» Fantasy » k, Kairi Deko [ebook reader screen .txt] 📗

Book online «k, Kairi Deko [ebook reader screen .txt] 📗». Author Kairi Deko

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She was so lonely and isolated. The fraustation that she swallowed every day was bulding up and any little thing put in her path was a burden to her; she was swelled with demons that lurked in her heart like an infested nest of bugs that she couldn't break away from. Everyone shook their heads at her and thought her a speck of dirt, scum of the earth.; everyone judged her and no one ever acknowledged her good deeds infact, they always ignored her and so she built a wall for which she could not let them in from.
But she was a normal girl with feelings too. And of course she was different but wasn't thatfeeling was mututal. Wasn't it the thing that made her the thing that the demon wanted. She was the one that they wanted. Reachel never talked to people, she always thought that maybe their was someone out there who might understand her soncusion and anger. SShe didn't trust anyone and she judged everyone. She thought she was better than everyone, she believed in her heart that she was special.
Reachel knew how to talk to people, she knew hwo to amuse them and make them feel somewhat at ease, but they always betrayed her. They all betrayed her in the end. She was the smart wise one yet naiive and broken. The one who never did stupid things that the adolescents do, she thought about her future and the dreams that she. She always wanted to help people, she wanted to make people feel better but what she couldn't see, was that she was the only one that needed real help and perhaps that's why she was always betrayed.
She felt herself grow distant from God every day, wondering to herself when God might prove to really be watching over her. She felt so lonely and for being independent and strong, she was weak and insecure and the one destroying herself. Fighting constently with herself mentally. It was her mental warfare that never end.
But here this fifteen year old girl was. She was a daughter of a dutchess, one daughter of three. She and her two siblings were always helping out around the big house and there seemed to always be activities for these richies. The girl was never bored and never felt lazy. She just couldn't call herself that. And now, her two sisters were going to be getting married, they were younger than her by a year.
None the less, she was in the meadow, a dead meadow everyone seemed to forget about; she wanted to remain the outcast of her five member family and she always referred to herself as being the thumb that never had anyone or in her case, never neeeded anyone.
These dark ideas were what was left of her bitter soul, she always had dark nightmares and dreams she lived off of and she used them in times of trouble to take over the pain and the jelousy she had toward everyone. It became a key to her realm. She despised others her age, she thought she was smarter, more clever and more talented than most. But why?
The meadow she was in didn't shine it's golden grass toward the sun. Everything around it was lifeleass and gloomy. As if Death claimed it for his own. But Reachel always came here never the less and it always waited for her to come everyday. It was as if this meadow was a little bit joyful in everyway. She looked around and sat in the middle of the meadow. The sky seemed too distant to her. The crisp breeze blew toward her and her heart throbbed as she began to remeber she had a life to go back to, but what if she didn't ever return to them? What would happen if she suddenly just dissapeared?
When she stood from the grass she was unpleasently surprised to see a shadow of a human standing by an old burnt tree. She became attentive and gazed over the figure. Everything seemed only darker to her. The tips of Reachel's fingers began to tingle and she felt queezy. Suddenly all she could discern from the dark figure was the dark figure's eyes. They were pale white and wide as if it was a crazed human and her heart started hammering.
The wind began to pick up speed very gradually and Reachel thought it best to just pull away from the meadow slowly while keeping her eyes glued to the standing person. Her boots were making slight crunching noise in the burnt hey. Reachel started to tremble but she could differentiate wether she shook from the cold or by fear itself. She cast her stare down at her aurbun dress and then back up at the figure who finally stepped out from the darkness to reveal itself.
She felt herself get lighter somehow and the pounding of her heart slowed and everything seemed to clear in her eyes as she saw the girl, standing in a tattered black laced up front shirt that draped over her and dirty grey lose pantaloons. She was pale and bony, thing and edgy. Her short raggy hair was covered in dust and webs. She was barefoot, blood specks were smeared across the girl's cheek and as Reachel narrowed her eyes she wondered if the girl even had meat and skin on her face. Was she a skeleton? This was a new type of fear growing in Reachel as the other girl sauntered toward her.
Reachel gasped and started toward the other side of the forest, she didn't want herself to turn back to the girl but it was so tempting for her. She could feel the girl getting closer to her, the sound of the other girl's whispering was coming closer, growing louder and she pushed her legs to go faster. Her breath was becoming uneven, almost panting as she inhaled and exhaled the cold morning.
Her chest ached from the sharp cold entering but it didn't stop her from running past the trees and further away from the meadow. Her mind was racing and she began to cry as she realized that her time might be up.
Suddenly she craned her back to catch a glance, the temptation overpowering her. Thought she didn't want wish to see the girl, Reachel was in desperate need of seeing if she was still there. As she turned back, her eyes met the pale face which stay inches from hers and she shouted. Her heart shot up in speed and her body shrilled with fear. The hair on her arms were raised as goose bumps appeared.
She felt a sharp pain on her ancle and was soon met with the ground. The girl launched on top of her, hands gripping Reachel's wrists tightly as she stared with soulless eyes and opened her mouth wide. A loud blood curdling, the scream echoed in the forest trees, causing the very hibernating animals to awake nearby. Another one was gone.

