» Fantasy » Element Girls Book 1, Mihaela Bogdan [best black authors .txt] 📗

Book online «Element Girls Book 1, Mihaela Bogdan [best black authors .txt] 📗». Author Mihaela Bogdan

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  “From the beginning of time, when the human being was just an ordinary cave man, the two forces, good and evil, began their fight in controlling the Universe. Good and evil were two entities, which were always in a continuous fight, since they first appear. Unfortunately, these two moved their battle from the cosmic space to the only living planet in the Milky Way Galaxy, Earth. For decades, they change the cosmic space’s appearance, planets and other elements which make it what it is today. Getting tired of this old battle field, they decide to change it with a more suitable place, planet Earth.
  Good took shape of a lightning and evil transformed itself into a big dark smoke cloud. They did so, in order to not make trouble or cause fear into the living beings. Their fight should remain unnoticed and their true identities a secret for those who can’t understand their real nature. The cave people were still scared of them because they looked like two dragons, but their fight was about to change again.
  The evil smoke cloud saw some cave people under him and possessed their bodies. The lightning did the same and the battle continued. Some cave people died, the ones still living separated to heal their injuries. Since that time the human race split into two: good people and bad people, but some of them were still possessed the two forces. Those people have gotten tremendous supernatural powers, for example: reading other people’s minds, flying, talking to animals and so much more. The others, meaning the ones who didn’t possessed such powers, considered that they were the Devil’s servants and called them WITCHES and WIZARDS.
  After years of debate, a large group of hunters appeared and began to hunt the Devil’s servants, but only few were lucky to catch a witch or a wizard. Having an unfair advantage by their nature, the witches and wizards, managed to escape and hide in places that no one dared to go to. Those unlucky, got caught and were subjected to a slow, torturous death. Those still alive have decided to create another world where they can live in peace.
  Soon the Milky Way Galaxy had a twin, in whose inhabitants were witches and wizards only; leaving the people without magical powers in the original one. Today those without magical powers are known as the Infitialis; meaning the ones who refuse to accept that some things or kind of people do exist and tries to destroy them (in Latin).”
  The Wise Elder closed the book, took off his glasses and looked at the girls to see their reactions. They were quiet all the time and he thought that the story bored them.
  -Well don’t just stand there darlings, tell me what do you learned from all of this?! He asked with enthusiasm and curiosity.
  -Let me understand: during the Stone Age, good and evil had a fight under the forms of a lightning and a smoke cloud, then they possessed some people giving them their powers; Laura tried to keep in mind the order of the events. History wasn’t her favorite subject because she always confused the dates and events.
  -That’s a good start my dear.
  -This means that in the Middle Ages when people used to persecute those so called Devil’s servants were real witches and wizards, right?! Helena continued Laura’s idea. But in the history books, it is said that people were very superstitious and small minded and that magic was a big lie.
  The Wise Elder explained with calm that a wizard wrote this idea into one of the history books to protect his own kind by the future generations of Infitialis. This was one way for the witch community to hide from those who feared and didn’t understand them.
  -It sounds impossible for a couple of wizards to create a twin galaxy and it’s not even logical, many scientists have ... Oana tried to protest the early events because all her life she believed only in science. Magic was nothing to her but an old fairy tail but now she was obliged to drop all the theories and other scientific things if she truly wishes to become a witch.
  -Blondie, when ya’ll learn that magic and science are totally two different things, just like night and day?! Michaela hated science because its logic is hard to memorize, but magic sticks to her like glue.
  When she was a kid, no one would’ve beat her in recognition all the mythical creatures or memorize the greatest legends about all the monsters in the world. Horror movies, monster stories and anything unnatural interested the curly fire witch.
  -Yeah, I guess you’re right. Sorry, habit! My mother is a physics teacher and she always taught me that science is the key to everything. But now since I’m a witch, I will try to change.
  Laura, Helena and Michaela gave Oana the biggest hug of her life and the Wise Elder smiled at them. It was important to him that his students were close friends.
  -Well my dears, the theory part of our today’s lesson is over, now lets start practice your powers at once. He went to a closet nearby and took a wooden walking stick with a silver dragon head on top of it. The dragon held in his mouth a light blue pearl.
  -Cool! Laura exhaled when her eyes saw that beautiful pearl.
  -Is it real? Helena asked.
  -Of course dear girl, counterfeit items aren’t proper to practice magic with. Now I want you, one at a time, to touch the symbol of your lockets and say your names and elements out loud. And your elements must be mentioned in Latin.
  -Why? Michaela asked.
  -I will respond to this question in lesson #2.
  -But we don’t know Latin; Michaela responded rudely.
  -Oh, dear. The Wise Elder sat on his chair and after a minute of thinking the said loudly: water - aqua, wind - ventus, earth - terra, fire - ignis.
  Once this problem was resolved, the girls began in the order the elements were told: first Oana, after Laura, then Helena and Michaela last.
  After they finished, sparkle dust began surrounding them and after it go away the girls apparel changed. Oana was dressed with a blue tank, black short pants, heeled boots extended over the knees and her hair was a braided ponytail. Laura had a yellow T-shirt with short sleeves, a black skirt with an orange belt, heeled boots extended only up to her knees and her hair was tied up into twin ponytails. Helena was wearing a T-shirt too but her sleeves were long up to the elbows, a black dress with shoulder straps, a pair of boots with high soles on her lower legs and her hair was tied up in a ponytail, her thin bangs were covering the eyebrows. Michaela was dressed with a one sleeved red top (the sleeve was long up to her wrist), black long pants with a red scarf tied around her hips, black high soles sneakers with red shoestrings and a white and red hair band.
  The girls were amazed to see what happens if some words are spoken.
  Now the only interest for them was to learn more Latin words or maybe some magic spells.


