» Fantasy » Illusions and Lies, InL [recommended reading TXT] 📗

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fit and feminine. Though, from the way she moved, she was... How could she describe her? Boyish? No. More of bodyguard type... Hmmm... How come?

"So uh, you moved from red house?" Jesca suddenly asked after placing her luggage at the other side of the room where the bed hasn't been arranged. Jasmine shook her head.

"I’ actually, have never attended Rune before. How about you?" she said as she took in her surroundings. It was big for a room with two people. The unarranged bed, was definitely hers.

"Oh. I've been here for three years already. This is my fourth. In my first two years I was in red, but then I got better so now I’m promoted to blue" she said rather proudly.

Knowing that everyone in Rune needs to choose which area of specialty they have to belong to before actually starting, she asked "What do you specialize in?".

"Security. Outside security, that is" Jesca smiled sheepishly. Jasmine's eyes widened. Ah, so that explains her movements

. It was precise and cautious.

"Isn't that really dangerous? I mean, following orders then carrying out missions?". She nodded then frowned.

"Well I'd rather do that than to stand guard in places to protect nobles. Hmp!".
"What's wrong with protecting the nobles?" Jasmine was curious. Normally security specialties would be very proud to be a part of a team that protect nobles, especially if the noble belongs to one of the royal families but instead of answering, the girl only shrugged, completely ignoring her last question.

"How about you? What did you pick?" Jesca asked.
Jasmine hesitated a little and sat down on her bed. Was she deliberately evading her question?

But she felt that she had to answer Jesca’s question although her circumstances were different.
"uhm, it was more of, chosen by the headmaster for me..." she said simply.

"What?!" Jesca exclaimed with an incredulous look on her face. Well, Jasmine thought, it was the truth. Other students were given the choice, but not her.

"Why? I mean, everyone gets to choose what they want to be. Why decide for you?" Jesca asked as soon as she regained her composure. Jasmine thought on how to explain the situation then came up with something.

" The numbers of in house informants are getting lower".
"In house informant?" Jesca groaned and she understood. Most people are not very trusting with In house informants. Some even question their credibility. Her roommate shook her head.

"What was that old man thinking? Assigning you there? I don’t even know if those guys are for real or just lucky. Honestly? I doubt them. They were supposed to be able to warn us if a major event or catastrophe is about to happen or at least find some hidden information" she shook her head in utter dismay and continued "But they didn't even saw the plague coming or king Herald getting sick".

Jasmine nodded and she knew that what she was about to say may surprise the other girl yet again.

"Indeed they didn't." she paused before "But I did".


When Jesca heard what her new roommate said her jaw dropped literally
"Woah.woah, you're saying... You saw those coming? " The girl nodded.
She inspected her visually as Jasmine unpacked the luggage she helped her with earlier.

If basing from the clothes alone, she'd say she was not one of those rich people. In fact, she looks so ordinary: Brown skin, brown shoulder length hair, medium height, and medium build. She doesn't look fragile but she doesn't also look like a fighter, a mediocre.

In house informants? Clairvoyants? She wasn't a fan of those people. Although, she admit that those abilities would provide valuable information for missions, there were high risks that it information is not reliable. Relying on those information alone, would be a disaster for their part as a security and might mean death.

She looked at Jasmine through her lashes, if this was the girl that the professors and the headmaster was talking about, then it would be a big step for the now dying profession. Well, isn't fortune smiling down on her.

She remembered the talk about this particular clairvoyant, the one who has a precision of hundred percent. She impressed a great amount of people who has influence from above. It would even be better, they said, if Rune can help her learn to gain information when she needs. After all, she herself had been gathering information secretly. If Jasmine goes on like this, climbing up fast the important political circle, then maybe... Maybe she can use her as a tool for her revenge...

She just need to help her control her abilities and gain her trust.

"So what are your classes?" she asked.
"let's see..." she grabbed a small parcel from inside the luggage. As she went through its contents, she brought out a paper. "Here... It says... History, current events, IIC, Potions"

Jesca looked expectantly, waiting if there was more but Jasmine only looked back.

