» Fantasy » Beware Of Revenge., Chalen D. [book recommendations txt] 📗

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/> he looked me in the eyes. "you make me weak in the knees Deven Mace." he said.
i was stunned. no one has ever told me that before.
"Preston!" i said, covering my self, with my arms.
"no ones gonna see." he said, with a sly smile tossing the shirt aside.
he pinned my arms down, at the wrist and kissed my chest. as he when to my stomach he loosened my wrists and intertwined are fingers.
"breathe, baby." he said.
i wasn't aware i stopped.
"hey you okay?" he asked.
i just stared at him wide eyed.
"will this help?" he asked, taking his shirt off.
"whoa, no." i said.
"it got you to talk." he said, kissing me.
"i love you>" he said.
"Are you sure this is okay?"
"i can't answer that, you have to."
i nodded.
"wait." i said, as he unbuttoned my pants.
"yeah?" he asked, with a smile.
"I've never done this."
"don't worry it doesn't hurt, it's different for vampires."
he was right. there was no pain, instead it was the opposite.
"see no pain." he said, looking down at me amused.
i pulled his face to mine.
"i gotta go." i said.
"no stay here with me. just enjoy this moment please?"
he gathered me into his arms, and i rested my head on his shoulder.
i felt a piece but at the same time scared. i just gave everything i had to this guy, and with a couple of words, everything would be torn apart and unable to fix.
"your doing it again."
he better not be able to read my mind too, damn him.
"you thinking too much."
"you know what i could never do to much?"
"what's that?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips.
"love you."
he looked down at me speechless.
he kissed me.
"i love you." he said.
"More than anything."
Shut up! damn it Deven, this guy could hurt you.
but right now i didn't care.
Right now i wanted to stay this way forever.
"what?" i asked pushing open my door.
i took in the faces of my friends.
"we're worried about you." Robby said.
"I'm fine."
"why do you keep sneaking off in the middle of the night?" Tatum asked.
"this isn't like you." Tie said.
"i uh, you." i stumbled on the words.
"no. oh no, Deven no!" Evelon pleaded.
she took my hands.
"you know what happened don't do this. please tell me what i'm feeling isn't true!"
"Deven?" Tatum asked, cocking her head.
"you wound't get it. it's not my fault."
"what are you talking about?" Robby asked.
"we're jaded okay?"
"huh?" Evelon asked.
"Jaded means that your tied to someone for life. who is he, love?" Tie asked.
i wiped a tear away.
"no, i'm fine."
"no your not." Tatum said a protective edge to her voice.
"please don't do this."
"we're here to help you."
"you can't." is aid, running from the room.
i ran to the locker room and lay on the floor.
Marla came around the lockers.
"what a mess I've made huh?"
she lay next to me and i pulled her close.
"I love the girl you protect more than you'll ever know."
i opened my eyes to see Preston in a deep conversion with Marla.
"you and me are a like in away. we both are careful about the people we're around, but the minuet we saw Deven, we both fell in love."
Marla whined and put her head on his leg.
"tell me about it pup. If things where different i'd marry her right now, she has no idea."
he stroked her head.
"i'm thinking of telling my dad, what do you think?"
she looked at him and cocked her head.
"i know it's crazy. but i love her, i can't let him hurt her."
she seemed to nod.
"so you want to wake her up?"
Marla stood and wagged her tail. she walked over to me and stopped, looking back to see if Preston was following her. Preston sat at my head.
"babe?" he moved the hair out of my face.
i woke up and looked around.
"hey." he said, laughing.
i smiled, sleepy and lay my head on his leg.
we both sat there quite, as he played with my hair, and i petted Marla.
i grabbed his free hand and put it on my chest.
"you fell that?"
"yeah." he said.
my hand curled around his.
"you make me crazy."
"in a good way?"
"in the best possible way ever. you don't know how much i love you."
"your so perfect."
i closed my eyes and soaked in the moment.
"i love you." i said.
"i love you. more than you'll ever know."
when you truly care for someone it's the mind that get's pissed, it's the heart that still cares.
"i got to go."
"where?" i asked, sitting up.
"there's some stuff i have to do. i'll be back." he took my hands and looked intently into my eyes. "i love you Deven Mace. don't forget it."
he kissed me and in a blur he was gone.
great, the last time he said, don't forget that, i found out who he was. what if he's just doing this to get close again for Benton. but we're jaded aren't we, and what about the talk he had with Marla? Did he know i was awake or was he just trying to get close to Marla? But Marla's a good judge of character. Stop! those what if questions can rip a person apart! i raked my hands through my hair.
Evelon sat next to me.
"if this blows up in my face, don't tell me i told you so, just help hold me together."
she pulled me almost onto her lap, and pushed my head down on her shoulder. i rapped my arms around her and never wanted to let go.
"you gonna tell Gianna?"
