» Fantasy » Illusions and Lies, InL [recommended reading TXT] 📗

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let out a sigh and lay down thinking she'll eat later and wait for Jesca first but her eyelids became heavy and she closed her eyes.

Moments later she felt as if she was lying on the ground. It was very hard but she can smell something fragrant. She sniffed and opened her eyes only to see that she was in a middle of a place she hasn't seen before.

The fragrance was from the flowers which surrounded the place. Nearby, she can hear the sound of flowing water, like a river or something like that. She sat up and noticed she indeed was on the ground, carpeted with moist green grass . A garden, she thought. She sat up and saw a figure sitting on a boulder nearby.

The person was wearing a very white robe with a hood covering most of her face but her mouth was exposed. Jasmine could tell precisely it was a woman.

"I have been waiting for you. I thought you'd never come" the hooded figure spoke.
"W-who are you?" she asked carefully.
"Someone you can trust"
"Why am I here?" still anxious.

The hooded figure tilted its head slightly.

"You were the one who came here"

Jasmine never had a memory of going outside and she doesn't sleep walk either. Besides that, she wasn't aware that a place like that existed in Rune.

"I did not come here. Wh-"
"Do you believe in heroes?" the figure asked.
"Your world is slowly dying."

Jasmine thought that everything that was going on was weird but she still nodded and stated the practical reason.

"Because of the plague. It causes sickness, it kills people"

The figure shook its head.

"The plague is a diversion." Slowly the person got up from the boulder and sauntered towards Jasmine. All of a sudden, the atmosphere became different.

"What if I told you that something evil is coming your way?” the person paused. “And it won't stop until every single being is dead?”

The figure stepped forward and reflexively Jasmine inched back.

“And there's only one person who can stop all of it and save you? But you won't know when the person will appear, you wouldn't even know who he or she is. It would not even be certain that the person will help you.”

Another step forward and Jasmine’s heart became a little faster.

“What will you do then?"

Jasmine tried to imagine this. A creature that won't stop till everything's destroyed. Then she'll have to watch people die slowly, her friends, her family and herself, all of them out and cold. No more beauty, no more happiness, dead bodies everywhere, the only sound that can be heard are cries of agony. She shivered.

"No" she looked up at the figure. "I, we, will stop it for sure?"

"Well then, if that happens, will you still believe that one day someone will come along and save the world? Will you let other people's lives depend on that person? Even sacrifice your life for that risk if needed? Do you think having faith in that person is worth it?" the figure taunted.

Jasmine immediately thought of Arwenn. The people depended on her too much

, she thought.

She could see the ups and downs of that. Arwenn represented hope, but was always a presence to be blamed when something wrong happens. She almost carried the world. If Arwenn suddenly says no to save the people, then for sure it will be chaotic. I believe in Arwenn, but what will I do if that happens? Was it really wrong to put your hopes in that person?

She asked herself.

She shook her head. No, hoping is good. It gives you something to look forward to. The actions the people take determines what will happen in the future

, Jasmine realized.

"There's nothing wrong in believing. But there's also nothing wrong if we, ordinary people, help to attain what we are hoping for" Jasmine stood up and looked at the figure with determination. "My answer is yes, I do believe in heroes and that we will be saved. But I am definitely not going to stand by and wait around for that to happen. I'll help and even sacrifice myself if that’s what it takes"

"Even if other people become selfish and won't support you?"

"Even if I do it alone" she stood her ground.

Jasmine could see the hooded figure's lips curled as if something has been decided and a major resolution had been made. Gradually her surrounding became hazy and everything went out of focus as she woke up to the smell of food.


Jasmine's stomach grumbled at the sight of food.

"Here this is for you" Jesca handed her the other plate.

"Thanks, I'm hungry. I didn't eat last night" Jasmine started eating.

"I planned to wait for you but I drowsed off"
"Ahhh, that's why you're still wearing the same clothes you, had on yesterday."
"I had a very weird dream"

Jesca stopped eating.

"A vision?"

Jasmine shook her head. That definitely wasn't a vision. First, she was seen. Second, she had an interaction. Those two things never happen in a vision.

