» Fantasy » The Third Season Of The Death Of Forest and Her Animals, Forest Ostrander [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗

Book online «The Third Season Of The Death Of Forest and Her Animals, Forest Ostrander [best ebook reader for chromebook txt] 📗». Author Forest Ostrander

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Chapter 1
Oh there will be no way I will get tired of heaven, all the wonderful sights I can see, the distences, the warmth and beauty of heaven, and the constent add of my animals. There could be no way I could ever want to leave, but what I can't understand is why I haven't heard anything from anyone, not a prayer or a request, even after I told them that if they ever need me to just call me and I'll come. Oh well though, they'll call me when they want to, after all, being in heaven, I shouldn't be worrying, besides, I can always visit them in their dreams. After an hour passed, and I'm playing with my animals, I finally hear a plea for help from Crystal,
"Please help me Forest. I have a family problem, my grandma is dying and I'm worried about her, so please help me," she said,
"Well, looks like we finally get to have out first call for help, let's go," I said, and before we left, I asked God if I can go down to help Crystal out,
"Yes Forest, you may go," he said, and I bowed with my animals.
"Thank you," I said, and we waited for night time, when Crystal would be asleep so we can talk to her in her dreams. Once we seen that she was fully asleep, my animals and I went down and started walking in her dreams to find her, and through the whole wondering buisness, I kept yelling
"Hello!? Crystal!? Where are you!?" but no answer came. So I kept walking around until I finally found her, and I walked up behind her and said
"Hello Crystal," and she jumped and whirled around to face us
"Forest?"she asked both shocked and scared, and I nodded and said with a huge grin on my face,
"The one and only,"
"So you heard my plea?" she said with eagerness. I nodded,
"Yes, we heard your cry for help, and we are here to give it to you," I answered, and crystal, realieved, switched to a worried look,
"Oh thank you, you see, it's my grandma and she's..." I stopped her before she could continue.
"She's dying, I know, I heard, and I also know that there's nothing I can do, God and everyone has been saying it's her time to come home, and I'm here to tell you that you have nothing to worry about, she will be in tender, loving hands, and you can always see her in your dreams," I said knowingly, to try to comfert my worried friend, I spread out my arms to show her what I'm talking about,
"So what should I do?" she answered sadly. I didn't answer at first, I just stood there thinking on what to say to comfert her even more, I was however saved by Cuddles.
"Stay with her Crystal, a dying person needs support from everyone around them," she answered,
"It's true, a dying person needs support from their families, and their families need to be strong about it, people who are dying hate it when you cry in front of them, it makes them feel sad and not willing to go to a better place," I answered, hoping that it was enough,
"If it will put your mind at ease, we will go to your grandma's death bed when it is time for her to come home and bring her to heaven ourselves, how does that sound?" I said, after her face fell even more and tears were threatening to pour out of her eyes.
"Thank you, I would like that," she said while smiling. I smiled in return, I was always a sucker for smiles.
"Come here," I said. I opened my arms and embraced her in a big hug.
"Everything will be all right, you'll see," I answered.
"Thank you again Forest, Thank you so much," I could hear the tears in the voice, and it hurt me to see her like this, but we broke apart and I stepped back, my animals followeing my lead.
"Now, we must be off, we will leave you to your...ah...interesting dream," I said, as I was looking at her dark dream, but I turned my attention back to her,
"Trust us Crystal, everything will be all right," I reasuered her,
"And let me give you a better dream then this dark void you call a dream," I said before we left, and I chaged it to her sledding down many hills during the winter time with her dead animals next to her and her family right behind her, and I made snow fall all around so it would be ten times wonderful, then we left.

