» Fantasy » Element Girls Book 1, Mihaela Bogdan [best black authors .txt] 📗

Book online «Element Girls Book 1, Mihaela Bogdan [best black authors .txt] 📗». Author Mihaela Bogdan

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in a little rude way.
  -The nut is hard on the outside, but soft in the inside. Maybe she had a similar situation in her childhood and now she fear it will happen again and that she will lose her friends for the second time.
  -You know what, Andrew? You will be a wonderful therapist one day. Science doesn’t deserve you. You are better with people.
  -True, my dear. Are you feeling better now?
  -A little. If you want maybe I will make the girls come to my place for a sleep over and you can be the guest of honor.
  -A sleep over with four girls, I like it.
  Oana pinched his nose and said:
  -You are welcomed as a therapist so don’t get any ideas, understand?
  -Yes, ma’am!
  And they both began to laugh and continue having a wonderful date in the most beautiful day of summer.
  For now things went well, the girls had great times with people that loved them and they even forget that the Dark Lord cursed them. The Element Girls will soon remember after the curse will be more powerful.
  And then what they will going to do?
  I guess we have to wait and see ... Chapter 12 - Clypeum Lunaris

Right after the girls flew away on their dragons, the four spy crows returned to the Dark Lord with a silver medallion. On one of its sides of the locket, it was colored in a midnight shade of blue with a silvery half moon on it. The crows let it loose when they were above their master’s head.
  -Hahaha ... The Dark Lord laughed with satisfaction. I shot to rabbits in the same time (it is a Romanian expression, meaning that you achieved two things in the same time). First I defeated those pests and stole their powers with my cursed rain and now the Clypeum Lunaris is mine at last!
  -The what?! Black Ace asked confused, getting down from the roof.
  -Don’t you know Latin?
  -Translated it means The Lunar Medallion. It is a magical object that controls the moon’s positions in the solar system. With it the moon is just a small toy in my hand.
  -What do you plan to do with the moon? Ace asked curious.
  -Patience, my apprentice! We’ll have enough time for everything, but first let us see what can I do with those witches powers.
  -You said earlier that you stole those girls powers. Is it true?
  -My dear boy, you have no idea what Dark Magic can do!

  Meanwhile, in Bucharest, Rafael and Gavriel were helping the Wise Elder clean his apartment.
  -I hate books, why am I the one who has to put them back on the shelves? Gavriel asked being disturbed by all the dust in them.
  -Don’t you talk like that about them! Rafael scold his brother picking up a book from the floor. Books are the oldest and the best way to keep and carry information when it is needed. You should read some to find out what wonderful secrets they have within their pages and ...
  -Blah blah blah ... Just do your part of chores and keep quiet! I still have a headache from those crows.
  -If you had learned some defensive spells maybe you wouldn’t get so many blasts in the head!
  -Enough, I say! Do not waste your energy on pointless arguments. Now that you mention it, I would like to hear what happened in my home.
  The boys told the Wise Elder that after the girls went to save Michaela, they stayed in the apartment a little longer, so that Rafael could teach Gavriel some defensive spells.
  -You just place your hands where you want to have protection and say the words Praesidio (protection) or Rejectio impetum (reject the attack)! Are you listening?
  Gavriel was looking outside the window and pointed to what seemed to be four black birds. They were crows and were heading to the Wise Elder’s apartment. Using their beaks, the crows manage to break the window and went inside. Three of them kept the boys busy, while the fourth searched the place for the Clypeum Lunaris that the Dark Lord wanted.
  His plan was to kidnap one of the witches to find out where the Wise Elder lives and keeps his magical objects. He choose Michaela, because he saw her as the weak link of the group. After the crow found the medallion, they all returned to their master, living Rafael and Gavriel to clean the disorder left after the attack.
  When they finished, the Wise Elder rushed to his closet where all his magical object were kept and saw what was missing. He then told the dragons to get their witches, even if they refuse.
  -Why did you ordered the dragons to take the girls by force? Rafael asked surprised.
  -They must know what happened to their powers and what the Dark Lord intends to do with the stolen object.
  All this time, the Element Girls were living their lives like any other ordinary girl.
  Oana took a break from her summer homework and now she was watching the news on T.V. with her parents.
  Laura managed to go shopping at the mall without her little sister. Her mother always told her to take Andreea with her, otherwise she couldn’t go neither. But this time, she lied that a magazine was looking for models and she wanted to go to the casting. Soon, Laura’s attention was caught by a huge T.V. inside an electronics store.
  After a hard day of work in the garden, Helena was navigating on the Internet and she clicked on the weather report news.
  Michaela was on a picnic at the countryside, near a small arm of the Danube river. Her father was making the barbeque, her mother and brother were playing in the water, but she decided to stay in the car and listen to some music on the radio. But the music was discontinued by some emergency weather report.
  “Ladies and gentlemen, we are sorry for the inconvenient, but we are bringing urgent weather report. In Europe the weather is fine for this season, except our country. Romania is the only country where, for an unknown reason, Mother Nature unleashed her anger upon us: in the North and West we have powerful winds and floods, that are destroying everything in sight, leaving many people without homes or with serious damage to their places and belongings. In the center of the country the air temperature is above thirty degrees Celsius and the entire South suffered because of the many earthquakes that came from the East.
  And as if all this wasn’t enough, the animals became more vehement, attacking people, causing expensive damage to the villages and cities where they belong. Even the harmless pets are attacking their owners. Our scientists believe that all this terrible changes are caused by the moon, which in a few hours it will cover the sun, leaving our country in a total darkness. After the eclipse will be over, everything will sure be back to normal!
  I am Andreea Esca and I will return with more news at seven o’clock p.m. . Until then, take care of yourselves and have a great day! Good-bye, everyone!”

