» Fantasy » The Pass, Zion Kistler [bill gates book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «The Pass, Zion Kistler [bill gates book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Zion Kistler

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by an acid though.
Oh yeah…I left the Homunculus with the Elder didn’t I? “Oops.” It didn’t really matter though because he didn’t have a purpose for it anyway, “Haw haw.” No purpose whatsoever.
He did some quick calculations. According to what he thought best, he decided that the best time to perform the ‘testing’ would be at the last of the week—if they could get prepared in a time that short, of course. But he thought that yeah they could if they just hurried. And that was what he was doing right now.
He realized that he couldn’t study the circles now that he had put them with the smith—no matter he told the man to get done by the next morning and well he hoped that that would be possible.
What should I do that…? He thought for a moment. Well…I could go see if the Second Society is at the place that they were supposed to be earlier…he chuckled. He knew what he was going to say if they were and if they were mad at him fro being late. Like they could trick him that easy….not yet anyway. He still had time and freedom on his side, besides of course lack of suspicion, Haw haw!
The trip to the other side of town was over shortly. He was in front of the alley in moments—he realized that he had been visiting this one part of the city a lot lately—stepping into it he was submerged in darkness once more, but after a second he was in the light again, emerging from the shadows, and what he saw was—
Yup. Noedar was there and a few others that Treaf didn’t pay attention to.
“Hello.” Treaf stepped closer to them. Now is the time, haha…
“Welcome.” I hope they say it…
“You’re late.” Yes! Treaf grinned; they found this strange and non-comforting.
“Well—lesse, seeing as you weren’t here at ten o’clock I kinda am wondering who is late exactly?” Treaf looked pure evil now. Haw haw… “And I was also wondering about the disappearance of the fence. Along with the crater left from the boulder I dropped.”
They were quiet, and Treaf knew why. He actually did not know what they were going to do though, scold him for his talking? Likely, but….
“I see. We apologize. Now we shall get to business.” Treaf was expecting this and he took it in stride.
“Yah, but ya didn’t tell me about the disappearance of the fence and the dent in the ground,” Treaf said impatiently. Burn…Treaf thought. They looked troubled in the face. He didn’t blame them—yet…..
“We are going to make a new one. The old one did not function properly. We also wanted to get rid of the dent so that we could train you more easily.” Treaf nodded even thought he for some reason doubted it, but really there wasn’t anything else that they were doing that Treaf could guess… they’re reasons were good enough.
That day he trained for the at least three hours and he had been learning about curses—they asked if he had studied the piece of paper and he said that he had. In fact he knew quite a bit now. But now was the task of trying them out…
Later that day he arrived at the Guest House and he saw that they were having dinner, I guess we’re having it earlier, he thought as he walked down the last stretch of dark street there was till he could reach it.
And inside there were warm lights and a bunch of food, and he could smell it, so spicy, rich, and warm…
“For a side I want some wine.” The waitress turned her back without a word and left to get his order, while the rest of them were feasting, except for a few, he realized, who he guessed were going to arrive shortly.
His food arrived on a hot platter: there was part of a ham, some potatoes, and a pomegranate on the side, (“Why do I have a pomegranate exactly?” “Because we want you to be refreshed after the ham and potatoes of course!” Tee hee. ) He smiled slightly as she left a second time. Then he looked down at his plate, and he could tell what it was about to taste like, but what came as a shock was—
“Hey Treaf!” He looked up, fork and knife in hand stupidly. He spotted Mildo.
“Yah?” Mildo did not reply till he drew close enough for Treaf to here.
“I saw ya in the middle o’ town. Wot were ya doin?” Treaf looked blank for a second while the thought registered. Naaaa…he couldn’t’ve seen the homunculi…
“I was lookin’ for the Second Society. They weren’t where they usually were and I couldn’t find them in town, so…” he left it for emphasis.
“Ahhhhhhh…ya were messin’ around?” Argh.
“I guess. And you were practicing with the sword?” Mildo nodded—haha…ya’ should’ve seen what I was really doing. It was much more than duels, haha!
But he couldn’t say that.

