» Fantasy » Illusions and Lies, InL [recommended reading TXT] 📗

Book online «Illusions and Lies, InL [recommended reading TXT] 📗». Author InL

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still looking at her. As they gain speed, Arwenn relaxed and stared at space again. She thought about the kingdom, her mother, her father, her own failure and soon forgot about the child she saw earlier.

Later, they reached back to the palace. Its look of magnificence stands tall and proud, who would know that the very opposite scene was looming around it, witnessed by the princess of Halafiel herself.

She only stood there, gazing at the place that she called home, the place she never left, the place where once she was happy to belong to but now, the now was different. Arwenn shook her head, not allowing depressing things to enter her mind again.

But the moment was short lived as she entered the receiving area where normally the townspeople and visitors would occupy, except this time, the only significant presence was that of the Queen’s.

Queen Minerva, Queen of Halafiel and mother of Princess Arwenn, was pacing the floor and had terrified look plastered on her face as she was waiting for her daughter. Impatience and frustration has made her tense and weary, all emotions from the past month had pent up. She knew that their family’s actions are closely watched by the others, with hope of salvation.

She already knew right from the moment the King has fallen ill, that the other nations as well as theirs shall be horrified.

“Queen, do what you must” was her beloved husband’s instructions before he has succumb to the sickness. That was a month ago, and now as many more has been affected, the council has finally decided that they needed the meeting. However, one hour before the said meeting, she discovered that her daughter was out wandering. She experienced another bout of irritation, what has her child been thinking?

Her head snapped at the hall at once as she saw the lady with the golden dress walking with elegant grace towards her. She knew that the person was her flesh and blood but always become at awe whenever she sees her. The skin fair and flawless, slender body, waist long hair that flowed beautifully matched with its glossy black color, long lashes that flutter and sometimes hide the eyes which exhibits strong will. She was proud of her daughter, but at times like this, heavens forgive her she wants to discipline her again and again.

“Where have you been?!” asked the queen with an impatient voice when she was close.
" I ... just... went out." Replied Arwenn guiltily.
“I can see that” she pointed out. Then continued " Do you even have an idea what is happening around you?” the queen cried “Do you even know that there is a plague?” asked the queen, angrily.
"Ye ... Yes!” she replied cowardly.
“Yes!” the queen repeated then “Yes, you do! Yet, you go out and immerse yourself to the people affected by it!”.

Memory about the townsmen flashed back into her memory. As well as the incident with the child who’s staring at her as if blaming her for what was happening to them. Arwenn winced at this, it seemed to her that everyone blamed her for everything.

“I… wanted to know what kind of sickness has affected father. That is why I went to town, with hopes to understand it. Then maybe...” she defended.

The queen who is now taut with anger told her “You want to know about it? I’ll tell you about it”.

She walked to a table nearby lifted a pile of papers and shoved it into Arwenn’s arms. “It’s an incurable disease with no known origin, unknown type of transmission and which signs and symptoms are too much for a person. The longer you are exposed to it, it becomes more lethal. It drains the life out of you, slowly and painfully! Is that what you wanted to know? ”.

“I already know all of those things, I just felt like there’s something more to it than what these papers say” Arwenn retorted.

The queen gave off a sigh of impatience followed by “Felt!” she shook her head. “Just because you felt it! You even abandoned your responsibilities here at the castle!” the queen exclaimed.

“I think that what I did was far more important than meeting the council members” she muttered.
“Why do you think that?” her mother sounded confused.
“Whenever I take my place and meet them, the same thing comes up” she answered.

She suddenly had an interest at looking at her feet and muttered “I can’t protect Halafiel like my grandmother did”.

Queen Minerva’s eyes softened at this sensing her daughter’s distraught at the repeated arguments at the council and told her “Cecille was special. What she achieved, is something that is difficult to attain and to be remembered for generations to come”.
Her voice is soft now “I know the pressure is high for you right now, but being a Blight is almost equivalent as the word responsibility itself”.

“I know that, but-” Arwenn appealed but the queen now composed herself again and ordered her firmly “You shall clean yourself then attend to the council. Afterwards, you shall visit your father.” then walked away.

With no choice after all, she walked to her room still bracing herself on what shall take place in the council meeting. She sighed knowing exactly what shall transpire.

In her younger days, she yearned to be a part of that group, to someday and somehow become a part of those people who governed the society. When she turned 16 years old and was officially anounced as a member, elation took over her. No words can explain the feeling of taking hold a position she knew was very important. But all that changed when she realized that something was lacking and the council blamed her.

