» Fantasy » k, Kairi Deko [ebook reader screen .txt] 📗

Book online «k, Kairi Deko [ebook reader screen .txt] 📗». Author Kairi Deko

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and unto the biggest branch where they always sat and chatted but Kesiah was not there.
Suddenly she began to feel frightened as the thoughts ran through her mind of her best friend's absence being some sign of death or something so terrible. She was beginning to worry and prayed, "Oh God," She murmured to herself as she shut her eyes.
"Boo!" Someone exclaimed into her ear. With a heep of shock she squeeled as she turned to her dearest friend.
"Oh Kizzie!!" She shouted as she hit her on the shoulder not so lightly. Kesiah giggled and then spoke up, "What's got your hair all raised Nan?" She teased.
Anna clicked her tongoue and looked away from her, she couldn't stand her nickname but Kesiah did seem to enjoy her's.
"You startled me. I thought for sure that you'd been..." With a pause she turned to Kesiah and stared at her for a second.
Kesiah tilted her head and then smirked, "Oh Anna, It was only a joke and I was simply running a late. My ignorant brother doesn't know how to take care of children."
"Oh. It's alright I suppose."
They chatted for what seemed like hours turned to minutes and as villigers passed they began to discuss what could have happened. Anna had her journal and she knew that it could be of great use if they wrote their plans in it. So they decided that, after a while of discussing, that the person abducting the children was not a person, but rather a ghost.
"Yes, it had to be a ghost!" Anna said.
"You can't be srious...a ghost? Sure in a fairy tale created by naiive gullible children. But we are adolescents and we have to be a little more serious."
Anna closed her journal and rolled her eyes, "Kizzie we're only fourteen, and speaking of fourteen. My brothers told me you were the closest thing to a lover I could ever have."
Kesiah widened her eyes and then leveled them with a snicker, "Your brothers are just jelous of us! We have freedom! And they don't."
Anna looked bummed and maybe dissapointed at the idea that she'd be alone forever and so Kesiah added, "Don't worry Anna, I'm not all that bad." With that she let out a howl of laughter. Kesiah really didn't know how to take anything serious unless it was something serious. Anna clicked her tongue and hit her friend's shoulder swiftly, "It's not you I'm worried about! We need to focus on the situation at hand."
"Right! I have the solution." She embarked, "They get snatched when adults are asleep right?"
Anna nodded, "Yes quite frankly, it's scary."
Kesiah said nothing more, but let her misfit grin speak for itself and as Anna stared she realized what was going to have to be done by these two ignorant teenagers.
When night came, Kesiah spent the night at Anna's house. Her mother had known and allowed it, but Kesiah knew she had to take care of her sister Genevieve. An adorable child that Kesiah held very dear to her. She was determined to keep her safe even if it meant standing in front of her and taking a slash to the throat. Yes, she was determined. All three girls sat in Anna's room to discuss their ridiculous and rather selfless plans.
Clara was in the living room sewing and humming to herself. Jeremy walked into the room and sat beside her. He placed his arm around her waist and she simply leaned her head against his chest in relief of all that she'd endured.
"Alrigty then!"Genevieve exclaimed. She stood with her auburn curly hair in two ponytails as they bounced lighly at the jolt. Genevieve looked over at her sister and then Anna, "We should go on an expedition! They have to be somewhere."
Kesiah exhaled, bothered, "No! We need to sleep outside for the night. We can listen for any suspicious noises and then go and stop the person or in Anna's cane, ghost doing it."
Anna nodded eagerly, "Yes, I have my father's pocket knife and I know that it works. I mean, it was the strongest in my father's collection. He gave it to me after the first two missing children and so I carry it in my boot."
"Oh! Kale gave me his hunting knife too!" She added, "It's in my other boot."
Genevieve looked at her wide-eyed and mouth gaped open.
Kesiah sneered, "You look idiotic Genevieve! Stop!"
Genevieve composed her little self and shrugged at them. The girls finally came to a conclusion that they would go into the middle of the town and spend the night on 'patrol'. Yes, they all but thougt it through, rather they thought it was a genious idea. What they couldn't see was that it was probabaly the stupidist plan they'd ever plotted and now they were going to act on that plan confidently. The girls got their night clothes and their cloaks and the boots and their weapons, rocks and a little blade for Kesiah.
