» Fantasy » The Pass, Zion Kistler [bill gates book recommendations .txt] 📗

Book online «The Pass, Zion Kistler [bill gates book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Zion Kistler

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So he walked around it and arrived at that small rise, and saw that small shop. What’ll I do if he doesn’t have im’? he wondered. Well, he could wait another day, maybe, but that would bring the end of the first week they had stayed there, and he would only have the rest of the next week to master the curses and find out about the homunculi, besides being trained at the same time…
He hopped down from where he stood and walked to the front of the shop where the front of the tent was pinned back. He walked in.
The first thing that he noticed was that the Blacksmith was not there. And the second thing that he noticed was that his armor was most certainly not there either. Damn…he looked around the small, cluttered shop, but he couldn’t find them, until….he hit his head hard on something that clanged. What the…? He looked up at the ceiling and saw a few things dangling…haha. There they are. He grabbed at them—he couldn’t reach—so he grabbed a box, stuck it under them, and stepped up. The first thing that he looked at on the armor was weather or not the circles were on them, and when he turned a gauntlet over…there were the designs, all right; this one looked like it had a base of a hexagon, and from those six dots came the circles, forming a sort of cross in the middle with circles coming from there; he looked at his pauldrons, and they were adorned with a square base, along with a triangle base, which formed a triangle of circles, along with a few others consisting a nine-dot square that formed a square of circles, an octagon base, a series of circles that looked like a whirlpool except with two sides, a series of five circles with a square in the center, and three others that seemed quite the same to Treaf. Huh…next all I have ta do is find out which one each of ’em is, and…he looked down again, and he saw that they actually did have the names on them—the one on his right gauntlet was the Kagra, and on his left gauntlet the Heth. On his right pauldrons there were the four of the right side, and on his left there were the four others of the left side. And each was titled accordingly. Wow. There ain’t no room for nuthin’ now…my to a normal person it would look as if I liked designs or somethin…he realized that this would be his advantage. In a fight anyway. And if the person wasn’t very smart.

He started walking towards the Elder’s house on the other side of the city. If we’re gonna do it we need ta get ready as soon as we can. And so he rushed through the streets—this time they weren’t dark and cold anymore.

Chapter Fourteen
Treaf had put the armor on by now—the metal had not reacted with his skin and the circles, which he was glad of because if so then they would have become spirits and probably kill him, based on what energy they needed…however this was not a concern since it had not happened and that meant by Treaf’s reasoning that it wasn’t gonna happen unless he made it.
Anyway in about ten minutes he was across the city—he had grown quite used to it by now and didn’t get lost much. But now, if only he could remember what the Elder’s house looked like…?
“Aha.” He found it: it was small, in a tight corner, and somewhat secluded from the rest. He stepped onto the porch of it which was only about three feet wide and one and a have feet long—he knocked and the Elder came out quite quickly and he told Treaf to come inside. He offered tea of course and Treaf denied it, the usual, and then they both sat at his table.
“I see you have gotten your armor done.” Treaf nodded.
“I thought it would be useful. When I fight an enemy it’d be better ta use this then draw ’em or whatever. And yeah they’re titled.” The Elder nodded. Treaf grimaced.
“We should first begin with mastering the Kagra. I think that since it is the first and most powerful of the Ten Bonds of Death we should master it—besides if it works than that means immediately that the Homunculi can be used for Essacar curses.” Treaf nodded.
“Where do we start?”
“Do you even remember how to make one? The different steps?” Treaf shook his head. How was he supposed to remember all of this?
“Anyway it wouldn’t be safe having you do it anyway so it would be wiser for me to do it.” Treaf couldn’t disagree with that. But something came to him.
“What if the homunculi do not produce Essacar?” There was silence; both of them knew what this meant. If they did not produce Essacar then that meant that everything would fail, and yes if it needed Kraug or something else then it would take that and destroy everything in its path—or one of them, instead.
“I will try to learn how to stop a curse from doing something like it would. There may be something about it in the Spell Book.” This is taking more preparation than I thought. We need ta get everythin right or we’ll all die or the whole city will be destroyed…he realized that the moment that they would actually do it would be highly stressful, the responsibility to get everything right…
“Well ya better do that then cuz if ya don’t then the whole thing’ll get messed up, and it’s a high probability that one of us will die, and we can’t have that, cuz if it’s you that dies I don’t know how to create the Magical Beings.”
“You can learn.”
“No I can’t.”
“It’s simple enough, if you would read once in a while.”
“WELL WHATEVER IT’S BETTER IF YOU CAN DO IT. You’re more experienced.” The Elder nodded after Treaf said this very loudly.
“I can see what you mean…”
“So IS there a way to control the spirit inside,” Treaf said, because if there was than they wouldn’t have anything to worry about. But one of them would have to die anyway…
“Remember we do not have any obligation to do this anyway. It seems dangerous to me, but if your theories are correct, than we might want to see what this whole thing is about.” The Elder grimaced after he said this. There were a few moments of silence. He’s right, but I think that I need to understand this thing. If these THINGS are what is being transported, than there needs to be a place that they are coming from. I doubt that the elves would be the ones making them or whatever, or the Dwarves, since they don’t really do magic, and the doats and the men are doing nothing of the sort I already know. The Graths are too DUMB to know anything else than eat and defend themselves, so that leaves us with one possibility, which is Mourgorth. But if these things were coming from him that proves that he has something to do with magic. And that proves what I thought a while ago. And the book I have probably says the same thing. But then again it could be that the Jaragon is making them, and THAT means that there would be a PLANT around here somewhere where they’re making them. But how do you make a Homunculus?
“Hey Elder.”
“Well I still have the Spell Book, and I think that you should have it again. You need to learn a few things: How a Homunculus is made, what someone can do to prevent a spirit from destroying large areas or people, and if you can control the Spirit inside of the Curse.”
“So I’ll be off then.” He got up from his chair and left the Elder in his house and left the house altogether and went out into the streets. Before they even worked the spell Treaf wanted to see who and what was making the Homunculi, and there were two possibilities: Mourgorth or The Jaragon itself. And so I’ll explore the city and try ta find a place where makin ’em would be possible. And so it looks like I’ll need to ask for directions.
He waited for a passerby and when one came he said, “Hey do you know where the factories or plants are for this city?” The passerby did not even reply in words but pointed west. Even more west than I already am?
“Ok thanks.” He started walking in that direction, making his way through bends and corners, which seemed to be prominent. Hmmmmmmm…that’s strange I thought that the magical place where we train was over here…? He pictured the city in his mind. It seemed roughly circular, but there could have been a dip somewhere, and that’s where the place would be, which was: aha. It’s away from the main part of the city so that no one will see it. Maybe…dunno for sure yet. As he walked further west he saw that the city got sparser and that there were more gardens and carpentry shops and stuff like that, which meant that the ‘factory’ must of course be around there.

In fact in only a few moments he came upon it. It was a huge building: forty feet high and almost just as wide, and the chimneys at the top were belching smoke and steam seeped from the exhaust pipes at the corners. He looked up dryly for a second, and then walked forward again until he reached the doors, which were metal like anything else around there. He knocked.
There was no answer so he walked in. There was so much noise in there that he couldn’t here a thing. Heavy pistons pumped up and down, he shivered as he imagined his hand being caught in there…
People were scurrying around, seemingly not to take notice of him. I wonder what they’re even making…realizing that there was probably an office where things
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