» Fantasy » House of Heirs, S. E. Gutierrez [intellectual books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «House of Heirs, S. E. Gutierrez [intellectual books to read TXT] 📗». Author S. E. Gutierrez

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rolled her eyes. "Captain, as much as you dislike me, I am of little consequence. I don't know who I am, let alone anything about this place. I have nearly died. I am broke and bruised. I highly doubt that I am dangerous. Be as cautious as you like, but I assure you, I have no ill intent."

He met her eyes, studying them. "Be that as it may, I have a kingodm to protect, and a duty to uphold."

"And I wish you luck at both." she nodded.

They walked together in silence. The pain in her ribs almost as dreadful as it had been last night, Cera slowed her pace, contemplating turning around. She heard Captain Braun sigh as he tucked his arm underneath hers and supported the majority of her weight. She shot him a withering glance, but a moment later dropped her eyes, and stared at the floor. She didn't like being so weak, so indisposed. She knew she was stronger than this, better than this.

As they rounded a corner, Cera looked up, surprised to see the carved doors of her chambers. She whipped her head around and met the Captain's eyes. "I'll be unavailable for the next hour or two," he started. "But should you need anyhting until then, ask one of the guards. Anna, your servant, should check on you in a few minutes."

She nodded, and just as her turned to leave, she grabbed his arm. "Thank you," she said. "I apologize for my rudeness, and for being such a burden. I know it isn't your job to watch over a girl who hardley knows her own name."

She expected a curt nod, but was surprised when he gave her a lopsided, and rather silly grin. "Well," he replied. "It has been rather entertaining."

She smiled back, and released his arm, watching as he walked away. She turned to the two guards standing on either side of the doors. "And what might your names be?"


The two guards looked at each other, unsure of what to say. "Er," the one one the right started. "I am Sir Silas Rochester. This is Sir Nathaniel Rischter, Miss."

She eyed the two men. "Sir? So you're both knighted?"

They nodded,the look in their eyes betraying fear. "Yes, Miss. All the men in the Guard Elite are knighted. We serve the king and the prince directly."

She pursed her lips, then nodded. "What exactly has the Captain told you about me? The two of you seem rather frightened." she battered her eyes, and did her best to look innocent.

"That you, Miss, were pulled from a river, and don't remember who you are. That you're an unknown, and unknowns are dangerous." replied the one on the right, Sir Rischter.

She rolled her eyes. "Well, let me tell you something." she leaned in conspiratorialy. "I'm not dangerous, just a bit absent minded as of late."

She stuck out her hand, formally introducing herself. "Please, my name is Cera, and I intend to do nothing but rest and mend."

The knights laughed and shook her hand, both decided that she couldn't possibly be anything of concern. They opened the doors for her, and she plopped down on the chair closest to the fire, leaning over to snag the quilt off of the other armchair. In a matter of minutes, the crackling of the fire, and the warmth of the room had lulled her into sleep. A soft knock on the door woke her up, and a petite girl popped her head in.

"Miss Cera?" she whispered. "May I enter?"

Cera straigtened her back, wincing as she stretched. "Of course."

The girl opened the door an inch more and slid into the room. She looked about twelve, with a smattering of freckles across her nose and cheeks, blond ringlets that hung just above her shoulders, and a thin frame that had the potential to grow into a beautiful lady one day. She wore a plain frock of lilac colored linen, with an off-white apron tied arounf her waist, and a matching purple ribbon that pulled back the top half of her hair, leaving her bangs to frame her face. She had eyes the color of a crystal lake, and bright smile. Over all, Cera decided, she like the girl.

"Miss, I'm to be your servant while you reside in the palace, please ring if you need anything." the girl said, quiet as a mouse, pointing her finger to a golden cord that hung next to the painting above the sofa.

"Why thank you." Cera responded, smiling. "Now you must be Anne, correct?"

The girl blushed and looked down. "I'm terribly sorry. I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Anne Levinson. Usually I serve in the dinning hall, so I'm afraid I'm not very used to being addressed directly."

Cera laughed, and beckonned the girl closer. "Let me tell you a little secret," she told Anne. "I don't bite."

She smiled when Anne giggled. "Captain Braun said you did, but I didn't believe him."

"How old are you, sweetie?" Cera asked as Anne bustled around the room, scooting books back onto the bookshelf, straightening out the paintings, and whatnot. 

"Twelve and a half. I turn thirteen in exactly six months." Anne grinned. "Then I can apply to train to become one of the queens maids."

"Oh?" Cera responded. "Is that what you want?"