Chapter 2
So, today is the day my animals and I were all getting ready to go bring home Crystal's grandma to her welcome party up in heaven. Once ready, we looked at each other, took a deep un-needed breath, and went down. Once there, we could see everyone around her death bed and we just let them be, we let them say their last goodbye's before we brought her home, and when they were done, she looked right at us
"Have you finally come to take me home? I'm ready," she said weakly, so we surrounded her bed,
"Come now, it is time," I answered, and she nodded and closed her eyes, took one last shuddering breath, and died. Once we were sure that her spirit was fully unattached to her dead body, we help her out of the body and had her stand up, letting her get used to the feeling of no gravity, and as we were waiting, God sent his light down to us, and before we went up in it, I showed everyone where we were,
"Goodbye my loved ones, don't worry about me, I'm in good hands now," she said in the most loving voice that reminded me of my grandma when she was saying goodbye at my funural,
"You all may know, this is not a goodbye forever, you can see her in your dreams, and all you have to do is call out to her, she will come, even if you can't see her," I said to the weeping family, my animals all nodded,
"Thank you Forest, for keeping your promise," Crystal said with a semi-smile on her face. I smiled back,
"No problem, anything for a good friend. Well, goodbye," I said to the family, and they all waved goodbye as we took off up in the light with our wings flapping and dissapeared, the light shrinking back up into heaven.
"Welcome home," I said close to her ear when we were in heaven, and everyone greeted her with smiles, hugs and cheeres, and she turned to me,
"Thank you for everything you have ever done for them, and for me," she said gratefully, with a huge grin on her face. I smiled back in reply.
"We are just glad to help out," I said,
"Arn't you comming?" she said to me before she left. I shook my head,
"No, I stay here, I'm not yet ready to cross the bridge," I answered, and she nodded in understanding and crossed the bridge, now officially in heaven, a place where I can't go to yet, but dream of making to.

Chapter 3
Oh, I can't bealieve I was able to see Forest and her animals again, it's been too long. I'm glad my grandma went up to heaven with her and her babies, now I know she will find her way. Now I will pay Forest back for her kindness and have the others talk to her as I just did, and maybe, if i'm luckey, I will have my full debt paid for her taking care of us when she was alive to helping me out when she is dead. So I went off to track the others down.

Chapter 4
"Hey Shiela, Marissa, Michelle, Christien, do you think you can talk to Forest?" I asked,
"Sure, but why?" Christine said,
"She seemed very lonely, even though she had her babies with her, I just think that it would raise her spirits up if she sees that we havn't fogotton her," I answered,
"Sure, ok," she said,
"You all should talk to her, I have, and it was wonderful, she seemed a lot happier," I told them, and Christine smiled.
"I'll talk to her, we can't let her feel lonely and forgotton," she answered,
"Me two," said Marissa,
"Me three," Michelle said. I smiled at all of them, feeling happy that I was able to get them to agree to talk to Forest. I knew they were having a hard time with her death still, even after these so many years, but I bet you Forest was having it worse, thinking that she had been forgotton, so I felt pleased with my days work. However, it wasn't over yet, next stop, Forest's house. After I rode my bike to Forest's house, I walked up her long, rocky driveway where her house stood on a lonely hill, and as I began to climb nearer to her house, everything felt gloomy without Forest here, so I had to forced myself to ignore it all, I couldn't let my sadness and loneliness stop me from my mission. So I continued on, and once I reached the back door, I knocked, and there were no dog barks at the door, as to be expeted, after all, every one of the animals that were here are long gone by now,they are all up in heaven with Forest. As I stood there, the door opened, and out stepped Forest's grandma with a box of tissues in one hand, and red, watery eyes, and she kept sniffling to clear her nose every now and then.
"Oh, hello Crystal, come on in," she said sadly, and when she opened the door all the way, I walked in, and on the bar, there stood the empty fish tank, no cats or dogs running around,
"What can I do for you Crystal?"Forest's grandma said in a bit of a straight voice.
"Well ma'am, you know how Forest said we can call her and talk to her whenever we want?" I asked, and her grandma nodded, this time with more tears in her eyes,
"Well, I talked to her the night before last night, and she seemed happy that I did, but the night she came to bring my grandma up to heaven, she seemed sad and lonely, so I wanted to do something for her to show her my thanks and to let her know that she hasn't been forgotton by getting everyone who knew her to talk to her," I answered, and Brenda looked at me,
"Have you talked to her other friends?" she asked. I nodded,
"They agreed to talk to her," I told her,
"Ok, I would love to talk to her, but tell me first, when you talked to her before, what did she look like again? Did she change? Did her animals?" she asked eagerly, I shook my head,
"No, she's still the same, along with her animals," I answered, and she nodded, with occasional tears slidding down her cheecks,
"Thank you Crystal," she said, I nodded,
"Well, goodbye," I answered, and she waved goodbye as I walked out the door, gently closing

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