"Did you hear?" Kesiah asked coyly. Anna looked up from the blue book she'd been reading and to her dear red headed friend who looked into Anna's emeraldcc eyes with a seemingly need to spread her gossip. Kesiah was a good stubborn friend, but she was the butter spreading across the bread when it came to her gossip. Of course, Anna smiled. Both were sitting on a tree branch where they usually sat and watched all the villigers with their busy marry ways. They called the tree the bakery tree becuase it stood in front of the bakery for many many years.
"What news is of importance now Kesiah?" She asked suspectingly.
"Well," Kesiah began, but was interupted by the shouting of a villiger, a woman. The local people watched and stared asa blond woman, dressed in fancy clothing, maybe she was from the country, she was arguing furiously with the baker outside the bakery. Gasps came from some as if arguing was unusual and Anna simply stared with wide eyes, both her and Kesiah were perplexed. The woman was now bawling her heart out as she tumbled helplessly to her knees, "Why God?" She asked outloud with and fraustration; angry passion that sent slithers of chills up the girls' backs.
Kesiah glanced at Anna and stated quietly, "Another boy went missing." The woman looked fancy, she looked angry and sad, but Anna had a feeling that she was probably the aunt or the cousin, maybe sister.
Never the less, Anna felt sorry for the girl but could not contemplate why children and adolescents were going missing.
"Do you know boy's name?" She asked curiously.
Kesiah shrugged, "I believe it was something like payten." It was true, two boys and a girl before him had gone missing as well and of course the village had gathered to discuss the situation in the church. The children who vanished, were the ones who'd walked in the calm forest when the sun had appeared in the morning and someone, if anyone awoke to the shriling scream of one.
It was a horrible idea to know that someone out there in the darkness, snatched them one by one so soullessly. So mercilessly. So brutally. Anna was in her room, the girls decided, after seeing the broken-hearted aunt, that the best thing to do was to go their different ways and stay in their homes for the day. Anna's home was of course in her seamstress mother's clothing shop called Petit Ange Boutique. She had two siblings. Brendon and Kale who were both older then she was by two years and she was fourteen.
They were twins who were engaged to the two daughters of a Dutchess called by the name Madammoiselle Marietta after the Dutchess made a visit to their little beautiful gown boutique one evening upon meeting the the handsome boys and intentaneously recalling two of her three daughters as being the perfact wives for these fine young men. Everything was average in Anna's life. Or she thought so, her parents were quite busy with their the business and she and her brothers did whatever they could to help out, but she knew that this village was being taken ahold of by something unusual.
Someone out there was abducting kids away without any hassel very slowly and deliberatly and whether the perpetrator plan on taking them one by one on or not, the villigers were getting paranoid and scared. Anna's parents Clara and Jeremy were strong Christian people who believed that everything was in God's hands and they needed to trust Him and be very cautious and aware of their surroundings.
Anna's mother Clara was cooking dinner and her father was outside cleaning the boutique's glass square windows. She sat at the kitchen with Kale and Brendon and they all sat sharing glances with one and other when finally Anna said, "What a scary ####
"Oh," Brendon muttered sarcastically. He was the

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