and tried to return the smile. So this is the forest I breathed looking around. It was night time, and the only light there were was the full moon shining brilliantly above us and one or two light bugs squirming around. Annabelle coughed; it’s so cold she murmured shivering. I know I said, it must be 10 degrees here! Look! Jason yelled pointing a finger towards the sky.
Chapter 4
The hulturials
Dark smoke started to appear in the clear night sky. The black smoke swiftly traveled closer and closer down to us forming into shapes. I saw a foot land on the grass and quickly the black smoke transformed into humans. They were wearing white cloaks and some had hoods on and some revealing long glossy black hair.
Miss Coraline Wilson isn’t that right? One of them drawled smiling broadly. Yes I whispered feeling uneasy. Your father was a great person and it’s a shame that he is no longer here to join us. He was very clever. I nodded silently. There was a small silence in which none of them spoke. So our heroes have come to guide us, I believe another said brightly. We all exchanged glances. Worry not! The man insisted, we mean no harm for we are the hulturials. I was surprised but Jason and Annabelle nodded knowingly. My name is Oliver Featherstone and that’s Blaylin Skeptrum, Marcus Malendis, Flint Korin, Rostein Kass Kat Lirangous, and Somalia Entonia, he motioned to each one of them with his finger. So this is all of the hulturials? I hated how my voice sounded so husky. Of course not Blaylin scoffed, I mean there are millions of us from all around the world. We’re the closest friends of king Altair and also the leaders of the hulturials clan. We were sent here to guide you where to go said Oliver with a more serious tone. As you know our world is undergoing a great brutal war. We need as much help as possible to end this war, if not mankind will soon fall and this world will be dominated by demons Oliver said grimly. Think about it said one of the ladies who I assumed was Somalia, believe it or not, you guys three are the most powerful among us all. Powerful enough to beat Fasa! She seemed to shiver to even bear his name. You are gifted this honor and it’s your duty to finish all this chaos Oliver said almost in a pleaded tone. Do not fail us Blaylin added it. Remember Kat said Fasa is an immortal and there is only one way to defeat him. She paused and there was an uncomfortable silence. Jason cleared his throat, how do we defeat him then? He questioned. We still aren’t sure and that’s why it’s your job to find out Oliver said embarrassingly. I scoffed hardly believing this. So you’re expecting us to do everything around here? This really isn’t helping! I snapped. Both Annabelle and Jason nodded in agreement. Look little girl Blaylin snarled, this war has been raging on for 100 years, way before you were even born! So you really aren’t doing everything for this war. Because the people before you have done the same too help end this war. I suggest you say that to king Altair and see how he reacts, Blaylin finished sarcastically. We tried to figure out ways to defeat him but all of it is hidden somewhere Oliver said. There is this book that holds everything about fighting of him and his army. We cannot find it. Its hidden deep somewhere deep Rostein grunted. Only you have the power to seek the magical book Somalia said. I gulped, honestly this was too much to handle and I don’t think I am that brave. You know we are going through some weird changes Annabelle added. Changes? Blaylin and Oliver said in unison. Yeah Annabelle said, I had a nasty bruise on my arm and then all of a sudden it disappeared. I felt the bruise closing up and disappearing Annabelle murmured. She’s the healer Marcus pointed out; his voice was full of interest. We haven’t had one of those in about 4centuried before your mother of course! Kat exclaimed astonishingly. Annabelle blushed and muttered really. How about you Miss. Caraline? I hesitated, something really weird happened to me I mumbled. Oliver looked at me quizzically. Something in particular I suppose? He asked. Well, five creatures came to my house 2 hours ago, I flinched at the memory. Creatures? Oliver whispered he wanted clarification. I don’t know really I said quickly, but they were horrible! They wore black cloaks and they were almost as skinny as a skeleton. And they had olive green skin. So you’ve encountered his army already Oliver said. I guess, but then this is when the strange thing happened I said, one of them grabbed my neck but then I felt a rush of power and yanked the hand away. I pushed him so hard that he died, they felt so weak then I exclaimed. The impact was probably really hard to kill him. I killed two more but the other two disappeared. I felt so powerful then, the feeling was just incredible! The first one I killed was the leader; he had a ruby medallion on his neck. I grabbed it and took it. After they were all gone I felt normal again. I took out the medallion and gave it to Oliver’s