Always her they turn their eyes to, always her they become irritated with, always her they talked about negatively. It hurt her so much.They didn't know what it's like

. She felt like she was humiliated and shrinked smaller and smaller.

Someone faked a cough as she passed and turned to find a very handsome man leaning against the wall while looking at her with a smile. Suddenly her heart paced faster and she bit her lip. She'd recognize that smile anywhere. That smile that turns her insides upside down, that so familiar smile that she can't stop admiring even if she has seen it in so many years. She smiled back to him.

The man walked towards her acknowledging "your highness" as he bowed with a mischievous smile.

Arwenn rolled her eyes at him but inwardly cringed upon hearing his voice again. It was deep and nice. She always like it. "Van, really.... " she said as she playfully knuckled his right arm.

He chuckled lightly as he asked "How long was it since we last saw each other?"

"Just... a month" she answered. His eyes looked at her intently as he reached up and tucked her hair in her ear. She blushed at the intimate gesture but Van kissed her in the cheek before she could put distance between them. She bit her lower lip feeling suddenly shy.

"Wh-why did you, k-kiss me?" she asked while become irritated with herself for stuttering. Van stretched as he stood and put some distance between them but his eyes never left her.

"I noticed, you look beautiful today"He shrugged and looked away reluctantly. He paused then looked back at her. He added " But well, you always looked beautiful to me" then flashed a seductive smile.

Arwenn suddenly caught her breath and licked her dry lips. She shook her head, sighed loudly as she said "you" she pointed her finger at him "are crazy".

Their gazes met and somehow they felt a strange connection.

Van mutters "maybe I am..". Then somehow looking like rethinking his words told her " You know what? I think its the dress" he nodded as if convincing himself "Yep, I think you enchanted your dress because.. I am certainly falling for whichever" as if somehow confused. They both laughed.

"Yeah right" she finished. The mood was then destroyed a sound from a bell afar. Van clutched his nape and massaged it, then let go. when he looked at her again he somehow looked sober.

Seriously speaking, Arwenn, the meeting's going to start soon. Please change now, we wouldn't want to keep them waiting". she suddenly became weary.

"You'll be there right?". He nodded.

"Yes. Brother seems to have been previously assigned for another meeting in another place. Some events are definitely getting worst." He pinched the ridge in his nose " If things continue like this, there's a possiblity that we won't see each other as frequent as before".

Arwenn stared at the floor disappointed. When they were still kids, they saw each other often. but now, with all the responsibilities on both of them, somehow what they feel is always set aside. Van, as if sensing this, held her arms.

"I'm sorry if I'm always talking about duty. But I hope you'll understand -" he was cut off by Arwenn.

"Because your the second son of King Ganther, holder of the Lightning gem, representative of your country and kingdom" she finished. She nodded and while her eyes burned with unshed tears.
Duty first before her

. Responsibility first before everything else. She always admired him for that. It was only sad that what attracted her to him was also the same thing that brings them apart.

"Arwenn.." Van wanted to say something.
"It's alright Van. I understand" she breathed out loudly.
"And.. I need to change. I have to go" she said feigning cheerfulness and headed to her room.
“Oh by the way!” Van called out again and she looked back “Acryl’s coming too, she’s back” he said and waved goodbye.

, she thought and groaned her frustration. She proceeded to go to her room all the while thinking about what was going to happen with the council specially now she

was here.


Meanwhile in Noadamin, “Jasmine, dear, what’s wrong?” her father asked. She blinked twice to regain focus. She didn’t immediately answer and instead she stood up while holding the berries she picked.

“I saw her again” she answered softly. Her father who was holding an empty basket frowned.

“Arwenn?” he asked before he gave the basket to Jasmine. She nodded as she took it. Her mother who was hovering around picked up the conversation and approached them.

“Aren’t your visions about her getting more frequent nowadays?” she asked. She nodded again while she walked.

Sensing something, her father asked “ what’s wrong dear? We might be able to help” .

She stopped abruptly and tried to think “ I am afraid. Clairvoyants do not have visions this many and I am not even the spirit vessel.” She answered with distress.

“What are you afraid about? The gossips around town? The spirit vessel? Do not worry child we won’t let them hurt you.” She shook her head.

“Mother, I do not fear the talk around the people. They may say I’m looking for attention and I’m a fake. Nor do I fear the spirit vessel, she might have warned me off but she’s the least of my worries.”


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