"That... That's it?"
"what?!" she made an incredelous face.
"what?" it was Jasmine's turn to ask.
"First two clSses are requisites. Potions is an advanced class. The only related thing to your profession is a IIC. Whatever that stands for"
"Oh, I didn't know. IIC is a clairvoyance class. That's what they told me"
"Uh,right" she made a disgusted face.
"Four hours a day. IIC." she informed.
"Boring" she rolled her eyes.
"Tsk, four hours... If that's the first IIC, then... probably you'll just sit around holding objects in your hands, hoping it will talk to you and reveal some kind of secret information".

Jasmine frowned. "how do you know about that? Have you taken that class?"


. Jesca thought. She should hold down her toungue.

"I haven't. We don't need that class. But i know a few people who does". That wasn't lying

. Omission, yes but definitely not lying she thought while shrugging as if it was not a matter of importance.

She looked at Jasmine who only nodded. She was relieved that the girl had let it go and resumed her unpacking.

She took the time to observe her again. Clothes, study materials, books, pouches, sheets... She moved swiftly, like time is the essence. She has finally emptied the big luggage. Or should she term it as her mini house.

"how can you put so much in there? No wonder it was heavy" she was curious.
Jasmine bit her lip. "I'm a merchant. Not like the rich merchants, just you know, trading or selling what we can find"
"well, we have to maximize our resources so I think it was the same with the luggage. It would be a waste of space if I didn't fit my things in that space."
"oh" so she's a clairvoyant merchant. Interesting

"oh Germissa!" Jasmine exclaimed and walked towards her study table where a plant was placed. It has a small budding white flower. Yes, when she bought it from a flower shop, they said it was Germissa. How can she tell?

She was going to ask when a falcon with sharp eyes and brown feather landed at the balustrade.

The messenger has arrived.


Jasmine walked the gray stone floor leading to her last class for the day, Potions. Her first class was IIC and she left earlier than Jesca.

Thinking of her roommate sparks something inside her. She found her very pleasant, she liked that. But, she gets the feeling she was hiding something.

The day before, she was looking at the flowers at Jesca's desk when she heard flapping of wings. As she glanced to where the sound was coming from, she saw a bird.

Before she can even come near it, Jesca got to it first. She handled it very efficiently, even murmuring something to it. But she couldn't hear what she said to it. And after a few more moments, it flew away.

"What was that?"
"A falcon" Jesca answered quietly.
"Does it always come here?"
"Yes, a regular visitor". When Jasmine's eyes widened, she added "He was my older brother's friend. I guess it comes sometimes to check up on me"
Jesca nodded sadly.
"My brother is dead now"
"Oh. I'm sorry." She bit her lip.
"Don't be," Jesca turned and looked at her. "After all, it happened a very long time ago"
"Wow, then the bir- falcon, he's very loyal" she commented but she noticed Jesca's smile. It was different, but she couldn't tell if it was good or bad.

She only said "More than you think it is"...

So now she is stuck up with walking along the corridors, finding the right place where her class will be held, still thinking about her roommate.

She felt like there was something she had to do for her.

She stopped in time as a couple of girls almost bumped into her while they were chatting animatedly. She had to wait before she can get pass them.

"Have you heard of the Phinstam's new decree?" the girl with a curly hair asked.
"Ooh, about the vessels you mean?" an eager pale looking girl asked back.

Jasmine's attention was caught. She pretended to walk behind them trying to look nonchalant. If this was about Arwenn, she wanted to know. She followed the group.

It had been weeks already since the last time she had a vision of Arwenn. She was anxious to hear any news, unfortunately, it seemed that her task of going to spring fields was kept a secret from the people outside the council.

"Exactly, my mother works at the Blight's castle so she heard that Phinstam ordered every vessel the age of 22 and under to stay at Rune" the girl with the curly hair announced.

"I wonder why though" the third girl said.

Jasmine was wondering too but she kept quiet and tried to listen closer.

"Who cares?" curly snorted "As long as we get to see the vessels".
"I think there are only 3 of them who are under 22. Prince Van and Lord Lucas are both 22" the pale girl shared.

The other girls giggled and Jasmine stopped listening. She didn't think she would be able to hear from them what she wanted to know.

She decided to leave the group in front of her and climbed up the nearest staircase then turned right. She checked her school map again as she walked. After passing several halls, she saw a wooden sign hanging right on top of an open door.

After checking her schedule again, she confirmed that it was her classroom. The door was wide open and she entered silently.

A noble's kitchen, Jasmine

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