Anne nodded vigorously. "Oh yes. Queen Lillica is the greatest. All the other servants say that she's so kind, and caring. They say she treats them less like maids and more like friends. I've always wanted to serve her too."

Queen Lillica, Cera thought, that's familiar. "Well, Anne, I certainly hope you get there."

Anne giggled. "I like serving you already, Miss Cera. I hope you stay for a long time."

Cera enjoyed the endless babble that came out of Anne. She was such a chipper young thing; excitable and cheery. Cera smiled to herself. Perhaps staying here would be less boring than she thought. She watched as Anne wandered around the room, taking stock of all the chores to be done. It must have been an hour or so before Cera called the young girl over.

"Anne, darling, come here, your ribbon is slipping." Cera called, already attatched to the sweet girl.

"Oh my," Anne started. "It is, isn't it."

Cera chuckled and sat the girl on the floor in front of her. "Would you like me to braid your hair, Anne?"

Anne seemed to think for a moment. "If you wouldn't mind, Miss Cera, I'd like it very much."

Cera set to combing through the girl's curly blond locks, and plaited her hair in a neat french braid, tying the end with the silky ribbon. "There you go, Anne. And please, call me Cera, there's no need for the Miss."

Anne giggled, and was about to say something when a knock at the door shocked her back into formality. "Shall I answer it Miss?"

"Go right ahead Annie." Cera replied.

She saw Anne smile at her new nickname as she turned to let in whoever was knocking. It was no surprise to Cera that it was the Captain. Coming to check on her, was he? Well, Cera certainly didn't mind it, not if it meant a rather entertaining conversation, and their usual banter. She turned in her chair, refusing to leave the warmth of the cozy blanket.

"Well hello, Sammy." she called, giving him a playful smirk.

Captain Braun winced, and sighed. "Do you enjoy tirelessly pestering me, or is it more of an occupation? Really, you seem quite good at it."

Cera laughed. "Perhaps both? Really, I have no other pass times than to annoy the ever vigilant Captain of the Guard." she purred.

"That's Captain of the Guard Elite." he grumbled. "The normal Guard is nothing but a bunch of brutes looking for a coddled lifestyle and good salary."

"Oh?" she mused. "And that's so different?"

He glowered at her. "Yes, Miss Ceralynn, it is."

She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. "Really, Captain Sammy, you're no fun."

He sighed. "I"m only here for three reasons: to check on Anne," he smiled at her, his eyes betraying a brotherly fondness. "Ask if you've remembered anything else, and lastly, to escort you to an audience with King Granley."

She pursed her lips. "Well," she started. "Anne is a lovely little angel. And as for my memory, yes, I have recovered a new thing or two, though I assure you, it isn't much of anything. Shall we be on our way then?"

She stood up, and walked over to the Captain. "Well," she asked. "Shall we get going?"

He gave her a long look before offering her his arm, and nodding. She looked over her shoulder and winked at Anne, who was barely able to hide her laughter. The pair walked out of her chambers and past the guards. When they rounded the corner a ways down the hall, he stopped her.

"What do you remember?" he barked.

She glared at him. "As I told you, not much of anything. Nothing of importance, really."

"Anything is of importance." he growled.

She sighed, not wanting to remember the last little bit that she'd managed to recall. "My favorite color is a light gray-blue. My favorite flowers are blue dendrobium orchids," she paused. "And my mother is dead."


 He regretted pushing her for answers the moment those words came out of her mouth. Her mother is dead, and I just reminded her, he scolded himself. Needless to say, he didn't push for more answers. Instead, he silently escorted her to throne room. About half way there, he heard an inexplicable giggle escape Cera.

"What on earth are you giggling about, woman?" he asked incredulously.

"My mother died when I was a child, it's nothing to shame yourself over." she chided.

He looked at her, eyes wide in disbelief. "You remembered that your mother is dead, and you dismiss it as nothing?"

She grimaced. "No, I'm not dismissing it." she stated. "It hurt to remember, but I was a child, barely four, and though the memory is fresh, in a way it isn't. I merely don't want you to feel as though you insulted or hurt me."

He sighed. "I will never understand you."

She laughed. "And that's exactly as I intend to keep it."

After a few minutes of walking, she stopped him once again. "Captain, is there anything I should know about the king? Customs, rules, anything that might get me in trouble should I fail to do them?"

Braun laughed. "No, no, nothing like that. King Granley is a rather kind man. He informed me that he simply wishes to meet this strange girl his Captain pulled out of a frozen river, who was later invited to stay in his castle by

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