All three snuck out thru the front door and were off this night. The streets were empty and a thick fog took place where there used to be people. The moon was bright and the air was fresh and yet warm. The girls followed behind Anna and walked toward the bakery tree. They all gathered around and snuggled with eachother for a moment. It was Kesiah who finally decided to climb the tree so she could look over the buildings and homes all the while her sister and Anna stayed and slept. She stared and waited. Every snap, every sound made her paranoid.
Kesiah didn't like how it felt to be the only one awake on the tree and in the darkness. The idea that she was trying to find a monster was even more chilling. She looked to every shadow and every shift of the trees and rustle of the bushes that could very well be an animal or a dark scary creature that preyed on her fluffly little friends. As she visualized the ghosts and demons in her head, she heard something, far away in the distant. Was it humming that she was hearing? It was echoed by the walls of the forge and the warehouse.
Kesiah leaned forward on the branch and began to tremble uncontrollably. She looked around and quickly turned her head to look over her shoulders. Was there a monster? Was there something in the shadows whispering over her ear or was it the gentle wind teasing her. She did not like it and it was making her thoughts tumble around her head.
Anything that scared Kesiah was now becoming a factor and she wanted to cry. The oh-so-brave Kesiah wanted to start bawling and it wasn't just crying. She now had to pee! It was terrible. Until Anna finally awoke and looked up at the branch to call Kesiah down. The sky seemed to darken now and Anna decided to crawl up to the tree. The wind was sharp and chilly.
She was beginning to regret ever leaving her house. It was like she was actually starting to realize that this was probably a very horrible idea, ignorant and very oblivious and childish as it was and she began to sink over, her elbows were now leaning against her knees as she began to ponder what would happen next. When Kesiah was sound asleep she waited and the night dragged on for what seemed like hours. The poor girl's eyelids began to feel heavy over her burning eyes and the weight of the sleepiness around her seemed to be heaping on her shoulders with a slight force. In the midst of Anna's drowsiness, a loud shriek echoed in the distance and she didn't have to say a word before both girls on bottom awoke in terror at the noise.
"Anna!" Kesiah called out as she looked up to her friend who was frozen stiff with fear. Genevieve clutched unto her older sister and trembled, "Kiz, what on earth was that? I'm scared."
"It's alright Gen." She whispered as she and Anna stared at eachother for a moment.
Every thing was at a standstill. Anna searched the shadows to investigate. She new she had to shake off the fear that had built up inside of her and become the hero, but her heart was pounding in her ears and she couldn't comprehend how terrible the scream was. As if two of the wildest tasmanian devils had been released and she was couldn't understand if it was a human child's scream. The girls climbed up the tree bark, Margret stood on a thinner branch while her sister sat near Anna and everyone was silent for a few seconds.
"Anna," Kesiah whimpered, Anna scanned the road and the dark forest around the outer village and brought her eyes to her friend's terrified ghostly pale face, "What is it Kesiah?"
"Anna," Her eyes widened as she pointed to Anna and shouted, "Behind you!" With that, Anna was not hesistent to turn but when she did turn, she could not see anything. She was perplexed and very scared. Her mind did not shy away to its imagination of what kind of creature was lurking, watching them blindly search for it in the darkness.
With that Anna turned back to Kesiah who was now laughing. Genevieve began to cry and Anna knew that Kesiah was being her normal cruel obnoxious old self.
"You little twit!!" Anna scowled as she nearly pushed her friend off the branch. Had it not been for Kesiah's quick reflexes, she would have surely fallen off. Kesiah calmed her sister and then they all sat there awkwardly and silently.
"But you did hear that noise," Anna finally spoked. Kesiah glanced at her and shrugged, "Well, maybe it was a dog or something."
"That was not a dog!" Anna argued with a nervous chuckle, "It was vicious! I could have sworn it came from that direction," She pointed straight ahead of herself and all three stared into the dark void that the trees surround. Not one girl made the slightest peep now. Anna was waiting, waiting for something to come from the darkness, something that would perhaps attack them suddenly. But she wanted to look away at the realization and when she shut her eyes there was atlas another terrible shriek from a differnt direction and this time, the scream was that of a little girl.
"Come!" Anna demanded as she jumped from the bark tree. Kesiah grabbed her sister and then followed behind Anna as they dashed toward the direction of the scream. Anna could feel her adrenaline increasing and her need for adventure finally kicking in. As they dashed into the
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