Chapter 13 - Good-bye Earth!

When the news ended, the girls stood like stone and through their minds, many thoughts gathered:
  Oana: Floods in North and West ...
  Laura: Strong winds destroying people’s homes ...
  Helena: Earthquakes and vehement animals ...
  Michaela: Temperatures over thirty degrees Celsius ...
  Oana: Is it possible ...
  Laura: ... that my element ...
  Helena: ... causes this because ...
  Michaela: ... I left the group?
  All four: I must ask the Wise Elder, maybe he knows the answer!
  Fortunately for them, the Wise Elder already sent the dragons to get them. The blue, yellow and green dragon sent a magical signal to their witches lockets, to announce them about their arrival. The red dragon had to fly quickly above Michaela, without being seen by no one else.
  The fire witch said to her parents that she was going for a walk until the meat was done. She then found the red dragon hiding behind some trees. Seeing his witch, the red dragon returned to her the red torque and took Michaela to the Wise Elder.
  Oana said to her parents she was going to the park for some peace and quiet after hearing the horrible news on T.V. . To her surprise, no one was there, so the blue dragon took Oana on flight easily.
  Laura found the yellow dragon between two buildings, in a dark alley. She had no problem departing from that place. The dragons were the size of the ordinary horses, the difference between these species were the sharp horns, long tails with scales and the medium sized wings which looked like bat wings, only one hundred times bigger and stronger.
  Helena, whom was living in an area full of mountains, went in the nearest forest from her home, where the green dragon made him self invisible among the green plants.
  At Bucharest city, the Wise Elder along with Rafael and Gavriel finished cleaning the room. But the place was full of books everywhere when the dragons appeared with the girls.
  -Wonderful! It’s just won-der-ful! When we were almost done cleaning, you girls made the books fall off the shelves and we got to start all over again; Gavriel said upset.
  -Why are you the one to complain? I am the one that did almost everything, while you worked in slow motion; Rafael scold his brother.
  -You arrived, all of you! The Wise Elder said to his students, ignoring the boys argument.
  -I listened to the news at the radio and ...; Michaela began.
  -We heard what trouble is in the country ...; Helena interfered.
  -So I decided to come and gather the team ...; Oana added, ignoring her friends.
  -And it is strange how all four had the same idea! Laura laughed.
  -Hahaha, now that’s

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