» Fantasy » The Pass, Zion Kistler [bill gates book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «The Pass, Zion Kistler [bill gates book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Zion Kistler

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too. The next words Treaf read with little trouble, and he realized in glee that he could in fact! read the book. Huh. I suppose somehow my reading’s become better or somethin.’
After a few pages he closed the book with a snap and tried to remember what he had read. The last few pages had been quite vague, but he thought that he had read something about ‘the way of the world’ and other theories that in Treaf’s opinion had no meaning, or maybe did to some people but not him. It had also talked about spirits.
Then he realized with a start that everyone was gone and that he was the only one at the fire. He put the book aside and used his boot to put out the fire, and after that he hurried over to the horses and began packing his bags with everyone else.
After seemingly no time at all they were off again, yet for some reason Treaf was not feeling particularly bored. Huh. I guess a battle is what I needed, he decided, and then allowed himself a small chuckle. He was not completely sure, but he expected that the others with him had not really thought or even fathomed this, but to Treaf this seemed completely reasonable, and it could even be considered comical.
After a while of trotting up the slopes and flats, the air became to get considerably warmer, and thinking of weather and temperature, Treaf for some reason imagined himself walking up that whole thing and in short he shivered and turned pale. Thinking about such things were cruel, thought he clearly remembered traveling in Gandria like that, and with Malock and Mildo constantly being his companions to top it off. How the heck did I stand that? He wondered, for in his imagination it would be just as bad as walking up a slope like what they were facing in general. Huh. But back then for some reason I didn’t mind them.
After they had had lunch break and started again they reached a particularly steep region of mountains, and with that came more rocks and deep ruts in the road that they had been traveling on since Goshop. Huh. New country new land signs. If one looked around himself they noted that there were very deep valleys, with marshes in the bottoms of most of them, and then on either sides there would be a short expanse of grass and meadow, and after that further up on the curb of a rise came the loom of the mountains. Lower down there were many trees, but high up, higher than Treaf and the others, were snowy peeks that overlooked seemingly the world; yet Treaf noted with a shiver that they would be trudging through that same snow and rock.
Then he also noted that this looked like ideal areas for wild beasts like Alkerons and Drewmorocks. If, however, they were to run into any of these he would be sure to utterly destroy all of them. They had enough worries as it was, but then he realized that he was not particularly worried; actually more annoyed than anything else.

After a few minutes, (or hours, for all he knew,) Treaf became quite bored so he decided to get out something interesting, whatever that could be, an he thought of the Spell book so he dug it out with his free hand and held it open. He noted that he had stopped at page five, so he started off from there until he reached the second chapter. In his opinion the first chapter had been more of an introduction than anything, so he was partially relieved when the second chapter appeared. Hopefully I’ll learn something in this, though…he thought. But then he remembered that the Elder had learned everything from it, so he decided to hope for the best and continued reading.
In that chapter there was additional information on several things, but mostly it described the base materials of magic, the different genres of it: sorcery, wizardry, and witchcraft. Treaf did not really pay attention to this though, for somehow he already knew about it, probably through myths and legends.
It also informed a little about alchemy, (the science and logic of it,) and Treaf found this quite interesting, but soon that certain topic was overrun with more about sorcery.

After several hours the light began to fade, and Treaf had been reading that whole time, so he only noted this when a cold breeze came and met up with him, causing him to look up. The light had faded and now one could make out the trees only as large, looming sticks that bent upwards from the ground. Huh. We’ll be camping soon, he noted, and then estimated that they would reach the Twelve Lords the next day, and there was a tiny, hardly noticeable flicker of excitement in Treaf.
They had to divert course slightly to find a good place to stay for the night; presently they stumbled upon a somewhat-flat area of ground that was surrounded with trees and brush. There were also quite a few rocks that they had to move in certain instances to place tents and so-forth.
Treaf had long since dismounted and set up a few tents before he realized that the warriors had started cooking something, and when he walked over to where he guessed they were he could smell something that was very unmistakable; meat. Though he had only recently decided that he would stop having the habits of a doat he was already looking forward to that certain food.
When he arrived he saw that it looked most like several hams from pigs, and it had been roasted by the fire on a spit until the skin on it was crispy; and then honey had been dripped over it until it formed runny pools on one’s plate. After tasting it Treaf realized that eh loved it and asked for more; and then more after that until he was full. Once he was he sat by the fire with all the others until he fell asleep, and then someone wakened him and he went to a tent. Once he reached it he toppled over and instantly began to have the experience of sleep, but it was a dreamless sleep none-the-less.
There was an awakening chirp from one of the surrounding trees that made Treaf jump at six o’clock. It happened to be a bird, obviously, and Treaf soon found that the sun had not risen yet, but light was coming to them and shortly it would appear.
However, Treaf reminded himself as he pulled his shirt on, they would be traveling again today, which seemed very boring for all of them right then. Sighing in a particularly miserable way, Treaf crawled out of the tent and began taking it down, then he had breakfast with all the others, and after that it was already about eight o’clock, so they all mounted, checked the campsite to see if they had missed anything, and when they saw that they hadn’t they rode on up the road.
As they were riding along Treaf was startled as there was a very large outburst of birds, crows, that came out from their trees and bushes, and they crowed very loudly. Darned birds, Treaf thought, but after that for some very strange reason he felt a little refreshed and did not feel quite so miserable.
In fact he got in such good of a mood that he thought that maybe he was ready for Mildo again, but he soon decided against it.
His ribs had been hurting for a while now, but they hadn’t been that bad, and it was really more of an irritation than an injury, for sometimes they just felt a bit funny, and then there would be a sickening pop, crunch, snap…and they would hurt a little more. I think, however, that I will be getting some proper treatment when we reach the Twelve Lords and their halls of glory, Treaf thought, and for a second he considered asking Malock about them, but soon decided against it since discovering it himself would be so much more fun and interesting than someone drawling it out in their boring voice. Besides, I’m just a helpless doat who has lost his way, eh? Treaf thought, but after that, he noted, there was a blinding flash as all of them rounded a corner, and in an instant he realized that the sun had risen, and that now the land was lit by its startlingly bright light. After a moment, though, he became accustomed to it, and things had again become noticeably brighter. Treaf scoffed. Just another day, and with that he began gazing all around him.

After a few more minutes, (about a half hour,) it became evident that the weather had changed rapidly. However, once Treaf had looked at a map, he had found out that the land had not yet risen to full capacity—but, mixed with the coming of late fall, the two combined and became one large weather change.
And damn and blast, I remember looking at The Jaragon on a map for the fist time; it seemed to be not so far away. But now that we’re actually near it, rather, the heart of it, it seems like just another damn thing that we ‘ave ta cross… in that small instant Mildo had ridden up beside him and opened a bottle of water to drink. Treaf realized with disgust that Mildo would have been fully capable to walk the whole way up the mountains. He decided that of course he would not have been able to, but still he decided not to brood over it, for that would make him get into a bad mood which he predicted would end in disaster.
“Ya' know with all this heavy fightin' goin' on you might be the next one to lose you're sword,” he commented after he had come along side of him. After a moment of comprehension Treaf replied with a wry smile, “yeah, but ya' know if that happens I'll just get a bigger sword than you that will kill ya' if it touches ya',” he commented, and after a second Mildo nodded in a serious way that in a way admitted defeat, and Treaf smiled again, and said, “Can't wait to get to the countenance of the Twelve Lords, then I'll be able to beat ya' in front of everybody.” Then after a moment of contented silence he added, “I find it actually quite curious that you are never the one that fights the powerful guys,” and after that Mildo looked madder than ever. Treaf wryly smiled.
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