» Fantasy » The Pass, Zion Kistler [bill gates book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «The Pass, Zion Kistler [bill gates book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Zion Kistler

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Normally he would have been nervous right then, but today he took on the challenge with full confidence.
When they reached the large group of them, Treaf did not greet them, and decided to leave that to Malock. He was a little better with things like this.
“Hello.” Was all that Malock said. The leader of the group then nodded his head in a serious way. His gigantic sword was resting on his shoulder, and a third up the blade was large saw edges. Treaf guessed that it could probably cut down a tree with minimal exertion.
“I would like all of you to follow me now. We will shortly be starting training,” he said, and then turned in a flourish of his leather cloak.
Shortly they came to the gates, which opened in the same way as before, and for the first time Treaf realized that there was a gigantic field of well-kept grass that had a large fence around it. He could have guessed, from a distance that it was a pasture for cows or something, but now that he was relatively close to it he saw the length of the grass.
So that’s where we’re gonna be training huh? he thought. He guessed for some reason that it would be a little like a tournament, what with all the people to fight, not a war. But why the hell is it so damn huge? Treaf had to ask himself.
“We will do a demonstration of what we will be doing first,” the leader said when they arrived. “I will choose one of my strongest, and he will fight against me,” he said with a wry smile. He then called the name, “Letin Noedar,” and from the crowd came a surprisingly short person, which Treaf guessed was probably his age. He also had a large sword, probably even bigger than the one that had called him. But instead of a saw blade, there were dagger-like barbs on the sides of it that were about six inches long. There were also circular holes in the top of the blade which Treaf did not know what was for. However, unlike the leader’s sword, it was double-bladed, with a large and sharp wedge at the end. The kid grinned.
He walked right past the other one, right into the pin-arena, and went to the far side, where he planted his sword into the ground.
The other one followed suit, but slowly, and Treaf guessed it had been five minutes when he was in position.
“Now will someone please say, ‘begin’?” Malock nodded and said immediately, “Fight!” His voice was actually quite quiet, but it seemed to carry all the way through the area, until with a snap it seemed to hit the competitors, and immediately the younger one jumped into the air, muttered something, put his hands together in an odd way, and there was a blast of red light, and about fifty daggers, which had come out of who knows where, sped towards the leader. He quickly rolled down, but some of the weapons, which glinted in the light, went towards him, and then he quickly swung his sword and the daggers ricochet off the heavy blade with glints of light.
Then, not hesitating in the slightest, the leader sprang forward with amazing speed and came right to the man, but it in that one fluid motion he had swung down with his sword in a flash of light. When it hit the ground, (for the younger one had side stepped,) it sent chunks of earth flying in all directions, making a scar in the soil. Then the short one grabbed his sword at the top, besides the handle, and whipped it forward at the man’s face. Treaf’s eyes widened. One of the daggers had punctured the leader’s face. But there was no blood, and the man did not even seem to notice. Wards…Treaf decided, glad that he knew something about what they were doing.
I find it strange that they have so much speed and power, Treaf thought, for you can’t just whip out a spell like that.
Then the leader took from his cloak a small ball, and undid a small string, and threw it at the other. Within less than a second it exploded in a gigantic cloud, and fire erupted for s short time. There was much smoke, and Treaf had frankly guessed that the younger one had died, but before anything cleared there was a large, thundering boooooommmmmmm, but after that there was only quietness. Then, while the smoke hung like a curtain, Treaf glimpsed a small, glinting eye, and then some blackness, and his eyes widened, the pupils tiny dots. There was a Blackwolf Spirit inside the smoke.
With a blinding flash the spirit attacked the leader, but with his sword in hand he in a way leapt backwards and then up, coming to the neck of the spirit. He was tiny compared to it.
Then with tiny glints of light he swung his sword, and the matter around it dissipated, until after twenty swings the spirit faded into black powder. Uh huh. It looks like the Second Society uses enchanted blades like the Elders.’ He smiled, feeling foolish.
