» Fantasy » The Third Season Of The Death Of Forest and Her Animals, Forest Ostrander [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗

Book online «The Third Season Of The Death Of Forest and Her Animals, Forest Ostrander [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

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badly, but I knew that if I went back, nothing would be the same again, so I left and went into the light for good," and Christine said in a pained voice
"I'm so so I told her, and she looked at me sadly,
"Sorry that your life was ended so short Forest," she told me,
"There was nothing you or anyone could have done, I mean, the car could have slowed down to a stop, but it sped up and rammed right into me, and the worst part is, the man is still out there and running teenagers and kids of all sort over, and no one can find him, I'm of no help, no one can hear me or see me, so what good can I do accept watch as innocent kids and teenagers get rammed to death?" I said frusterated,
"Do you know what he looked like?" she asked me,
"Not at first, not until I was long gone, a ghost by her body," I answered,
"But do you remember what he looked like when you did see him?" she asked, almost persistent now, and I nodded after a moments thought,
"I can never forget what he looked like, everytime I try to forget, he keeps coming back like a bad nightmare, and I've had enough of it, I just want him to go away, the others who have been hit by him are also seeing is image and suffering as I am whenever we see him," I said,
"Can you tell me so I can go tell the police?" she asked, I nodded,
"Anything to stop him and save other people from meeting the same fate as me and my fellow angels have," I answered, and then I took a deep breath,
"Ok, the guy is 5'3", he has blond hair and green eyes, there are three freckeles on his nose, and his voice sounded huskey when he was talking on the phone, telling someone that he managed to kill one child, he was wearing an eagles hat, and a white t-shirt and jeans, he had three rings that looked like skulls on his middle, index, and thumb," I said, making sure to not leave out any vital information or details,
"And is he still wearing them?" she asked me,
"Yes, they are the only things he has except for his house and car," I told her,
"And what color was his car?" she asked,
"A blood red truck, with monster truck wheeles, and a licens plate that says SUCK IT," I answered,
"Is that it?" she asked in doubt, as if there was more to the story then what I was telling her, and there is infact more,
"Thank you Forest, I will be sure to tell the police," she answered,
"Be careful christine, he may be after children, but if he sees anyone medling in on his buisness, he'll hunt you down and kill you the same way he did us, and he takes a picture of all of his kills, he even uses his blood to mark a check mark on the picture and hangs it up in his house," I said,
"Ew, that's gross, what does his house look like? And his adress?" she asked,
"He has a red house, with numbers on the front porch that says 200, his adress is Murder ST. Rt.99," I told her, and thinking it to myself, the street and what he does is pretty ironic don't you think?
"Thank you Forest, and don't worry, I will be careful," she told me, and I nodded,
"Well, we have to go, and be careful for crying out loud, I know how you are when it comes to this, don't let your guard down no matter what you do, he will most likely be expecting that if he knows you are following him," I told her, and wishing with all my might that she would just drop it and not risk her life, but also wishing that she would help us catch my killer and lay me and those who have been killed by him to rest for good and stop out horrible images of him forever,
"All right Forest, I won't," she assured me, but I had my doubts, knowing her, she will let down her guard, and I waved goodbye to her, and she waved back, then we left.

