» Fantasy » Element Girls Book 1, Mihaela Bogdan [best black authors .txt] 📗

Book online «Element Girls Book 1, Mihaela Bogdan [best black authors .txt] 📗». Author Mihaela Bogdan

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black hair, dark blue eyes and a small dark beard on his chin. He was wearing an old pair of jeans, biker boots and a leather jacket with a black ace card drawn on the back. A digital camera was lying in his hands.
  -I can’t wait to show this to Coldblood! He said satisfied, taking a bag out of his pocket full of emerald green powder. He took some of it in his hand and threw it above his head.
  Soon the enigmatic young man disappeared from the battlefield and arrived in a dark forest. There were tall, scary trees and a small river was streaming near a wooden cabin. He approached the front door and knocked three times.
  -Who’s there?! A rough and strong male voice came from the inside.
  -It’s me Mr. Coldblood, your apprentice. May I enter?
  -Are you waiting for a special invitation? The voice shouted.
  With an angry face, the young wizard entered. The room was medium sized, with a fireplace parallel to the front door, a large window, a desk under it on a side of the room. The other side contained a two door closet. In the middle an elder man with grey hair, black eyes and pale skin full of wrinkles was sitting in a brown armchair. He was facing the fireplace in silence.
  -I tapped those witches first training. That old wizard is too soft with them! He put the camera on the table near the armchair.
  -Let us see for ourselves, Black Ace!
  -I don’t mind having a nickname, but why do we have to hide our identities? Instead of using our real names we call ourselves Black Ace and Dark Lord.
  The young apprentice wasn’t very bright, but his fighting skills were good enough to serve Damien Coldblood in his plan, whatever that is.
  -It is clear that you are new in such deals! The Dark Lord responded brutally to his apprentice. And without any other talking he pressed the PLAY button on the camera. After seeing all that was filmed, he came to the conclusion that his apprentice was right about the witches training.
  -Go around the back of the cabin and you will find four crows that I hexed to become our slaves. Make them watch the witches during the day, to see how they are in real life. Except Michaela, she must be observed twenty four hours a day. Now go!
  -Why the curly one?! Why not all of them?! The apprentice asked puzzled.
  -Stop asking my orders, young man! You just do what I told you. Let me take care of the thinking. Coldblood shouted to his apprentice again.
  Being a Black Magic wizard, it was something normal for him to do so, being rude and disrespectful to everybody, despite their genders or ages. Black Ace, as his master calls him, was used to be shouted at and treated this way. Although he didn’t like it, he had no choice. His reasons will remain a secret until the right time.
  Without any words, Black Ace went to the crows. At the sight of him, the crows landed in front of him in a straight line. Black Ace start pointing from left to right:
  -You, first crow, you must go and spy that know-it-all blond. You, the second, spy that loud mouth Laura. You, that ginger face girl is yours. And last the fourth crow, you must spy Michaela, the fire witch all day and all night. These were the Dark Lord’s orders, fly off now! He gave the orders with not much interest. It was obvious that he disliked doing what others told him, but for an unknown reason he obeys the Dark Lord like a loyal dog.
  The crows did what they have been told. Behind Black Ace was his master, he listened how his apprentice ordered his new pets.
  -I heard you made the girls some ‘nice compliments’, all except Michaela. May I ask why?
  Black Ace didn’t noticed, he was so eager to get rid of those damn birds that he completely forgot what he said to them. But to please his master, he tried to give a suitable response.
  -I could’ve made fun of her glasses, but it isn’t nice to laugh at others flaws. Again, the boy was talking with boredom in his voice.
  -She is cute indeed, I must admit; but she is going to be our enemy when that wizard fool finishes training her. If you don’t follow my orders, someone is going to suffer. You don’t want that now, don’t you? The Dark Lord’s eyes were impeding. Intimidating others seems to be his favorite hobby.
  -No sir; Black Ace responded looking down.
  -Then I made myself clear. Now go end repairing that motorbike, you will need it on the next mission.
  “Black Ace do this, do that. If my sister’s life wasn’t in his hands, I would easily kill him.” The boy was thinking while checking his motorbike to see if it is in good condition. He was a few days ago on a ride and somehow managed to produce an accident. And because his master was too stingy with money, he ended repairing his own vehicle all by himself.
  And to make it an even harder task, the Dark Lord forbid the use of magic, so that his apprentice will learn his lesson easily.
  I bet you are wondering who’s Black Ace’s sister. Well, to be honest, she will be mentioned in the second book. Until then, I will give you a hint, she is as charming as her brother.