But after the defeat of the Spirit the short one, Letin Noedar, leapt into the air a second time, and sped towards the leader in the air, landed, and put his hand on the ground, then swung upwards with both his feet. The other one whipped his head up, barely avoiding it, but Noedar was not slow to respond and leapt back up, thrusting with his huge blade. The leader sidestepped.
A sequence of similar happenings followed this, and both of them were unscathed. But it seemed that they did not run out of stamina very quickly, for Treaf would have been exhausted by that time.
But it was time for the leader to use magic. He folded his hands together rapidly, muttered something, and there was a small, brightly shining object that glowed in his hands. This grew to the size of a house in three seconds, and soon it was a raging ball of churning flames. This burned a crater into the ground, and it disappeared into it. For a moment things were quiet, but Noedar leapt backwards rapidly, as if avoiding something, and the fire ball burst from the ground with a roar, right where the kid had been standing. That would have been impossible to do even with magic, Treaf thought, growing angry. It seemed like there were no boundaries around this group. With that much compressed fire, the dirt and rock in the earth would have extinguished it, he thought, frowning, and besides, it would take too much oxygen in the air to keep the fire burning.
But putting that aside, it had happened, but he had dodged it successfully. And he did not hesitate to attack back.
This time he seemed to use a summoning spell, like what the Elder used to release the Magical Beings.
And likewise there came a ringing sound and there was a burst if light. Out of this came a Leather Back Dragon, and it immediately folded its wings, burst them open with a rush and roar, and then leapt into the air, stopped a hundred feet up, and dove towards the ground, pure red fire coming from its stretched jaws. The fire enveloped a huge area of ground, and the leader seemed for a moment to stop and think, before leaping, with amazing speed, towards Noedar, who had been expecting the leader to have defended himself before attacking. Even Treaf thought that this was a very strange thing to do, but when he thought about it it made since. If he attacked too, then the short on would be isolated and not have a choice to defend himself.
But their skill far outranged Treaf, and Noedar commanded the dragon to breath more fire, and this came speeding towards the leader, which somehow blocked it all with his blade. In fact the fire seemed to avoid it somehow.
But then something very unexpected happened. Noedar also summoned a Blackwolf Spirit and also a Grath. These also attacked the leader, attempting to pummel him with their weapons and fists. They hit the ground beside him, though, and in the meantime the leader dodged all the attacks somehow, but, with another great and powerful roar, the Leather Back Dragon breathed a plume of fire that would have devastated a city. Noedar, now grinning, thrust his hands outward and the fire was bent into ten huge fire balls, which went into a circle, surrounding the leader. Then they sped at him at an amazing speed, churning the soil and ground, while the Grath and Blackwolf Spirit also attacked.
Then with an amazing burst of fire, dust, and rock, the balls of fire collided where the man was standing, and exploded, sending debris flying at the rest of them. A heat blast tore at them, and a wind erupted, which made the explosion into a whirlpool type thing, which sped along the ground, then came speeding towards the earth and erupted another time, sending a second heat blast ravaging all around them.
Treaf was near traumatized. The raw power of all of them around him was startling even to behold, but soon he stopped thinking and watched with anticipation as the smoke cleared. All was silent.
The leader was at the bottom of what looked like a mighty crater, and his head was slammed into the ground. His clothes were tore and battered, but there was nothing noticeably wrong with him. There was minimal blood, but Treaf, and all the others knew that he had lost.
Walking towards them, Noedar said, “That is what you call a good battle.” There were no cheers, and Treaf wouldn’t have anyway, for he was actually a little jealous of the kid. It has come to my realization that Malock is the most damn bad trainer imaginable! Treaf thought, thinking back to what they had done in their training. They had sparred and nothing else.

Chapter Ten
The First Fire
“I kinda hope that I don’t have to fight today,” Mildo said. Treaf grimaced.
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