Chapter 6
"Hello officer, my name is Christine Richards, and I'm here to tell you that I have information about the killer of the other children that have been ran over," I said, and he looked at me interestinly,
"Oh? And what is this information?" he asked curiously,
"His appearence, the clothes he is wearing, the color of his car and his liscense plate, and where he lives," I stated, and the officer looked at me shocked,
"And how do you know this?" he finally asked,
"My friend Forest told me," I said boldly, and he laughed at me,
"But your friend is dead, how could she have told you? Hahahaha! That's a good laugh," he said in a booming voice that was full of laughter,
"This is not funny, I prayed to her, and she told me," I said defiantly, now angry that this man, the man who protects the people and laws disbelieaves in praying and faith,
"You honestly think that they can do that? You're more strange then I thought, everyone knows that the dead can't come back in dreams, it's just impossible, they are forever stuck in heaven or hell and can never see you," he statted with a know it all tone, and that ticked me off to, but I knew better than to loose my temper with a police officer, expecially when you're only 16 and leagal to be arrested,
"No it's not, you don't bealieve me, then talk to her yourself and then you'll see," I told him, making sure a little venom was in my tone, but not too much to where he will become mad at me,
"Hey there, watch your tone with me, I can easily throw you in jail if need be," he threatened,
"Fine, but should she not come, then you will leave here peacefully and get some help with someone about your fantasies, but if she does come, which I doubt she will, then I'll listen to this information that you have," he said, and I thought it over for a good hour or two,
"Fine, deal," I finally answered, and he seemed pleased with my agreement, and with that said, he preyed to Forest and closed his eyes to take a nap, and as I watched him, I could see the shock on his face, and I knew right away that Forest was talking to him then, and after a while, he opened his eyes,
"Let's hear this informaton you have," he said defeated, and I smiled triumphently and handed the information over to him, and once he had it all copied down, I walked out to my car and drove home.
That night when I went to bed, Forest came to me again, and she praised me for what I have done,
"Well done Christine, I couldn't have done it better if I had lived, I'm very proud of you, so isn't God, and for your bravery, we shall give you a gift, a gift you should take very seriously, and tell no one about it," she said,
"I won't, but what if it can help people?" I asked,
"Then that is all right, but don't brag or it will be taken away," she warned,
"I understand Forest, I promise to treat it right," I vowed, and she smiled her approval at my answer,
"By the power of heaven, and the angels within it, I give you the gift of sight,"she said, and then she took her hands off of me and stood back,
"What is the power of sight?" I asked,
"Sight gives you the ability to see spirits so you can see my animals and I when we are down here, or if you have a family member that didn't go to heaven," she told me,
"Thank you Forest, I will take this gift very seriously," I told her, and she hugged me,
"They have caught him, he is now going on trial and will be put in jail without bail, and there's something else," she said,
"What? What is it?" I asked frantically, and she had a frightened face and made a blood curdling screame,
"What? What's wrong?" I asked now scared,
"Run! Get Out! Hurry! Run! Fire! Fire! If you don't run! Many will die! Run!!!" she yelled over and over again, and the last scream she made woke me up, and sure enough, there was a fire in my house, and I woke everyone up and we all ran outside, saving anything that we could grab on our way, and that included any animals that we have, and once outside and far away, my mother looked at me in shock,
"How did you know there was a fire?" she asked me,
"I didn't," I told her,
"Then how were you able to tell us?" she asked, now even more confused,
"Forest," I said with a big smile on my face, and my mother looked at me in shock, but then she hugged me,
"I'm so happy that she saved us, we are indeed in her favor," she said gratefully, and I hugged her back,
"Yup, forever in her favor," I agreed, and in my head, I silently thanked my dead friend.

Chapter 7
I was now in heaven after being able to warn Christine about the house fire, and as my animals and I were playing, we heard Sheila's call to us,
"Hello Forest, I know it's been a very long time sence we talked, but I never forgot you, I could never forget about you, but life was catching up to me way too fast that I couldn't fit in the time to actually pray properly, I never even get time to sleep with my new job, but when I could get in some time, I was so exhausted, that I could barley even brush my teeth, I practically feel asleep on my feet! So please forgive me Forest, please," she said with a pleading voice, and once she finished her prayer,
"It's amazing how popular you can get isn't it," I asked them, and they nodded, and we headed down to Shiela's dream after she fell asleep. Once there, we found ourselves walking on a sandy beach, the sun was warm on my face and head, the sand was soft and warm on my feet, it felt like an actual beach, and as I looked around, I finally spotted Shiela tanning on a towl with sunglasses on, and a really cute bakini, and when I looked around even more, the ocean was a bluish-greenish color and was so crystal clear that you could see the very bottom, and the sky was so blue and the clouds so white, and every now and then, a seagul would fly overhead, letting out an occasional call as it swooped over the water,
"Wow, my dreams were never this vivid," I said, and we walked over to Shiela, and once we were near, I stood over her, but the sunlight went through me, and I forgot that even though I'm in a dream, I'm still a ghost and things can pass right through me, the only way I was able to hug people was because it was all and illusion,
"Yo" I said, and she jumped and looked right at me"Geeze Fores nearly half scared,
"Oh Forest! I almost had a heart attack," and
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