» Fantasy » House of Heirs, S. E. Gutierrez [intellectual books to read TXT] 📗

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his son. He might ask you a few questions, but he has no expectations of you."

She nodded. Something still didn't feel quite right to her. She felt as though there was something she needed to remember regarding the king. His name, as well as his wife's, had been familiar, but not in a good way. She felt as though something dreadful was coming her way, and she was helpess to stop it.

When they entered the throne room, Cera was surprised to see a bright, welcoming room, with peaseants milling about, offering the king and queen this, or requesting that. At King Granley's feet lay two mutts, his hand resting on the one between him and his queen. She couldn't help but smile. This was certainly not what she had been expecting of the king who had conquered nearly all of Tillirey. She glanced over at Sam to see him smile, then slide into an easy bow. She took the hint and curtsied. So these were the fearsom Rulers of Tillirey.

"Please, formality is not something we give much value to." King Granley chuckled. His voice was warm and gravelly, like an old man with a habbit of smoking a pipe. 

Cera and the Captain rose. "This," Sam stated, gesturing to Cera. "Is Miss Ceralynn."

"Ah, what a pleasure!" the king rumbled. "It's wonderful to finally meet the girl my son seems to have taken a liking to."

The queen laughed lighlty. "Be nice, dear."

The king chuckled once more. "So tell me, is it true that you cannot remember anything? Not a single thing?"

Cera grinned. "Well I do remember a few things, but sadly nothing important." 

"Well young one, you are welcomed to stay here for as long as you wish. For hence forth, you are a Patron of The High Court." he paused. "And our most esteemed Captain of the Guard Elite is at your disposal."

Cera smirked at Samuel and nearly burst out laughing at the look of sheer terror on his face. "Well," she purred. "That is most gracious."

Queen Lilica smiled. "I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself here."

Cera caught the queen's eye and grinned. "Indeed I think I shall."

"Well, feel free to wander. Our home is your home." King Granley smiled, pulling one of the dogs onto his lap.

Cera gave the Captain a devilish glance. "Shall we?"

Grudgingly, he gave her his arm, and escorted her into the hallway. "Well, now you have me. Is there anything in particular you'd like to see? Or perhaps you'll allow me to return to my duties as Captain of the Guard Elite?"

"Oh, I intend on draggin you around every inch of this castle. If I recall, the king did say you were at my disposal, did he not?" Cera batted her eyelashes.

Braun groaned. "Where, pray tell, would you like to start?"

"Hmmm," Cera tapped her lower lip. "Take me to your favorite place."

The Captain sighed. "To the library then."

The Captain led Cera down the halls, careful to maintain a pace that wouldn't hurt her side, but was guaranteed to tucker her out. After a short while, the pair made one last turn and stopped in front of a set of large, statley wooden doors. They were plain yet elegant, with simplisitic carvings, and worn handles. Samuel opened the doors, and stepped inside.

He almost laughed when a certai gleam cam into Cera's eyes as she took in the plush wing-backed hairs in the center of the main chamber, the little table between the two had a charm to it, with it's lace covering. The chaise opposite the chairs looked simply perfect for lounging, and the deep red rug in the center looked so soft, Cera almost wanted to kick off her shoes and lay on it. And the books! The entire front chamer was lined with case after case of books, and books, and books. Little archways led to rows and rows of volumes. Before the Captain could say a word, Cera had taken off, running her finger along the leather spines, weaving in and out of the aisles.

"Captain," she called from somewhere to the left. "Have you any recomendations for me?'

She waited for a response, but when one didn't come, she made her way back to the sitting area, and found the Captain sprawled in the chair to the right, a book open on his lap and a stack on the little table next to him. Cera smiled, and went to grab the book on top when he slapped her hand away.

"Ah, ah ah!" he smirked. "One must always start with A Rose Without Thorns. It's classic."

"I wouldn't have placed you as one for romance, Sammy." Cera teased.

"One can tolerate silly flirtations when they are written well." he retorted, never once looking up from his book.

She smiled and dug out the novel form the middle of the stack, neatly reorganizing each title. Then she plopped into the chair next to the Captain, her legs dangling over the arm, her head resting on the wing closest to the table. She smiled, and began reading.

After a short while, the door cracked open and Johnathan, his face ever glowing with amusement, skipped into the room, plucking a book off of a shelf. He spread out on his stomach on the chaise, propping his book up on the arm. The three of them read in comfortable silence for hours and hours, long after the sun had set. 