Chapter 5 - Training on the battlefield

The Wise Elder cast a spell upon the girls to make them speak Latin fluently:
  -Lingua Array agnitio (Latin language known). Now that you are capable of understanding and talking Latin fluently, the spells will be much easier to pronounce. Then he hit the floor with his stick, the pearl began to gloom and the five of them were transported on a deserted place.
  The ground and trees were very dry, the sky was grey and the sun’s beams were weak.
  -This is a great place for you to practice. The Wise Elder said calm, looking undisturbed by the sad view.
  -How cool! But we don’t know any magic spells! Laura said, hoping that the Wise Elder will say some spells to them.
  Instead of doing that, he replied:
  -The spells are one, two or how many words you want that describe what you intend to do and with what element. For example: Oana, you want to rain. How do you say rain in Latin?
  -Pluvia (rain)! Oana said as if she had spoken Latin all her life. Amazing! Without attending to any kind of class, I can speak a foreign language fluently. But the spell didn’t work, did it?
  The climate didn’t change, it remained the same.
  -Put some heart into it, sweetie! Like you really want to rain. Maybe magic works when you truly want something to happen; Helena advised Oana, pointing her to the grey sky.
  Oana focused on the sky and clouds, raised her right hand in the air and said the word again; this time more demanding: Pluvia!
  After few seconds, dark clouds were covering the whole sky and rain drops began to fall. At first it was a summer rain, but soon it turned into a storm.
  -Blondie, make it stop! I won't be able to use my fire in this rain! Michaela shouted.
  -Pluvia defulo (rain be gone)! And the rain stopped as the water witch ordered.
  -Now we all are wet! Thanks, blondie! Michaela said more to herself.
  -Sorry girls! Oana felt silly making everybody, including her, wet from head to toe.
  -Is my make-up alright? Laura asked searching for her mirror.
  -Laura, please dry us using a warm air current; the Wise Elder said shaking a bit.
  -Great idea! Tepidus ventus (warm wind)! A strong warm wind began blowing into them, drying all the wet clothes in less than a minute. After Laura finished the spell, she focused her attention on repairing her make-up and hair.
  -This place sure needs some grass; Helena said with a smile. Humus autus (grass grow)!
  -And the sun should be brighter; Michaela added. Solis claritas (sun glow)!
  -Thank you for the light! Laura said happily.
  -I did it to help Helena’s grass, not ya make-up! Michaela responded while looking rude at Laura. She didn’t like people whom were more interested in their looks than anything else.
  Oana and Helena giggled when they saw Laura’s face. She was upset and surprised at the same time.
  The Wise Elder cast another spell: Legio orior (army rise)! The earth began shaking and few holes were made in the ground. Strange looking statues were rising out of them. After they got out of the underground, the girls were able to see them better. Their bodies were made of metal and the armors that covered their bodies, were identical to the ones worn by the Romans centuries ago.
  -These statues look like a Roman army! Oana said admiring them.
  -You are right, Oana! I summoned them to help you practice your elements in

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