"i might have too."
"what about the others?"
"they's be hurt if i didn't."
after i told them, i took the bad things they had to say about Preston, willingly.
"guys stop." Tie suddenly said.
i didn't realize that i was biting my cheek, and looking at the floor, almost in tears, until he pulled me into his warm embrace. i buried my face and inhaled his sent, which always calmed me, cause it was a mixture of him and Robby. The two sweetest guys i know, and will forever love.
"i gotta go."
"where?" Robby asked.
"I have to met up with Preston, he has something to tell me. i should go alone. if i need you guys, i'll find you."
i gave everyone kisses and stopped in front of Tatum, who had her arms crossed.
i took a deep breath and hugged her. i didn't let go til, she let out a breath and hugged me back.
"what no kiss?" she asked, as i pulled back.
i grabbed her face, and gave her a kiss square on the mouth.
"thanks," she laughed, wiping her mouth.
for some reason, it was Tatum;s opinion that mattered, and i felt broken if she was disappointed in me.
i grabbed my jacket, told Marla to some on, and we left.
Preston was sitting on the blanket head in hands. i plopped down and he smiled at me.
"where'd you go?"
he seemed to pause before he spoke. "i went to see my dad."
i took in a breath.
"yeah," he laughed, without humor.
"what'd he say?"
"i told him i was in love with one of Gianna's daughters and he said, i was just brain washed. i told him that we're jaded and he said, well that doesn't mean that our plan to get you wasn't going to be messed with."
"and then what?" i asked, holding my breath.
"i told him i was in love with you."
"he stopped and fell into a chair. he said, he was disappointed in me and he left the room."
"it's not your fault that we're jaded, it's like a curse."
he took my hands.
"loving you isn't a curse Deven it's a gift."
i bit my lip.
"you think he's gonna come back?"
"yep. we gotta tell your Mother."
"what is she gonna do?"
"it's worth a try come on."
we jumped over the fence, and Preston's mouth fell open as Marla walked right through it.
as we sped walked to Gianna's office everyone turned to us.
i grabbed Preston's hand and turned to Gianna's office.
"i don't care!" Benton said, through the open door.
he turned and smiled.
"your power radiates through the room." he said, licking his lips.
"Father, what are you doing here?"
"you are to come with me at once."
Preston looked to me, Gianna and his dad.
"now, son."
Preston let go of my hand.
i held my breath as he stood in front of me.
"i'm staying. i love her."
"are you choosing that witch over me?"
"that's my daughter your talking about!" Gianna said.
she zapped him with pain, which didn't seem to effect him.
"are you choosing bad over me?" Preston said.
i had to bite my lip from saying ooh, what now! it was something that Robby always said, with Tatum, and it rubbed off.
"i love her, can't you just deal with that? or is power more important than your son?"
Benton glared at him.
"that's what i thought, i'm staying here, i'm not going back with you." he said, firmly.
"when i come back you'll be dealt with the rest of them." Benton said.
i felt my mouth fall open.
"you won't win. i know all your secrets, before you even do them."
my mouth opened wider, in a ooh you got told way.
Benton growled and left the room, With Marla biting the air as he went.
When Preston turned to me he had hate in his eyes. i tried to speak but no words came from my mouth. he smiled, and pulled me into a hug. the smile didn't reach his eyes, and it lacked a glow.
Preston, bowed to Gianna.
"Gianna, i am sorry that i have thrown away your trust. perhaps one day you can forgive me."
"rise my son." she said, with a smile.
"it is not your fault. you did the right thing. Welcome, home Preston." she said.
"He's coming back isn't he?" i asked.
"without a doubt. he feel's betrayed." Gianna said.
Man there sure is a lot of Betrayal going on. Preston put his arm around me.
"with your permission , i'd like to date Your Daughter." he said.
" permission granted, you'll go back to staying in your room, and classes are as usual."
"but what about,"
"i'll worry about that, go on to dinner."
"well,well." Tatum said.
"nice to see you haven't changed."
"oh but i have, this time, if you break my best friends heart, i'll break your neck."
pure hate and death, shown in her eyes.
"Okay!" Evelon, said, pulling Tatum, away from Preston, so she wasn't right in his face.
"your on probation, sorry dude, but we have to look out for our little Deven." Tie said.
"understandable." Preston said.
"understandable my ass crack." Tatum said.
"hey," Robby said, touching her arm.
she death glared the table.
i grabbed her hand, and she held it a little tight.
"babe, loosen your grip."
"sorry," she muttered with the sly smile, i grew to love.
i shook my head, and laughed to myself.
"look guys, i know what i did to Deven, so as her friends, i know you're going to protect her. Evelon, i'm sorry about the whole changing Deven, i wasn't thinking strait, and the fact that your Her Soul sister, i forgot." Preston said.
Evelon nodded, slowly, but i knew all was
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