The Dark Lord



Chapter 8 - Michaela is kidnapped

For days the girls have been training hard. Oana learned how to freeze water and how to make the resulting ice shape as a weapon. Laura learned everything about weather on GOOGLE and now she was able to change the air temperature and move the clouds. Helena already knew many species of flowers and other plants, so now she was exercising her skills on the soil, rocks, mud etcetera.
  Once, she tried to make a statue of Laura out of mud, but ended getting their clothes dirty. All was well, except for Michaela. The fire element was difficult to work with. Until she managed to keep it under control, she burned Helena’s plants and mud statues, melted Oana’s icy weapons; and the worst was when her fire blast mixed with one of Laura’s winds blow causing a big disaster.
  Luckily for them, they were training on the deserted battlefield, where they defeat the metal army. This way, no way would get hurt. Or maybe not?!
  -Why can’t I progress like the others? Michaela asked the Wise Elder worried.
  -Dear girl, fire is the most dangerous element known to human kind. Water, air and earth have more benefits than fire. You have to work harder than the rest, that is all! The old man said with a calm voice inspiring confidence on the poor girl.
  -I understand! She replied looking all worn out.
  Seeing her tired, the Wise Elder thought to let them take a break, so he called them for an announcement.
  -Did one of you ever wondered why do I train you, girls?
  -To be honest, this question has been in my mind for a while; said Oana.
  -Well, let us go to my apartment in Bucharest, get Rafael and Gavriel to join us and I will answer.
  Laura and Helena switched eyes. They were happy that the boys were joining them.
  After all seven were sitting at the old table in the dark living room, the old wizard began:
  -As you are aware, the Dark Lord is on this planet and he has an apprentice. I believe he is hiding somewhere in the Carpathians Mountains. I am training you to face him and help me, Rafael and Gavriel to take him back on the other planet Earth. Which reminds me, the other planet is called Wiearth.
  -It sounds like Earth, only with a ‘W’ and ‘I’ in front; Helena concluded.
  -These two letters stands for witchcraft, dear girls! Now tell me what do you think of your mission?
  -Why us of all people? Oana asked concerned.
  -Because the Oracle chose you! Rafael answered instead of the Wise Elder.
  -What Oracle? Helena asked.
  -You’ll meet her soon, Gavriel said.
  -‘Her’? I didn’t know the Oracle is a person, let alone a girl, Michaela said surprised to Gavriel.
Rafael responded for his brother:
  -You will discover new things on Wiearth about magic, in a different way than earthlings read in fairy tales.
  -Boys, do not make the girls curious about Wiearth. They will see it with their own eyes after we capture the Dark Lord.
  At the hearing of those words, the girls were having huge smiles on their faces. In many decades, they soon were going to be the first earthlings to travel on another planet by magic.
  Meanwhile, the Dark Lord summoned his apprentice to him:
  -Black Ace, I have another mission for you. Since you couldn’t manage to make those two young wizards tell where the Wise Elder’s home is, you will have to make the witches talk. They have less experience in magic, meaning that they wouldn’t be much of a challenge.
  -Yes, sir!
  Without any other words, Black Ace called the crow who spies on Michaela:
  -Lead me to her, right now, bird brain!
  The crow listened and flew away, followed by Black Ace on his motorbike.
  The girls returned home, some of them still thinking about what they have discussed with the three wizards. Oana, Laura and Helena were dating Andy, Gavriel and Rafael. Michaela was seventeen but she behaved like a child, so boys weren’t a priority for her. She was taking a walk in the park to think better about her new mission, alone.
”How could I help them beat the crap out of that Dark lunatic when I can hardly keep my powers in control?” Just then, she was face to face with Black Ace. He was laying aside his motorbike with the crow on his left shoulder.
  -Hey there, beautiful. Wanna take a ride with me?
  What he didn’t knew is that Michaela was immune at the boys flirting attempts.
  -Get lost, ya delinquent! And she continued her walking, but when she turned her back on him, Black Ace pulled her by the hand and blew some golden dust at her face. She suddenly fell asleep.
  In Bucharest, the Wise Elder tried to calm down the red dragon which was Michaela’s lackey. Since the girls left, the red dragon behaved as if something was bothering him.
  -Calm down, my friend! Michaela is home now, you will see her tomorrow.
  It was no point, the dragon knew something bad happened to his witch master, if only

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