» Fantasy » The Third Season Of The Death Of Forest and Her Animals, Forest Ostrander [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗

Book online «The Third Season Of The Death Of Forest and Her Animals, Forest Ostrander [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

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I laughed,
"Sorry, habit of mine," I said, still laughing a bit, and she just laughes,
"You never change, even when you're dead, you still like to scare the crap out of people," she said, and I smiled with pure delight,
"Yup, and it's fun to, even when I'm dead," I told her, and we laughed together, our laughter mixing with each other,
"But anyway, how have you been sence the last time I seen you?" I asked,
"Nothing much has changed really, I have a new job, a really hot husband, and this geourgeous house," she said, her voice filled with pride,
"I saw the house, it's cute and very pretty, I only wish I could have gotton a chance to have this," I said longingly, and she looked at me as if I was crazy, and at times, I even wondered if I was,
"I'm sorry Forest, but can't you have it in heaven?" she asked,
"Yah, but it's not like the real thing, the real thing is better, way better," I said,
"I hear ya there sister, I hear ya, but tell me, what is it like in heaven?" she asked, with the same ammount of curiosity as Christine and Crystal and grandma,
"A lot like this beach, warm and crystal clear, but there's is grass, and a few beach places, but they're adding some more new stuff soon," I said,
"Cool, I wish I could come up there with you, then we will be together forever," she said, and I could hear the longing in her voice,
"You sound just like Christien when I talked to her, and even though I would love to have you there with me, don't go wishing your life away so soon, because once you do really lose your life, there's no getting it back," I said,
"Can't you just go back to your body?" she asked confised,
"No, even if I could, it's nothing but bones now, I would only be a walking skeleton," I told her as if it was the obviouse thing,
"Hey, that will be good for holloween," she said, and I knew then that she was taking this all as a joke,
"Yah, true, but no, there's no coming back, so don't wish your life away, you lose it, you lose it for good," I said, willing her to just drop the subject and move on, and as we were talking, I watched my animals swim in the water,
"Join me Forest, you'll love it," she said,
"All right," I saif, giving in to the urge to relaxe on a sandy beach once more, and I imagined myself in a bathing suit, and when I opened my eyes, I was wearing a bakini that is an ocean blue with dark blue flowers on it,
"Wow, that is one pretty bakini," she said, her eyes were starring at it with awe,
"Why thank you, it is the one grandma would have given me for my 17th birthday, but sence I died way before that, I guess I can use it this way," I said, then I imagined a towl, and when I opened my eyes again, there was a long towl with wolves all over it, and I put on some shades and laid down, relaxing at the warmth of the sun, the sound of the waves washing up on the sand, the calls of the seaguls as they swoop over the water,
"This is the life," I said, fully relaxed and at ease, it was almost like being alive again and on the beach with grandma at Sandy Pond,
"Yup, sure is," she said, agreeing with the same relaxed voice as I have, then as I was almost about to go to sleep,
"I really wish I can join you in heaven," she said, and I sighed,
"All right, that's enough now Shiela, no more talk about joining me in heaven, keep your life, I would have if I had a choice," I said, now close to being to the breaking point,
"But if you had wanted to, you could take me now right?" she asked,
"Yes, but I won't, you are going to keep your life wrether you like it or not," I told her in a matter of fact tone,
"Oh come on, I don't want to stay on this earth any more, I want to be with you, to be free," she said persistently,
"And I want to be alive again, but do you see me getting that? No!" I said, now yelling,
and when I checked the time,
"I better get going, it will be time for you to wake up soon, and I need to get to heaven, I'll see you when you die as an old women laying warm in bed, and not a young one, stay alive, if I see you up there long before your time,I won't speak to you ever again," and I stood up, dressed and called my animals to me,
"Fine, I'll stay alive," she said in defeat,
"Thank you, now goodbye Shiela," I said, now relieved that she had finally given up, and we all went up to heaven. Once in heaven,
"Why would they want to wish their lives away when they have a good future ahead of them? Unlike us," I asked, completely confused as to why they want to die when all I want to do is for us to go back to earth alive and well again,
"Don't worry about it mother, they won't know what they will lose until they actually lose it," Bullet #1 said,
"I know, but still, I would wrether be alive then dead, I hade my whole futur planned out, and now it was ruinned when that jerk hit me," I said, now a bit ticked off,
"Just don't worry about it," Cuddles said, which made me start to calm down to where I wasnt ready to realease a bottled up emotion of anger and frustration, and I nodded and we went to play again.

Chapter 8
Oh how I wish I could just go down there to spend some time with them a little bit more, it would be the best thing for my final goodbye before I fully disappear from their sight, and I know what you're thinking, you're thinking but how can she disappear forever? She saves them, talks to them in their dreams, so how can this be her final goodbye? Well let me tell you, I'm not entierly in the real heaven, I'm in my heaven, you know, like in the story "The Lovely Bones" I'm like Susie Salmon, I'm in my own heaven, the heaven that I brought Crystal's grandma to was the actual heaven, she crossed the bridge, I didn't, I had to stay because it wasn't my time to cross yet, but now that it's geting close to that time, I want to say my final goodbyes, by nightime, I will be fully ready to cross the bridge with my animals, so basically all the things that I have described having in heaven was actually what I wanted in real life, and it happened in my own heaven, where you get everything and anything, except for living friends and realatives, so after a while of longing, we heard a voice,
"Go now, you still have time before you have to cross," God said,
"Thank you God, thank you," I said happily, now eager to get down there and see everyone for the last time, and we went into one dream and rounded up everyone in that one dream, and when they all seen us, they all said in cheerful voices
"Hey Forest!" and my animals and I force a smile to our faces so we don't alarm them before we can actually tell them, but unfortinatly, Marissa seen our forced smiles, and knowing her to be the worry wort,
"What is it? Why are you forcing smiles?" she asked,
"We came to say our final goodbyes, to make this meeting short, I want to tell you all that I will always be watching over you, you won't be seeing me or my animals in your dreams anymore, we are getting ready to cross the bridge, I love you and will miss you all," I said, tears comming to my eyes, ut it was for the better, and it was after all my time to cross,
"What? Why are you leaving?" they all asked at the same time, each one shocked and saddened,
"It is our time, now we must be off," and with that last goodbye, I blew them all a kiss and we left, and once in heaven, we crossed the bridge and were now fully in our true home together, where we will await their arrival when it is their time. Imprint

Publication Date: 10-21-2010

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