outstretched hand. He took it and examined it carefully. The symbol he said is embarked on this. I looked at the symbol; it was picture of a red spider with a skull carved on its body. That’s sick Annabelle said in disgust. Miss. Caraline--- Oliver started; please call me Caraline I said. He smiled and then said Caraline if you don’t mind I am going to take this with me. Yeah sure take it; I don’t want it I said. This power you just described is very unfamiliar Rostein said. Yes Kat said we never heard of this power. That’s a quite strange gift you possess Caraline Blaylin drawled. I felt uneasy and scared, are they calling me an outcast? I really don’t know I mumbled. How about you Jason? Somalia asked. Jason looked mildly embarrass, and then cleared his throat. Nothing yet he said. Yes Oliver said nothing yet, don’t worry. Jason laughed nervously then scratched his head, who said I was worrying. Well then Blaylin interrupted rudely. Now for your first task, I do hope you do an excellent job he said with a fake concerned look. First I think you should go to the fire’s edge---- no Blaylin! You know that’s too dangerous for them didn’t we discuss that we could handle that said Flint fiercely. Blaylin scoffed and said whatever you say Flint, I was merely kidding. We cannot kid around with them, we have to be serious and we cannot play with their minds, this to them is very serious and frightening Somalia snapped. Blaylin rolled his eyes and sighed muttering some words I couldn’t perceive. I heard that Somalia growled, Blaylin looked at her and shrugged. You guys should go to the white lake first, Oliver finally said. Where is that? Annabelle asked. Here Blaylin said giving Annabelle piece of paper .This will help you. You guys are going to help us right? Jason questioned. Perhaps Oliver said. However you shouldn’t rely on us too much Blaylin shot back. I rolled my eyes and thought and his problem is? Oliver looked up at the sky and said we have to leave right now good luck. Yeah and please succeed Blaylin added in. We will try our best said Jason. Annabelle opened up the paper and peered at it confusingly, wait she said, whets the great barrier of Montuzumes? Too late they were already gone. Annabelle sighed ugh how did they do that? Jason laughed bitterly; well obviously they are the hulturials. What’s up with the Blaylin dude Annabelle said why so grouchy? Jason shrugged maybe he is in a bad mood or something. Anyways open the prices of paper I said eagerly. Annabelle carefully opened it again. Jason and I read and were equally confused as Annabelle. So the White lake is North West from the great barrier of Montuzumes. Where the hell is that? Annabelle hissed shivering. Jason looked around and whispered all I see is just trees. Let’s just go north I said maybe we will find something there. Annabelle and I started walking up front. Hey Jason say where are you going do you even know how dangerous this place is. Shut up and just come along said Annabelle. He shook his head in disregard and followed. All we are seeing were trees, trees, and trees! We were walking for hours and there was no sign of a lake. I told you guys not to come here. Jason hissed. It’s too late know-it-all I said we can’t go back. The sun was about to rise and we had no clue where to go. Need help a squeaky voice came out of no where. We looked around to see where it was coming from. I am over here said the squeaky voice now sounding irritated. We all looked down on short fat little midget. Latterly he was about 1 foot tall. Awww he is soooooooooo cute Annabelle said grabbing him. OI! I demand you to release me at once. I too have some dignity show some respect! It said. Well sorry I couldn’t help it Annabelle said putting him down. You guys are the noble heroes I belie he said brushing himself. We aren’t heroes yet but we will be hopefully said Jason. Mmmmmmhhhhhh very well I am here to help you may I know your destination it seems to me you guys are lost. We aren’t---------I started but Jason stomped on my foot .Ow I hissed in his ears. Shut up he whispered back. What’s your name? Annabelle asked. Well the midget said clearing his throat my name is Juju Spellersmen. Well Mr. Spellersmen can you tell us where the white lake is? Annabelle asked politely. What do I get in return he said looking at his nails. I outta choke your little throat that’s what you’ll get! I hissed eyeing him dangerously. Excuse me did I hear something he said looking at me. No juju she didn’t Jason said quickly—
“Um what do you want in return?” Mhmmmmmmmmmmm…………. He thought deeply scratching his pointy chin. How about that watch on your wrist, Juju said as he
Chapter 4
The hulturials
Dark smoke started to appear in the clear night sky. The black smoke swiftly traveled closer and closer down to us forming into shapes. I saw a foot land on the grass and quickly the black smoke transformed into humans. They were wearing white cloaks and some had hoods on and some revealing long glossy black hair.