Later that evening, at what he guessed was about five o’clock he could be found in the top of the guest house. He was not reading however—he had tried to, but at the moment he found it to be boring, and so he was sitting there. However this partially miserable time had only lasted so far for ten minutes, and he had made up his mind that—I bet there’s somethin goin on downstairs…
He stomped down the stairs, his head buzzing slightly from the quick change of getting up quickly to walking downstairs.
When he got close to the bottom the smell hit him harder than at first entrance. Mmmmmmmm…he was definitely in the mood for this—maybe he would get drunk…?
Well yes that sounded very good, and he soon saw Mildo down there at the last table. Damn…there were ten girls around him, and Treaf averted his eyes as oh yes! Mildo started puking. How’s our fine li’l Mildo Fropkins High novice of the Scout’s Academy now? Haha… he walked over to a table and ordered ale. Also a large pie. While he was waiting he was pleased to see that Malock was not anywhere to be seen, but he severely wondered where exactly he was, but soon his attention was averted when he heard some grunts and yells, then a crash, and he looked over to the middle of the room. There was a barfight, and it looked like a table had been overturned. He decided not to get involved, for he predicted that he would end up using one of the curses that he had learned on one of them.
Once his food arrived he decided that he was tired of sitting there on that one table so he up and walked over to the table that Mildo was at. He looked surprised. In fact he stopped talking for a second in shock. Damnit. Now I’m gonna have ta take up the talk…he knew this would be awkward. The girls stopped giggling, and as Treaf started drinking more he began giggling, for what reason…?
Although the pie was very delicious he found that he could not eat much of it. He was full from before.
Then much to all’s surprise one of the girls sat next to him! Oh damn. She giggled as he fell asleep on her lap.

Morning did not come as expected. Instead he felt a tap on his shoulder, and he woke up finally only after some cursing. He felt that he had something soft under his head, and he rose. He felt more dazed than ever.
Mildo had been the one to wake him.
He saw that the girl was still there. He looked at her curiously. It looked as if she was asleep. In fact the whole place was quite silent.
“Why’d ya wake me?” he said to Mildo, though he looked blurred.
“’Do ya want me ta put ya back ta sleep again?” he asked, rising his fist. Argh.
“Naaaa…I’m fine.” His head hurt. Not unbearable though, and he got up. He looked long and hard at the girl asleep.
“Who was she?” Mildo followed his gaze.
“Dunno.” Hmmmmmmm…
“I think we should go.”
“I think your right.”
They left, and Treaf twitched. He looked back at the girl again. Oh come on…I don’t seem very much like a warrior right now, do I? Mildo stopped with him.
“Hurry up!” Mildo was impatient. And Treaf heard him mutter under his breath: “First time e’ saw a girl, huh?” Then there was a string of curses.

Treaf slept till ten the next morning. And when he awoke he saw that the sun had risen bright in the morning. Mmmmmmmm…I guess I should get up, huh? he realized the validness in this. He still had his armor to retrieve.
He buckled on his sword. He felt a little strange without the comfort of his armor, but…I’ll have it soon, right?

He was soon out in the streets. Carts and horses came past, and he noticed that the streets were fuller than usual. Hmmmmmmm. Maybe they’re havin some kind of market or somethin. This seemed reasonable.
He went around many buildings, keeping track of this is the right alley, I should turn here, and the other details that would lead him to the Blacksmith’s shop. However it took a while before he arrived there. And he guessed that he had taken some wrong turns.
But after what could have been a half hour he saw a large building that rose above the rest of the buildings, and that dwarfed them in it’s width. “Aha.” And he knew that at the other side of this there would be the small dip in the city’s floor, and there would be the small, hardly noticeable shop.
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