» Fantasy » The Pass, Zion Kistler [bill gates book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «The Pass, Zion Kistler [bill gates book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Zion Kistler

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the need for a piece of paper right at the moment. “What exactly is this?” Treaf asked, looking away from it and instead focusing his eyes at Noedar.
“I want you to look at what is inside that paper and memorize it. Soon enough it will be the basis of all your understanding of magic and sorcery alike.” Treaf looked back down at the wrinkled, heavy-duty piece of paper. He opened it and it gave a small crackle. Inside his eyes widened and what he saw before him was a large diagram of group of circles, four, that were intersecting at a certain line in the middle, and there were small dots connecting these intersections, along with small wording that went along with the circle. After that what the eye saw was a large description, at least that was what Treaf thought, that must have been talking about what the circle was.
When he looked up again he saw that Noedar was smiling, and he folded up the paper and stuffed it in his stiff coat pocket.
“I would also advice for you to inscribe all the circles that you see in this description, whether on your armor or your sword. It does not matter. But I do know that this little bit of information will be important in the near future.” Treaf nodded and after a second said, “Bye,” and turned his back, heading towards the dark alley that lead away from the glade and into the city. He could however see no light coming from the other side.

Chapter Eleven
The Ten Bonds of Death

The streets seemed darker than usual as Treaf made his way down the alley and out into the middle of the city. There were less people walking about in this section of the city, he noted, ’probably because the whether was getting so cold recently. In fact he could hardly stand how much cold air was going through his body, heavy cloak and all.
He was however, thinking about the paper that Noedar and the others had given him. He thought that this paper would become the truth of which my future would know.
“Hmmmmmmm…” he said to himself. I suppose curses will probably become quite a necessity in the near future. But still…he realized that he was new to magic, and if he was to be fighting people like that victim of a Necromancer the other day he would have to definitely master the various techniques of magic. He had come out with a heavy wound a few broken ribs, so……
Rounding a corner, he stepped in a very large puddle, and the dirty gutter-water splashed all over him, even up to his waist. He stood there all rigid for a minute. Damn.
He moved on, realizing that his heavy boots were much too thick to be affected by water, and so little of it. Maybe a powerful acid, but not water.
He turned the wrong way a few times on his way back to the sleeping quarters, but he realized that he had been going the wrong way before it had been too late, and so he finally made it at about five, he guessed.
According to his knowledge, they had dinner at about seven, so he was two hours in advance. That gave him two hours to read the paper.
He arrived in the room, then made his way to his private ‘quarter,’ and quickly grabbed the paper out of his pocket. He also doused his coat and there it lay on the ground. The first thing that he looked at was the actual drawing of the circle. Over it was labeled: The Ten Death Bonds. On the top was the Kagra, and on the right was the Jernon. On the left was the Dagmon, and down from that was the Onc. On the right in that level was the Sargrai, and on the right was Gersnai. Further down in the middle column was the Bedone, and on the right was Anon; on the left was Argoa. And the very last curse in the middle column, at the bottom, was Heth.
Wasting no time whatsoever Treaf looked over to the description. The first curse and most powerful curse of all is the Kagra, located on the top of the circle. To form a Kagra, one must give the required energy needed for whatever that person intends to do with the curse. If it is something large, one must give a large amount, and likewise.
However, one cannot take energy from those things and animals around you. This will not count, and the spirits inside the Bond will take the energy from whatever is around it until it is content. This results in the killing if many: sustainable energy must be given to a spirit, not the little energy that is given bye an animal or plant.
Plant and animal energy is called Essacar, and the energy of a human is named Kraug. In spirit and energy binding, only the Kraug can be used. If not used, the spirit cannot be made.

A Kagra uses the energy from the source given and uses it for whatever task. This is converted by the Death Bonds, bonds of energy that are channeled through the blood and cells of the human body. However, if they are not made correctly they will do the opposite affect and attack you. It went into depth on how to form a correct Kagra, and most of everything that was mentioned Treaf had never heard of before. I guess this is gonna be a lot harder than I expected, Treaf thought, and that settled it.
Blam. Treaf looked up. He saw that someone had entered the room, and before he had even really seen who it had been he could have already guessed that it was Mildo. And when he looked up, he said, “And whats do you want?” Mildo looked unimpressed in a way at the shape lying on his back on a heap of blankets and packs. When the silence grew Treaf thought, Curses! What the hell does e’ want anyways? Before long after this Mildo seemed to realize what he was doing and he replied, “Right. Uhh….they say the dinner’s ready, and that ya should come down, and I was doin that too.” For some odd reason Treaf felt like not replying much, and for once this seemed to make Mildo madder than the devil, so he said, “Well ‘urry it up ya lagger! It ain’t gonna get warmer and spicier if ya keep sittin ere like ya have somethin ta do…” Then Treaf upped and said, “Yeah, yeah—quit yer yappin doggy.” He walked straight for the flight down the house, and he was thinkin, Curses ta anyone that thinks they can disturb my rest. In fact he had been doing something, much more than little Mildo knew about, or any detail of, come to think of it…
He had been through this process quite a bit now so he was used to it. He walked down the stairs and then he would smell all of the food cookin and his mouth would water and he would be oh! So glad that he came down to the supper after all. Not this time, though—his senses had become dry, seasoned, and relatively drab, though right now he wasn’t in the most festive mood, so thinking wasn’t the main priority. Yes….food sounded good, but this defeated the urge in him to go back to his reading so he sat down with a blast of air and creaking wood. As expected the waitress came and, (My god girl if ya in any way lags with my food…I swear…) and Treaf asked for ale as his drink and the other stuff was supplied automatically with his choice of topping which he didn’t really care about anyway so the whole thing was kind of painful.
However, when his steaming plate of food arrived he sniffed it in and his nerves for food went alive with a snap. Soon he was ripping great pieces of meat from his half of a ham, and his bread, (sourdough) which seemed in a since to go along with the ale since it was such a hardy meal.
It was warm in the house that they were being kept in. And mixed with the food it became partially toxic, and when Treaf was done with his meal he burped a mighty belch and sat back, thinkin, why the hell does the Kagra demand so much effort and energy? I mean, if this thing is even possible the Blackwolves would be lickin’ our feet by now, I swear! Or doing handstands, he thought fondly.
Anyway after he was done with the meal, which was much quicker than the others, he headed up the flight again and this seemed rather hard. His stomach was right out sticking out, and he sadly thought that the next morning it would all be gone and he would have to eat like a pig again. Than the same process would happen all over again, and he would end up doing something with it all…
He arrived at the top of the stairs presently. And with that he saw that no one else was in the room, so he set to standing there, wondering what to do, though he was really not thinking much. More of just standing there and acting drowsy. Should I read again…? It seemed like quite the option, and so he set to it.
The Jernon
To form a Jernon one must take the energy from that of a plant, (Essacar,) not that of a human or related creature. After one has done this successfully, one must bend the energy into the strands of two Death Bonds by making the appropriate Handsigns, or touching the circle that has been carved into metal. (The energy has less trouble being channeled through that of metal than of any other known substance.)
The Bonds must remain stable. If not the Jernon will
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