"Just a dream"
"What happened in the dream?"
"Nothing much, just that there was a young woman asking a lot of complicated questions"

"Right, a dream with question and answer is weird for you?"Jesca chuckled. "My dreams would take me the end of the world where I beat an ugly green skinned monster. That isn't even weird for me"

"Hmmmm.... Okay then. Let's change the subject. What are your classes for today?"
"History and Current Events"
"Me too"
"Let me check your schedule" Jesca stood up and took the paper Jasmine was holding out.

"Ha! Same classes again"
"That's great! Let's go together."

After the both of them finished taking a bath and preparing, they went off.

History room looked like a common lecture room. She and Jesca sat in the middle row. Not long enough after being seated Leenah came and sat on Jesca's left side.

"Hi Jas!" she waved and turned to Jesca "I swear we have every non security classes together"

"I don't need reminding" she snorted.

"I thought you have the same hand combat class?” Jasmine asked.

"Nope. We have separate classes" Jesca answered.

"Too bad, I want to try and beat you up sometime" Leenah sneered.
"In your dreams! One look and I know you're weaker than I am" she mocked.

Jasmine suddenly remembered something about her and Acryl's conversation the night before.

"Do vessels also need security?" she asked them.

The two looked at each other before Leenah answered.

"Of course they do. They are like walking treasures after all"

"But they can protect themselves right?"

" They might use the gems against an enemy but they also have weaknesses like any other person" Jesca explained.
"Like for example, one vessels' abilities enable them to be strong and defeat an enemy close by but what will he do if an archer is going to shoot at him? Surely he can't use his strength in that distance right?" she explained further.

"Ah, I see. I understand now"

"Why ask?" Leenah frowned.


As soon as the noise around hushed and became mumbles, Jasmine had a hunch of the reason.

"May I sit next to you?" Acryl's bright voice asked.

"Sure" Jasmine smiled as she imagined Leenah drop her jaw and Jesca pouting.

"I'm Leenah" she said with a big smile.

"Hello" she smiled back.

"This," she pointed Jesca “is Forjesca Lex" Jasmine told her as the girl didn't seem to make any move to introduce herself.

"I do know her"

Jesca's eyebrows rose, surprised by her statement still looking cynical but Acryl only shrugged nonchalantly.

"Settle down. Silence please" an old man with graying hair and moustache took his place in front, grabbed the chair behind the desk and placed it in the middle near the first row, then took his seat.

"Now, all of you have been taking up history every year, except of course the new students." he looked at Jasmine's direction."This year we are going to cite the events that took place and made the world as it is now. World history"

A lot of students groaned including Jesca and Leenah.

"Now, now... let's start with discussing the origin of the light gem. Anyone here who can relate to me the story?" he looked around. "Ah! Yes, Mr. Lank"

"Legend says that there was a time that the world perished. No more trees, dirty waters, the soil is no longer fertile."

"In short, resources became scarce. Please continue" the professor commented.

"Naturally, there was hunger and diseases. So the divine creator who loved his people gave the light gem to a person who He trusted would use it righteously, a Blight'

"Correct." the professor shifted in his seat. "The gem restored most of the life in the world through its very first vessel. Sadly, people started to fear its powers, that the vessel would use it for his own goals"

"But that's just not true." Acryl negated. "There's a mutual understanding between a vessel and the gem they hold. One can't act without the other's consent."

"Yes Miss Rein. I suppose you know this since you are a vessel yourself. But remember that he was the very first vessel, and nobody can relate to him."

"So in order to placate the people, the light gem produced eleven more but entrusted the three elemental gems to the people who supported the vessel then another four to those who claimed to be neutral and the last four for those who strongly opposed the vessel" another student related.

"And that made them, including the Blights, to be called the 12 royal families." the professor concluded.

There were several ooh's and aaah's that Jasmine can hear from the background.

"For your homework, I want you to research about these 12 royals. History, abilities, and vessels of the current generation" the professor stood up and ignored the sounds of protests from the students as he went out.

"But there are only nine royal families left so getting information from the other three would be difficult" Leenah groaned then gasped when Jesca elbowed her.

Jasmine looked at Acryl through her lashes. She was the last from her family, one of the extinct royals.
How did she feel, Jasmine wondered, to talk about her family as history?

"We can collaborate. I know some of my families' past, we can trade information later on" Acryl offered lightly.

"Doesn't all of this bother you?" Jesca frowned.

"It used to. But as time go

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