Miss Coraline Wilson isn’t that right? One of them drawled smiling broadly. Yes I whispered feeling uneasy. Your father was a great person and it’s a shame that he is no longer here to join us. He was very clever. I nodded silently. There was a small silence in which none of them spoke. So our heroes have come to guide us, I believe another said brightly. We all exchanged glances. Worry not! The man insisted, we mean no harm for we are the hulturials. I was surprised but Jason and Annabelle nodded knowingly. My name is Oliver Featherstone and that’s Blaylin Skeptrum, Marcus Malendis, Flint Korin, Rostein Kass Kat Lirangous, and Somalia Entonia, he motioned to each one of them with his finger. So this is all of the hulturials? I hated how my voice sounded so husky. Of course not Blaylin scoffed, I mean there are millions of us from all around the world. We’re the closest friends of king Altair and also the leaders of the hulturials clan. We were sent here to guide you where to go said Oliver with a more serious tone. As you know our world is undergoing a great brutal war. We need as much help as possible to end this war, if not mankind will soon fall and this world will be dominated by demons Oliver said grimly. Think about it said one of the ladies who I assumed was Somalia, believe it or not, you guys three are the most powerful among us all. Powerful enough to beat Fasa! She seemed to shiver to even bear his name. You are gifted this honor and it’s your duty to finish all this chaos Oliver said almost in a pleaded tone. Do not fail us Blaylin added it. Remember Kat said Fasa is an immortal and there is only one way to defeat him. She paused and there was an uncomfortable silence. Jason cleared his throat, how do we defeat him then? He questioned. We still aren’t sure and that’s why it’s your job to find out Oliver said embarrassingly. I scoffed hardly believing this. So you’re expecting us to do everything around here? This really isn’t helping! I snapped. Both Annabelle and Jason nodded in agreement. Look little girl Blaylin snarled, this war has been raging on for 100 years, way before you were even born! So you really aren’t doing everything for this war. Because the people before you have done the same too help end this war. I suggest you say that to king Altair and see how he reacts, Blaylin finished sarcastically. We tried to figure out ways to defeat him but all of it is hidden somewhere Oliver said. There is this book that holds everything about fighting of him and his army. We cannot find it. Its hidden deep somewhere deep Rostein grunted. Only you have the power to seek the magical book Somalia said. I gulped, honestly this was too much to handle and I don’t think I am that brave. You know we are going through some weird changes Annabelle added. Changes? Blaylin and Oliver said in unison. Yeah Annabelle said, I had a nasty bruise on my arm and then all of a sudden it disappeared. I felt the bruise closing up and disappearing Annabelle murmured. She’s the healer Marcus pointed out; his voice was full of interest. We haven’t had one of those in about 4centuried before your mother of course! Kat exclaimed astonishingly. Annabelle blushed and muttered really. How about you Miss. Caraline? I hesitated, something really weird happened to me I mumbled. Oliver looked at me quizzically. Something in particular I suppose? He asked. Well, five creatures came to my house 2 hours ago, I flinched at the memory. Creatures? Oliver whispered he wanted clarification. I don’t know really I said quickly, but they were horrible! They wore black cloaks and they were almost as skinny as a skeleton. And they had olive green skin. So you’ve encountered his army already Oliver said. I guess, but then this is when the strange thing happened I said, one of them grabbed my neck but then I felt a rush of power and yanked the hand away. I pushed him so hard that he died, they felt so weak then I exclaimed. The impact was probably really hard to kill him. I killed two more but the other two disappeared. I felt so powerful then, the feeling was just incredible! The first one I killed was the leader; he had a ruby medallion on his neck. I grabbed it and took it. After they were all gone I felt normal again. I took out the medallion and gave it to Oliver’s outstretched hand. He took it and examined it carefully. The symbol he said is embarked on this. I looked at the symbol; it was picture of a red spider with a skull carved on its body. That’s sick Annabelle said in