Cera, eyes bleary and nearing the end of her book, glanced over to see the Prince sprawled out, snoring quietly on the chaise. She turned her head to look at Samuel, whose head had fallen agains the back of the chair, fast alseep. She sighed and stretched. Marking her spot, she closed her book and stood. She nearly cried out when she stretched her back. Sitting in that position for so long had cramped her sides, and squished her ribs. Taking a moment to breathe, Cera turned tot he Captain and gently shook his shoulder. He didn't stir. Cera stiffled a laugh.

"Captain," she cooed. "Captain, it's rather late."

Still not a twitch of an eyelid.

"Sam," she said, a tad louder. "Sammy, wake up." She gave his shoulder a good shake.

He started, nearly jumping out of his skin. "Good gods woman!" he breathed. "What do you need?"

She struggled not to laugh outright. "Captain Sammy, it's rather late. I think it wouls be wise if we all retired for the night."

He brought a hand up to his face and ran it through his hair. "Yes," he nodded, still half asleep. "You're right."

Their conversation had caused the prince to stir, and in a moment, he was awake and bidding them goodnight. Cera took a step towards the door and grimaced. Her ribs were still so incredibly sore. She sucked in a deep breath, which only made aching worse. She forced herself to take a few more steps, and noticed the Captain eyeing her.

Sighing, he swept her up. "There's no need ot push yourself harder than you need to."

She was about to protest, but the thought og having to walk to her chambers on her own made her stay silent. After all, she was tired.



By the time the Captain had carried Cera to her chambers, she was fast asleep. He sighed as he struggled to open her door, and get her to Annie so she could dress her in her night clothes. When he finally got the door open, he almost burst out laughing. Anne had fallen asleep at the little table in Cera's sitting area, her head resting on her arms and her hair a curly mess. Shaking his head and grinning, Braun decided to forgo waking the young girl, and shuffled over to Cera's sleeping chamber where we struggled with yet another door. After he successfully made it into her room, the Captain laid Cera on her bed and nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard giggle. She was sprawled on her bed, and arm over her face stiffling her uncontrolable laughing. 

Sam held back a chuckle, remidning himself that this girl was dangerous. She moved with the grace and purpose of a panther stalking its prey. She had more strenght than any soldier he'd ever known. She'd been half dead for who knows how long, and the day after she'd been found, she was prancing around the palace. The smile fell from his face. There was something about this girl, something sinister. And beautiful, the thought slipped into his mind. He bid her goodnight, then turned on his heel and left. He needed to clear his head. He needed to stop thinking about her. He'd just met her, she shouldn't be anything to him. And yet she'd already carved out a special place in his stone heart.

The Captain wandered through the palace until he found himself out in the frozen gardens. He analyzed every detail he'd learned about Cera since he'd found her. Her mother was dead. That gave him nothing. She was from South. Fantimore. No one from Fantimore had bothered to come to Shavonine in such a long time, let alone all the way to the Captiol. That was enough to keep the Captain on edge. Then there was the matter of finding her in the river. She'd been frozen and battered, ice forming on her eyelashes and hair. Who in their right mind would travel to the northern most point in Tallirey in the dead of winter? No one. Not unless they were up to something. He thought about the silver locket she never took off. It had to have been expensive, indicating that she came from a wealthy family. The problem was that no one in Fantimore was wealthy. There were a few families that had money, but they were all members of the Southern King's Court. He knew them all, and none of them had daughters that looked like Cera. 

 Then it hit him. The King. The Southern King. He had a daughter. His wife had died. He had money. Suddenly the pieces started falling into place. Rumor had it that the Southern King had been planning something devious involving his daughter, unhappy at being exiled to his small territory in the south. He paced the gardens, ignoring the icy wind. Why would the Southern King send his daughter to Cadwell? He thought and thought until he finally remembered. The Southern King was also known as the Assassin King. He'd trained his wife to kill. He'd trained his daughter to kill. He'd trained his entire kingdom to kill. What if this is all a ploy to kill the king and queen? Sam thought. He raced into the palace.

Captain Braun ran into countless people, not taking the time to apologize or pick up dropped possessions. He had to make sure Granley, Lilica, and Johnathan were safe. Then he was going to arrest Cera, the Assasin Princess. He couldn't believe he'd found himself even slightly attracted to such a feind. She was dangerous, and he couldn't afford to let her touch the prince. He couldn't let her get close to the queen. He couldn't let her even think about the king. He was going to arrest her. If she made a move against the family, he was going to kill her. He tried to ignore the twinge he felt in his heart at the idea

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