disgust. Miss. Caraline--- Oliver started; please call me Caraline I said. He smiled and then said Caraline if you don’t mind I am going to take this with me. Yeah sure take it; I don’t want it I said. This power you just described is very unfamiliar Rostein said. Yes Kat said we never heard of this power. That’s a quite strange gift you possess Caraline Blaylin drawled. I felt uneasy and scared, are they calling me an outcast? I really don’t know I mumbled. How about you Jason? Somalia asked. Jason looked mildly embarrass, and then cleared his throat. Nothing yet he said. Yes Oliver said nothing yet, don’t worry. Jason laughed nervously then scratched his head, who said I was worrying. Well then Blaylin interrupted rudely. Now for your first task, I do hope you do an excellent job he said with a fake concerned look. First I think you should go to the fire’s edge---- no Blaylin! You know that’s too dangerous for them didn’t we discuss that we could handle that said Flint fiercely. Blaylin scoffed and said whatever you say Flint, I was merely kidding. We cannot kid around with them, we have to be serious and we cannot play with their minds, this to them is very serious and frightening Somalia snapped. Blaylin rolled his eyes and sighed muttering some words I couldn’t perceive. I heard that Somalia growled, Blaylin looked at her and shrugged. You guys should go to the white lake first, Oliver finally said. Where is that? Annabelle asked. Here Blaylin said giving Annabelle piece of paper .This will help you. You guys are going to help us right? Jason questioned. Perhaps Oliver said. However you shouldn’t rely on us too much Blaylin shot back. I rolled my eyes and thought and his problem is? Oliver looked up at the sky and said we have to leave right now good luck. Yeah and please succeed Blaylin added in. We will try our best said Jason. Annabelle opened up the paper and peered at it confusingly, wait she said, whets the great barrier of Montuzumes? Too late they were already gone. Annabelle sighed ugh how did they do that? Jason laughed bitterly; well obviously they are the hulturials. What’s up with the Blaylin dude Annabelle said why so grouchy? Jason shrugged maybe he is in a bad mood or something. Anyways open the prices of paper I said eagerly. Annabelle carefully opened it again. Jason and I read and were equally confused as Annabelle. So the White lake is North West from the great barrier of Montuzumes. Where the hell is that? Annabelle hissed shivering. Jason looked around and whispered all I see is just trees. Let’s just go north I said maybe we will find something there. Annabelle and I started walking up front. Hey Jason say where are you going do you even know how dangerous this place is. Shut up and just come along said Annabelle. He shook his head in disregard and followed. All we are seeing were trees, trees, and trees! We were walking for hours and there was no sign of a lake. I told you guys not to come here. Jason hissed. It’s too late know-it-all I said we can’t go back. The sun was about to rise and we had no clue where to go. Need help a squeaky voice came out of no where. We looked around to see where it was coming from. I am over here said the squeaky voice now sounding irritated. We all looked down on short fat little midget. Latterly he was about 1 foot tall. Awww he is soooooooooo cute Annabelle said grabbing him. OI! I demand you to release me at once. I too have some dignity show some respect! It said. Well sorry I couldn’t help it Annabelle said putting him down. You guys are the noble heroes I belie he said brushing himself. We aren’t heroes yet but we will be hopefully said Jason. Mmmmmmhhhhhh very well I am here to help you may I know your destination it seems to me you guys are lost. We aren’t---------I started but Jason stomped on my foot .Ow I hissed in his ears. Shut up he whispered back. What’s your name? Annabelle asked. Well the midget said clearing his throat my name is Juju Spellersmen. Well Mr. Spellersmen can you tell us where the white lake is? Annabelle asked politely. What do I get in return he said looking at his nails. I outta choke your little throat that’s what you’ll get! I hissed eyeing him dangerously. Excuse me did I hear something he said looking at me. No juju she didn’t Jason said quickly—
“Um what do you want in return?” Mhmmmmmmmmmmm…………. He thought deeply scratching his pointy chin. How about that watch on your wrist, Juju said as he
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